How about lunch with Mark McEwan today?

What are you doing for lunch? Today from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m., you can enjoy a hot and tasty lunch prepared by 15 unique food vendors from local restaurants at Yonge-Dundas Square. The event is organized by Second Harvest,  a Toronto charity that prevents good food from being wasted and feeds those in need. Every $10 raised allows Second Harvest to rescue and deliver enough food to provide 20 healthy meals for those in need. While you’re there,  you’ll also be able to say what’s up to Second Harvest ambassador Chef Mark McEwan. Tickets are from $3-$5 and exchanged for delicious snack-sized dishes, with proceeds going to feed people in need across the city. Lunch Money Days vendors: Caplansky’s Beaver Tails Jack Astor’s Ese Millwood Melt Grilled Cheesery (!!!!) Magic Oven Pimenton RealSports Bar & Grill Smoke’s Poutinerie Rock Lobster Sullivan & Bleeker Baking Co. While you’re there, tweet a photo of your lunch with the #lunchmoneydays hashtag, and you could win: 1 of 2 $50 Sporting Life Canada gift cards 1 of 2 $25 Steve’s Music gift cards A Purdy’s Chocolatier gift basket 1 of 10 pairs of tickets to the Toronto FC season opener on March 9 (include @TorontoFC in your tweet) I won’t be able to stop by today but if you do please have a snack for me! Hmmm, now what should I have for lunch? <3 CASIE

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Be Classy. Be Confident. Be Yourself.

Hey gorgeous! Last semester I had a great time dancing in the ARMY of SASS Performance & Training Group. They currently accepting registration for the ARMY OF SASS Winter session that goes from January to June. That’s six months of you getting hotter, dancing, making friends, and getting fit. You’ll finish up with a super hot performance and strut your stuff on stage. If you are looking for something to make you feel confident and sexy, this is it. I had an absolute blast.   Some of the Girls and I on Opening Night   ARMY of SASS Performance & Training Group   There are 2 weeks left until AOS – CONFESSIONS starts training. To register email [email protected] and check out LOCATION INFO in GTA/Ottawa. Facebook: ARMY OF SASS / Chic-a-boom Room “No good woman left behind”

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Here’s to a NEW YEAR! BRING ON 2013!

I did all the things on my list today in preparation for a great night. It’s been an amazing year. I’m heading to Lauren’s then to 159 Manning for what it sure to be one epic house party after another. I was going to write a post about the end of the year and stuff but I took a nap instead. Ha! I’m feeling great and will write something tomorrow as I return to regularly scheduled blogging. I am so excited for 2013. We made it past the Mayan prediction and through all kinds of things, and now truly have the ability to make our dreams come true. THIS IS YOUR LIFE Be thankful for everything inyour life, good and bad, it makes you the amazing person you are. Have a safe and fun night. Tell your friends you love them, call your parents if you can. Make a promise to yourself to do something worth writing about each day. You’ll look back and be glad you did. Trust me. My friends shot this for Moose Knuckles Canada just in time for New Years. Enjoy! Happy New Year 2013 from 1188 on Vimeo. Directed by: J. Lee Williams + Dave Gillespie DOP: Kris Belchevski Special Thanks to: Will Poho, Sean Evens, Jurek Osterfeld, Delaney Siren, Chris de Castro & Jessica. Clothing: Moose Knuckles Canada. Song: Massive Attack – Risingson (Bassnectar Remix) Happy New Year! Love and light, xo CASIE ♥

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OMABA! Election + Winning = Awesome

