i don’t speak java but i can if you like

This is true. Remember that one. Rumor has it you can find this written all over the city. Positive grafitti is my fav. Hearts too. Well, hello there Hi I was heading to a research place where I ate this for lunch.  Basically selling little bits of my brain to mordern science. I am so very diverse in my skill set. You have no idea, I got mad skillz. We followed Starbucker with a visit to the Toy Store. Look what I got, a sheep, baaaaaaa. She loves it, Hello Kitty. This is worth a few good laughs. A couple years back I worked at Hemingways in Yorkville. I knew Martin the owner (a Kiwi) and thought as a New Zealand person they really should hire me. They did. I loved working there so much. It was really fun, the people were awesome and I made good tips. I was there during film fest time which is the best time to be there. We had a very fun time. Eli was great cause he offered to take our photo but he had no idea what he was getting into. After about 10 photos, he got it. Raymi played me Bad Romance on the jukebox. Have you heard mama monster’s new jam Sheibe? She says “I don’t speak German but I can if you like”. Hence title of this post, perhaps you made the connection already? This is the happy face of me talking about New Zealand Mountains with another kiwi. Annnnnnnnd we’re back. Eye spy Raymi has the camera. Nice new cards BTW. I need new cards now that Virgin America dropped the news yesterday about stopping service to Toronto. I’ll talk about that later. Too frustrated about it right now, must remain calm and not have a freakout. Imagine…

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yesterday on twitter, this happened:

hot tub time machine: it’s like a mini vacation http://goo.gl/fb/Y39q2 #blog # Great Read: 7 Vices of Highly Creative People http://j.mp/dS3g3i cc @michaelnus # sick but social http://twitpic.com/3oxfcs # hot tub time machine http://goo.gl/fb/1bWKO #blog # best thing about being sick – not being hungry 🙁 # can someone please make this for me and bring it over? ILU forever http://bit.ly/gm2M64 # we're not in kansas anymore. RT @wafflesgirls: heel click teleportation technology is criminally underdeveloped. get on it scientists! # sisters http://on.fb.me/hlg3SN # well written my love RT @amforever: ashes to ashes. smoking bull rider… moving slow like a ballet. # parkdale landmark http://on.fb.me/hwHgSg @raymitheminx # There's three asian dudes here dancing & playing 'genie in a bottle' so cute. #hottub http://twitpic.com/3ovqwj # hot tub would be good for my cold eh? or no. pool is no i reckon but hot tub is good. # one of you guys works at #TheCounter @thompsontoronto don't you? i can't remember who it is!! # #HELP need a cool dinner spot downtown #toronto to take my old boss for dinner next week? she is cool & in fashion. would like to impress. # what do you think of the new Brit? #holditagainstme # stoked for today's #yandr # being sick is kinda inspiring or making me delusional – chicken soup for the hipster's soul? # got this email over the weekend: http://bit.ly/e3qhhB # email subject: thanks for being inspirational http://goo.gl/fb/eFvKe #blog # do you ever have such runny nose that you do this? no laughing at me ok. wahhh. http://dailybooth.com/u/77zzg # BED RT @i_am_joey: chicken soup. vicks RT @casiestewart: sneeze. kleenex. RT @i_am_joey: sniff sniff RT @casiestewart: @i_am_joey wahhhh # sneeze. kleenex. RT @i_am_joey: sniff sniff RT @casiestewart: @i_am_joey wahhhh # i think i might have a cold. he's hiding but slowly…

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snowy snowy day eight: photodiary

stay off the tracks, dress for the weather so Nana of me to close my eyes. she always does that. do we look alike? hi sister what’s in your basket there miss? cougar hunter netbook, ipad, phone, nella bella bag and some other jazz so pretty: harbourfront centre food market. no food, no market. snow roads ride that baby, nice snow seat warm wool socks are ffrom the kia toa rugby club in new zealand. lynsie working, so pretty. jenie made this today before i woke up. i added music. i love the snow. going tobogganing in trinity bellwoods park at 4pm if you wanna join the cool kids. open invite! see ya on the slope 😉 haha

