OH MY, WHAT A GREAT DAY! I went to visit mum for the first time in almost a year. I wanted to make sure I was fully vaccinated before going to visit her. I know there’s still a chance of transmission but I needed to see her. I missed her so much. We went to Winners (as usual!) got groceries, then I helped a bit in the kitchen. It was so incredibly nice to be home and hug her again. I love you mum.

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Day 185: Mum’s Birthday!

Today was a great day! Had so much fun at home for mum’s birthday. Jenie and I drove to the house in the afternoon and hung out with her and Steve, ate snacks, got takeout, and had cake. My sister’s childhood bff also came over and it was like we never missed a beat. Laughed so hard, it was brilliant! I love mum so much! She’s smart, funny, stylish, and the biggest inspiration in my life. She’s always there with wise words when I need them and I am so grateful for her love. HI MUM LOVE YOU, THANK YOU. ? One of our fav things to do is go to Winners and look for treasures. I found this amazing merino wool sweater from Zara and my sister got one to match. It was a steal! Jenie found the yellow sweater she was wearing and got it for mum. Now we all match! I dressed up for the day in my fav bodysuit, Pretty Denim (designed by my friend Tahnee), and loafers from Everlane. My mask was handmade in Toronto by my other friend Considerate Goods. I almost forgot how much I love wearing a full outfit, really sets the tone for your day!

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Day 103: Mum’s Retirement!

MUM IS RETIRING TODAY! I am so excited to see her after months. She’s worked hard her whole life and today we celebrate her retirement. If you know mum or want to send a message, photo, or video, please do! I’ll do a dramatic live reading for her this afternoon! ? Also if you are in the area, she’s still at the same house, drive by and honk your horn or come say hi in the backyard! ? LOVE YOU SO MUCH MUM, CAN’T WAIT TO SEE YOUUUUUUUUUU!

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Hi Mum, I just called to say thanks.

Today I rung mum at work and I think she must have been busy because she seemed a little surprised when I said ‘hi mum’. I told her I was calling to say thank you for having me and being so supportive. She didn’t have a lot of time to talk but I wanted to thank her for everything. To tell her I love calling her all the time when something exciting happens and I can’t tell anyone else or they just wouldn’t feel as excited as her. For all the times she stayed up late sewing ballet skirts to sell at the studio so she could afford our dance classes. For driving to all those dance competitions, skiing, skating, birthday parties, recitals, modelling, tae kwon do, and to all my friends houses for sleepovers. For showing me how to bake and encouraging me to make things in the kitchen, thank you. For embracing my weirdness and letting me wear what I want as a child no matter how bizarre the neighbours thought she was for doing to it. For putting us in summer reading club at the library. For all the work that went in to creating JEANS Publishing company and helping me write that book as a young teenager because I know it was shit ton of work and late nights (for her). For teaching me to work hard and not listen to anyone who says ‘you can’t do that’. Your strong attitude is with me everyday and I carry it close to my heart and I hear your voice in my head. For teaching me to be tough and know how to throw a damn good punch (whoops!) and studying Tae Kwon Do together. For getting me braces because you knew that my smile would bring joy to other people and I…

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I love you Mum, Happy Birthday!

When I was a little girl I always wanted to do things my own way. I picked out my own outfits at a very young age and sometimes they were … questionable unique. Once I left the house in one orange sock and one green sock to match my orange and green outfit (mum may have made?). I left the house feeling confident and stylish, ready to take on the world. (I was like, 6 or 7.)  One of the neighbours said to mum, “you’re going to let her go to school that?”, she replied “if she feels confident she can wear whatever she likes”. Bam. Thanks Mum. You have always encouraged me to be creative in all the things I do and now as a grown up weird and wonderful woman I could not be happier. You are the best, ILU.

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Had brekky, went to Green Living Show. Hanging out today. Pretty close to best thing ever. Love you Mum xo

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Dear Mum, landed safe & sound. xo

I’m in Boston! My home for the weekend is downtown Double Tree, they have the best cookies. Follow my tweets for the adventure. We’re at The Bell right now. Bob is a regular and our friend Meri is on the bar. Going to Rocky Horror later! With love from Boston, CASIE xo

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omg mum guess who i met today? #tiff11 #yandr

Tonya Lee Williams aka Dr. Olivia B. Winters from Young & the Restless. Watching the Y&R right now 🙂

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Dear Mum,

I didn’t see you on Skype so I am writing to you here. I know as soon as you get internet on the boat, this is where you go. I want to wish you a Happy Mother’s Day, this year, it’s that special one we share. I wish that I could hug you today. Jenie is on her way over now & we’re gonna cheers to you. Thank you for encouraging me to be unique, to make my own path & leave a trail and for supporting me in all I do. You truly are an amazing human being. I love you.

