i am doll eyes, doll parts

I came across two things in the last 24 hours that go with doll parts and wanting to be the girl with the most cake. Hole also may be getting back together. That could be good or it could be really bad for Courtney. 1) Barbie Doll parts jewelery. Kinda creepy? No. I’d love Barbie boobies and I like the hands necklace. It’s  a one-of-a-kind necklace with eighteen barbie doll hands chopped with silver end caps. The collection is made by Margaux Lange and she has a pile of Barbie parts stuff on her Etsy store.  I like this beauty smile ring too. 2) Last night I had a Mojhito cupcake with white rum, lime, mint & cane sugar.  Cocktails by Gateau was at my place last night for a Canada Day bbq. They can come over with the cupcake cart anytime.  She won my heart playing MJ.

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hey there batman, haven’t seen you around

I have no attention span sometimes. At home on computer listening to TV and barely watching.  I get on the computer and am Tweeting away to people then I click on a link and get distracted. I see I got  email.  The movie was over 30 minutes ago. I’m thirsty and I get some water then reach for the fridge. I open the door and close it again before walking over to the balcony with my water.  Checks phone.  Emails and a missed phone call and a text from Twitter. Look at the TV, what show  is this?  Step outside. Go back to computer and remember what I was doing. I keep cleaning up this external drive so I can fit all the new photos on it. Got lots done…check Facebook  for a break. Clicks on a  link and reads something then reaches for the water glass and then the phone. A couple years ago Jenie and I decided to have a photoshoot at the Keg Mansion while we were there. Found these tonight. We were both darker and longer in the hair. I think I should grow my hair now that its so short. I love this Batman shirt, it’s thermal-like and really soft. I hope  she as it still.

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guess who came over?

Her birthday is coming up and Grama wants to have a party. She’s turning 100. She loves to dance and get down. She doesn’t mind a few drinks or a toke either.   You’d never know how old she is by her body. I think she’s had work done but she’ll never tell us. This one time she came out for Halloween and she was a hit. All the boys were checking her out from behind and dancing with her. When she turned around, they were shocked to see her age all over her face.  Oh, Grama, you so funny. There’s a video of her…but it’s really quite creepy.

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crazy going slowly am i

Sometimes I just can’t seem to relax. My mind races with a hundred thousand thoughts at a time and I lose my concentration and have no focus. I think there’s a good chance it might have to do with how much time I spend on the Internet soaking up information. My daily intake of news, facts, and randomness is very high. I constantly multitask and when I’m not on the Internet I have blackberry that receives three different emails, Blackberry Messenger and has wireless access.  I’m addicted to information. I’m very creative. My mind never stops. I think back to learning about entrepreneurs and how the really successful ones work their asses off.  That’s what you gotta do to get anywhere. I’ve been so busy lately and but not just going-places-busy, thoughts-process-busy. It’s really good and I like it but sometimes it gives me knots in my stomach and I feel like I’m going to puke. That’s how I felt this morning. I got up extra early so I could get to the office and check some things off my list before everyone else got in. The ride in was nice and my bike makes me feel free. I managed to get a bit ahead but I’ve still got a full day staring me in the face. Lunch meeting, after work meeting, concert, opening party, then finally bed. It’s days like this I sing the song from Sharon Lois and Bram and think it’s OK, you’re gonna be OK. It’s just another day.

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you’re so vain i bet you think this URL is about you

the song plays in the back of my head and the conversation starts… So, you coming out tonight? Hey, I’m not gonna make it. I have plans tonight. Really, with who? Oh, a friend. Anyone I know? Um, yeah I think you might know them, I’m sure you know their website. Cool. Who is it? Maybe then wanna come out too? No, they wanna stay in. I can come out for a bit but I wanna be back home for 11:59pm to meet them. What! They’re coming at midnight? Yeah, well kinda. Not exactly sure my plans but they will include getting my Facebook Vanity URL and celebrating @ClubSobey.