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yesterday on twitter, this happened:

Gabe on Jeopardy is a babe. # I favorited a YouTube video — Empire Of The Sun – Walking On A Dream (Video) http://youtu.be/eimgRedLkkU?a # any bets on how long that lasts? # i have not been drunk yet this year. # worst thing that happened to you this week? #fuckthisweek (@casiestewart live on http://twitcam.com/3en8l) # http://twitcam.com/3en8l – on now can you see? # oh na na whats his name? my baby (@casiestewart live on http://twitcam.com/3en8l) # aaaand we're live http://twitcam.livestream.com/3en8l w/@shawnhawaii # i have a baby (@casiestewart live on http://twitcam.com/3en8l) # wanna hang out with me @shawnhawaii? yeah you do. going live on twitcam sooooo……. #TGIF # http://twitpic.com/3nwfj8 # who is the most beautiful person you know ? (inside an… — myself. haha i kid i kid. i dunno, i know lots of very… http://4ms.me/fiN4oH # yo howd u get through the holiday season. do you have … — i set goals all the time, makes it not so hard when ne… http://4ms.me/hODLWY # shit. less than 50 peeps till i hit 5,000. what should i do to celebrate? i wish i had 5,000 of something to give away. rice? # say my name say my name wear it out, oh na na, whats my name? on nanana hahaha # "i am in your phone" RT @flashpunk: Peekaboo! (cc: @casiestewart) http://plixi.com/p/68469972 # hellooooo, is anybody out there? how are you celebrating this freezing friday? my friend is comi… http://dailybooth.com/u/75myo # Jerk chicked sandwich is so damn good. (@ Ackee Tree) http://4sq.com/fgdCjv # Huskies are so warm that sometimes I do this @moovbootcanada… http://twitpic.com/3nuudh # Gonna treat myself to something nice after my hot lunch date w/ @lulula. #TGIF # beuller? RT @DaveColeman: @casiestewart can you help me make #crankydave trend in Toronto 😉 # yes. i'm a NZ citizen.…

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time for change: july august september 2010

These are some of my fav things from earlier this year: tweetgasm 1 @ the gladstone i saw bon jovi in concert rant about reality went to smirnoff party, (the one i later was in the commericial for) i got a piercing in my FACE i entered the biggest contest of my life and ALL OF YOU VOTED for ME. #genyto august 2010 i was a domestic diva went to TedxTO i was in NEW ZEALAND for Fashion Week. front row at every show.

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GIFTING DAY 9: creating @lifeEXPERIENCES baby!

Morning! Just got off the phone with a certain helicopter company on Toronto Island, I’m going on a heli tour of Toronto! YEP! What an experience it will be. I can’t wait to video it see what the city looks like from a birds eye view. I’ve got a few good looks at the city In the last six week’s with all my traveling but never have I ever been in a HELICOPTER. OMFG. Weeeeeeee. Today,  I’m giving YOU a $50 gift certificate for lifeEXPERIENCES so YOU can experience something really cool too. Today’s prize makes a great gift or an excellent way to treat yourself. There’s heaps of spa packages and dining experiences etc. lifeEXPERIENCES is a collection of gift escapes designed especially for those peeps who wanna get the most out of life. You know that’s right up my alley! You can find lifeEXPEREINCES at Shoppers Drug Mart, Walmart, or with RBC & HBC Rewards.While you’re onlne, like ’em on Facebook and follow on Twitter. To win today’s contest, log in below w/ Twitter, Facebook or DISQUS and tell me: What has been YOUR your fav life expereince in life so far? Mine has to be snorkeling in the Caribean Ocean or swimming with dolphing in the Bay of Islands New Zealand. Contest is open to anyone in Canada.

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GIFTING DAY 5: you thirsty?