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My Sister Jenie is in The Bahamas w Mum!

Bye Toronto! Heaven! Scary! Da Hanover at Nassau airport – free wifi! Outside Nassau (AH Gay, I so wish I was there with you!) OMG boarding – SMALL. Ready to fly. (Love you so much.) (OMG Gay, it’s so beautiful!) Arrived! (OMG HI MUM! Mum, you look great! You too Gay.) (Reminded of Grandad) lots of luv from all of us! xoxoxoxox – Jenie

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i am so proud of my mum because…

She sailed all the way from North of Toronto to the Bahamas with her BF. They cleared customs yesterday. I can’t WAIT to go visit them. Check out Mum’s back yard! This is their very first sunrise. So very cool and beautiful. I’m missing her but I know she wanted to do this for years and I’m inspired by her courage and determinaton. I LOVE YOU MUM. Keep it up. xo p.s. As I typed this a commercial for The Sound of Music came on. That’s Mum’s fav movie. WHOA.

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mum, lost you on skype so here is my trip to SF ♥ xo

After I checked into my hotel, Doubletree where they have fantastic and fresh cookies ready for you. If you ask at the counter they will give you more. I was starving at the time to I had three then felt bloated and gross. My room was freezing so I decided to do what I usually do when I first get to my hotel room adn jump on the bed. You must be careful not to hit head on ceiling as you may die. I am a professional as you can see here. (My love for animated gifs has resurfaced as you may have noticed) Worked up quite a sweat there and decided to get cleaned up and venture downtown. I love being all alone in a new city. Exploring is fun. I would make an ok explorer, I like to snoop around but I like even more when I have a handsome guided escort who knows cool places where locals hang. I rode the BART (SF version of TTC) and got off here in the heart of the action. I didn’t do much shopping. To be honest, I’m not much of a shopper. I like clothes and stuff but have so many that it’s retarted for me to go buy a heap of things. I like to pick up something special for myself though. My SF souvineer, this badass baby. Don’ mess wit mama cause if I punch you, you will know who hit ‘ya. My tattoo needs to get redone. Blue/orange, so faded. I did not know they had Westfield Malls in the US. I though they were only in Australia & NZ. Sheesh, I really need to travel more. Stopped in for a snoop around, got bored  after 10 minutes. This GAP is a flagship store. One I…

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happy birthday mum

You inspire me, you always have I am so proud of you for embarking on your one year sailing adventure. I know you have been planning this for a long time. You make me want to take adventures. I am. It was lovely talkingto you today. Happy I could skype video and you could see my excited face. I got new business cards today and a big suitcase for my trip to NZ. Can’t wait to see Nana and the rest of the fams. I can hardly believe this is all happening. Things are moving along for October’s project too. I hope we can talk again soon. I would love to catch you up on the Y&R would you believe that Billy Abbot married Victoria Newman and is PREGNANT? Crazy, I know. Happy sailing! How cute is Mum? I can just imagine how styling she is on the boat right now. Full sailing gear,  hat to match. Probably rocking some sunnies we picked up in Kensington last time she visited. I have a whole category on Mum in this blog of artistic awesomism. Sending you sunshine ♥

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anxiety averted with a ring from mum and maccas

Nothing makes me feel better when I’m freaking than a ring from Mum saying “everything is fine, don’t fret” and Mc Donalds. I’ve got my writing hat on and I’m checking things off my list. I am now extremely excited for tomorrow to come…ZOMG NYC! AAAAAAAAAAAAH.

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yes mum, naked and bodypainted downtown.

If you watch tv or moves you might see my face pop up from a couple years of random shows, background work & really wanting be on tv. I’ve since chosen the internet and appear here everyday. This show doesn’t stop. I loved this outfit. There were like 250 of us dressed like this for the Beta House party scene at U of T & Toronto Film Studios. It was hot. My sister is one of the Girls of Pie. I did a show for W Network in 2006 and got to know a bunch of producers etc. One contacted me about a year later to do the pilot of a new show on Slice called The List. The show’s all about living life to the fullest. Host Liza Fromer helps people cross crap off their life list, you get it like the Bucket List. They wanted it to be exciting and a bit extreme, calling me was obviously the right choice. They came up with the idea, told me and I was like “uh, yeah sure I’ll do that”. They put me in a big wooden box at King and Bay in the middle of the financial district. It was a hot summer day and like 8am. I took off all my clothes and replaced them with flesh coloured nipple stickies and a tiny thong. There was a guy in box airbrushing a business suit all over me. Once it was done, around lunch time, the door opened and amongst a crowded street, mid day, I came out. I walked a block and back a few times and turned heads. It was exciting. Everyone was doing second-takes cause it looked like a real suit. It was a fun experience, I wasn’t even scared. I loved it. Just got off…