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in this department

I’m feeling restless and I want to go to the beach. The sun is shining bright and I’m a little bit hungry. I went for a walk because I was so restless and sat on the artsy project bench and didn’t have anyone to talk to but myself. I could still hear something and I’m sure it’s my thoughts. They were racing around about all kinds of things that are real and not real and happening around me and inside my wild and vivid imagination. I walked into a spider web and it graced my face. No spiders thankfully. I want to lay in the grass and stretch my arms out really wide and feel the sun on my face. I want to relax. I want to write. I will do that this weekend. I hope it’s sunny. I really should check the weather network and download the app for Blackberry. A guy from the office sent and email in at 6 am today saying he quit. His team wasn’t really happy but there is part of me that admires him for leaving his desk clean and Blackberry in the top drawer last night before heading home. I sent him an email and it bounced back. Kinda funny, well, to me. Oh god I’m hungry now. Do you know my friend Elsa Cohen? She’s coming to visit from NYC soon.

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yeah, i’m totally an expert

Today I Mastermind in MaRS… Social Mastermind brings together a diverse mentor network of social media strategists, marketing specialists, advertising gurus, and public relations experts (ME) to help put together the foundations of a viable and impactful campaign. Read more here.

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the pencil flows on paper twill

Every time I get a new one I feel lucky. It’s like someone opened up world of opportunity and said, ‘Go Casie, you can have anything you want.  If you imagine it, you can have it right here in this fine little book‘. It’s a space wherre I have a conversations with my self and our thoughts. I let them out and they turn into things. I had met with a reporter yesterday which inspired me to pick up the reporter style this time.  I reckon that being left handed I can flip it around nicely to not get pencil lead on my hand as I so often do. I write in pencil mostly.  I remember a poem I wrote ages ago with a line saying how I like the way ‘the pencil flows on paper twill’. I love looking at the notebooks of other people, there is so much creativity contained in these legendary little things. I bought my last one in March and it was nearly full when I lost the little guy.  It was with my laptop and computer and  funny enough, the thing I miss most is the notebook. True story.

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he just jumped, i couldn’t save him

Earlier this week I wrote about the many relationships I’ve had with hardware, computers that is. The track record of breakage expands further than computers, it includes phones and cameras too. I can’t even begin to think about all the units I’ve been though over the last few years. I look forward to getting to work now that I’ve got a new desktop that stays there. It’s safe from the wreckage that I cause every time a laptop touches my fingers.  As I was leaving for the office this morning, I noticed the balcony door open and casually grabbed for the screen door to avoid any bugs coming inside.  There’s lots up high in condo-life. I attempted to close the door when my blackberry jumped out of my hand.  He must have wanted to go. I tried to stop him, but there was no way. He was full of spite and skid across the concrete heading straight for the edge.  I screamed as if I was being pushed to the very edge myself.  It was loud and full of fear.  I tried to say ‘don’t do it’ but he jumped, he just jumped.  He went right off the edge as if he was at Taupo doing a bungy. Thought flushed my mind thinking, what have I done, what have I not done to make you want  to end it all? I watched the whole thing happen. I saw him falling over 20 stories to what became a very tragic death. I scurried to the elevator, it seemed to be taking a lifetime. I could not get to the ground fast enough. I saw a resident walk past him, his parts were scattered across the pavement.  I wiped a tear and said  ‘WHAT AM I GOING TO WITHOUT YOU?” in an…

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me, the men, the machines

I’ve got bad luck with computers. You think, that being so online and web savy that i’d be all over that shit. Well no. I’m not good with those relationships.  I break them.  I’m rough.  I’m hard on my equipment.  I’ve been through at least one computer every year since 2004 when I got my first laptop for uni….I’ll tell you about it. My first love, a silver one to take to Australia. He was 11.5″ and I called him Richard. He was sexy, soft and sleek. After a year his disk drive  just would not open for me. One of the pixels in his eye lost it’s spark.  We came home  from down under together but shortly after our return  I took him back to the shop.  It was over. He was replaced with a 17″ Toshiba, big David I liked to call him.  He was strong. He was great for late night movies and could bust out loud tunes that made me want to dance all night. Big David, he didn’t last. He crashed,  hard. Must have been those many late nights… movies in bed, after-parties, other people playing. I knew I needed a rebound…. I went to something familiar, the sleek silver 11″ stallion.  This one was German, Medion. I called him Medi. He was good to me. He was the kind of guy you could take anywhere. No baggage, he was light and made me look cute when we sat for coffee and online chatting.  It ended bad. One night we had too much to drink and I spilled red wine all over Shane’s Thinkpad…and he died.  I was mortified. We all were. I had no choice in my kind heart but to give her my Medi. I was sad to see him go. He was…

