Forgot to Cancel Amazon Prime But Embracing It = Ring Lights!

If you haven’t seen my tweets over the last few days I’ve been kinda obsessed with Amazon Prime. I forgot to cancel the ‘Free Trial’ and got charged the full ~$100 Amazon Prime amount for the year. Yeah duh. Whatever. I’ve decided to embrace it and tbh it’s amazing. [This post sponsored my bank account.]  I ordered a whole bunch of things this week including a big ring light, tripod, studio backdrop, citric acid, and an iPhone ring light. The acid is for making bath bombs! It was $5 for a small canister at Bulk Barn yesterday so I checked Amazon and bought 2 pounds for $10 AND it arrives today. A couple people asked me about my little baby ring light for my iPhone. It was from Amazon and is on SALE FOR $14.99 ($16.99 CA). The package was all in Japanese (?) and it came with batteries. ORDER →  Universal Camera Ring Flash Took photos in this post with it. Last night I was speaking on a panel about ‘Aging Gracefully’ with an event for Restylane/Galmerma. [I got a couple fillers this year if you missed that post.] I got a few other things this week but I haven’t opened them yet. Thinking about using them to make a video but idk so, no promises. That’s all for today. THANK YOU FOR FOLLOWING. DO YOU LIKE THE NEW LAYOUT????

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The most important thing is to enjoy your life – to be happy – it’s all that matters.

Yesterday was one of those full on go-go-go day. The night before I was so tired, falling asleep at my computer. I closed it down and told myself everything could wait till the morning.  I make blog-life look pretty glam on the outside but behind the screen is a lot of hard work, late nights, meetings, and stress. I feel like I’m behind most the time, but some days I feel on top of the world. No day is ever the same.  I remember laying in bed thinking ‘just get me through this week, then I can relax‘. Had a great time speaking at a national Canadian corporation about my blog, social media, and influence marketing. A few talks booked on the topic of creators/influencers lately which I feel shows a that the market and budgets are shifting towards more digital. Filmed a short video with new blogger Nneka Elliott. You might recognize her from CP24 where she’s been a news anchor since 2008. Had a diner with Saje Wellness and about 50 other young women. Did a class with Army of Sass. Then went home and read a bit before fall ing asleep with my Kobo. Just reading back over this makes me feel exhausted!!! The whole day was documented on Snapchat.  Tonight we’re going to the cottage for a couple days before I fly out to Arizona on Sunday. That reminds me, I have to pack! Gah.  Title quote is by Audrey Hepburn ? FYI my contest for office space at The 48 inside 1 King West closes today – enter by visiting the post below! Get to Know The 48 Office Suites + OFFICE SPACE Giveaway!

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Travel | I’m in South Florida this week! 

Follow my Snap, Instagram, and Tweets for sunshine and adventures. Updates from other media on the trip are on the #SeizeTheKeys hashtag! ?☀️?✈️️???‍? Heading to breakfast now them Hemingway’s House. Later today I’m planning to bike around some more then we’re going paddle boarding at night! BLOODLINE WAS FILMED HERE! Trying Key Lime at every meal ?? Rented a bike to explore Key West Our backyard at Chelsea House Hotel Today was so great. In Florida all week and ready for adventure. Biked around Key West, swam, beach, saw roosters & iguanas. Ready to retire tbh. #travel #thisismylife #seizethekeys A photo posted by ? C A S I E S T E W A R T (@casiestewart) on Oct 2, 2016 at 6:59pm PDT  

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Tech | #SeizeTheKeys! ☀️? I’m Heading Down to Florida!

Well, it’s just starting to cool down and I’ve got something warm and exciting to share… on Sunday I’m going to the Florida Keys! I’m heading down with Florida Tourism and a couple other blog friends. I’ll be documenting my experience on Facebook (w/ Live!), Twitter, Snapchat, and Instagram. I can’t WAIT to see what we’re doing. I got a heads up that we’ll be Night Boarding, which is stand up paddle (SUP) on board that are LIT. I love my SUP board so stoked for this I’ve had the Beach Boys song Kokomo in my head all week. (There used to be a bar in the Keys called Kokomo!) I’ve also looked up famous movie scenes filmed there and this one is on my to-do list haha. Have you been to the Florida Keys? Any recos of what we should do there? LMK!  

