Take a Different Look, See Things Differently

Had a good day working at home yesterday. Finished it off with a bevy downstairs at the Fox with Shan. My trend of winter hibernating has a bit of a new meaning now that I have to go less than 20 steps to a place where real humans hang out. Arrived there with two day old hair in a headband, huge Nana sweater, baggy harem pants from Raymi and an over sized fur. Trust me it sounds more glam than it looked. Man repelling hard. Watched a few episodes of United Stated of Tara on Netflix when I got home and discovered this cool thing from Google Earth. Check out these cool interactive polar panorama images. Nana’s old house in New Zealand: Napier Road, Palmerston North, Manawatu-Wanganui. Behind Nana’s house are these massive windmills and huge hills like in Lord of the Rings,. My old house on Curlewis in Bondi Beach, Australia. It was a fave min ute walk from the beach. I loved living there. You might love this photo, depending what you’re into. 😉 Been thinking heaps about moving back there. Some days the desire is so strong. Yesterday was one of them. The house I live in until I was 21 in Cambridge. Condo city, heaps of tall glass buildings, concrete jungle and the CN Tower. I love this city, it will always be home no matter where I end up. Check out this creepy “Like a Doll” shoot I saw on Valfre’s blog. Man I love that girl. I don’t know her but I love her style and creativity.  She posts the cutest things and I really rad drawings. Isn’t it cool how you get to know a blogger through their creative expression? Starting to plan things for SXSW in March. Super stoked to go, I’ve been dreaming…

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“Fate leads the willing and drags the rest.”

Mum woke me up, said she was excited. Reminds me of myself, sometimes I just can’t sleep I get so energized thinking about things happening that I spring out of bed and greet the day. She said she’s still excited from the Nutcracker and tomorrow I’m bringing her to the city with me. EXCITING! Wearing new sweater by Toronto designer Valentine K today. I was gifted it just before Christmas and have been saving it for dinner tonight with my two other sisters (Steve’s daughters). It’s cashmere and leather and so divine. See on FB here. Will take some nice photos (aka with an actual camera) when I get home from shopping. Mum always cuts out articles from the local paper for me. This one was about a guy who started an art project ‘Talent next Door’ with city hall and now is working on second and third books. The articles are always about writing, youth entrepreneurship, local designers or art. All the things I love really. She’s got inspiring messages all over the house. There’s New Zealand and Maori stuff all over the house too. These photos are from the Maori reserve in Rotorua. I’ve been there. Anyone else? I miss New Zealand and my family heaps. Had coffee & fruit salad for breakfast today. I love pineapple but fresh always hurts my tongue. You can avoid this by washing it in salt water. Posted some cute things & style on my fashion blog today. Heading out to get some stuff with mama, she’s looking for a camera, I just wanna drive around! For comedic relief and up the minute adventure diary, follow me on Twitter. Have an awesome day!

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you missed this yesterday

Photo: http://t.co/eIFskg5o # Photoset: i am here with you scrunchycolfer: http://t.co/SGWZ1PJU # Photo: DREAMBOAT. gruesomethursdays: http://t.co/JvRHlddE # Photo: @laurenonizzle BFF FTW, cats cjfuckingsewerzz:there has never been a truer gpoy holy shit. http://t.co/YfkyVNU5 # Photo: need sweater sexy-sweaters:art by me! http://t.co/2BTjkXZx # mydamage: http://t.co/k3s6Ei9l # Photo: http://t.co/DSVMU7Vf # Todays weather – sunny & warm http://t.co/F64asFJX # YYZ > IAH (@ Toronto Pearson International Airport (YYZ) w/ 15 others) [pic]: http://t.co/LqV8XblT # Here We Go Again: Good morning from Pearson airport Gate 272. Boarding shortly… http://t.co/pJt2CRbR #thisismylife # Photo: http://t.co/anmvXSi5 # Video: http://t.co/SZ83nfJ3 # http://t.co/z1uKUT5j # I'm at George Bush Intercontinental Airport (IAH) (2800 N Terminal Rd., Houston) w/ 80 others http://t.co/7GXvb7VZ # This lil' mama has a whole row! http://t.co/S7rsvJ4Q # Leaving Houston, next stop Cancun! iBlogged 😉 http://t.co/1sPrfv7t # Hot & sunny. http://t.co/ZsRRtgGU # Melrose Place http://t.co/RuF3eX7l # Say hello to your money http://t.co/DHifzwJj # Flight Bright: Is it douchey to wear sunnies on the plane? What if it’s so… http://t.co/bJELp1RD #thisismylife # Office/House for the week (@ Thynk Taynk w/ 2 others) [pic]: http://t.co/GsQTygJq # having an international @skype 3way – Canada, New Zealand, Mexico! # RE: @mattjuniper @mattjuniper @thedanlevy Thanks guys! It's nice & warm here. Loving it so far 🙂 #cancuncasie http://t.co/1ZL7ovP2 # love these pix. you guys look great! http://t.co/9btT7uz9 # Shot glasses for everyone this holiday season. #CancunCasie http://t.co/S7vhVpYV # I posted a new photo to Facebook http://t.co/M4QEu4Cy # I've just snapped a new picture: http://t.co/Io2s1OJR # I hear it's snowing in Toronto? We have the AC on and it's very humid 😉 #Mexico # Pretty rad campaign: Unwrap The Night – 360-degree interactive holiday party from BACARDI starring you & friends! via @ http://t.co/VFiXpn5e # the house does the Insanity workout every morning so tomorrow i'm in. get ready to die. #cancuncasie # Photo:…

