Day 253: Find Me In The Woods or Jungle

I’m glad I spent some time outside on Friday because we got snow today! Yesterday I spent almost the entire day in my room watching shows, napping, and reading. We all need a day of rest sometimes. We’re heading back to the city shortly and spending the week there as Emily has school. I’m really looking forward to being back at the house. I’ve been in the woods for 3-weeks, except for 2 short 24-hour trips to the city and back. All of my plants have been fertilized and boxed up for the trip back home. They’ve all done so well during the pandemic and I’ve really enjoyed having them at the cottage. I hope they’re happy too! I’m sure they will enjoy the warmth of our house for the winter. My room is going to be a jungle and I can’t wait.

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Day 251: Synchronicity. Greenlight.

Sean went to the city after sunrise for a meeting. I spent the morning working until lunchtime. It was so lovely outside I decided to put on my gloves and get to work. 13 degrees in November, I’ll take it! I’m sure we’ll have snow in no time, so I wanted to make the most of the warm air. I started stacking all the wood that had fallen down from our first attempt a couple of weeks ago. I put away most of the patio furniture for winter, got the shutters on the front of the cottage, and a few of the big ones on the windows facing the lake. I was listening to Greenlights by Matthew McConaughey on Audible and it was great motivation. I really love this book and I’m thinking about getting a hardcover copy of it so I can look back on his notes, poems, and quotes. Ok, this is kinda crazy. I looked it up on Amazon and found this page. That quote about style on the right is from a daily quote calendar from the ’90s (maybe ’80s?). I know this because we had the same one at our house. Mum still has one of the pages in her fridge today. I know I have a photo of it somewhere but I will ask her to send a photo so I can update this post. I think it’s a sign I should get the hardcopy, who knows what else I’ll find in there. In life, I like to think small similarities like this are a sign I’m on the right track. Synchronicity. I am certain mum is going to ring me when she reads this because you won’t believe what happened next. The following page I looked up has a poem on it, look…

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Day 248: Focus on Gratitude

The little things like catching the sun in your face. A beautiful tree. Smiling at someone as you drive by. A fresh cup of hot coffee on a cold morning. When you focus on gratitude, even the simplest things can be a source of joy. Do this and I promise it will have a big impact on your entire life.  Woke up to a blanket of snow today. It’s cold but beautiful. I ran through the winter wonderland, seeing my breath as I jogged down the road. The sun was shining and the snow painted glitter all around. It was so nice. On the way home, there was even more snow and it’s been a long time since we’ve driven in those conditions. Although it took longer to make it back to the city, we kept saying ‘WOW’ as we drove the winding roads through the snow. I’m excited about my shoot today. Ahh! I’ve been up in the woods so long, being in a studio has me quite excited. 

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Day 241: Pandemic Anxiety

I wasn’t feeling great today. Kept waking up in the night thinking someone was walking through the cottage. Woke up with serious anxiety, went for a run, did a meditation, took a nap. Called mum when after my rest and talked it out. Had a cry, felt a bit better. Mum has a magical way of calming me down, looking at things rationally, and helping me see clearly. A nap always helps too, everything seems more intense when you’re tired. Today, Toronto announced new ‘red zone’ restrictions as cases keep rising in the GTA. Ontario is now seeing over 1,000 cases/day which is kinda scary. As of Saturday, restaurants can no longer have indoor dining, gyms can’t hold fitness classes, no indoor meeting spaces, and bars have 9pm last call. They’re also encouraged people not to hang out with anyone who doesn’t live in their household. It’s crazy we are living through this right now. Being at the cottage feels like we’re escaping and sometimes I start doing something where I forget what’s going on, then I remember. It’s normal to have anxiety, especially now, I’ve found that exercise and meditation have been really helpful. A couple of years ago I was gifted a membership to the Calm app and really got into guided meditation. I found that I really missed using the app and purchased a new membership in the summer. I love the sleep stories by Matthew McConaughey or Harry Stiles. I swear I’ve never heard the end of the story, I always fall asleep! Their website is offering a free week if you’d like to give it a try. If you’re feeling pandemic anxiety, it’s normal, take some deep breaths, go outside for as walk, call a friend, or do something that makes you feel happy. We’ll…

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Day 240: A Second Spring!

We have had the absolute best weather for the last couple of days! It’s been around 20 degrees during the day since Saturday. I’m working most of the day but I love sitting outside for coffee and lunch to soak up some vitamin D. April is here for the week and Sean is back in the city with Emily. So nice to have some quality girl time! I’ve been pretty good with working out the last week and did 4km today before 8am. Last week I treated myself to new running pants for the first time in months as my old ones were falling down. I also ordered Bala wrist/ankle weights and I love them. I tagged them on IG today and they replied, ha! I really hope this warm weather lasts a while, I am NOT READY for winter snow or slippery surfaces. I love running outside so much, not sure what I’m gonna do this year without the gym or a treadmill. Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower. Albert Camus Gonna soak up as much sun as I can and make the most if each warm-ish day while I can!