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the randomness post 2/18/09

I still have all my Barbies and their vintage outfits. I hope to get them made in my size one day. I grew up around vintage cars and vintage clothes. My Dad builds hot rods and mum was a photog for Canadian Street Rod Magazine. My favorite gift I ever received was a hardcover Thesaurus from my parents in 1996. My Dad was a professional gymnastics/trampoline coach when I was a kid. I’m flexible and can still do the splits. I have lots of different talents and believe I can achieve anything. My career goal is to be the Awesomest I can be.

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something special

This one is the most favotite poem I ever wrote …

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i’m on the hunt, hunting for you

Remember this video of me walking in the rain to the elegant sounds of Lhasa de Sela singing J’arrive A la Ville? I’m wearing me red Wellies, one of my favorite pairs of shoes. Well, I came back from Florida and they were GONE from my ROOM. walking in the rain from me on Vimeo. Now, I may have misplaced them, it happens, however I can not remember taking them off somewhere and leaving sans shoes. Hmmm?  I really miss them.  It’s been raining for 2 days and I’m forced to wear non-rain-shoes.  I’ve checked my room and condo and it’s pretty hard to hide a pair of big red boots.  I hope they turn up, I’ve had them for years now and I really really want them back. Dear Universe, please find my favorite boots and bring them back to me. Thanks, ♥ Love Casie

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we’re obviously huge nerds

A couple weeks ago I got together with some of the organizers behind the greatness that has now become the #genyto Meetups. After one month hiatus the meetup group is ready to rock on June 11 2009 at Pogue Mahone (Bay & College). This time it’s during NetChange week and is the official Thursday afterparty. These are the times I wish I was freelance so it didn’t matter what day of the week I planned a massive drink up. Urgh… I’ll be at NetChange on June 10 speaking about PR & Social Media for Charity etc. More detauls to come. Was quite honored when the founder of Redwire asked me to participate and speak about stuff I do. Tonight I join Toronto’s finest and funnest bloggers at the Spoke Club for a special meeting. Looking forward to it the drinks and hanging with babes like Sass & Raymi.  I’m stoked to meet some of the other top 12 in this fine city!! Ok, more Florida pix. Me in car and Miami Beach…at night.

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when amanda came home she inspired me

It had been over a year since I got back and Amanda had just returned from her year in Perth. She learned something while away that inspired her and she wrote it on this little piece of papaer that I keep sticking around as I move from place to place. It says: “The moment of reckless abandon where you lean back and laugh at the simplicity & absurdity of everything…the moment when you so fully realize it doesn’t get and better than right now” Isn’t she just the cutest thing. I like the way I feel when I read it, as if each breath and moment is to be savored and cherished before it’s gone and you move to the next. I took this video this morning on my way in. So happy I don’t have to battle any traffic. morning traffic in toronto filmed by me on Vimeo.

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the prekini, as in before bikini

I love wearing my bathing suit. It’s one of my favorite things to wear. However, not always the most appropriate. Thinking about this, I came up with a fab idea that I needed a prekini to wear before heading down to the pool or from the car to the beach. I mean prekini as an outfit and not the wax stuff. These are my first few sketches. I’m thinking this is a great idea! Hella good style.

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thank you for a great weekend

I had a great weekend filled with relaxing, a little partying, some shopping, pool time, sun tanning, friends and lots of fun. I’m stoked for a short week as I fly out to Miami on Friday for the weekend. I’m very excited.Good thing I got those new bikini’s, I’ll be needing them. Sabrina and I had a lovely time in the sun yesterday. It was so warm out while blocked by the wind. I’m a very lucky girl, I got new glasses again. It seems I can never have enough. I have a drawer filled with heaps of pairs. I finally tossed about five pairs that were old ugly guys or broken. I also took a tour in Kensington on Monday and paid a kid draw to a portrait of me. It cost $2.00 and this is what it looks like. I put it on the fridge, I figure if I leave it there for 20 years I might get a good return on this young artists work. ha! Celebrate creativity! His name is Chris Scriver.