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Taking the High Road to Paradise

The drive to Montezuma from San Juan is about 5 hours. Many parts of it reminded me of New Zealand, narrow roads and huge green hills filled with trees and clouds. There are six of us on the shuttle all heading to the same area. Barratt from Oakland, LA, Simon from Germany, Carrie a Canadian from Vancouver, Tracey from Italy, and Christine who lives in London. Lucky for the rest of us Tracey & Christine speak Spanish!  Simon is a pretty cute German boy who is here to surf with some dudes form Austria. Throw a shrimp on the barbie! haha. Barratt is a tall, cute ginger with tattoos, argyle socks and a beard. Fun! Carrie is really nice too, reminds me of my Keri Blog from home. Whole crew is good people. I think we might go to the waterfalls together this week. This is Rikki, Barratt’s travel mate.  We stopped in a small village and had coffee for about 45 minutes before catching a 70 minute ferry. I’m reminded how much I love traveling, especially alone. I’m going to start planning a trip to Europe when I get back to Toronto. Ferry fairy. After ferry we met our next driver who took us on this crazayy dirt road on the way to Montezuma. After about 20 min we passed Anamaya Resort where I am staying and it was my turn to leave the pack. This is it… Got lunch soon as I arrived. This whole week is going to be filled with great food. I’m staying in this cabin with Dana, a girl from Vancouver. I am in complete AWE with the views of the resort. This is the most beautiful place I have ever seen. I can’t wait to go surfing tomorrow. The other girls here are super nice and my…

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the loft has some what of an alice in wonderland feeling

 Lauren & I started out at the Loft 404 on Saturday for My City Lives  “One Night in Toronto“. Love that space. Thanks Genna! Have you been there? It’s an “urban oasis”. Reminds me a bit of my Auntie Robyn’s old place somewhere near Ponsonby Road in Auckland, New Zealand. Loved the photo booth in the old elevator. See part pix on My City Lives FB. Hadn’t taken my camera out to a party for a week so I brang her along for the night. Did a brief sting at Wrongbar. Then back again! This shot  is for you Dad. Car inside as a table kinda decoration wall mount. Amira you are RAD  🙂 I played a little tune on the piano and we left to climb through King Street and catch a cab West. We made the walk fabulous before finishing up the night. Emma you looked fabulous. King West on Saturday night is so douchey and crazy. Cop everywhere. No taxis. I usually avoid but this time was unavoidable. No shoes, no shame. Been there, it sucks. Ross is back. We missed him. Lauren blogged some photos on her bloggy here.

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Emotion is an unlimited resource.

“Like power, you get Love by giving it”  Page 53 Been reading this book.  So many good quotes. It starts off with all these references to brands I’ve worked with and countless stories about New Zealand. I had to put it down a few pages in.  I was overwhelmed by coincidences. (They’re not coincidences.) I’ve been in Love with the Saatchi & Saatchi brand for a long time. They’re a Lovemark of mine. Thanks Shannon for the gift, I love it. “Love marks of the new century will be the brands and businesses that create emotional connections with the communities and networks they live in.” Page 60 “Keep it simple: set high standards andthen exceed them. Meet, Beat, Repeat.” Page 62 Marcus Troy posted this today. If you don’t know him he is a smart guys & lifestyle blogger who really gets personal branding. Read about him on LegendsLeague. Page is from the book “Be Great”. I bought it after reading a few pages.

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changing the way we capture the world

Good Morning world! How are you today? I’m thinking I might evacuate my closet of old items and finally see the floor. It’s practically an episode of hoarders in there right now. Shame on me! Tried Chipotle for the first time the other day when I was at YD Square for Koodonation. It was good. Hung out at Peach Berserk this week helping Kingi with some internetty things. She made me a shirt with my face on it 🙂 You know you gonna want one. Lots of nice things in the store. Colour explosion! Looks kinda gloomy out. Winter is coming. The cold yesterday reminded me how much I love to hibernate. Snuggled up on the couch in wool & blankets and fell asleep with the TV on.  New camera arrived Friday, Olympus PEN E-PM1, 12.3 mpx. It’s more compact than the PEN 2 I’ve been shooting with. I’m part of the Olympus Pen Ready Project; 1,000 photographers around the world shooting with the new compact PEN Canera. I’l #884/1000. My profile & photos (will be) here.  Beans & I are about to make brekky. Gonna make a bacon & egg pie today too.  New Zealand staple and no, not a quiche! This water commercial is neat. Thanks to Patricia for sharing.