All posts tagged Obama. This is about to DOUBLE by 2016. [View the story “This is why I love the internet.” on Storify] This is why I love the internet. Storified by CASIE STEWART · Tue, Nov 06 2012 23:27:57 RT @BarackObama: Four more years. STEWART RT @Ratchet2English: Obama looking around like….✌ RT @MainExplicit: Obama Won! ε s s ι c α ღ RT @BarackObama: We’re all in this together. That’s how we campaigned, and that’s who we are. Thank you. -boCASIE STEWART #GOBAMACASIE STEWART This election is a total sham and a travesty. We are not a democracy!Donald J. Trump #obama2012 ✨ Battle RT @autocorrects: Obama #election2012 Cheerleading RT @FoolAss_Nick: OBAMA BITCH saying a prayer , thank you god…… #obama2012 #countryissaved #donthavetomovetocanadaParis Jacksoη RT @SugarHoney1D: Michelle Obama is so gorgeous YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!April Wozny RT @OzzHerrera: RT @diegovivas: FOTO. El Empire State se viste de azul luego de la victoria de Barack Obama:”Alejandro Sevilla Tonight’s REAL winner. #election2012 Those who don’t believe in magic will never find it. Roald Dahl 🙂 STEWART RT @Esepinchewey: Y que me dice: "Vas a perder Obama", y que le digo: "Jajajajajajajajajaja no me hagas reír"… @djandrewb @saychris3x @djoj @djhardy – Maury Povich had this to say about the election Static Big bird has a few words for mitt romney. #election2012Share this humourous image. Cityworkers Then… this happened. Dear lady behind Obama, Take that flag out of your hair.Jesse Tyler Ferguson AMERICAN FLAG WEAVES FOR ALL AMERICANSClayton Cubitt Girl with flag in hair meme in T-5,4,3,2,1…..CASIE STEWART Obama pissed that the woman w/ the flag in her hair is getting all the attention on twitter. via @mhp #electi… STEWART RT @YourFavWhiteGuy: Let it begin. #hairflag #flaghead$ha Lewinsky Goes to Obama rally.…

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Duck Hunt, Voting Day, Obama for the Win

Good morning, good morning, and how are you today? I say to myself in a singing voice, just like Mum used to as a kid. I’m wearing the Maison Filipi Duck Hunter Camo Bow Tie I was sent not too long ago.  Actually, it was in the summer but it’s flannel and more appropriate for today’s weather. After work I’m being interviewed by Cision about Movember. I had to look up my first post about Movember to remind myself how I learned about it. Every blog post is a note to ‘Future Me’. I won’t remember all the details of each day or event twenty years down the road, but I will remember the feeling I had when I read this again for the first time. Tonight I am going to clean my room and watch the election. Have I told you how much I love my job? Simple things like leaving the house  early, seeing the same people in the morning, dressing up in outfits, morning coffee, fresh air before starting the day, I appreciate everything so much more. I love the work I’m doing. I feel like I could not have planned this all better if I tried. I am incredibly excited for the next year. Sending my love and positive vibes to Obama-Biden today. I really hope he wins. I’ve ben blogging about him since 2008. HAVE AN AWESOME DAY!  And please, please if you are in the USA, VOTE! <3 CASIE

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It makes my little internet loving heart happy to see this amazing group of tech founders talking about innovation for this Obama video. In order to remain ahead of the pack you must always be innovating. INNOVATE OR DIE! Let this inspire your life today.  

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It’s a trending on twitter and it’s making news. Is this the war of 2012?  The war we knew was coming but nobody predicted exactly what because it wasn’t invented then. What if it sneaks up one day, like Sunday and ALL OF A SUDDEN… I can’t even imagine… Just think about how ANGRY and LOST you would be if you didn’t have your Internet life, love, freedom? Would I die? I might. I know I’m being dramatic but when I think about it, it seems like a 2012 movie that I’m IN, happening in real time, right now I don’t know much about hacking but ‘Largest Attack Ever‘ are big words.  Four peeps linked to Megaupload were arrested in New Zealand and are now being denied bail. Keri knows all about hacking and online security so naturally I went to her blog. Found this post: You NEED to Care About SOPA and PIPA We can’t vote in Canada on this, we’re counting on you big time, American friends! January 24 – please vote. Sh*t is going down right now! Those feds would shut this blog down in a hot second. I’m not in the USA but I’m sure they could make me stop publishing. The internet doesn’t have boundaries the way countries do. I have seven years of links and content at least. (Back up your blog!) Youtube has the most crazy comments but that’s why it seems like this is a movie. Scary thing is this IS REAL. Random Comments from this Video: Under SOPA, YOU COULD GET FIVE YEARS FOR DOWNLOADING MICHAEL JACKSON.. ONE MORE YEAR THAN THE DOCTOR THAT KILLED HIM! By Jeezo People will commit suicide, lose their jobs, and all hell would break loose if that bill passes. WTF congress?! Why censor our fucking internets?! Navyisgreat476 Mayans: 2012 = end of the world, 2012: pricks in congress…

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Life is built on experiences.