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Day 239: Good Day, Sunshine!

Spent the entire afternoon sitting in the sun and it was so lovely! Read my book, did a little workout, perfection. Hard to believe we are having such warm days in November. 2020 is such an interesting year! We’ve been having the most beautiful sunsets the last few days. I love summer up here but there’s also such a good vibe in autumn. Sending love from the woods!

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Day 234: Election Make a Selection

Today is the USA election. Everyone is on high stress! I’m sure we won’t see the results tonight. I hope Joe Biden wins. Another 4 years of Trump won’t be good. This necklace from Jenny Bird keeps following me around the internet. I’ve been working out using the Peloton app and there are no live classes today so the instructors can all vote. Have been making Story Art on Instagram, you can see them all here.

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Day 233: Saving Daylight

Most people usually dread the Monday after Daylight Saving Time. Not me though, I love waking up early and today marks one year since I started working out. Last year, I took that extra hour when I woke up early to start gong to the gym. I didn’t enjoy it at first but I learned to love it. I would spend 5-10 min on the treadmill and 10-15 min with weights. I wanted to establish the habit of going and knew that I didn’t need to work out for a long period each day for it to become a routine. After about a month I started to feel different, mostly my mental health, I had more energy and I was happier. After two months, I really started to notice a difference, my arms were getting toned and I saw a glimmer of an ab or two. By the time I went to Cuba in January, I was feeling really good. I lost about 30 Lbs since this time last year, improved my eating habits, and learned to love exercise. It was cold running outside today but the sun was shining through the trees and the air was fresh. Started a holiday wreath. It’s been ages since I made one. I picked a few branches from the woods between meetings and did a bit more after work. Today I felt that same creative energy I had back in the March/April quarantine. I’m happier when taking a bit of my day to make something creative, a craft, sewing, or try a new recipe. I’m committing to working out each day (M-F) like I did last year, I feel it was a BIG part of what kept my spirits up in the winter months. Creativity and exercise can change your mood. Do something…

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Day 232: It’s November!

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Day 231: A Full Moon & Halloween, on a Saturday! During a Pandemic!

We’re up in the woods and don’t have any plans this year. We have to pick up a few things in town so I plan to wear a witch costume to fulful my halloween haunting desires. Here’s a few of my fav costumes from years past. I’ve always loved dressing up but this year, the world is so spooky, I just haven’t had it in me. Tonight is a full moon and a GREAT time to charge those crystals in the moonlight, put some water out, burn sage, candles, and cast some spells for good things to happen. If you’re looking for Full Moon Rituals, check out this IGTV I made around this time last year. With the full moon on halloween, Daylight Saving Time tomorrow, and the election on Tuesday, the next few days are gonna be very emotional. Please stay safe out there.

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Day 227: Witches In The Woods

It snowed today for the first time this season. I’m not ready for it but I also feel so romantic about it. I instantly want to start playing Christmas music while it falls slowly outside the windows. The sun came out for a minute in the afternoon and the snow finally stopped. I needed a break, so I put on my witch outfit and went into the woods. As one does! I am definitely my fav subject to shoot and highly recommend taking your own photo once in a while. I could have asked Sean but I find I like to do it myself and take my time. I don’t always know what I’m doing when I start so I like to just go with the flow and feel it out. Sometimes it works out and sometimes I just pack up and go inside and do it another time. I usually end up with a couple of good photos and a whole bunch that get deleted. I also like to take Live photos so I can turn them into short videos with the Lively app. I set up my tripod and use a self-timer or one of these handy Bluetooth remotes from Amazon. Most of the photos in my Instagram posts are taken by me with this method or a straight-up selfie. I made this video and was laughing so hard at the witch cackle, Sean was like ‘what are you DOING?’. Oh nothing, just being weird haha. See the video with AUDIO on Instagram here. With love from the woods!

