Take a look one more time.

I’m getting a new book case and today I curled up on the floor almost in childs pose, but reading old poetry books. I’ve been trying to read more, books I mean. I read words all the time. I read worlds of words. All the time. I found a library downstairs, didn’t know it was there. We stopped and looked at the books, I’ll get that one for you. I have some to exchange. I put my card in the back and a sticker on another. I love the book exchange, and that shine of inspiration you have.

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thereis a certain calming peace when it’s this foggy

Restless Its a thin line that divides the ocean and the sky. A thin line which divides you and I. A small space. Without a trace, feelings vanish before my eyes. People leave to go back home and I am left here all alone. Resting by the ocean and taking in the sky. The waves are restless and so am I. Written:2004 Posted: May 22, 2006 Found these old pix as I was traveling through a time warp in MSN hotmail land from 2005-2006. I had really dark hair for a season here and there. I lived in New York and Indiana. I dated a hockey player. Seems so weird and long ago that life. It’s crazy how much we change as time goes by. I’ve been through so many different stages and likes, habits and hobbies. When I really think about it like now it’s quite amazing. I’m really excited for the future. Who knows what I will get up to, my wildest dreams I guess.  I’m happy to get wiser as I get older too, make better decisions that way. Have a great day 🙂

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t minus you.

March 19, 2006 – Sunday Category: Travel and Places I have learned about time, It is measured in my mind. First step towards the future. Time heals all;  I can catch me if I fall. You can’t catch me at all.

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he said ‘there’s this woman, she’s a hurricane’

Lets do this. Here we go. Remmeber my Guns on Plane story from the summer when I went to Boston? Read it here. Anyhooters, being calm and was careful not to pack an firearms this time. Go through customs and doing bag check and who’s line do I end up in? Oh yeah, same dude who caught me with the gun. He says ” I remember you? Any guns this time? Do I need to search your bag?” We laugh. I say no. He explains what happened and that the dude last time should really have given me back my gun, 38 special (metal necklace). Then some other dude says “they always hassle the pretty girls”, I giggle, I’m always hassled. I gave him my card and I hope he reads this. HI, NICE SECURITY AIRPORT MAN! Ran into Marcel next in the Molson Pub. Fancy that! He was on same flight to EL EH. The bartender took this artistic-fuzzy one. Cheers mate! Guess who likes to sleep on planes and had TWO empty seats beside them? This girl. Snoooooooozefest. One beer prior to boarding, then pizza then gravol then comatose then almost in LA. Quizno pepperoni + cheese za was quite good. What’s in my locket? Your heart. My heart. i love this poem by e.e. cummings. one of my fav’s: i carry your heart with me (i carry it in my heart) i am never without it (anywhere i go you go, my dear; and whatever is done by only me is your doing, my darling) i fear no fate (for you are my fate, my sweet) i want no world (for beautiful you are my world, my true) and it’s you are whatever a moon has always meant and whatever a sun will always sing is you…

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Judge me by the content of my character.

The content. The character. The me. The judge. Judge of content. Character, the judge. The judge of character. The character of content. Content my judge. Of me, my character. * wordplay eye see rad people.

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i rememeber that iceberg on the beach baby, i do

I used to live at Bondi Beach. I loved it there. I wanna go back one day. Lead a simple life,  a beach babe, not be so busy all the time. One day. I wrote this poem walking along this very beach one day at 7am. I had to take it by memory, it was one of the few times I didn’t have a pencil/paper. It was  also before the smartphone revolution. To me at least!  It’s my favorite one I ever wrote: As the waves crashed on the shore, The wind washed them away. And as I walked along the sand, I felt I could not stray. For I was walking towards the sun, And it was a brand new day. – Untitled, Casie 2004

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nyctophobia (fear of night)

Hold back the night For I fear the darkness Take control and keep me safe Hold back the night For I cannot live without the light Upon my face Hold back the night For my love will leave me When the dark night approaches published may 22, 2006

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Hot coffee And like a dream The sparkle in my eye Crashes Into you. As I leave to start the day, And you are on my mind. by casie, australia 2004

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it’s a beautiful say in the neighbourhood

Tweeted the pic to @blogTo yesterday morning and voila….now this is popular media! Toronto Star! Snoetry, graffiti in the snow…beat that Banksy.

