When I was a little girl I always wanted to do things my own way. I picked out my own outfits at a very young age and sometimes they were … questionable unique. Once I left the house in one orange sock and one green sock to match my orange and green outfit (mum may have made?). I left the house feeling confident and stylish, ready to take on the world. (I was like, 6 or 7.) One of the neighbours said to mum, “you’re going to let her go to school that?”, she replied “if she feels confident she can wear whatever she likes”. Bam. Thanks Mum.
You have always encouraged me to be creative in all the things I do and now as a grown up weird and wonderful woman I could not be happier.
You are the best, ILU.
I love you Mum, Happy Birthday! http://t.co/AwZ1XztxOh
RT @casiestewart: I love you Mum, Happy Birthday! http://t.co/AwZ1XztxOh