Take them. Make them. Live them. Love them. Leave them in memory. Leave them Online. This blog is how I remember. Remind yourself today of something you’ve done that makes you smile. You’ll be glad you did.

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inspiration is everywhere, open your eyes

Stayed up late making changes to blog. I’m not done yet, it takes forever. A blog is a continuous work in progress, always evolving. I’m ready for it to get a makeover. Not too much change, more in function than design. Talk nerdy to me baby. It’s funny, people often think I spend ALL my time out & about on the town attending media events and having fun. Let me be honest with you, I spend heaps of time at home on my computer, alone. Part of me is very introverted and I place huge value on my time alone. In order to have heaps of energy to share, you gotta charge your batteries. Hung out with KMS in NZ on Skype for a bit. I love Skype, good way to charge up seeing old friends. I was shocked at his huge beard! Massive! Not alowed to shave cause he has a modelling gig on Monday. He just did an international ad for Samsung & his new tracks are about to drop in Australia soon. Keep up the good work, love you. Skype convo gifs are so cute omg. Last year, no beard, less fro. We hung out while I was in Auckland for NZ Fashion Week.  Chillin’ on Ponsonby Road post Stolen Girlfriends Club show.  I had awesome two tone pink/black nails that day.  The whole trip was so fun. I miss NZ. Saw this on Google+ via Alana Joy. Are you on G+? Add me here. I have invites if you want. Pretty much the story of my life, except the pad of paper is a computer. Got asked today “Where do you find inspiration for blogging?”. I find inspiration everywhere. I could sit at my computer (and have) for hours (ages) and tell stories, write about pop culture, review tech sites and products. Sometimes I…

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the race is long & in the end it’s only with yourself.

This gives me such fond memories, reminds me to to worry, about things that matter. It’s a real feel gooder. If you’ve never heard/read this before, let me share it with you. I know you’ll like it. Ladies and Gentlemen of the class of ’97 Wear sunscreen If I could offer you only one tip for the future, sunscreen would be It. The long term benefits of sunscreen have been proved by Scientists whereas the rest of my advice has no basis more reliable Than my own meandering Experience…I will dispense this advice now. Enjoy the power and beauty of your youth; oh nevermind; you will not Understand the power and beauty of your youth until they have faded. But trust me, in 20 years you’ll look back at photos of yourself and Recall in a way you can’t grasp now how much possibility lay before You and how fabulous you really looked….You’re not as fat as you Imagine.

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oh, you mean you are feeling grumpy? well that stops now.

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“i can help you w/ < /iframe >” he said, she melted.

This coffee was nice. Atelier on King latte art, I like you. The rain is no reason to get down. Or bored. Only boring people get bored. I’ve never been bored a day in my life.

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“an all-around plugged-in pioneer” #personalbranding101

I recently wrote an article for Levis about Crafting Your Persoal Brand. It came out this week and I’m pretty proud of it.  I shared some tips that will help you (or anyone) to build and showcase their talents online. I hope you will check it out. “Casie Stewart knows a thing or two about leaving an online footprint. Recognized by Klout as one of Toronto’s top tweeters and bloggers, she has plenty of tips on how you can leverage social media channels as an invaluable element to your personal brand.” Here are some tips on building your personal brand to help  establish yourself online: Set a goal: Make a plan for your brand. What are you passionate about? What do you want to be known for? Start a blog: Use WordPress, Tumblr, Blogger or Posterous to create a free home for your online activity. Find a mentor: Find someone who is doing what you want to do and introduce yourself, learn from them and get inspired. TGIF: Twitter, Google, Internet, Facebook: Create profiles for yourself online and update them regularly with things that align with your brand. Get Involved: Seek out events related to your passion and get involved by volunteering. This is a great way to grow your brand, meet others and learn from experts. I’ve been building my personal brand online for over five years. At first, no one read my blog, and I had no followers on Twitter. We all have to start somewhere but have the potential to go anywhere. In the words of Napoleon Hill, “What the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve.”

