For Christmas Sean got me an iPad Pro with Apple Pencil and my first reaction wasn’t what he was expecting. I kept saying ‘It’s so big!” and thought about returning it the first couple days. BUT now, I can’t imagine my life without it! Last week I signed up for a creative hand lettering course so I could learn how to use Procreate and it is SO COOL.  The course ($45) is by Caroline Kelso Zook who has a website called Made Vibrant for creatives. I’ve subscribed to her for a few months and ? her work. I’ve been staying up late drawing, then dreaming about drawing. I’m only just getting started and on part 2 of 4 in the course. I’m learning new things every day so you’ll start to see colourful creations pop up more and more. Using AirDrop to share seamlessly between iPhone, iPad, Macbook is so incredibly awesome. YAY technology and internet and art. I started my drawing blog ‘Borderline Artistic‘ back in 2008 when I got my 1st gen iPad. I loved that little thing. Remember Andy? Now with iPad Pro, I’m creating more than ever and I’m planning to update things around here with more art.   Went to Wake Up at Yoga Yoga this morning and had a coffee/croissant at Hale. Both places give me so much joy!   Tonight is the media opening of Drake Commissary and I’m taking my yoga teacher, Sandy! Today is going to be sunny to put a smile on your face and flash it around. Sending you some sunshine through the internet, across the sky, right to your screen.  

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Doing My First Spin Class Today! ? #SpinInYourSkin in Support of CAMH

It’s a rainy day and I’ve been working from my bed office. It’s just so warm and cozy! I recently made some big changes to our loft bedroom upstairs where I do most of my work. I’ve got the Y&R on my iPad Pro and I’m typing away on that great little table I made (this one). I’m leaving any minute now  to a shoot at Spokehaus for their #spininyourskin class in partnership with knixwear. They’re hosting a first-ever class focused on body positivity, while giving back. A photo posted by Elly Mayday (@ellymaydayofficialfanpage) on Jan 14, 2017 at 11:29pm PST Anyone who choses to #Spininyourskin (aka your knixwear bra & undies, ah!) multiple undergarments will be donated to CAMH Foundation (Center for Addiction and Mental Health). They’re really in need of  bras for incoming patients so if exercise with a bunch of rad babes can help them out, I’m down. Also gets me out of the house for a good sweat! They’ll still donate a bra if you do the class in your clothes. It’s hosted by model and body-positivity spokesperson Elly Mayday.  There are more classes tonight if you want to sign up. Knixwear is hooking us up with boy shorts and a sports bra and we are going to spin in our skin. The thing is I’ve never actually done a spinning class and I’m a little worried I might PUKE. I’m kinda NERVOUS ABOUT THIS OMG WHAT AM I DOING. I feel more confident about my body since my surgery this summer. Before the new boobs, wearing a sports bra, or any bra was uncomfortable, not to mention how much I hated working out with those things. I’m going into this workout with an open heart and maybe, just maybe, I’ll like it?! UPDATE NEXT DAY: I loved the class. It was so intense! I…

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5 Books to Read This Summer & The New RECO App

When I was a kid my summers were spent playing outside or at the library. Each year mum had us join the Summer Reading Club where we would read a bunch of books, play with the other kids, talk about books, and at the end of the summer, a Teddy Bear Picnic. ??? I have such fond memories of reading but over the last few years I hadn’t read many book, this year I set a goal to read more. A couple months ago I got an ereader a couple months ago and since then I’ve read 10 books. More than I’ve read in five years! Here’s my top 5 summer reads that will leave you wanting more. Download the new RECO app from Chapters Indigo and read reviews of all the books I’ve recently read. Reco is about inspiring your friends to read great books more often, so on that note, here’s my fav five I’ve read recently. 5 Books to Read This Summer This list is a mix of light summer reading and suspense drama. I like to switch it up! I love books that take me on an adventure and leave me thinking about the characters when I’m going about my day. Safe to say I loved each one! She’s Not There by Joy Fielding – This is my most recent read.  Darling daughter Samantha (2) is kidnapped from their hotel room in Mexico while Caroline Shipley and her husband are celebrating their 10 year anniversary. This book is a suspenseful thriller and has a few twists as the story unfolds. I couldn’t wait to finish this one,  was left wondering what would happen next every single time I put it down.  You by Carolyn Kepnes – I was sent a copy of this from Simon & Shuster and it was SO GOOD.…

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Kobo 7-Day Reading Challenge

Growing up I spent heaps of time at the library with mum. Each summer we joined the Summer Reading Club and went back and forth to the Preston Branch carrying books in the wagon, the stroller, or homemade bookbags. Mrs. Macdonald, the librarian, was a familiar part of our lives and helped us learn to love books and reading. Since joining the internet, I’ve read less books, well, I’d say less books overall since college/uni. This year I set a goal to read more books, scroll less websites. So far I’ve not done too bad! Last week I started a 7-day reading challenge with Kobo to discover the joy of e-reading. The new Kobo Glo HD is the latest eReader, it’s 6″ screen is super clear and reads just like paper. There’s 4GB of storage which is a LOT of books. Up to 3K! This is my first time with an e-reader and I really like it. I find it much easier to read on this device than phone or iPad due to the screen (Carta E Ink). You can also customize the light, font, and margins to personalize your experience. Next week I’ve got a GIVEAWAY for a Kobo Glo HD so we can be twins. If you’re keen to get reading before I then, DL the Kobo app on any device (with this link) and get a $5 credit towards your first purchase. [symple_spacing size=”10″] Things I like most about my new Kobo: – It’s SUPER light, nothing like carrying around a few novels ? – Fits in a small purse or the pocket of my trench coat – Battery lasts ages – You can read in the sun, no glare! ☀️ – The Kobo app has so many books and recommendations, all you need is wifi ? This weekend I started YOU by Carolyn Kepnes,…

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Telus + Mother’s Day: What’s The Best Mother’s Day Present Ever?

This post was original written last year and we did a giveaway. In honour of Mother’s Day this year I wanted to share it again because I love the video so much! Mother’s Day is always a super special day for both my mum and I because I was born on Mother’s Day! What a great gift! haha. No, in all seriousness, I’m mum’s first born and there was some complications during my birth where she nearly died. Thank heavens we both made it, she’s the biggest inspiration in my life and I am so thankful for her. ILU MUM. ?

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#NoHairSelfie – Shave Your Head for World Cancer Day

What do you think of this look? I’ve joined the #NoHairSelfie movement, demonstrating my support for those undergoing cancer treatment by shaving my head (virtually!). Scroll down to see how you can join over 30,000 people shaving their heads (IRL/virtually) and donate to the cause. [symple_divider style=”solid” margin_top=”5″ margin_bottom=”5″] This year alone, 15 million people were diagnosed with cancer worldwide, by 2030, this number will reach 22 million, an increase of 47 per cent.

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