Earlier this year I went to New Zealand for New Zealand Fashion Week. It was an amazingly awesome trip. Words can not explain all the fun things  I did, the photos and blog posts will give you an idea but you need to ask me in person to really know. Thank you to Patty Huntington, Anna Jobz, the whole NZFW team, designers, sponsors and people I met for making it so freaking awesome-never-forget-fun. Today I share with you a story and a something from my little wee wine library. My most anticipated show for NZFW was Stolen Girlfriends Club.  It was the show I knew I’d like. This pic is me after the show w/ Venus who was my totally awesome Minder for the week. The fashion show ended with a cannon of confetti and roses. A cute boy caught a rose and gave it to me, there was glitter in my hair. I sat front row and centre and we were all in  an old theatre. Someone pointed out that the girl on the poster for the show looked kinda like me. Pretty neat. This was the final outfit.  The models all lined up then the ‘couple’ came out last.  That’s when the cannon went off. I love the clothes they make, the jewellry and how they put on a show. So hot. You know who else was there that night? And who had been tweeting away becoming friends before I even arrived on the scene? Kim Crawford Wines. (Found out the other day K.C Wine is Mum’s fav from NZ!). The people were all so nice and it was a pleasure meeting them. Everyone drank out of  little jars, it was fun.  The other day I recieved a case of Sauvignion Blanc and Pinot Noir from Kim Crawford…

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hello LALA LAND, i’m comin’ w/ my @nellabellabrand!

Was frantic yesterday running around looking for something to wear in Dallas that is ‘Western inspired’. Have no fear, the tickle trunk I like to call my closet room is chalk full of theatricical outfits. Jeans hanging up there are my Shop Girls Yoga Yeans, only jeans I’ve worn since I got them. Really comfy and slimming, this all coming from someone who does not like wearing pants so, I mean serious. Keri also came through with a rodeo shirt that will be perfect. I knew exactly what I was looking for and it was surely not this. Well, in some variation but not together… Before shopping I stopped by to see the lovely Tarek at Nella Bella and look what I got… BTW took the nose ring hoop out (Mum :)) so Dallas and customs don’t think I’m a punk. Shaved head/mohawk style looks kinda punky but the blonde hair is distracting, so… I try to take the safest route and go for cuteness when I visit to the airport. I feel like thatis somehting @barbiestyle (aka Barbie) would say. Haha. I wonder if I will see that one customs guy again? Whoa, tangent. Back to this this lovely HUGE bag, he said I needed this colour for LA. SO true. Thank you! I picked up a couple others that will come out during my travels. One is the famed Nella Bella London bag in red. The small part holds my passport and essentials and the big part fits my iPad (Andy) and netbook (Robert) in it perfectly. The big yellow guy is so handsome. If you ever wonder the white rabbit furry guy is from Ruby Boutique in New Zealand. Ok, flight time. Catch ya on the flip side AKA, in the air on Virgin America!

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yesterday on twitter, this happened:

Date night w/ TMN & HBO. Saving myself for #smirnoffexperience tomorrow night! Will you be there? # Whoa. When did I miss @VictorNewman storming out on @mrsnikkinewman? Girl, you gonna have to change that handle btw. # yandr # mum is using toronto company http://bitstorm.com to get internet while on her sailing trip. to bahamas. she's so connected. makes me proud. # so cute mum telling me boat drama from the marina w/ boaters. soap opera, boat opera! # on skype w/ mum <3 # generalized anxiety disorder: Canada: Between 3-5 percent of adults http://bit.ly/fpMb72 # downloading classes from @ukabbalah # whoa bond girl name jenie stewart (sis) is casey casum http://twitpic.com/3afh8b # the thinking and dreaming song(YouTube http://youtu.be/zQ5Grncdjlc?a) # Photo: why do birds suddenly appear? http://tumblr.com/xmjrzzvg0 # the MO'ning after#movember w/! @irieras @KeriBlog @itsbrownbarbie http://dailybooth.com/u/6akc2 # Photo: holy cats. want. http://tumblr.com/xmjrzp2le # Oh snap @keriblog just stopped by w/ 21LB turkey for Sunday's #Turducken # Photo: new zealand http://tumblr.com/xmjrzm0fo # Photo: love this sweater and skipping through fields. http://tumblr.com/xmjrzlztg # MOvemblog: https://casiestewart.com/2010/11/26/movember-gala #movember #toronto # Photo: he is very cute. what’s his name? so grown up now. http://tumblr.com/xmjrziebq # Photo: like these tattoos. NSFW. http://tumblr.com/xmjrzicjn # you're in trouble @kurtgooden #movember http://twitpic.com/3adpsm # george michaels? #movember http://twitpic.com/3adnmv # Mr. @MichaelNus @ #Movember Gala http://twitpic.com/3adkx2 # Video: quite funny: ellen/modern family girl prank gingesnap: http://tumblr.com/xmjrz5ckr # Photo: › florence. ILU. http://tumblr.com/xmjrz5ais # omg SNOW! # Me & Mr. #Movember Toronto 2010 http://twitpic.com/3ad071 # Me & Mr. #Movember Toronto 2009 http://twitpic.com/3aczx3 # twitter is smart: #FF @raymitheminx @michelsavoie http://twitpic.com/3acvpt #

