Dailybooth Archive 2009-2012, This Is My Life in Photos.

Ok computer, anyone remember Dailybooth? DailyBooth was the original photoblogging site for people to take a photo each day with a caption. The goal was “your life in photos” in order to document and share. It allowed you to post on Twitter and follow other users within the service for  real-time updates. I loved it. Wrote about my Dailybooth romance in this post. Last year in Auston for SXSW I met a Dailybooth friend IRL. It was awesome! In August, 2009, the site had over 3 million unique visitors a month with a growth rate of about 35% a month.[2] On 11 November 2012, it was announced that Dailybooth was closing down, with users able to access and download their content until 31 December. The site was completely deleted after that.  Demi, Ashton, and iJustine used to use it heaps. I download all my nearly 800 photos from my database and put them in a video as a memory. That’s why I started blogging in the first place, to keep more memories. I learned how beat map photos in iMovie when I made this. I’m no expert video editor but I’d like to get better at it. I’m hoping to get a new camera soon so I can start filming some epic si*t. Huzzah! I’m the couch at the cottage watching movies and computing all day. It’s great! Happy Sunday 🙂 <3 CASIE  RIP!

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Goodby Dailybooth, I loved you for years.

Today Twitter announced they’ll be allowing us (users) to download our ENTIRE TWEET HISTORY before the New Year. For me, that’s almost 100,000 tweets! I’ve been publishing the Internet for almost a decade and it’s hard to imagine all the things I’ve posted. This month, Dailybooth, the OG photo sharing service that helped kick off this thing we call ‘social media’ announced they are shutting down. If you have photos on DB you can DL them until Dec. 31, 2012. After that, they’ll be gone. Dailybooth was THE original photo sharing service  when Twitter  came out.  I posted a photo of myself nearly every single day from January 2009-January 2012. The photo updated to the top right corner of my blog showing a new face each day. I hardly had any tattoos back then, nobody had a million followers, and ‘social media’ wasn’t a ‘thing’…yet. It was the experience I loved most about DB. Logging in and seeing familiar faces, comments, making friends.  I hung out w/ Zolloc (Hayden), my friend from Dailybooth for the first time IRL about a month ago. We’d known each other for years. He was visiting Toronto for Nuit Blanche so I showed him around my fav hood, Queen West and Trinity Bellwoods.  The community at Dailybooth was always so positive. This news made me sad. Why do I feel so romantic about a photo sharing service? I took all 756 photos, added music and made a massive vid with them all. The video is coming soon. It’s five minutes of Casie, five whole minutes. Observations? I make a lot of different faces, I wear a lot of hats (actual hats), I travel, I don’t get sick often, I smile most days, I like to have fun. It brought back so many memories. I forgot heaps of people, places, things,…

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These Are The Vines of Our Lives

I loved Twitter’s Vine app. I used it heaps when it first came out and have 200+ thousand views and 400+ videos. Yesterday Twitter announced it’s shutting the app down (and cutting 9% of global staff). This is a good reminder, it’s not about the platform, it’s about the content. As someone who’s been on the internet, making stuff for over a decade I’ve seen a lot of apps have their rise to fame, go viral, get a huge user base, then die. Lets look back at 12secondstv, I was one of their top users and in 2010 they got bought by AOL and closed up shop. I made short videos of almost everything I was doing and posted them on the app. Around the same time I’d been an active user on Dailybooth, a website where you shared a photo of yourself everyday (mostly from your computer webcam). When Instagram came out, nobody needed Dailybooth anymore, there was a new app with filters right in your phone. Dailybooth died in 2012. Anyone remember Viddy? I hung out with the founders in 2013 at CES in Vegas and joined the app right away. It was the video version of Instagram!  Justin Bieber and bunch of celebrities used it all the time. Then, one day, Instagram added video. It was game changer. In months Viddy was done. Users jumped ship to an app they were already on to share content to an existing audience. “it’s not about the platform, it’s about the content” SOME OF MY FAV VINES OF THE TIMES Here are a few of my fav Vines from my channel and the Internet. I hope you enjoy. As a reminder, keep making good content and try all the platforms to see what is out there.   LADA GAGA SCARES LEO – Remember this? OOP! https://vine.co/v/iMAHYTw00bH https://vine.co/v/inAiBuI6UOX THIS KID IS ALL OF…

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Tech | Another One Bites the Dust: RIP Rdio

The list of social sharing services I’ve seen disappear over the last five years keeps getting longer. A bit of sadness for Rdio this week as it’s been purchased by Pandora for $75M and filed for Chapter 11. I’ve been using Rdio since early 2012 when it came to Canada after I was introduced to it at SXSW. Around them I took part in a round table to discussion on the future of music streaming and music piracy with a bunch of music execs and media. Canada.com covered the session (here). After my free year of Rdio was up, I continued to pay $9.99 for the service the last few years, with my own money. Rdio was there for countless road trips, dance parties, summers on the dock, sing-alongs in the boat, and Christmas parties. I made heaps of playlists and Rdio has been part of all my fun the last few years. I mentioned it as one of my fav apps in interviews w/ ApexPR & Mad Hatter Tech. It’s crazy how attached you become to a service, how integrated it becomes in your life. I was really sad when 12seconds.tv was purchased by AOL and dissolved, felt heartbreak over Dailybooth, and another wave of sadness when Viddy shut down. Transfer Your Rdio Playlists to Apple Music Today I’ve been transferring my Rdio playlists to Apple Music. TBH I don’t mind Apple Music but I really loved Rdio. I decided to fork over the $4.99 to have movetoapplemusic.com do the work of moving my playlists over from Rdio. Luckily, I think Apple Music will be around for a while. I am really feeling this 90’s hip hop & R&B playlist from the commercial with Mary J. Blige. You’ll love it too, heaps of good jamz!  

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500 Days of Selfies

Stumbled upon this the other day. Mayjahhhhhh throwback Thursday! This is a collection of 700+ photos uploaded to Dailybooth from 2009-212. I was an avid user of the ‘booth. It was a selfie style social network with a really strong community of users who posted a photo a day. Most of my photos were selfies from travels around the world (LA, SF, NY, London, Mexico, Costa Rica, and more) and events with friends, visitors to my house. These are fond memories for me and maybe a few for you too!    RIP Dailybooth!

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Isn’t life a series of images that change as they repeat themselves?

One of the things I loved about DailyBooth (RIP) and love about selfies is they are a way to document your life as you grow and change. I wonder how many times I’ve taken a similar photo of my own face? This video is 4 years of my life on DailyBooth. I exported my archive before it shut down in 2012 and made this so I never forget this stuff.. So many memories here. Any you remember? Today is Anzac day in Australia/New Zealand. It’s like remembrance day in North America. My granddad was in the war. I remember him telling us stories of how he wasn’t old enough and snuck in then worked as a cook. He used to have a butcher shop in Palmerston North, NZ when Mum was growing up. I think he would be really glad to know I kept a blog diary because he was a writer too.  I can’t believe I’m still wearing a scarf and it’s almost May! Urgh! Longest fattest winter of my life.  Loving this new jacked I scored at the Rudsak sale this (deets here, it’s on till Sunday).   Saw this yesterday in my hood when I was walking home from school with EmBot. Here’s to an awesome weekend! <3 CASIE

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