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i love this city and your photos

Toronto is a great place to live. There is always something to do whether its warm or cold or you have money or don’t. There are so many pockets of creativity and diversity that it makes me proud of our culture and country. 300 Toronto Panorama Images from photojunkie on Vimeo. My friend and photographer extraordinaire, Rannie aka photojuknie has taken 300 panaroaic photos of our great city and compiled them in an awesome video. Each of the he 300 photos in this set were taken with an iPhone for his entry into the Hypercube viral campaign  icanhaz.com/hypercube. He shared the video with me and I liked it so much I wanna share it with you too. You can vote for him here.

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she was happy dancing with her arms over head

Drum circle happens every week during the summer. It goes down at Cherry Beach one week than Trinity Bellwoods the next. I usually only go to TBP because it’s closer than the beaches.  I love it.  There are lots of mad hippies dancing. There are also lots of skid kids too. We moved our home-base-blanket around a few times to avoid the dirty kids from contaminating us. One time a kid puked while sitting in front of us and we picked up shop like nomads and moved in NO time. My favorite is being in the middle of the circle dancing with my arms flailing around. There is something magical about the connection between the music and the people all being brought together in an open space .  When it gets really hot out there’s more girls & boys with their shorts and shoes off dancing. There is drinking and smoking in the park  all around.  We saw a couple of kids chasing each other around with McCain pies and tossing them at each other. What are kids doing these days you ask? That I guess. There were hundreds of people there. You can hear the beating of the drums as you approach the pit in the park, I love that sound! Drum Circle #001 2009 from moi on Vimeo. this is sadie, she spins fire from me again on Vimeo. There’s fire spinning too. Some nights there is lots of fire spinning!! This girl was really good she was doing the hula-fire-hoop and poi’s at the same time. I’m not even going to try that, I’m waaaay to accident prone. Overall, stellar time. Absolutely stellar.

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borderline artistic with a little sauce on the side

I’m a very artsy girl. I make art stuff almost on the daily. Yesterday I photographed a TON of my artwork and am working on variety of prints, t shirts and fun stuff. You can see a huge pile of original work  including drawings, paintings and poetry at borderlineartistic.me. There is just waaaaaaaaay to much to post on this blog. I’ve got a Poetry Corner blog coming out soon also! Seems there’s lots of ‘coming out’ going on teeee heeeee. Check ’em out. There’s a whole lotta stuff.  The beauty of being an artist is the ability to create something that did not exist before. If you really like something and want to ask about how you can have it, send me an email me at casie at casiestewart.com. This is one of my favorites: careful writer patient spider

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nowhere else you’d rather be than there

You know those days when the sun is shining and you get in the car with a few friends and cruise to the beach or the park. You lay out a blanket followed by food and drinks and you lean back and feel the sun on your face. Your mind is free and in wanders as you feel complete bliss and serenity knowing that there is  nowhere else you’d rather be than there , that very moment in time. I feel like that today, well, a connection to that feeling. This is a me at Newport Beach on Sydney’s North Shore in NSW, Australia. I went surfing for my very first time. It was about 7am and the sun was rising. It was more than beautiful. I met this man in Bondi who’s called the Bondi Groover he said “Life’s not about being naughty, it’s all about 60/40” (in Aussie, that rhymes). 

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pretty shitty kitty city…meh.

I’m having one of those days where work seems like the hardest thing to do. I want to write and work on things for good causes and take pictures and make art. I picked some lilacs at lunch and sat in the park.  The lilacs smell so pretty,  they create an aroma of spring around me. It’s lovely. I wore a dress today that spins round, this is me in the sunshine. Today is the day I think to myself, you should be a full time blogger. It seems hard and a big jump from having a stable job with catered lunches and benefits. Meh. I wish that day would get here sooner. You spin me right round right round, Irish styles…

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cartoon motion

Sometimes I wish I was a cartoon. I would run up walls and jump and fly and all kinds of super things. I saw Wolverine movie last night. Hugh JACKman should be called ‘Hugh jacked man’. He’s massive. I really like the Bloor Varsity – VIP section. You can order a bevvy & food to your seat. Did some serious writing when I got home last night. The book gets closer every day. I paid my friend whose laid off to clean my room. What a surprise to come home to, a floor and closet full of clothes. An old book from the 1940’s lay on my desk from Mum. I picked up the book and as I opened the fragile cover I read “The Face is Familiar: Selected Verse by Ogden Nash“. He died on May 19, 1971 and was one of the worlds best humor poets. He inspires me to write/publish some of my quite funny ones. I like his style very much, I do.