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Learn From Yesterday, Live For Today, Hope For Tomorrow

Yesterday was full on. By 4pm I was back at the 1188 office and would have killed for a nap. I had 3 things earlier in the day, a call about a new project, then had to pick up Em form daycare, help her w/ homework, and make sure all was cool w/ sitter, and head back to work. I really love what I do but some days it’s super exhausting. Working for yourself has perks but being the face of the brand, writer, editor, admin, finance, marketing,  agent, and accounts receivable can take a lot out out of you. I’m only one woman! Add on step-mama to an 8 year old and partner to an entrepreneur, tbh I get damn tired. Although yesterday was tiring, it was really great. Arrived at the 1188 office w/ Sean early to help out. Then went to the ReThink Breast Cancer breakfast. I’d done a bunch of things on my phone before then including Nike (NTC) workout on the roof and didn’t realize my phone was almost dead. URGH! So, off I went to the breakfast sans phone. Ready to show off @rethinkbreastcancer’s latest partnerships and brand new #giveacare collection tomorrow! A photo posted by Alison Lawler-Dean (@allield) on Sep 20, 2016 at 2:35pm PDT A photo posted by Lauren McPhillips?Toronto (@thisrenegadelove) on Sep 21, 2016 at 11:48am PDT The new collection is so nice. I truly love the work they’re doing. Once I get photos I’m going to share here. ReThink is a breast cancer organization that aims to help raise awareness for young women dealing with breast cancer. One of the things I reallllly love is their BARBIE brand partnership. If you know me well, I FREAKING LOVE BARBIE. I still have all mine at mum’s house. Also a few collectors ones still in the box.…

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Watch ‘Behind the Red Carpet’ on The Hollywood Suite Network

In 2004, during TIFF, I was filmed for a documentary about the festival. I was followed around to events, parties, and interviewed about what it’s like behind the scenes, behind the red carpet. Alongside me, the films stars celebrity photographer George Pimentel, PR pro Natasha Koifman (NKPR), and national journalist Chris Jancelewicz. The film is playing on Hollywood Suite network in Canada all month. If you are keen to watch it and don’t the channel, you can get it on iTunes, Amazon, Playstation, GooglePlay, or xBox. Details on the website here. About Behind The Red Carpet Behind The Red Carpet introduces us to the movers, shakers and key players behind all the happenings and craziness of the Toronto International Film Festival. We follow five lead characters who are the top in their field including Toronto/New York based publicist Natasha Koifman, a foremost journalist, Chris Jancelewicz, Casie Stewart, world famous blogger, George Pimentel, Canada’s most renowned celebrity photographer, as well as Pierre Jutras, venue operator and president of The Spoke Club. Our key players are thrown into the fire as they try their very best to appease the biggest and brightest stars from around the globe. We are on the inside lines of the biggest red carpets with the hottest stars. It’s about being at the right place atthe right time, red carpet call times, media arrival times…photo opp…any time! After the whirlwind of festival…which of our characters is left standing…who has had the most success, who has thrown in the towel and who is ready for more? This week is gonna be a busy one. Busy and exciting! We’re heading back from the cottage today and for the next week I’ve got films, afterparties, gifting lounges, and more. I’m planning to share them all on Snapchat, Instagram (and Stories), Facebook Live, and Twitter. FOLLOW…

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End of August Thoughts & Things

This week has everyone talking about how summer is ‘over’ but tbh guys, there’s still a bunch of nice days left. It was so hot out yesterday. It’s that perfect time of year when the days are warm, nights cool for sleeping, and there are NO bugs. As I mentioned the other day it’s a great time to ditch old habits, clean out that closet, and make a new routine. I really need to get my ass in gear when it comes to what I’m eating and exercise. Maybe I just need to workout more? People always said that after 30 your metabolism slows down and damnit they were right!  A photo posted by ? C A S I E S T E W A R T (@casiestewart) on Aug 30, 2016 at 6:07am PDT We hadn’t planned to be at the cottage this past weekend but in a twist of events, it was vacant so we jumped in the truck and hit the road. We never stop for anything but burgers (Webers!) on the way up BUT Sean asked if I wanted to go to the 400 Market. It’s just before Barrie on the 400 HWY and neither of us had ever been. WELL, it’s a sight to be seen. Before we event went inside the building I fell in love with this fur coat. Sean tried on an awesome leather biker jacket with a half-naked lady on the back. I wish I took a photo but only posted it on Snap. ? Sorry! Follow me over there: casiestewart.  There were so many treasures in there. We got some amazing hot sauce, samosas, a couple sausage rolls, sunglasses, and a few other knick knacks. SUMMER OVER? ??WHATEVER. ✌?️ New jacket from market. ? @weare1188 ? #furbaby #winter #cottagelife A photo…

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Being Your Own Boss Has Its Perks – Cottage Workation!