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what ever else can happen next

* title is by a friend

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and then she tamed monsters with her disco stick

Gaga Law. Love it: (RAH)² (AH)³ + RO (MA + MA MA) + (GA)² + OOH(LA)² = Bad Romance I’ve got the house to myself for the weekend.  Looking quite forward to it. Rooms clean and clothes are put away.  I vision myself………. Sleeping in and watching movies one after the other all day tomorrow. Wearing the same clothes for the whole day and night. Making breakfast. Going back to bed. Finally reading Feb. Wired & Toronto Life magazines. Bailey’s with coffee mid-afternoon. Relaxing bath and a book.  Falling asleep in front of the tv. Afternoon delight, soft kisses. Making changes to my website. Handwriting letters. Chatting on the phone with far away friends, on speaker. Watching the sunset from my window.  Getting a new sketchbook and using it. Walking in brisk cool morning air. Waking up in your arms.  Listening to music. Having a great weekend ♥

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you make me happy when skies are grey

Woke up to a beautiful sunshine this morning. It doesn’t matter what happens in the day if I wake up and see a beautiful sunrise, I’m happy. It’s just so pretty. Remember when I posted about Movember? How are your faces growing? Good? Nasty? I hope you’ve got those babies groomed cause this Mo Sista is a JUDGE at the Toronto Movember Gala at the Kool Haus. Starts at 8pm, be there and find me if you want to win a prizey-prize. One of my Tweeps Gregory Alan Elliott told me he left a poem for me somewhere downtown and if I found it I win a  prize. Is this it? Did i find it? Ooooh me loves prizes! I’ve written lots of poems. Did you know that when I was 16 I wrote and published an Anthology of Poetry and prose called JEANS [sorry it’s not online anywhere yet, I was still a book/pen/pencil girl]. A friend and I started a publishing company and then won young entrepreneur of my city. Fancy that! This is one of my most favorites, I wrote it at 7am walking along Bondi Beach in 2004. Enjoy & have a wonderful day! As the waves crashed on the shore the wind washed them away And was I walked along the sand I felt I could not stray For I was walking towards the sun And it was a brand new day

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pleasant thoughts fill the head when read

The other day I found a little notebook in my desk.  The noted were all made in April 2008. This is the first time I’ve typed them out and now I’m sharing with you. I hope you like them. The photos are from the warehouse the other day. It’s a creative space I adore. ride me by casie stewart,  april 16, 2008 sunny outlook, brand new, fresh book sun shining outside, take the bike out for a ride feel the sun shine on your face, biking fast, win your own race light a cig, turn up the tunes nothing like the sun in the afternoon flare by casie stewart, april 16 2009 free spirit flowing lyrics,  let it out,  scream & shout! don’t be shy let the words fly, across the page like sprinkled sage like you lost your age! define yourself in this life open your mind, let the words suffice you are the director, a mind reflector direct your movie let your lyrics move me

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something special

This one is the most favotite poem I ever wrote …

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cartoon motion

Sometimes I wish I was a cartoon. I would run up walls and jump and fly and all kinds of super things. I saw Wolverine movie last night. Hugh JACKman should be called ‘Hugh jacked man’. He’s massive. I really like the Bloor Varsity – VIP section. You can order a bevvy & food to your seat. Did some serious writing when I got home last night. The book gets closer every day. I paid my friend whose laid off to clean my room. What a surprise to come home to, a floor and closet full of clothes. An old book from the 1940’s lay on my desk from Mum. I picked up the book and as I opened the fragile cover I read “The Face is Familiar: Selected Verse by Ogden Nash“. He died on May 19, 1971 and was one of the worlds best humor poets. He inspires me to write/publish some of my quite funny ones. I like his style very much, I do.

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quit your swining, swine baby

Rainy day again. I was watching the news about Swine Flu last night. Creepy stuff. I started thinking to myself. 1. Good thing I didn’t go to Mexico 2. Who did go to Mexico that I’ve hung out with and could contaminate me and kill me? Hopefully I’m safe. Last night I sat on the couch and and started drawing a comic strip. It’s Elsa Cohen’s Adventures in Super Blogging. I’m working on it. Here’s a first sketch for now…I also took some time to read old stuff I wrote. I hope you enjoy it. I thought all these things when I was 15. I still think it’s important to be yourself, I still love McDonald’s and you are never to old to play in leaves or snow. Have a great day! What I think (1996) from Casie Stewart on Vimeo.