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A prize for you from us & @Marks. Come get it!

Over the past year I’ve gotten to know Mark’s as they’ve been changing their brand and TBH, they’re way more stylish than I remember as a kid. Yesterday they had a fashion show and we couldn’t make it but we’re giving you a $50 gift card so you can check out their new Fall Lookbook. This time last year I went on a mega shopping spree before New Zealand Fashion Week and picked out all my favourite things. In other words, if you have been paying attention, winning this contest will be easy for you. Here’s how to win: Click here or the image below to see the lookbook & comment your pick. Good luck 🙂 I will send the gift card in the mail with a little note with hopes to make your day. Good luck!

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Autumn Splendor in Tranquil Muskoka

Had an awesome couple days out of the city. After a big 10 day non-stop go-go-go festival, I needed a break. Last year I shipped off to New Zealand for NZ Fashion Week a few days after TIFF and I came back soooo tired. I vowed to give myself a break this year. Purchased the “Autumn Splendor in Tranquil Muskoka” from Jaunt.ca for $99. We stayed at the Bayview Wildwood Resort, Severn Bridge, ON. Food & accommodations were lovely, I enjoyed the view, lake and silence the most. Over the summer I did a Toronto Grafitti Tour and stayed at the SoHo Metropolitan with Jaunt so I knew it would be a good buy. Sammy was all dressed up for the gallery that night and we had limo service. I REALLY wanted to canoe and we could use whatever we wanted form the equipment shed which was nice. Rode bikes when we first arrived then took a canoe for a spin. Canoed to brekky… … and back from the main house to the cottage. I feel relaxed and ready to take on the million things coming up in my calendar from now till the New Year. 2012 FTW! (I kid, I kid) Going away me realize I need to get out of the city more. Thank you Ford Canada for the use of a Fiesta from the media fleet. I loved driving the little thing. Mum also loved it. I drove more than 10 hours including the visit to Mum and going up North. It was great on gas too. Hope your week is off to a relaxing start. Have an awesome day!

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all dolled up and somewhere to go

Took Kate to meet my girls at Doll Bar Inc today. I wanted to get her some flowers. Plucked mine last night Black Swan style.  Lucky for me, they just got a sample of in this rad hot pink Kevin Murphy hair makeup an hour before we showed up. Washes out when you shampoo and goes on like paint. I’ll be rockin’ it tonight at Strombo’s TIFF party at the Hazelton. Funky haircut is done by Darren Kwik Studio  inspired by Zambesi New Zealand.

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these are a few of my favourite things (right now)

This post if full of things that add glitter to my life. Thought I’d share with ya. Bangs from Doll Bar, Olympus PEN, vintage hats. I’ve been trying a new routine of going to bed earlier and waking up earlier. Once you get outta bed, you can really accomplish heaps before the day really started. That’s my September goal: do more before 10am than most people do in a whole day. My October goal is: go to England or New Zealand. Settin’ em high. YES WE CAN. Sprocket Rocket camera from Lomography. I’ve got heaps of film because, frankly, I’m not that good at using the camera so I need to take heaps of shots before I can be considered good. Analogue is haaaarrrrrrd. New duvet cover is the alphabet, say hello to my ALPHA bed. See what I did there? Oh yeah, creative play on words. New flowery pillow looks painted and that eye mask is from Keri. I sleep with an eye mask pretty much every night. I live in a glass box, it’s SO SUPER sunny in the AM! Although, getting to sleep is never a problem thanks to my new memory foam mattress. According to bestmattress-reviews, there are a number of quality options at a lower price than you’d think. Gadget love: iPad (Andy), Macbook Air (James Dean), Android (Motorola DEFY), Logitech wireless mouse. I spend most the day with these guys. Ok, here’s something really amazing….you won’t BELIVE how tall I am with these legendary things strapped on. Aren’t they beautiful? They’re Jeffrey Campbell and I ordered them online at Solestruck. They’re like stilts. Move over Buskerfest. Comfy and good for walking. Film Fest, I am ready for you with my giant shoes. I’ve been using Mereadesso cleanser w/ face & neck toning gel and…

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Sharon, Lois & Bram were my first concert.