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generation why me? urgh, gimme a break.

You may have seen the article in the Toronto Star this weekend on Saturday’s front cover entitled ‘Generation Why Me?’ It was related to recession, broken dreams and delayed ambitions. So I think 30 IS the new 20 and after reading the article, I refer to what Mum likes to call ‘poor me syndrome’. There are alot of people who are just lazy and unmotivated. This will never change, no matter what happens in the world. Sure, we’re faced with environmental/ economic/war crisis happening but we also have more access to information, more opportunity to succeed and more ways to gaining expertise for free. Hello Internet? There are things out there you just have to go and get them, the strong will survive. I ‘ve got a B.Comm in International Business & marketing diploma.  I work in the IT dept coordinating projects for an online gaming company. Before this was the fashion industry! I’ve worked in restaurants, done PR blah blah blah…I’ve never had a problem finding a job because I’ve always been determine NOT to fail. I also agree with @d_hock the most, if someone is going to complain & wah wah about ‘poor me, I’m GenY‘, I say…shut your face. Get up and do something about it! I have many more thoughts the awesomeness that is #GenyTO but I’ll save that for another day.

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H1N1 ~ HINI = hiney = haha :P ( flu+who)

I’m going to the TFC game today with a friend. Excited and dressed the part. My friend has a TFC scarf for me so I can really be ‘in’ it. I’ve been once before but this is birthday related which makes it better. This picture wants to be on it’s head. I’m not fighting it. I think that H1N1 is a better name for the flu but it also looks like ‘hini’ which sounds like ‘hiney’ which rhymes with swiney which is funny. And the flu was named by the WHO. Make the connection. I did. Stephen Harper called it the Mexican Flu the other day. I LMFAO. Had breakfast at School in Liberty Village. They’re kinda slow and the patio wasn’t open. I like the way it looks there. Very schooley. I was at the CONTACT opening last night. Will

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reminder: one week from today

Next Friday, May 8th, 2009 is a day that commemorates 27 years since I came into the world; my birthday! My Mum, whom I’ve told you a zillion times is tres awesome sent me an early present that arrived today. I love you Mum. My head is kinda cut off kinda but whatever. If you want to send me something for my birthday or test our your product and need my mailing address, please ask. I’d be more than glad to give it to you, I love getting mail & presents!!

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she’s gonna grow up and write a book about you

I had a blog before this one, it was on myspace, it still is. It’s called it ‘It’s not how good you are, it’s how good you want to be” after a favorite book by Paul Arden. It’s all writing and poetry. I revisited it today, it had been since 2007 that I logged into myspace. I guess you could say I’ve been kinda busy. I have two accounts casieandjenie and misscasiestewart. November 25 2004 I am spinning, sitting here thinking.Thoughts of you run from my heart, past my mind Turning round in my head. Touching me all day. One day, you might be mine. You light my fire, you are my star.Will I see you tomorrow? Will I ? I will be with you again.I feel your energy, moving in the air.When you are around, you put a twinkle in my eye.I want you close to me, I think you want me too. August 10, 2006 crazie//: casie.racie.spacie.energetic. dynamic.distinct. animated. always entertaining.fastmoving. neverslowingdown. sexy.preppy. intellectuallystimulating. delicate and decent. like diana, ladylike, its her middle name. a very laid back kind of girl. sort of radiant. sparkling the way the sun shines, when even out of sight and glowing, gleaming. she even she has a sister stewart. sibling. she’s also social & s.m.a.r.t.May 22, 2006There is no price imaginable that could buy all my creativity, for it is infinite and contagious. We are all units and we are all united.

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