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my two mums

When I was growing up Mum had a best friend named Pat Hope. They’re still best friends. They lived around the corner from us. Pat only had one son but no daughters. To us, she was like a fairy god mother. She was our second mum. She would pick up girly things on her travels like jewelry and dresses. She always had sweet treats with her. She had a room full of bunny things. She dressed beautifully and had great style. Her house was always beautiful and decorated better than any other…for every occasion. She would host elegant dinner parties with a long list of guests. Snacks on every table.  She rules, my second mum. They came to visit Jenie and I after work. Was excited to show Mum new comp and helmet. She was really happy. Had some wine and chatted while the Y&R was on. Found out today that it was Dad that got Mum into watching it before I was born. Dad picked my name from the show. Casey was Nikki Newman’s sister, a hot doctor. It’s great having them over for a visit. Thanks for making the trip guys. Love you!

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does mrs. bennett know i have a blog now mum?

There’s something here you don’t get in a post on Mashable or TechCruch, CNN, MSNBC, CBC, CityTV, CTV, MTV and all those other newsy post all the time guys. You get a story. I think I should tell more stories. I like to live them out as I try to remeber what really happened. It’s hard to think of them but when I do, I gotta write it down. Ideas only last so long. How do I send from Blackberry? I’m addicted to bloggging. I’m addicted to my blog I think. Is there a cure for that yet? My hand graces my forehead as I mumble Yeah Casie, a job as a writer… I came to the warehouse to work and write a bit. Theres something about being here that makes me feel so at home. When I was little Dad had a big industrial space for the hot rod shop. It smelled like tool box, wheels and work. The 32′ they build had huge Mickey Thompson tires that came up to above my waist at the time. The home garage always had cars in it too and on the weekends Dad and his friends would push them onthe street and the driveway and work on them with their shirts off. sed so stylish. All the kids played in the backyard on the swing set with sun and hats and the sprinkler. Even now, I still love spending time in my home garage tuning up my car and tidying away clutter from inside my house. Which reminds me, I must check up on my best friend soon. She lives in Illinois and the last time we spoke her garage door was broken! There are a few companies who specialise in garage door repair in Addison so I hope she managed…

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the worlds greatest gift, thanks mum

When my Mum was pregnant with my sister I was 3.5 years old.  I distinctly remember laying on Mum and Dad’s  water bed and being asked ‘what should we call the baby?” I was an interesting kid, as I am an interesting character now and could only think of one name to call her, Jenie. I had a whole slew of dolls at home and each one I had was named Jenny.  I’m not quite sure why or what made me love that name so very much. A sister is a little bit of childhood that can never be lost. ~Marion C. Garretty I love hanging out with her. It’s like we’re little kids again half the time. It’s also almost creepy how alike we are. We talk the same and say the same things at the same time all the time. We make the same hand gestures when we talk and do the same knee-slap-head-throw-back when we laugh really hard. Kills me. Having a sister is something I am so grateful for, I have someone who will always be there for me and pick me up when I’m down or tell me when I need to pick it up.  Jenie is on Twitter too if you want to follow her.  She’s not all internet/twitter obsessed like me, but she is 100% pure gold. Pure gold.

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mum says i need a helmet

Last night I had a bbq with some of my besties ever. Our boy @NickiP is visiting from Curacao and we took it to the roof and roasted some meat. The sky was full of colour and the tower was unobstructed.Mum rung me last night knowing that I’m back on the bike and insisted that ask I my online friends to help me find something to protect my head. I have always loved riding and when I was younger Mum said “No more riding bike without helmet” and from then on so I never rode a bike until I moved out of the house. I had a BMX bike in Bondi that had pegs on the back. This red cruiser is my favorite. If I’m going to get a helmet, I don’t want to spend a fortune on it. My mum showed me some that she likes so I’ll see if they’ve been reviewed by Helmet Hunt and if I like any. I guess if she keeps nagging, I’ll be getting a helmet!Please help me find a red helmet that’s not mortifying. I want to wear a helmet. Wearing a helmet may not be ‘the coolest‘ but neither is being brain dead. Please leave a comment or link or something if you have any suggestions. Mum wants it to be red too. ?