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quiz: you haz twitter account yes or no?

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have you ever been to sky city?

It’s a real place, although it sounds imaginary. It’s an entertainment company in New Zealand. I reckon one of my best Kiwi mates is in their commericals at the momment. Kms can you confirm? Venus have you seen my friend? I’ve been quite missing NZ since I went back. Now that I’m grown up and I went, I got a taste and I’m hungry for more. Just found out my best cuz is having a BABY. Yes Mum/Dad/Gay, Matthew! Him and I are the closest, four days apart. He came to visit me in Australia at Uni, crazy mofo, like me but a handsome young man. I really want a hungi. Do you know what that is? it’s a traditional Marori way of cooking food in the ground. Best meal ever. If I have a wedding ever there willbe a hungi and Dad will do the haka with my uncles. He, whoever he is, will be scared. Our sky was very pretty yesterday. Drove all over the city. So pretty the sky on a sunny day. Do you take a minute to look up? Can you see the Tower? It’s hiding. Went to a friends new photography studio. If you want/need space with all the equipment. Ask me, I hook you up. You can take my photo too if you like. Love picture taking. Imma play with some of the gear over the winter and see what I can cook up for you, internet. That was yesterday. Those skintone lacey tights are from Winners. Been asked a bunch so what the hell, I’ll reveal my secrets! Have an awesome day xo

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TGIF: dear life, i love you so much. i really do.

You know the Friday roundup, it goes like this TGIF, something from Twitter, Google, Internet and Facebook I found interesting/funny/wanna tell you about from this week. This week has been really great. Twitter: This happened…OMFG. Annouced on Twitter. Talk about giant step… I want a ring like her so bad just like every single girl in the world. I’d like a right hand one personally. I’m not ready for someone to take my left hadn yet. Did you know my full name is Casie Diana Stewart and Mum picked my middle name after Princess Diana. I love her, Diana and Mum. (MISS YOU MUM!!) This is also some good advice from my friend and New Zealand hottie Isaac. Wise words babe. Google: Do you ever use your Google profile? Mine’s here. Here are some people you may want to Google: Ego Assasin– Latex Designers in Toronto: Going to the studio next week. We’re planning a sweet as Virgin inspired flight attendant outfit. SO hot. Can’t WAIT. Ostara Spa:We met on Twitter and they have graciously invited me in for a 90 minute massage. I am so looking forward to it. They are located on King Street downtown. If you wanna make an appt call them at (416) 777-9696. Internet: My friend Jay’s company Rock Parlor Clothing is doing it’s part for Movember with these rad rockin’ t’s , all proceeds going to Prostate Cancer Canada. HOLY SHIT BALLS lok at this. This is the game I’ve been playing like 8,000 hours of on my iPad. Angry Birds. Facebook: This week started with big news from Facebook that basically took over my whole entire Twitter stream for a day > Facebook is rolling out email. Full deets on Mashable or anywhere on the internet. In other FB news, they have a…

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he called me brainy hot and he said that was the best hot in the world. thank you for that.