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Woke Up to Me ON @Mashable

As soon as I saw the first part of the tweet pop up on my push notification on ipad I knew what it was, I just had a feeling…could it be? Me and for what? In this: Top 5 Digital Marketing Agencies on Mashable “When Virgin America was launching its first international route to Toronto, its Creative Director Jesse McMillin contacted Evan Fry, V&S’s Chief Creative Officer to brainstorm ways to build buzz and find a local brand ambassador in Toronto. They came up with the Virgin America Toronto Provocateur. The website V&S created — with a video of Sir Richard Branson himself — received 1,500 contest entries, which were narrowed down to 20 candidates (this seems like a small number, but candidates needed to live in Toronto, be able to do the joband submit a video, which limited the applicant pool). The site received 46,000 unique visitors and V&S helped Virgin find its cheeky new ambassador, Casie Stewart, who still functions as the provocateur.” Never heard of Mashable? Geeks & nerds across the universe think about/have thought about waking up to themselves on Mashable. Well, I know I sure have. Read the article on Mashable & leave a comment! Have an awesome day. P.S. get a ticket for JapanQuakeTO at Tattoo on Thursday right hurrrrrrrrrrrrre!

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Oh how I love you Obama, let me start counting the ways with this very photo. Meanshile, other parts of the world, things like this are happening. The National Post has been putting up some phenominally mind blowing photos. Take a gander here. Save the DATE ladies & gentlemen, JapanQuakeTO is happening on March 31, 2011. We have set up where you can find all the info and get tickets  (most likley) tomorrow. P.S. Yes that was meon Global news in the 6 hour, they said my name right, spelled it wrong and the hashtag is actually #japanquakeTO. 😛

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The thing that really is blowing my mind is… #japan

I closed my blinds last night and got to thinking about Japan. In bed with iPad & Android, I looked outside, the lake was calm.  I said goodnight to Twitter. I don’t usually do that, I often leave like an irish goodbye. I said goodbye because I love my friends and in the back of my head I know that so many people in Japan woke up Friday morning and never got a chance to say goodbye. They woke up to their houses and lives right fucked up. I can only imagine that happening. There is no word to explain how is makes me feel when I watch those videos over and over. It’s like a movie but it’s not a movie, its real. The world trade centre, that was real. We all remember that day. I remember lots of other stuff in my life but that WTC stands out as something totally monumental, like Japan. I will never get any of these images out of my head. The water rushing over the city, the planes crashing into the buildings. Yes, one distaster was man made and one natural but to me, they are the biggest I’ve ever seen. The thing that really is blowing my mind is the severity, scale and consequences of it all. How the hell do you fix a first world nation that’s been shaken, stirred and radiated? Japan was pretty much run through the dishwasher. There’s going to be a massive ripple affect on society from this. Japan is home to vehicles and electronics that WE love. It is the third largest national economy in the world after US and China in GDP & purchasing power parity (aka PPP if you forgot). I read on that Cannon, Sony, Panasonic, Toyota, Honda, Sapporo have all suspended production. I…

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if this was your last year to live, would you live it out?