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The Brightest Light in My Life – Mum

On the weekend I spent a lovely day with Mum. She has just returned from New Zealand and brought back some treats. I feel quite lucky because she managed to find and bring back some of her old clothes for us. I got a great dress she made (yes, made) when she was about 15 as well as a gorgeous leather belt. She brought my sister back a pair of her old boots that are totally rad. Mum found some old photos of herself, she is so cool and has always been a stylish young lady!One of the things I really miss about NZ are the treats. There are so many wonderful things to enjoy! Mum packed up a goodie bag for us each! Yum yum!We stopped into Lahore Tikka House for lunch. The food was fantastic as usual. However, they are using Styrofoam plates and cups which I find to be wasteful and horrible for the environment. Maybe they will change this behavior? I did see the following things that I found to be amusing:Note the handwritten sign stating that you can have a “piece of history” by purchasing an Obama t-shirt. Nice. This needs no explanation except for “ha ha”. Have a great day!

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Kickoff to Summer – GrillzJam

This weekend, Shark|Ninja invited us to the incredible home of Toronto based artist Charles Pachter for a kickoff to summer. Panoramic views, great people, and the centrepiece of it all – a Ninja Woodfire Outdoor Grill. They were also giving away custom grillz onsite from Cappd. I didn’t win a custom grill but I would really like to have this outdoor grill on our patio. Especially Sean lol. Had a great chat with Charles about his career and beautiful home, both a private residence and gallery museum. He purchased the lot 1996 and there was a Jewish funeral home in the back, “I really took a chance with this place when no one else wanted to“. It was nice to see friends and eat snacks on the rooftop, just as the sun was setting. I had so many laughs my face legit hurt. Loved exploring the art, glass elevator, studio, and multiple patios. I first visited this house in 2010 (see below) and to quote myself, “Honestly, the place is stunning. If you ever get to go there, go. Actually, find a reason.” When I saw the theme was ’70’s mod/cool’, I knew my outfit right away. This silky jumpsuit has been sitting in my closet for months and I was waiting for the perfect moment to bring her out. Thank you Cappd, Ninja Kitchen Canada, DM Public for a great time & Charles Pachter for having us in your home. All photos by Nick, Show some love to this post on Instagram here! FROM THE ARCHIVES: SEPTEMBER 13, 2010 👩🏼‍💻 According to the archives, I first visited this same home in 2010 for a Toronto Film Fest party. Reading old blog posts is such a trip. It’s like an old diary, written by you at some point, yet you don’t remember writing…

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Sailing in Bahamas 2024

I went sailing in Bahamas! Earlier this month I flew south to spend a week with mum on their boat in the Exuma, Bahamas. It was so beautiful! From the moment I saw that blue water I knew I was somewhere special! I flew from TO to Atlanta then landed at the Exuma airport on a sunny Friday afternoon. My driver was there waiting to deliver me to the parents in George Town, Bahamas. They picked me up and we took the. little dinghy over to their sailboat. The next day we sailed 4 hours to Lee Stocking Island to spend a few days in this stunning + remote location. It was stunning! We went to an island with iguanas and then to another island where we had the beach all to ourselves! Grateful for my friend Danica, designer of Bathing Belle swimsuits for hooking mum and I up with these GORGEOUS swimsuits. Every suit I wore on this trip was by Bathing Belle, her shop is is in Roncesvalles, Toronto and you should totally check it out. She’s got tons of prints & styles, you can get a custom suit, or have your suit adjusted to be the perfect fit. Highly recommend! I’ve posted about Bathing Belle before here.

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Winterviews RendezViews 

Imagine a retreat that’s part cottage escape, part Winter Wonderland, and right downtown, let me introduce you to Winterviews, presented by RendezViews. A unique experience that brings the best of Canadian winter traditions to the heart of our vibrant city. We stopped by to check it out and it’s so fun! You only have a couple more weeks to get in all the winter activities so scroll down for more info or tap the link to book. This one-of-a-kind destination boasts 10 private dining cabins, a snug communal lodge, and a synthetic skating rink that’s set to be the largest Glice® Eco™ Rink in Toronto this season. Thanks to the support of the Toronto Downtown West BIA, this eco-friendly marvel works in all weather conditions, using zero water, requiring no energy, and emitting no CO2. 👍 But that’s not all – the culinary delights from the talented team at Selva (amazing food!) take this experience to a whole new level. Picture yourself sipping on specialized hot drinks and indulging in a full spread of mouthwatering food while surrounded by a magical winter landscape. Booking Details for Winterviews You can book these cozy cabins online for up to 9 people. The packages are as enticing as the experience – there’s one that includes a feast of food, drinks, and even s’mores (just $75 per person + gratuity & tax). If you’re in the mood for a more casual get-together with friends or a date, there’s a package with a $50 fee and a $200 minimum spend for the group, + gratuity & tax. All the booking details are right here, so you can plan your perfect winter escape hassle-free. Winterviews is open Wednesday-Saturday 5pm +. Hold on to your toques, there’s more…they now have a karaoke cabin! Follow @rendezviewstofor other announcements…

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Grounding Yourself!