Sang this in my head about 2,000 times yesterday. Had a stiff up with my dang email and it stressed me right the effffff out. Anyhoo, we’re back in action and well, that’s that. Enjoy this little ditty. You DO know who SL&B are right? too bad its not in a good way http://t.co/iq6MKog # Toronto speed dating lures women with cops, firemen http://t.co/fW2jqTt # Much love to you @FreakerAmerica. Got ma Freaker in the mail today <3 http://t.co/lBgPr6y # Meeting. (@ Fox & Fiddle) http://t.co/p9XvrGg # Brandon Boyd, shirtness. @IncubusBand pr0n. http://t.co/VhPWl5r #Toronto # RE: @mvern78 Urgh, we ALWAYS miss eachother!! http://t.co/1oUoH9C # RE: @mvern78 I want to. I’m maxed out on friends and have 200+ waiting to be accepted. I need to dedicate some time t… http://t.co/iw2OG4B # Big thanks of the day to @Motorola_CA, I somehow mangled my phone camera, replacement coming tomorrow. #LEGEND # writing & listening to http://t.co/HORYAnO # Ha! Love this. Stocking is the New Planking http://t.co/z4uh5AZ via @eh_eh # see you tonight hot date @brockmclaughlin. flashback to this time last year. look out! # i am slowly going crazy…… # haha @tristanx this is “i am slowly going crazy” Sharon, Lios & Bram FTW http://t.co/a2Dxulh cc @mandimarc # All the #NZFW tweets are making me miss New Zealand so much. Friends & family, ILU. Might have to plan a trip sooner than I thought. # RE: @jonlim Soooooo annoying. Good post 🙂 http://t.co/2nRTD9j # haha via @jonlim http://t.co/XkA1ylZ #rage # Photo: Omg @NZTopModelColin. Your suit. You are a legend!! http://t.co/VYDnAMU #

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Don’t stop believin’, ever.

Thanks Amex for a great night. Journey was awesome live. A night to remember with a bunch of really good people. We got the star treatment from start to finish. Amex has been a good friend, remember last year’s Amex Canvas event when I won my lovely iPad Andy? Won tickets to Ke$ha last night too. Thanks team!  Gotta work my way up to a Gold card. Hint hint 😉 Private dinner was in this lovely area on the water. Thanks for this little guy. Now all I need is a trip & new luggage to match! Short & sweet preso about the new Amex Gold Rewards Card. Lots of features, points & perks. Check out all the deets here. Tweet wall was done really well. Put photos up with Tweets. Nice to see you Breanna! Rannie was out photog. Love this pic. Lamb, chicken, beef, bacon. Yeah. Yum. Mega VIP, drink tickets, food. So awesome. Mucho gracias. Motorola DEFY, glasses from New Zealand, tasty treats. Brownie was divine. Eva your hair looked gorgeous. I wanna braid Sammy’s like that! Louisa from She Does the City, new BFF. SUPER MEGA PACKED HOUSE. Anyone know what band was playing on top of the Amex Lounge? I met Erica Ehm aka Yummy Mummy Club & her lovely husband. She Tweeted our pic and said “here comes trouble“. She was very nice and I told her how I loved her on MuchMusic when I was a kid 🙂 Neat to Molson Amp. it so full them magically empty in a flash. The end.

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a sudden release of energy in the earth’s crust

Busy day ahead today. Meeting after meeting after meeting then dinner meeting with some colleagues. About to have a call with my advertising company in Say Media. Have you even noticed the ads on my blog in the sidebar? They’re for cool stuff like Mercedes, Winners, Wind and the new Caramilk campaign. All fortune 500 companies and nothing cheezy. Saw one for COD Black Ops the other day. After 5+ years of running this blog I reckon you won’t mind seeing ads here. Click & see what they look like, I’m keen to know what you think. Last night as I was going to bed I heard an earthquake measuring 6.5 on the Richter scale was widely felt across the lower North Island where most my family lives in New Zealand. Luckily, everyone is a-ok. Initial reports on GNS’ website show the quake was felt in Wellington, Nelson, New Plymouth and up to the Coromandel (LOVE COROMANDEL!). Aftershocks were not expected & it was too deep to affect Mt. Ruapehu. Looks like I won’t be heading back to NZ for NZFW at this point. I hope that changes! [crosses fingers, makes a wish] I want to go back to NZ & see my family so bad. Chat later my friends. Hope you have an awesome day!

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yesterday on twitter, this happened:

excited for a great week. bon nuit! # watching “Friends with Money” on Netflix. Good movie so far, half way. # Photo: Aggy? http://tumblr.com/xmj37r13lf # Photo: › *This relaxes me. Therefore I like it. http://tumblr.com/xmj37r016q # RE: @ValTorontoGal like, duh. “blog girl gets fat after being paid in chocolate bars” epic fail omgaga.  http://disq.us/2f5ydv # RE: @zachbussey Exactly! Last year I went to New Zealand for 2 weeks as VIP for #NZFW 10 bloggers from around the wo… http://disq.us/2f5kls # new photo is hot @danadearmond # RE: @dobbernation So many ways to integrate. I’m with you Andrew. Totally agree & great job BTW! http://disq.us/2f53x1 # RE: @zachbussey It’s more about companies pitching 2-5 ‘top bloggers’ to do a campaign. I turned down one recently th… http://disq.us/2f4xk9 # The Dark Side of Successful Blogging http://t.co/zYWtS0y # RE: @zachbussey Good post Bussey. You kinda missed my point though, I was saying there’s a difference in blogging abo… http://disq.us/2f4fsf # ate the most delish ice cream. hope i don’t get a tummy ache. haven’t had real-cream ice cream in years. ahhh # Find happiness within. # Holykawwww this place is freaking amazing! (@ Marble Slab Creamery) [pic]: http://4sq.com/kcHAzV # Thinking of you @crystalgibson. #cupcake http://twitpic.com/5hv791 # “Dad, bluetooth has nothing to do with teeth” # Great start to a new week today! Excited 🙂 # BBQ #2 of the day @ Dad’s. Salad is fresh lettuce from garden. Woo hoo. # I would love to drive to the cottage this weekend. # So many mosquito bites omg. # Dinner w/ Dad tonight! #