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an old guy

I was living in Fort Wayne, Indiana with for part of 2005. It was an interesting experience living in the US. I like Canada better. I didn’t work (no visa) and spent most days around the house, burning DVD’s and writing. 12/5/2005 at 12:36 PM Sitting here feeling warm, Watching the sun shine on my arm. Without a job I bought more time, The cost is starting to cross the line. Do the chores clean the house, This place is quiet as a mouse! The snow is melting outside the door, As winter passes like the year before. Many changes the year has brought, Many lessons have been taught. To the kitchen to make a meal, Wearing an apron & stiletto heels.

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i just need the jacket

today is sunny.i wish i was home.what to eat for dinner?will watch the Y&R then will & grace then jeopardy.the usual.must put clothes in closet.no computer tonight.maybe a swim?weather is getting warmer, friday 16 sunny.smile at the brightness.

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all the things i said i said i would do before the sun came out and wanted me to enjoy it

Today, I am reminded of a poem I wrote in Australia. It was 7am, I was walking with my feet in the ocean on Bondi Beach. It was my favorite time of day. Peace, bliss, energy, sunlight ; it was freedom. This untitled poem is my most favorite one I’ve written, I think. There are so many! I’m in the process of picking my favorites so I can have a new book out later this year. Enjoy! As the waves crashed on the shore,the wind washed them away.And as I walked along the sand,I felt I could not stray.For I was walking towards the sun,and it was a brand new day.Casie Stewart 2004

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subway poem #0021

Sexy Asian couple Speaking French from France Russian soldier beside my seat Killed over a thousand lost his soul Young and vulnerable shake it up Catch the rocket ride the subway Transient dimensions take it slow Speaking language beyond boundariesTranslating sound beyond experience♥ It’s Friday and I wish you a good weekend.

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dear doctor, please prescribe vacation

i’d like to stay homeand not wear pantsand not stand upand not go out laze aroundin silence andspend time withmy thoughts spend time withmy thoughts

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clean up. let it go. breathe. exhale. refresh.live life.

The new year is upon us in a few short hours. I’ve been puttering around all day tidying up the place, doing laundry, setting dishwasher (t.g.f.dishwasher!), I’ve even invested in glass coffee tables with storage so that I can really declutter, and wiping old ugly thoughts and developing new ideas for 2009. I’m quite looking forward to this year ahead. I have heaps of really cool stuff planned for this blog and a bunch of amazing people helping my dreams come true. I don’t lie when I say ” Move over Martha, there is a new Stewart in town”. My name is Casie Stewart, I am proud of the unique person I am and I want to encourage others to create, share thoughts and ideas and inspire others to be individuals. One thing I hold close to my heart is knowing that thoughts become things, you are a product of your thoughts. You are who you think you are. If you think you are awesome, adorable and funny, then live that way, be that person and be your true self. After my year in Australia away from friends and family I learned who I am as a person and how to embrace that, foster it, and make something of it. I learned how to be myself. I encourage you to inspire and embrace those around you. This year, give thanks for being able to breath clean air, see the sunrise and sunset, to share a laugh with a trusted friend and ball your eyes out with your BFF. Be thankful for each day. My wish and challenge for you in 2009 Next time someone asks you ‘what’s new?” don’t say “nothing, same as usual”, say “everything is new, today is a new day”. Think to yourself, think about yourself, each…

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feeling the friday-ness

the sun is shining in my window andheating up my face. it warms me on theinside and sets my thoughts in race. theweekend is almost here and I’m longingto enjoy it. the rest and relaxation, family,friends. my thoughts escape my mindand enter a new reality where can be free.

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chicken wheelbarrow painting

i know of a poem that involves these things william wrote it wellpainted a portrait so picturesqueit opens the imaginationdrives the poet do you know it? – handwritten

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that’s what art is.

andy’s parties always start latethey never finish earlybeautiful artwork and creative spaceat andy’s parties we’re cool at andy’s parties we stay up latemodels smoking the and radio onintellectual passages roll off our tonguesat andy’s parties we drink this one’s for you andy. thanks for expressing yourself. xo

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Sweet Tasing Vodka Drinks

I sit and drinkand write and suchand around meis life and love so muchstill why and whenI’m tough and feel so down,not worthy of a crown.Tattooed friends and vodka drinksaround we sit and share our thinksno matter what fun we doits always me, alive and trueAnd as i sit, the friends are gonea little drunk, a bit withdrawni know for sure its me i love,but to share my heart,that, i think of.

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