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Day 226: Gloomy Monday

The sky is grey and it’s raining, again. We’ve hardly had any sun over the last week, today is a gloomy Monday in the woods. Friday was beautiful and over 20 degrees, but I was inside working the whole day. We had a really relaxing weekend, I swear I could have used another two days to charge my batteries. I did nothing but watch Netflix all day on Saturday and it was glorious. I’m on S3 of Gossip Girl now. Yesterday I did a bunch of food prep and then took I nap. Things are really exciting these days lol. Sunday afternoon, we met up with Emily’s mum in Gravenhurst to do the switchover. This morning, ‘Stage 2’ is trending on Twitter and Ontario is seeing the highest Corona cases since the start of the pandemic. Sean and I are thinking to stay up here in the woods for most of the week. The cottage isn’t fully winterized but I would be happy to stay up here as long as we can. Please stay safe and wear a mask. We’re all dreaming of the day this is over. I hope you have a great week.

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Day 223: Summer in October

It was absolutely gorgeous today! The sun was shining and it was over 20 degrees. I spent most of the day working but got out for a run in the am and gazed out at the lake from my desk. The air was warm and it felt like summer. At 4 pm we got alerts about a tornado warning as the sky turned from bright blue to dark and grey. We got hit with some pretty insane hail that ranged from tiny bits to about the size of a quarter. Sean and Em went out to get a some stuff in town and the cottage power went out for a few minutes. They were in Bracebridge when the whole city turned black from a power outage. Crazy!

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Day 221: Riding The Rollercoaster

This week has been really busy. Come Friday, I’ll be taking my business head off and retreating to the cottage from some much-needed creative time. I feel like each day lately has so many ups and downs from work, personal, and everything going on in the world around us. Trying to maintain an equilibrium can be a real challenge. I think we need to ride the rollercoaster and feel this wave out. Stay home, wear a mask. Take breaks. I’m so looking forward to being back in the woods tomorrow, sitting down with my sewing machine, and curling up beside the fire w/ Kindle.

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Day 220: Sit Down and Let It Out

I’ve wanted to write for the last few days and I didn’t feel like it. It wasn’t until I just started writing whatever came into my head that I was reminded how much I love to write things down. It might seem silly but sometimes you just gotta sit down and let it out. Having a diary (online or off) is so good for thinking through your own issues and reminding yourself who you are. It’s a great way to get to know YOU again. On Day 7 back in March, I wrote a post called Give Yourself A Break and I’m surprised I haven’t started a series with the same name because we all need it right now. The theme for this post is the same. I haven’t been feeling great today. I’m low energy and tonight I plan to watch Gossip Girl and go to bed early. It’s ok to give yourself a break, actually, I quite recommend it. I didn’t post on IG Stories for two days (even longer for the feed!) and it’s a small thing but it gives me a small pleasure. Sometimes I just don’t feel like posting. Everything seems a bit harder these days and we gotta know when to take a break. You never know what might happen so it’s important to try and see the bright side. We all have something to be grateful for, remember those things, write them down if you need to. I really love the caption on my good friend Brigitte’s post today. A good reminder, it’s ok to feel the feels.

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Day 213: You OK?

Some days are harder than others. It’s important we check on each other, a simple, ‘you ok?’ might just be what your friend needs to hear. Reach out to me anytime. Yes, I’m your friend on the internet but also a real human typing these words. Today was the first day back after the long weekend and I had planned to do more work over the weekend than I did. So, I’m starting a short week a day late and behind. I really tried to catch up as much as I could today but I also felt overwhelmed and tired. When I get like this, it’s hard to concentrate. I find myself staring at my screen, knowing what needs to be done but I just can’t seem to connect my brain to the fingers and make it happen. I decided to start watching The Bachelorette at night as a way to distract me from everything going on in the world, then my iPad died. I went back to trusty Gossip Girl and made it into the second season. Tomorrow we are going back to the city and I’m borrowing a car from Mini Canada in the afternoon. I’m looking forward to having my own vehicle for a week, taking scenic drives, and maybe going to visit mum. I could really use a hug from her today. Sending love through the internet. We’ll get through this. It’s gonna be ok. We’re gonna be ok.

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Day 211: Thanksgiving 2020 by the Lake

For the last few years, Sean and I have spent Thanksgiving at the cottage. We’ve been getting the Swiss Chalet ‘festive special’ for about four years now. This year we couldn’t dine-in so we got takeout and went down to Muskoka Beach Road to watch the sunset. Thanksgiving 2020 ftw. This year I’m thankful for Sean and my family, how close we’ve all gotten the last few months through the pandemic. I’ve also really become close with a bunch of friends and somehow, even though we’ve not seen each other much in person, we talk more than ever. I am also very thankful for the internet, for keeping us all connected. To the internet for hosting my blog diary that’s helped me build a career and document my memories. I can’t imagine trying to remember everything I’ve done over the last week, 6 months, or 15 years without having it written down. Around this time last year, I decided to make a change in my life and start working out. I’m grateful that I stuck with it, that I didn’t give up, that I changed my eating habits, and learned to love myself more. I remember seeing this Nike ad years ago, the message stuck with me. Why put off until tomorrow something you could check off your list today? If you want to make a change in your life, start now. Start today. By tomorrow, you’ll already be on day 2. Sending you love, hope you had a nice wekeend.