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some things i love (right now)

Sun on the face & warm air when I roll outta bed and go to balcony. First thing I do is check phone, get up, check computer, grab camera, go outside. The Lake, the Airport, the many people on their travels to work. This vintage Lion Breweries New Zealand Olympic Team shirt that was Mum’s. Buckler Men’s undies. SO COMFY (even if you don’t have a package to fill them out but probably more comfy if you do). Have been using some really great products lately and figured it was about time I share with you. I always test things out for a before I tell you about them and I only talk about what I like [DISCLAIMER]. You’ll notice I enjoy products that don’t have too much scent, are clean feeling & soft on the skin. L-R: Dermaglow Oil Free Cleanser – soft on face, gentle, hardly no scent Dermaglow Daily Moisturizing Lotion – soft, no smell, clean feeling Dermaglow Wringle Release Serum – see how young I look? Yeah. Use it all the time. Goldwell Ultra Volume Leave-In Boost Spray – good volume, doesn’t make hair icky or greasy Cheeky Monkey Nailpolish in Party Whore – Yes, that’s the real name. Colour is my fav! Redken UV Body Rescue – Stuff is amazing is you love sun like me. Treats skin post tanning & has a soft glistening glitter. Thursday Plantation Tea Tree Antiseptic Cream – MOSQUITO BITES. I hate them. Lotion is cool & soothing w/ tingle. Givenchy Play – Smell is soft, feminine & good for summer. Bottle is metal so great for travel, throwing in purse etc. Givenchy Blush Gelee – Hot pink jelly blusy, one colour for all skin tones. First blush I’ve used on regular. The Body Shop Body Butter Duo in Vanilla…

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yesterday on twitter, this happened:

New fav show is on #InstantCash tvtropolis 54. # sun out there is hot #toronto hope you got some! # you can’t start a fire without a spark http://goo.gl/fb/6qhN7 #blog # Went to O.NOIR last night & dined in THE DARK! 100% pitch black can't see a thing dark http://onoir.com # hurtingest back pain today. first day of being 29 – ahhhh. waaaas' happening! # Photo: ILU New Zealand.(by kygp) http://tumblr.com/xmj2g952gp # Today's Observations via @shopmyclothes – › May 8th, 2011: The weekend edition. › • Stripes. They will never… http://tumblr.com/xmj2g937ei # Photo: this looks like fun http://tumblr.com/xmj2g931tl # RE: Thanks Mum. Love you 🙂 http://disq.us/1wk4gf # I got a beautufully wrapped gift from @mattel_inc. Thank you! board game in the park soon?? http://post.ly/20t7D # Google Doodle Honors 76th Birthday of 'Mr. Men' Author Roger Hargreaves http://post.ly/20t5A # Chatting @tinydevotions this morning! Stoked to be getting a set of Mala beads. See the shop here http://bit.ly/lKgQlz # what's for brekky today? # Uh, this is like so awesome. TY! #talknerdy RT @laurenonizzle: For you, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! http://bit.ly/kpV85i #CodeCake # Easily Distracted People May Have Too Much Brain – what was i doing again? http://tumblr.com/xmj2g7lng9 # Thank you for all the beautiful birthday wishes yesterday. I had an AMAZING day! Ready for a great week! # #HappyBirthday to the loooooovely & beautiful @irieras! # Looks beauty out there today! #toronto # yesterday on twitter, this happened: http://goo.gl/fb/7ZvMn #blog #

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A Little History on How I Got Here

I woke up this morning determined to find my hot pink photo album and bring back some memories. I didn’t find it but I did come across a bunch of things that made me feel fond about friends, happy about starting a new year and proud of things I’ve done. This was me at Mum’s house on my 21st birthday, eight years ago. This was me at Mum’s house on my 21st birthday, eight years ago. A few months after that photo I shipped off to Australia for university. This was right before the airport, my family. There was a time where I thought I’d never get Mum & Dad together for a photo but such is no longer the case. I grew up so much that year I was away. This was at The Moose in Kitchener (anyone from there will recognize it!) the day I got back from Aus. I was so tiny, all my friends were like “where did your boobs go?”.  I left at about 125lb and came back barely 100. Living at the beach is a great diet. I figure today, my birthday is as good of a day as any to share some memories of where I came from/how I got here. One thing that always changes, is my hairstyle. I’ve had so many colours. Teen model. That was not the end of teen modeling. Oh no, there was much more. And more. After I won this pageant I did all kinds of fashion shows. It was really fun to be honest. I got lots of practice being in front of the camera, walking on stage and it introduced me to some people at Gap where I got my first ever real job. I had braces for about two years in high school. This…