This week we are working form the cottage.☀️?✌?  I find I’m really productive up here. It’s a nice mix of working hard, writing, and taking breaks, snacks, and naps. I usually spend the day writing and doing blog biz things then after 2pm, I go down to the dock, float in the lake, or read on my Kobo. I’m about to finish She’s Not There by Joy Fielding today. ?? ? This will be my 10th book since April, summer goals ✔️!!! A photo posted by ? C A S I E S T E W A R T (@casiestewart) on Aug 8, 2016 at 8:22am PDT Today is Sean’s 40th birthday! I know, he looks so young, what a babe! I baked a layered red velvet cake yesterday for later and we opened presents this morning. We’ve got some friends joining us end of the week to celebrate together. If you’re following my Snapchat you’ll have seen these photos and the MASSIVE WATERMELON I got the other day. It’s seriously the biggest one I’ve EVER SEEN. I might cut into it this afternoon. ??? In other news, SEAN GOT ME A CLAWFOOT TUB. I’m in love with it. It’s SO BIG. It’s not set up yet but it will be eventually. I’ve dreamed of having one of these and I’m absolutely over the moon. I sat in it, inside the garage for about 20 minutes yesterday, with no water. It’s MASSIVE! Sending you sunshine from cottage country, here’s to a great week!

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New Me, New Adventures, New Love for Life

Yesterday I went out on my bike for the first time in weeks. Since my surgery I’ve been trying to get out for a walk in the morning and then before sunset. I find leaving the house in the morning gets me in a good groove for the day. I have a coffee, soak up some sunshine, catch a  few Pokemon, take some photos, update Snapchat, all before 9am. ?✌? I caught a JYNX today and then saw a man drawing a Poké Ball in his notebook at the coffee shop. It’s amazing how much you learn about yourself going though a surgery or big life event. It was pretty hard at first not being able to reach for things or lift things but I managed. Sean has been really helpful in this whole process and tbh I’ve kinda liked not having to load the car for the cottage or carry groceries! (Thanks babe love you! He prob won’t read this ?)  I’m back in the kitchen making great snacks and have perfected a trick of using tongs to grab things high up. I found this darling little Tuck Shop around the corner from home yesterday. I was there just as it closed but they make all kinds of delicious (sounding) food I can’t wait to try. So, I popped into Wallace Espresso on Dupont instead and picked up some real fruit pops and a cup of the most incredibly delicious chocolate ice cream. The Junction Triangle is seriously evolving, there’s a bunch of great spots in the area now. There’s also a Rancho Relaxo on this same corner to fulfill the need for tacos. HUzzahhhh! This is a happy person on bike with wind in her hair. Watch the story on Snapchat here.  Perfect top for coffee walk @sarasaraduke @StoriaPR! ☀️☕️#butfirstcoffee…

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Cerulean Sea, Blue Skies, Boston Besties

This weekend in Boston was really fun. ?? ✈️  The friends I was visiting totally surprised me and flew in a couple we both know from San Francisco, (who used to live in Boston). I totally screamed when they walked in the backyard! ? I love surprises and they totally hid this from me for the last week. THANK YOU BOB AND ELLEN ILU! ?   They pulled together all my Boston BFFs and we had heaps of fun eating great food and lounging by the pool. On Friday night we had dinner with Kristen (in photo) and from then till Sunday morning when I left I was smiling and laughing. I took a break from Snapchat and Pokemon to spend some real FACE TIME with my friends. It was great! It’s been 2 years since I saw any of the crew and some even longer! They always say I bring the sunshine and I totally did, it was an absolute perfect day on Saturday. ☀️? I got home last night after another great flight with Porter Airlines. I absolutely love flying Porter. I’m not 100% on my next vacation destination  *yet* but early August we are up at the cottage for 9 days and I can’t WAIT. It’s Sean’s birthday that week and last year we rented a Seadoo. Have a post-op appt with my surgeon today and hopefully everything is a-ok. Still recovering and in some pain. I’m really happy with the results tho, it’s the first time in my life I’ve been able to comfortable wearing a bathing suit top! ☀️ Here’s to a great week! ☀️  

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