I used to do these Friday posts that were called TGIF: Twitter, Google, Internet, Facebook. A roundup of some of my fav things from around the week this week. Guess what? I’m bringing it b-b-b-back. Here we go. Please comment, it’s nice when you share, I share, we share. Twitter: Influence. It’s a word that gets tossed around on the internet when talking about brands and people and ROI and social media but what does that really mean? The big draw I feel used to be traffic, if you had traffic, you had influence. Thanks to Twitter and a couple other sites, traffic on your blog is not the only way to measure. There’s more that come into play, attitude, reputation, audience. Brands want to connect with people that represent the same things they stand for, people who identify with the brand make it more authentic. (A word now totally over used BTW.) For example, Virgin America is a great brand match for me, I’m a cheeky little rabble-rouser, I like to have fun and I reckon Sir RB and I will make good friends. (P.S. we meet in Dallas Dec. 1st). Klout was recently featured in the Globe & Mail and I think what they are doing is great. Here’s a snippit: “In the fast-changing social media world, influence is becoming increasingly important as companies start to focus more on who is leading conversations as opposed to how many conversations are happening. In many respects, there is more emphasis on quantity rather than quality. “ Google: Check out my commercial from the Smirnoff Canada Graphic party in July 19th at Andrew Richard Designs in Toronto. Been chatting NYC agency and girl’ be getting paid.  I’ve done a bunch of tv/movie stuff in the past and I think I’m ready…

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i’m available

It’s true. No, I’m not looking for dates but I am looking to get together to talk with cool smart people who like to work with other cool smart people. I’m finishing up a contract this week and available as a consultant. I like to create fun campaigns that engage people online and connect them with cool brands.  I also like to get people off the couch and create experiences. I’m not camera shy or afraid of public speaking and I love having my picture taken. Since leaving CTV as MuchMusic & MTV‘s social media guru/content writer, my life has been really exciting. Over the last two months…I did red carpets and celebrity soirees during Toronto International Film Fest (TIFF). I spent 10 days in New Zealand with as an International VIP sitting front row at NZ Fashion Week (NZFW).  I hopped on a plane to San Francisco and met with the Virgin America team as their cheekly-little-rabble-rouser in Toronto. This week I am the spokesperson for the Arm Yourself campaign with GSK and for the next year, I am your Virgin America Provocateur. I’m young, smart, creative and a bank rich w/ ideas. If you would like to talk email me! Oh, I am so funny 🙂 Creep me on LinkedIn here.

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yesterday on twitter, this happened:

i’m a wicked multitasker. ftw. # i hate that paper.li. it’s UG-Li. # Well done Dana 😉 RT @danadearmond: You’re like half of mount rushmore, two faced! -burn I just made up. @danadearmond 2010 # oh my BF, Gubler, you are so handsome. ILU> HEAPS. # been stalking a few people online. makes me feel good cause i know peeps be creepin on me and my blog w/out comments & shiz. totes fair. # uh huh @issarged. niiiiiiice. http://twitpic.com/316rar # lookin good @crystalgibson 🙂 #140characters http://twitpic.com/316qwc # just for you my sweet @morgan_c_ross 😉 http://twitpic.com/316qgh # anyone know someone at @TBWA? kinda stalking them atm. http://twitpic.com/316p1w # Photo: omg. http://tumblr.com/xmjncepgf # thinking i will be a dominatrix style vampire friday night for people downtown’s halloweener party. yeah? # or bring me to your gym for a class. i dunno what i like or wanna do for exercise but i need to do something. beach trips in december! # omg love chatting w/ mates from NZ, reply “Na bro” sooooooooo kiwi. # have you got some yet today? https://casiestewart.com # i need a trainer or fitness classes, something for 1 month. 30 day challenge > you will be blogged. email me: [email protected] # I’ve favourited a YouTube video — Matthew Gray Gubler: The Unauthorized Documentary http://youtu.be/u2Ll4LAoeZE?a # Photo: › FASHION HAIUKU: › › First page of your blog › › Jeffrey Campbell “Lita” Boots › › Navigate away. http://tumblr.com/xmjnc5zg2 # Photo: Christy was my fav model growing up. › [Mystery solved] (you were right, @randtm!). › › Christy… http://tumblr.com/xmjnc5v37 # Photo: › my BF Gubler in Terry’s glasses. http://tumblr.com/xmjnc5s6l # Photo: my BF and terry terrysdiary:Me and Gubler in my studio. http://tumblr.com/xmjnc5p4w # i am in love with matthewgray gubler. hey mgg, calll mee! # “having fun isn’t hard when you’ve…