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Day 210: Sisters in the Woods

Woke up and ran 4km in the morning then stacked some wood from this HUGE pile we had delivered. My sister and her bf arrived just after lunch and it was so nice to hang out. It’s been ages since they came to visit up up here. It was an absolutely beautiful day! We stopped by our cottage neighbours place so she could meet the friends I’ve been telling her about the last few months. So grateful to have some friends on the lake after years of not really knowing anyone. We are planning to spend more time up here this winter. The cottage isn’t fully winterized but with the base board heaters and heaps of wood, we’ll be nice and warm.

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Day 209: Start A Creative Project

After years of THINKING about using my sewing machine, I finally busted it out last month. It feels so good to get into a creative project! I’ve been fantasizing about sewing for years. My goal is to make a whole outfit by the end of the year. I’ve got heaps of old vintage patterns from mum and I’m dying to tackle at least one of them. Since I was a kid, I’ve dreamt of making clothes. I used to make them with mum while I was a little. I love fun outfits and creating my own style. I started w/ scrunchies as I’m a little rusty! It’s been A WHILE. ? I posted this video on Instagram today and a bunch of people said they would love yo have one. I’m doing this as a hobby for now while I hone my skills, but who knows where it will take me. Last month, I wrote a post titled You Don’t Have To Monetize Every Hobby (Day 183), I think it’s important to create for the sake of creating without the pressure to make money doing it. This weekend we’ll be up at the cottage, my sister is visiting, and I have a bit of work to catch up on. I’m planning to make a few more scrunchies from old clothes to give to friends. I’m excited! Love to know what you are working on! Share anytime! This long weekend is the perfect time to start something!??

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Day 206: Free Spirit, Baby!

Busiest workday I’ve had in a while but I am feeling GOOD and excited about what’s coming in the next few months. Feeling like a FREE SPIRIT. Sending you love through the internet today. We are living in crazy times right now but we all have the ability to make the most of it. I look back to my early pandemic days, I went through so many emotions but I also made a lot of things. I seized the opportunity to stay home, read more than ever, get creative with my art supplies, and exercise. I’m actually looking forward to winter and making more things. Nobody thought we would still be dealing with this 200+ days later but here we are. Each day you have an opportunity to do something nice for someone, be kind to yourself, or find inspiration around you. We will get through this together. Please stay home when you can, be safe, and wear a mask!

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Day 205: Jacket Season, She Ready

Yesterday was a busy one! We ended up staying at the cottage Sunday night, working there Monday AM, then driving back mid-day to make it back by 2pm. Sean and I shared the driving as we both took calls on the way. I was going non-stop from first thing in the AM until about 6pm. April and I planned to take some photos before stopping by a pizza popup. I don’t think I’m gonna go to any restaurants for a while. We waited outside for pizza for too long and being around people gives me anxiety. This dress was handed down to me from April and it’s so great, an old one from Pink Tartan. The jacket and boots are old too. I feel like I only have a couple of weeks to wear all my mid-season jackets before it gets too cold. I love jacket season, get ready for a different one each day! ? I have a feeling this week is going to be long and busy. I’m already looking forward to being back up at the cottage this weekend to recharge my batteries.

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Day 203: I Want to Go To Paris Too

Today when I was running I paused my Nike Running app and it didn’t record my whole run. I hate it when this happens! I am really interested in getting an Apple watch so I don’t need to take my phone on runs. I did 5km thinking I had a challenge for the day but lucky for me, it’s actually tomorrow. Made a delicious soup today with curry, carrot, and sweet potato. Once it starts getting a bit cooler I love using our Instant Pot to make soup. I rarely follow a recipe and usually use what we have around in the kitchen. This one turned out SO GOOD. I added jalapeno & goat cheese to serve. Sean and I started watching an Italian horror movie on Netflix in the afternoon. He fell asleep and I switched to Emily in Paris. Safe to say, he was a little confused when he woke up haha. We managed to get through 9/10 episodes. It’s pretty cheese but tbh, it was just what I was looking for.

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Day 202: City to Country

Had a great meeting in the morning and then picked up some groceries from Pusateri’s for the weekend. I am so in love with this jumpsuit from Zara Kids. I saw it on a friend’s daughter for the first day of school then ordered it for myself! haha Sean and I left for the cottage around 2 and got there just after 4pm. We were gonna go to the 400 Market but it’s not open on Friday anymore. Another time! I was so happy to be back in the woods for a relaxing weekend. Hoping to run 10km this weekend. I really like running in Muskoka more than in the city, less people!

