This week has everyone talking about how summer is ‘over’ but tbh guys, there’s still a bunch of nice days left. It was so hot out yesterday. It’s that perfect time of year when the days are warm, nights cool for sleeping, and there are NO bugs. As I mentioned the other day it’s a great time to ditch old habits, clean out that closet, and make a new routine.
I really need to get my ass in gear when it comes to what I’m eating and exercise. Maybe I just need to workout more? People always said that after 30 your metabolism slows down and damnit they were right!
We hadn’t planned to be at the cottage this past weekend but in a twist of events, it was vacant so we jumped in the truck and hit the road. We never stop for anything but burgers (Webers!) on the way up BUT Sean asked if I wanted to go to the 400 Market. It’s just before Barrie on the 400 HWY and neither of us had ever been.
WELL, it’s a sight to be seen. Before we event went inside the building I fell in love with this fur coat. Sean tried on an awesome leather biker jacket with a half-naked lady on the back. I wish I took a photo but only posted it on Snap. ? Sorry! Follow me over there: casiestewart. There were so many treasures in there. We got some amazing hot sauce, samosas, a couple sausage rolls, sunglasses, and a few other knick knacks.
This weekend we are back up at the cottage for the last hurrah of the ‘summer’. September weekends are some of the best though, everything is a little more calm. Except for TIFF, next weekend! I’ve got the gifting lounges and parties for days. I can’t WAIT. BEST part of September! ?
I’ve been doing TIFF for a few years now, it’s so fun. Check out some previous posts here. If you’re keen to know what goes on behind the scenes for PR, photographers, journalists, bloggers, I’m one of the leads in Behind The Red Carpet, a documentary about the Toronto International Film Festival. Get it on iTunes, Google Play, etc.
There must be something in the air bc I’m feeling really jazzed about everything right now!
??? (@beigecardigan) pic.twitter.com/V6Q3kxYXua
— Bustle (@bustle) August 31, 2016