I was sitting on the couch last night and I caved, I purchased the official replica of this ring. Fan girl, crazy, call me what you want. I love her and the Royal Wedding is one thing I really love. I will 100% be up watching despite the time difference. One of the best things about having a blog is keeping memories. I found this one post title “you wouldn’t believe me if i told you” from 2009. I had been asked to go to this fashion show for Puma and in my post after it I wrote: I’d love to do something else for Puma downtown or online please! I’m thinking something that involves me and clothes/shoes/accessories. Thank you, love Casie. Pretty neat I’m doing something with them now. Found this old post from May 2009 when I worked in Liberty Village. The title is a quote I was happy to find “the trouble with jogging is the ice falls out of your glass”. I like this video. Our Puma Social video from last night will be done this week. Stay tuned, you’ll see it here. Where am I, do you know? Oh, did you hear? DB & Posh Spice are having a baby girl. Breaking news via twitter. That kid is gonna be the most awesome, well, potentially. Let’s hope she get’s the right mix of both their looks. Speaking of looks…looks skinny & sexy to me. The SXSW launch of iPad 2 today must have been really fun. This is the Mashable video. I’d like to do more reporting. I really enjoy that. I’ve got a heart on for a new iPad2 and I think Andy knows already. After reading all about it, I’m not gonna rush out for it since I’ve got first gen already. I’ll be…

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The only way to have a friend is to be one.

I have crazy awesome friends who do really cool things. Today and everyday, I’m thankful for the things I have and peoole around me. I thought hey, why not let you know about some of that awesomism? Remember how EVERYONE voted for me in the Virgin Ameica Provocateur contest and I won? I couldn’t have done it without your love and support. Seems like contests involving social media are the new way to get the coolest person for the job. Check out some of the cool things some of my friends are doing right MEOW! Lauren O’Nizzle in the challenge to be the CosmoTV Blogger Girl. Vote for her here! Brock & TRexx from 1loveTO have made their acting debut. Check their site to win tix. Christine is in a challenge with War Child Canada to be a blogger in Ethopia and help people. You can vote for her here. Kevin is in a sweet contest with Sauza Gold to win $10,000! If he wins they are having a huge party.  He’s a great guy, you can vote for him once per day and for the next month. Lets get this kid some CASH! Vote here on FB. He can totally beat that bitch girl. Happy Halloween from two of my boyfriends Terry & Gubler. One more thing, I am in a Smrnoff commercial! Have you seen it? I haven’t. I know it’s on TSN. HELL YEAH. I’d like more commercials please! Today is Sabrina’s birthday, she FINALLY IS TWEETING! TODAY is an awesome day. Make the most of it. Remember, you will never be younger than you are TODAY! Love & light xo CASIE

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just call me domestic diva

oh em gee, a baby! You wouldn’t normally say “domestic” with me in mind, I’m usually the opposite. Not really into cooking, children, cleaning and stuff like that. However, last night I cleaned my room, vacuumed and made a hearty butternut squash soup…from scratch! It startes like this, boiling the squash then peeling and putting in blender with magic ingredients before letting it simmer on the stove. Very tasty. If you wanna try just ask! I’m actually pretty good at cooking, Mum taught me well. The thing is, when you’re single, cooking for one person isn’t really that fun. I love entertaining (surprised?) and having people over, that’s when my Martha skills come out. How hot is Sabrina working our new LG Kompressor unit. Dayum grrrl! This thing sucks like a mofo. Our house is like mad clean atm. You can sleep on the carpets. I have to keep it that was cause a crew is coming to film at my place for an upcoming project on Monday. Tres exciting 🙂 Ok, TED afternoon session is about to start! I’m ready to be INSPIRED! Hope you are having a wonderful day. PS: I’m not affraid of babies anymore. Look at Isabella, she is just too cute for words. MISS YOU! I know she can’t read this yet but I just wanna let her know. xo

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A Call to Action #tedxtoronto

This morning has been so inspiring. Currently Broadway Sleep are performing and they are an eight piece group. Great voices, pretty faces. I’m sitting front row with @andrewfstewart @kristenannehill and @chrisunwin. Seen heaps of people today who are all excited and feel proud to be here. You can be here too by dropping into the live stream. I posted the link in my earlier post! Pretty stoked for all the goodness I’m gonna soak up today. If you thought I was positive and excited about life before, just wait till the end of today! Sending love + light from the front row at TedXTO!