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Day 201: Dinner Date – Kibo Secret Garden

I had an incredible dinner at Kibo’s Sushi’s newest location, Kibo Secret Garden, an intimate, high-end omakase and sushi house in Yorkville. They have 23 locations in the GTA! Kibo Market in the Junction Triangle (near our place) is definitely a local favourite. I was excited to hang out with Natalie and attend my first dinner event in a LONG TIME. We wore masks and were socially distanced from other diners & staff. We sat at the omakase bar and had a great view of the dinner served by Chef Jin, with barriers between us and other guests. Omakase is a Japanese phrase meaning ‘I leave it up to you’ that describes the traditional Japanese dining style where the culinary experience is left in the hands of the chef. We also enjoyed their selection of Japanese sake and beer. ? Dinner Details The menu highlights the highest-quality fish, seafood, and premium-grade meats. Bo Seo, CEO & Founder, takes pride in only serving fish within 24 hours of its catch. We had the 20-course dinner omakase, starting with Kobacka Soup (sweet pumpkin & rice), Hirame nigiri (Japan), Kurodai (black seabream, Turkey), Kanpachi Nigiri (Japan), Madai Nigiri (red snapper, Japan). Next, we had a round of sashimi with king salmon, fluke, bluefin tuna, yellowtail, mackerel, and amberjack. Honestly, it was so good. Other items on our menu included bluefin tuna belly, ika (squid), oyster, Wagyu Beef, lobster, prawn, black cod, and sea eel from Japan. I haven’t had much sushi the past few months and everything was an absolute treat. The presentation was also incredible. I reckon it was the fanciest sushi dinner I’ve ever had. “Everything from the location to the design, to the menu has been thoughtfully chosen to create a luxury sushi dining experience. I can’t wait to welcome people in!”  Simeon…

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Day 200: Pandemic 2020

Wow, 200 days, here we are. What a time to be alive. I met up with Blair for coffee and we both wore our jumpsuits from Zara Kids. We sat outside, distanced on Jimmy’s patio and it was cute to see how people smiled at our outfits. Gotta appreciate the small joys these days! I came back home after our date to make a 1pm meeting. I don’t know exactly if it was the news, the weather, or just life, but I felt totally tired in the afternoon. Sean and I finished Ratched on Netflix and then I remembered tomorrow is Halloween. I was ready for bed at 6pm, then had a burst of energy around 9pm when I put on some spooky tunes and danced around the kitchen. I’m excited about Halloween this year, I love dressing up. Halloween is a spirit, a feeling, and if you’ve got it, go ahead and let it out. I’ve been wearing ‘costumes‘ for the last few weeks and things are about to get a little more creative. I’m tempted to go out dressed as a witch for a bunch of days in October. Zombie? Why the hell not!?

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Day 199: Remember Precedented Times?

What would you do differently if you could go back the way things were before? How can you make those changes in your life now? This is the world we are living in and only you can make the life you’ve always wanted. It’s up to you to find joy each day, to do something kind, to see the good in people. Tomorrow is day 200, I am so glad I’ve been keeping this diary so I can go back one day and read about how I survived the 2020 Pandemic. Writing that is so out of this world. Remember Day 1, Social Distancing? Some days it’s like we’re living in a movie, a really long one and everyone is playing a role in how it ends. Cases are going up and things are not looking good. I thought we might go back to Stage 2 when the Premiere gave his address today. In other news, today I had Zoom with Facebook Canada to learn about some new features coming to the platform for Creators.

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Day 198: Love Yourself First

Spent the morning with calls and meetings then went to the 1188 office to work for a bit. I cleaned out my desk there a few weeks ago to de-personalize it, the desks work more like co-working now. People aren’t really coming into the office much these days but if someone needs to for production or a meeting, there’s space. It was so nice and warm out once 3pm hit I had to get outside. I think it’s the last summer0like day we’re gonna have…for a while. Stopped into Visit Zane for a little hangout, Zane is one of my oldest friends in the city. We’re both from Cambridge and used to hang out in high school! Next, I had a margarita in the sun on the Squirly”s patio, read my book a bit, and caught up with an old friend in New Zealand over DM. Forgot I had this great shirt from LX Factory in Lisbon, it says “The love of my life is myself.” You gotta LOVE YOURSELF before you can truly love anyone else. Y’know?! The weather was perfect so I decided to walk back to the house in the Junction Triangle. It was lovely but my feet were not a fan, walking 7km in platform Converse is not recommended. Spotted some Briony street art along the way!

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