When was the last time you kicked off your shoes and felt the soft, cool grass beneath your feet? Taking a moment to connect with the earth and embrace the simple pleasure of lying in the grass can do wonders for our well-being. It might sound a bit woo-woo, but trust me, there’s science behind it. Studies suggest that grounding can reduce stress, improve sleep quality, and even boost our immune system. It’s like hitting a nature reset button for your busy life. When I was home visiting Mum I took a few minutes to lay in the grass each day, look at the sky, close my eyes, and take a few deep breaths. If you’re feeling stressed, try grounding yourself in nature. It doesn’t have to be complicated, find a (clean!) patch of grass, take off your shoes, and let the earth do its magic. Tune in to the sounds of birds chirping, the rustling of leaves, and let a feeling of calm wash over you. Your mind, body, and soul will thank you for it. 🙏 Stay grounded my friends. Have a great week!

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Went home recently to spend a few days at Mum’s with the fam. My uncle Jimmy (Mum’s twin brother) passed away in New Zealand and I wanted to be there for her. I didn’t realize how much I missed spending time together. My sister was there for a couple of days too! We went for nice walks in the neighborhood by the river, checked out the local thrift shops, and drive around remembering the places we used to hang out. I had three days off work and stayed a few extra days to work remotely. Grateful to have a job where I can work anywhere. Before heading home, Bonga and I went for wings at our old stompin’ grounds, Moose Winooski’s. It’s changed a lot since we used to go there on Thursday nights back in high school. The wings there are just as huge as I remember tho, so good. This is the first summer in 15+ years that Mum & Steve have been home and not sailing on the boat. Already planning a trip back soon. 🤗

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Five Good Things

It’s been a hard few months but winter is nearly behind us and hopefully this pandemic too. I’m looking forward to wearing my transitional coats, rain boots, and flowers starting to bloom. Hang in there, things are getting better. Here are five good things helping me stay positive: 1. Connecting with friends and family. I went to see mum last week, it had been months since I’d seen her. We had a nice walk and laughed over dinner. Nothing quite like a hug from mum. LOVE YOU! 💖 2. Getting outside. Even if it’s just for a walk around the block, fresh air and vitamin D are magic. I try to run each morning but if I don’t get there, I go for a mid-day walk or an evening stroll. Longer days make all the difference. ☀️ 3. Keeping busy. The gym has been keeping me busy and I’ve been planning dates with friends I’ve not seen in a while. Now that things are opening up there’s more fun to be had out in the world. 🤗 4. Practicing self-care. You don’t need to wait for the weekend to do that face mask, have a nice bath, or pamper yourself. I love a good self-care hour or evening during the week. I’m pretty dedicated to sleep lately and rarely go to bed without a calming meditation. 🛌 5. Trying something new. A friend and I have started a crypto class and Nelson and I are launching a PODCAST. YAY, NEW THINGS. 🎉 I’m pretty excited about it and it feels good to step out of (…or maybe into?) my comfort zone. I’ll share more on this soon.

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Day 630: Canadian Street Rod Nationals

Today I pulled out a vintage shirt that belonged to mum. Our parents had a hot rod shop when we were kids called ‘Toys For Boys‘ and they went to heaps of car shows. This is from the Candian Street Rod Nationals in 1979, before I was born. I love it so much, fav colour. This shirt and many of my other vintage hot rod shirts were made at Tiger Brand, a manufacturer that used to be in Cambridge, ON (hometown). It’s amazing that after 30+ years they’re all in perfect condition. My friend Jeremy used to be part of the company so I tagged him in my photo today. He ended up sending the screenshot to the family that owned it and this is the message I got back. Love it! I was gonna call this post ‘Tiger Brand’ but yesterday my title was ‘Eye of The Tiger‘ so that might be weird lol. In other news, I left my Apple Watch charger at the cottage and even though I ordered a new MagSafe charger, the thing will NOT CHARGE. Pretty sure it’s bc of the voltage but alas, another day without my watch. Will go to Apple tomorrow. This is the first time since getting my watch last December that I haven’t tracked my fitness. I hate it! I can’t believe I’ve become so attached to this little device. If you’re considering ordering one, DO IT. I love it so much. Got a manicure after work today and I can’t even begin to tell you how a small thing like that can really change everything. I feel put together again. HOPE YOUR WEEK IS GOING GREAT!

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