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meet my aussie boyfriend the @fullysickrapper

Ok, he’s not my boyfriend but I have a crush on him. He’s Aussie with a hot bod, tattoo,s creativity and a spirit that touches my heart. This is his Life In A Day Submission, I watched it a few times. The video, poem and backing track were created on his 180th day in isolation at a Sydney hospital. He wrote, recorded and edited the video in his hospital room on his macbook. Talk about a nersgasm. I swoon.

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i have so much to tell you i could blog all day

This is me last night at the Bon Jovi concert. It was really fun. Tonight is karaoke with my friends but first a TweetUp along King Street that’s all free. I have a zillion photos to share and stories and more. Look for the very first guest post from potential intern Jordan. make sure you let me know what you think of her coverage. She’s one of the Little Monsters this Lady Blogga sent to report and event. I’m looking forward to seeing it too! Ok, must ruin home & change then run out again. Thank you for reading and being part of my life, I truly love sharing it with you. I hope your day has been awesome and is it’s not already, they get off your ass and go do something fun/crazy. You only live once baby! xoxo CASIE P.S. This cracks me right up.  It’s a series from New Zealand. Pure hilar. JA-NIECE!!!!!!

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annual trinity bellwoods garage sale = great finds

The park is a hub for hipsters, style and creativity and it all rolls out of peoples closets for this sale each year. It’s my fav one to attend and I didn’t know it was on until a impromptu conversation after my lovely brekky at Niche. I picked up this awesome vintage purse from Brazil. All leather and so similar to one that Mum has (Jenie has it at the moment). I was a super hipster and grabbed a Vice mag from American Apparel on my way h0me. Got this sweet little collar and old gloves. They look so elegant! There’s a cool art installation in the park for Luminato right now. Crazy boat thingy you walk through with all these clinitygy-clangity sounds. This is a really crazy week.  It’s NXNEi, MMVA lead in to Sunday, hair appt tomo with Darren, lots of posts to write and heaps to get done. I know I can do it.  I have faith in myself. Good thing I spend so many years partying, staying up late, drinking and working hard…work hard play hard has been good training for this week. Ha! Happy Monday! Love you xo

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with your feet in the air and your head on the ground

up early feeling great. doing work today. blogs. magazine. facebook. twitter. doesn’t feel like work. could do it all day. i do. you’re doing it. just want you wanted to. i’m proud of you. realization motivation reach for the sky its not as far as you think

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i’m in love with someone

i want your everything, as long as it’s free, I want your love,  love-love-love, I want your love……

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believe in your self, dedication and discipline

This article was in the Toronto Metro yesterday & written by Rea McNamara. If you click on it you can read it  easier (Mum/Dad/friends).  I’ve worked really hard the last couple years on this whole social media thing. SO MANY late nights at home alone  with my computer, fiddling around with blog posts, learning HTML, installing/fixing wordpress plugins, editing photos and more. I’ve got over 21,000 tweets for christs sake, that’s a big time investment right there. Building a brand online takes work,  it takes work every single day whether you are building it for personal or business use. You just gotta stick at it. One of the best things I learned from my Mum is “just because you don’t have money, doesn’t mean you can’t compete, it just means you have to be more creative“. Creativity & determination don’t cost anything, yet they have gotten me further than anything else.  All the social media sites I use are FREE. I use them often and yes, it takes up lots of my time but THAT has been my investment. It’s also how I got one of the coolest jobs ever. Thank you for the feedback & positive comments. I love hearing from you. Got some great messages from people lately that inspire me to stick at it when sometimes I don’t feel like internetting. April 27th is my blog’s birthday and I think it deserves a party.

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you’ve been saying that for years, just do it

I thought about working out. Always happens around now. I start thinking about summer and I really wanna work out. The thing is, I don’t ACTUALLY like working out or the gym. I was kinda into it before Cuba. I’m a jerk cause I’ve always been petite and never really got into the habit of working out. It gives me anxiety for some reason. I usually start by eating less and think about being skinny.  It actually works if you realllllly use your brain. I might start going with a friend who’s totally NOT scared of the gym. I recon I’ll need a bit of an ass whooping to get there but I know I can do it. Well, I don’t KNOW I can but I’m gonna have to fake it until I do.

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