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yesterday on twitter, this happened:

RE: oh yeah that’s why i asked to take your mom.haha. http://disq.us/1w5l4t # Photo: Audrey http://tumblr.com/xmj2fgbcax # Photo: You know it’s true Mum 😛 http://tumblr.com/xmj2fg9bv1 # Photo: Can I take your Mom to this tomorrow? http://tumblr.com/xmj2fg8sgp # i miss my Mum. # love the family bday wishes coming from the future in New Zealand! <3 # Evan, cute & nerdy CEO of @likealittle at #cutc http://twitpic.com/4uqgbs # If you are at #CUTC scan me! QR takes you to the most awesome blog evarrrrrr @cutc_team. http://twitpic.com/4upy6v # yay we solved all the problems forever and ever http://flpbd.it/QVr4 # Babe RT @KeriBlog: I’m in a tuxedo jacket, think I confused everyone at the weed march. And the cops loved me 😀 http://twitpic.com/4unrln # “I like to bloooooooooooog” @keriblog http://post.ly/20Lk6 # Hello hello baby you called I can’t hear a thang http://twitpic.com/4uosvc # Healthy. Thanks @cutc_team! http://twitpic.com/4unuaa # So beauty out today! Getting ready for afternoon session of #cutc http://post.ly/20KhH # So nice to run into @mycitylives team at #CUTC # Conference going good. Nice work @cutc_team! #cutc # i really hope she’s gonna make it. http://goo.gl/fb/ijMpN #blog # #cutc (@ Cutc 2011) http://4sq.com/jzr9PQ # Canadian Undergraduate Technology Conference – HI! http://goo.gl/fb/RAROe #blog # Care about what you share about. http://goo.gl/fb/SJRqj #blog # Lookout! Hosting this today w/ @keriblog RT @CUTC_Team: So much red! Volunteers, Team Leds, and Keith oh my! http://ow.ly/i/bgB4 # Photo: @laurenonizzle BAT CAT prrrroooooowwwwwwwl http://tumblr.com/xmj2f5jmju # ooh new Firefox is sexy. # yesterday on twitter, this happened: http://goo.gl/fb/fWC9I #blog #

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yesterday on twitter, this happened:

My fav wine @notabletv #notablechileanwines Castillero del Diablo http://post.ly/1xBcd # Photo: Stylish boy in wellies. http://tumblr.com/xmj2a5471v # Heard my sister @jeniestewart on the radio commercial for @centralcounties finally! Love you! # Everybody dies but not everybody lives – @drakkardnoir # Every night RT @BangsandaBun: Must remember to polish my halo tonight. # Amazing have fun in NYC! RT @VENUSTONG: @casiestewart sending you a tweet 30,000ft high via flying @VirginAmerica. I LOVE IT. # ehllo # S finger motion + dance move + hands in air RT @jenniferherd: @CrystalGibson @juiceboxdotcom there ain't no party like an S Club party. # Come visit. Here for a few 🙂 (@ Darren Kwik) [pic]: http://4sq.com/hrEkv4 # Photo: Got this in the mail from New Zealand! http://tumblr.com/xmj2a1okez # Can someone check for me? >> There's an @evian campaign truck at Queen and John. Shirts there? # here comes the sun. # RE: das nice. tried to send more photos but gay didn't post. urgh. http://disq.us/1sf2f3 # im not hiding i live here now http://flpbd.it/lGlH # “i can help you w/ < /iframe >” he said, she melted. http://goo.gl/fb/FX4PJ #blog # wowza congrats @ilovecpstyle 🙂 @FHCanucks lucky to have you! # #flipboard ILU! so does my blog. http://post.ly/1x5IQ # Photo: @raymitheminx been reading blog in like a magazine. so pretty http://tumblr.com/xmj29zxci9 # RE: i know. i was DYINGGGGGGGGGGGGG. making this post was such a pleasure. blogged from bed. so hot. gah. http://disq.us/1secop # now that they are going extinct. that's the most romantic note you can get. #typewriter # true 🙂 RT @reggieramone: @casiestewart I remember walking on Queen with you, every other person (on or off a bike) was like HI CASIE!!! # socks? RT @alkarim: Come up with something awkward and ask to borrow it day at the office. # thunder. # raymitheminx what…

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I totally know her!