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hi, how are you today?

Fine. Sitting on the couch drinking water and eating Marmite on bread. Had a great night out with my sister last night. I’m closer to her than ever and it’s crazy how well we know each other. We are afterall sisters, but really good friends too which is awesome. I really appreciate her and that she lives in the city . We don’t see Dad that much cause he’s in Cambridge and Mum is sailing on her boat on the East Coast of the USA. LOVE YOU GUYS! Lots of stuff this week. Monday night is TweetgasmTO at the Gladstone. Tuesday night I have something I forgot to put in my calendar and I hate when I do that. Hopefully writing this now and reading it later will remind me what the heck it is. Thursday is Sabrina’s birthday. There’s always stuff hapenin’ on Thursday. Friday I will be at Dundas Square all day for an event follow me at @armyourself_gsk for deets on that. Friday night is the People Downtown Halloween party. Saturday, I reckon I will need sleep/home alone time. Sunday is Halloween yahooooooooo. I will be at Parts & Labor for a private show with Broken Social Scene that is hosted by Virgin America and the Torontoist. I really hope Emily & Feist are there. That would be great, I have a crush on them both. Next week I’ve got a spa thing at the Cosmopolitan Hotel and a lesson in DJing. Imagine I was a DJ? Imagining………..  In New Zealand I met this babe blogger from the UK named Gala Gonsales who DJ’s. I think that’s hot. This is gonna be a good week and busy week. It’s almost November already. So crazy. Looking forward to Movember and all the moustaches that will be floating around.…

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if you have known me for a long time…

you know what this means

My boyfriends back and we’re gonna be in trouble. Hey la day laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa my boyfriends BACK! If I were you I’d take a permanent vacation. Hey la hahahahahahahahaaaaa! Hailwood SS2011 jumper from New Zealand Fashion Week. Thanks ADRIAN!! LIL’ WAYNER. Cash money. Happy Saturday. I’m gonna make some more blood now and put it on my face. Bye 🙂

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is a reaction what you are looking for @globeandmail? annoying.

I’m heading to San Francisco tomorrow to meet with Virgin America. I was recently in New Zealand ,as you know, and had a wonderful experience with international people and companies. So, as  I was walking today I thought, “maybe I should consider jobs outside of Canada, it seems there is more opportunity for a young lady like myself”. Then I saw this. Urgh. Rolls eyes. I get it that it’s meant to draw attention issues about ‘women in power’ or make people pipe up and talk about the brain drain but like, seriously? I feel like the bunch of “old school people” sat together in a room and decided “this is a great idea”. Meanwhile, as a young person, it makes me think “hey maybe that’s right” and does NOT make me want to join the discussion AT ALL. To me, this billboard is silly. You get more bee’s with honey. Traditional news can be so annoying, this is a prime example.

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i used to have poetry blog

on myspace. it’s a time warp… january 2005: bio hello, my name is casie. welcome! welcome to the wonderful world of casie. you are about to be introduced to my life that is filed with light, love and excitement. i live in toronto and love it. i work downtown in recruiting. if you are in IT and need a JOB…ask me. i also work for moxie promotions. i love helping people and believe that giving is its own gift. it makes me feel happy. i like to write things. i like to read books and magazines. i like to make things and sew things too. creativity is a big huge part of my life in everything i do. i love music, all kinds. i am inspired by so many simple pleasures. i love being in front of the camera or having my picture taken. i love sun. i love the sand, the ocean and surfing. i really really love good style. fashion is deffinatley my passion! i enjoy playing bongo drums and dancing in the park. i love to dance arms over my head. there is nothing like reading a good book! i am a canadian born kiwi from new zealand. i have been to NZ for many visits and i used to live in australia.  bondi beach is my happy place! my life is filled with light and energy and i try to radiate that where ever i go. i love to have fun. a twitter bio is now 160 characters – my how times change. myspace seems so cluttered and ugly now. it’s just a mess of patchy conversations with people i don’t really know. the ones i do know never use it, unless they are in a band but i rarely ever check myspace. it’s the last…

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sorry but i just don’t have a face for radio ok

This weekend was a good one for me. I didn’t clean my room (like planned) or have thanksgiving dinner but I did make changes to my blog, hang out with friends and do a radio show. Take a peek around, I’ve added some pages, changed links from redish to hot pink, and a few other tweaks here and there. Let me know what you think. Big, UPS to Patrick from Toronto City Life for helping. You rule dude. We’re kicking things up a notch at the casiestewart.com office. PAWS UP. On Sunday afternoon while many of you were stuffing yourselves, I was a guest on Perpetual Radio Network’s Social Media Show. I dropped  in to discuss Toronto International Film Fest (TIFF), New Zealand Fashion Week (NZFW), the Virgin America Provocateur contest/win, influencers and much more. Give a listen or download the podcast for the train ride home today. It’s free and awesome. Happy Monday 🙂 P.S Check out Ontario Microfit: This program offers substantial benefits for home and business owners who develop small or ‘micro’ renewable solar power systems of 10 kilowatts or less. Yay envirinment!

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the things you own begin to own you

Can someone please come clean my room? All I want to do is internet and it won’t clean itself. I like to drive around, take photos and tell you about it. This is my life. A happy day or them, a nice photo for me. A story for everyone. What’s happening here? I dream about living in a big old house with tree covered streets. I grew up in a place with lots of trees. Our house was close to a river. Found Lynsie’s prints at Pretty Freedom in Kensington on a stroll. Coney Island, I will see you with my own eyes one day. Blue Banana, eye spy something from a New Zealand family I know so well. Brittle I love too. Mirror ring so pretty. Fun for late night party goers possibly? Nice nails too Sabrina. These tights are coming to Canada. I am bringing them. Would you like a pair? Tell me.  We can haz lots of colours. Yes, these are my new boots. I will wear them like regular boots, wherever, whenever. I should be cleaning my room right now. I have internet addiction and I like it. Do you like it? Maybe you have it too!

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cute article on thread.co.nz – DEREK DRESSES CASIE

Thread.co.nz is New Zealand’s home of fashion online. On the last day of New Zealand Fashion Week, Derek Fabulous and I went shopping with the Editor of Thread Megan Robinson and it was a RIOT (as you will see). Please note I am wearing a Foursquare shirt. I’m so styling, nerdy and cool at the same time, haha. Read the article here, it’s really cute (all the pix link to it as well). Follow Derek on Twitter & @threadNZ for style from NY & NZ. I laughed so hard when Derek put this on his face. He was like, totally serious. DEREK I MISS YOU DAH’LING! “Grabbing a frilled tulle skirt, Derek used it to whip Casie as he held onto the reins of her leather waistcoat.” This was my fav outfit: “Casie in a 40s swimsuit, leopard jacket and red velvet hat.” No pants baby. Gaga this one’s for you! PAWS UP!

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Got no diamonds, got no wealth. I got no man, but I got my health.