The main reason I started blogging over five years ago was to keep more memories. Totes worked 🙂 Found all these babies on Google images. Self portrait in the park. Was spinning here to get the blurry background. Self photography – advanced class. The day I announced I was quitting my job to go work for CTV – MuchMTV. Shot by Lynsie Roberts for new Zealand Fashion Week press. Amex Celebrity painting thing with these fine babes. Also the day I won ipad Andy. New Zealand chatting the lovely Hannah at Nom D during Fashion Week. Here was shooting with Kelly Kruschel in Liberty Village. Marcel made an XBOX Theme of me. Party sponsored by Audi for Fashion Week in Toronto last year. I want to drive an Audi. I want to drive an Audi. I want to drive an Audi. I want to drive an Audi. Custom made silkscreen printed dresses from Peach Berserk – MMVAs 2010 & Love a Heart Auction 2011.

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Guest post from my Bahama Mama

A few photos to enjoy. Deans Blue Hole opens opens up into a vast 4,000-foot-deep underwater cavern ranking it as the largest yet discovered in the world.  The platform in the middle has two divers on it who practice free diving twice a day. The world record for free diving in the blue hole is held by a guy from New Zealand. Love to all xoxo Thanks for sharing Mum. It looks SO very beautiful. I wish I was there with you! How long is your hair now Mum? You look super cute as always. Miss you <3

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treat everyone like they’re your double rainbows

Today is Family Gay Day in Ontario, I love my family but I wil not be seeing them today in real life. Dad is tanning in Florida, Mum is rockin’ the boat in Bahamas and my sis is working. The rest of my family is in New Zealand. HI GUYS!! In parts of Canada, Family Day is a statutory holiday occurring on the third Monday in February. … respectively. This corresponds with Presidents Day in the United States. [wiki] Mum is living the dream right now, she’s in the Bahamas with her BF on their boat. I really wanna get out to visit her before May. Mum has alwasy beena big inspiration to me. She always encouraged me to be creative and embraced my unique ideas. THANKS MUM! This is my Daddio, he’s in Florida with his GF right now. Dad builds hot rods, is a good cook, and has the BEST jokes. I have no idea how he always remmber them. You are really awes  awome Dad, ILU. Wear sunscreen. When I saw the snow coming down last night I kept checking the window to see if there was a man out there with a shovel carving a message. I had a feeling I might wake up to something… I did. “treat everyone like they’re your double rainbows” This is me in that red canoe you can barely see in above photo shot by Erin Leydon this summer. She was shooting the Grammy’s last week.  I’m so looking forward to summer this year. The park beside the Canoe is real pretty, designed by Doug Coupland and pays tribute to Terry Fox. Lots of bright colours. I’m in awe with all the contest entries for the Motorola phone. Contest closes at 1pm. I totes need to think of a good…

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saturday magazine review: vanity fair march 2011

this is what we call the peanut gallery. this is the closest i’ve come to reading a book lately. that should change but i love the internet so much, why should we not have/do what we love? here we go… sequin lacoste number – yes, totally unconventional chic… like, no way i’m wearing that anywhere but in this very blog post mmmmm’k. will i be wearing this when the weather warms up? i just got ruffle socks from american apparel. i have a fatal attraction to cuteness. i would like to write like this for a brand ex. grey goose. i guess that would come with working via agency?  i am good at creative writing, you don’t even see my good stuff.  someone please let me to show off for you. i would also like to take a dance class soon. i wanna be in magazines top 40 high earners: top 12 are men, first woman, lucky #13, is kristen stewart. team stewart all the way. manniston is #18 and a.jolie #21. james cameron is #1. this list make me smile cause i’m a stewart and i’m canadian. hehe. the man is toast. hypnotic nerd gaze. smartert than i? no. THIS is UGG > Australia. not canadian winter you idiots. stop insulting the brand and yourself by wearing these booties in the snow/slush/rain/winter. it is not working for you, it never will. the end. can i have one of these, pretty please? and thank you. what IS in a name? Leonardo Dicaprio – Appian Way: in Italy, found a road names Appian Way while filming Gangs of New York, “the road on which the Roman Army marched as they set out to conquer the world” he thought a good name for a company starting out. Kevin Spacey – Trigger Street…

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yesterday on twitter, this happened:

Laptop, iPad, three androids: my five wireless devices on the couch 🙂 # I have a crush on u but cant say who i am lol.. u have to guess.. go to http://www.bit.ly/ehM6PG… — i hate guessing games. http://4ms.me/dNAzxB # How often do you host #GenYTO events? and what does G… — Once every two or three months. It stands for Generati… http://4ms.me/fp3dGr # If you could eat at any restaurant in the world tonight, whi… — Terrace End Fish & Chips in Palmerston, New Zealand http://4ms.me/eRtoCX # Photo: haha http://formspring.me/casiestewart http://tumblr.com/xmj1jt8uzq # heck yes! this is so you @shawnhawaii – BMW #ultimateblogger http://bit.ly/fAqCcc #vote #awesome # Photo: @laurenonizzle fo you. meow. http://tumblr.com/xmj1jszp5c # Photo: rrrraaaaaaaaaaaaaa http://tumblr.com/xmj1jsz5xr # Photo: for the bloggers and the wannabes http://tumblr.com/xmj1jsxedy # Photo: yes. http://tumblr.com/xmj1jsx8ur # Got roses 🙂 #valentine http://twitpic.com/4184md # Photo: I love this. http://tumblr.com/xmj1jr9rev # Love this beer. http://twitpic.com/418411 # This ones for you @keriblog @itsbrownbarbie. Love you!! http://twitpic.com/4183zi # Makes a good rose holder. #vodka #pretty http://twitpic.com/4183yw # ooh, installed the @klout extension for Chrome, see your scores in my @twitter feed now. # #jeopardy # this is rad. 'who is me' @downwithwebster video w/ kids in #India posted on @ZLISTcom http://bit.ly/ejMpIw via @carlyannedotcom # Photo: street style blogging. http://tumblr.com/xmj1jr0zzq # the wind whipping past our windows is wild. http://goo.gl/fb/YVcAI #blog # Photo: › “Anything you can do to draw attention to your mouth is good.” Clueless (1995) http://tumblr.com/xmj1jpzqjg # Photo: Learning to fly (by F1X+2) http://tumblr.com/xmj1jpyxgf # Photo: rachel bilson = hottie hot hot. nedhepburn: I just looked at my own blog and half of it looks like… http://tumblr.com/xmj1jpytii # Photo: Invertebrate. http://tumblr.com/xmj1jpyn51 # Photo: pretty deep dude http://tumblr.com/xmj1jpykmi # Photo: digital lifestyle via joncrowley http://tumblr.com/xmj1jpyb4t # http://t.co/1tsrCzm # at a computer store w/ @keriblog #TGIF http://dailybooth.com/u/7y6rp # tell me…

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be famous before you die

CASIE ring needs bling. I want more things with my name on it. Anyone out there wanna get on that amazing opportunity? I’ll be famous before I die. I’ve always been that way. In grade six I made the ‘Casie Watch’, ‘Casie’ brand clothes in uni and all kids of other little things over the years. Hmm, would you buy it? Drink my koolaid. Have I told you how much I love my clean room? It’s like a quiet digital sanctuary lounge equipped with bed, tv, cable, ipad, monitors, phones, clothes and art. Basically heaven. Can you spot my boyfriend Ken? I love him. Rachel tweeted me  these cupcakes today. She knows how much I loooooove the Young & the Restless. My life goal is basicaly to play myself on the show before I die. BTW if you see these earrings kicking around please let me know. They’re my special (and NEW)  black Swarovski Crystal’s by @sparkleforlife and I misplaced them Saturday morning. Wahh. Did you see Gaga came out of the weed smoking closet? Should I? I dunno. No. I was a domestic diva the other day & made a Bacon & Egg pie. For those who don’t know, this is a New Zealand staple. Mum would make them all the time. Some people like it hot but I loooove it cold. Oh gawd, so yum. It’s screaming “EAT ME”. Now I haz some’tin to share with you, listen up… Do you have a blog? Wanna blog? Make your blog more popular? New eyeballs & ears? I’m a contributor to the Z-List blog, see it here. It’s a place you can share your photos, videos, blog or whatever. I’m going to be interviewing some NYC peeps and celebs for the site so get in and join the fame train.…

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can’t start a fire, you can’t start a fire without a spark

Saw my boyfriend yesterday. Was out and about around downtown and ran into him on the street.  Love when he calls me ‘doll’. I love this cover by these two. They’ve got such a great sound. Hadn’t been to the Eaton Centre in ages. Saw a few of these around: Are people using FB checkin’ that much? I guess so. Apple store self promo as usual haha. Red hair mannequins, how cute This is the phone I am giving away next week. I’ve got more than one and they are from Motorola Canada on the Rogers Network. Value $424. Good steal there. Canoe see it? Got some serious hookups from Reebok Canada yesterday and took my new Easy Tone kicks for a stroll. Pretty comfy & nice. Interviewed a fitness model & trainer and that will be up soon on “interview w/ casie“. Found this one the ground. Hung it on a tree for everyone to see. Was behind this dude at Sobeys. He had a window washing gear so I reckon he’s squeegie kid. Funny enough, he has no clue now to spell ‘anal sextherapy’. Is that even a thing? haha Going through these today and diggin up oldies from the vault. So much brain power and years of memories. Got this new parfum in the mail from Givenchy Canada this week. Smells pretty good. Claw is necklace pendant from Nick Von K a New Zealand designer. I picked it out during NZFW. Snow last night from my window, was hoping to wake up to a winter wonderland Alas, there was hardly any snow down there. Did you see Rob Ford declared it official Bob Marley Day on Sunday? He did. Toronto is a pretty forward thinking city in terms of decriminalization, nice to see the Mayor decriminalize Mr.…

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