Love this tune. How great of a movie is Beaches? I remember watching in in the basement on a Saurday morning, early, with my sister. Sad but so happy their friendship those two. The shirt above is Cybelle from NZ. My fav Orly nail polish in shiny Black Out and Joe Fresh matte lipstick in Poppy.  A couple of my recently acquired  new favourites. Went to Shopgirls Gallery Boutique the other day and got some Yoga Jeans. Great little shop it is, located in Parkdale and carries all kinds of Canadian designers. All the staff are artists and they have gallery space on the walls. They have a blog, Twitter and are on FB too. Michelle the owner took me around and we perused all the Canadian designers. Look at her in the gorgeous collar. I want! These are the Yoga Jeans I picked, signature limited edition made for Shopgirls exclusively, down to the last couple pairs ones. Check me out, Shopgirls logo there. This is the standard lunge test. It works, they are SUPER stretchy. Wont lose their shape. Retail around $110 which is totes reasonable. I never wear jeans and wore them all day yesterday, deff Casie approved. The best pants I’ve worn in a while. Go to the boutique and get some of your own it is at 1342 Queen Street West. They are probably open call 416 534 7467 to check first. It reminded me of a little shop I might see in Ponsonby, Auckland filled with New Zealand designers. I love all these kinda things with feathers and lace and leather. This table was so cool. Made from bicycle parts as you can see. I’d love to see Dad make one of these. Hey Dad, can you make this? I know you can, I mean…

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yesterday on twitter, this happened:

Video: ohswan: http://tumblr.com/xmjkm5e9d # is that you in the background @cellguru? #agencyball # what do you get if you win #agencyball # OH “this is the internet we can do whatever we want” via @joelreilly #agencyball – not really watching but your commentary is entertaining # oh hello there #agencyball # took a couple cold meds now comes fun time. T-30 to K.O. # michelleforan: http://tumblr.com/xmjklsi5x # omg dancing with the stars. baby, love you. so good at dancing. # speedonbigboy asked: If your dad has any old photos or what-not from when he had the shop please post them… http://tumblr.com/xmjklhfhr # Jeopardy time. #

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dreaming of far away places with you my love

Two tone tights by Adrian Hailwood, New Zealand. I was given them by Adrian during New Zealand Fashion Week. Check out these ones with three colours. I want them all. Not feeling so hot today. Don’t have time to be sick either. Waiting for the crew to ge here to film something for an upcoming campaign later this month. I can’t tell you just what yet but I’m the spokesperson. My first gig like this and I really hope for more. I love being on camera and promoting things I like. This week is less busy than all of September. Thank god. I can’t afford to burn out. Dreaming of a vacation in January. Where should I go?

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nzfw – day one

update 1: lovely sleep in my monster sized bed last night. caught derek on a  new zealand breakfast show then headed with him and his handler to the venue. me venus at the media breakfast onsite. tasty brekky snacks and coffee. nails done by magic tan & beauty, hair done by ghd, makeup mac. wearing andy hall blazer, vintage skirt, nella bella bag. oh hai ghd hair + mac makeup lounge venus getting hair did saw juliette hogan show this morning and now running to sera lilly. having the best time. love you xo

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imma eat you up.

This is my fav shiz right here – Jaffas, Minties, Pineapple Lumps (got them in the freezer), a dark chocolate Peanut Slab and a meat pie. I loooooove these guys, this stuff is New Zealand ledgendary to me. I will bring some home. It’s really fun to be a Canadian/Kiwi here for Fashion Week. I am stoked to see a bunch of shows tomorrow. Met lots of nice peeps this evening. Wore a dress by Canadian Designer Paris Li -looking forward to seeing what she says after I styled it up kinda different. It was #3  (see here) from when I tried on dresses at her place. You wont recognize when I show you tomorrow, I insist on being different. Meet my minder Venus Tong tomorrow morning at breakfast to sort out what shows I am attending. She is a babe. They have all day music videos on more than one channel. Remember when our music stations had that? It was my fav. Found this new song today by Kimbra on JuiceTV, their site is cool. The video caught my eye and the beat crawled up in my ears and made my body wanna move arond. Toes tapping. I am having fun.

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