Day 30: Netflix & Chill

Today we watched 8h of Ozark. That’s it. That’s the post. ? The show is long and slow, we still have one ep to go. Ate so many snacks, I’m a total couch potato. We also watched the extra episode of Tiger King so that brings us to 9+ hours. Tomorrow is a new day, a short week, I’ll cook, clean, and exercise. I’ve come to the realization that if I make it through this lockdown with a few extra Lbs, at lest I’m alive. This situation is new for us all and we’re trying to find our way through it as each day passes. It’s totally fine to lack motivation and to recharge my batteries with a full days work on the couch eating Easter chocolates. ? It’s gonna be ok. Stay safe. Stay home.

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Watch More Eps of The @Netflix Dinner party!

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Our Netflix Show is Live! Ep1: Are You A Betty or Veronica?

Last month I filmed a 6 episode show with Netflix at Wallace Studios in Toronto. It was put together by Netflix USA and Andrew Dobson from and hosted by Jonny Morton Schuster (who is also Kiwi btw!). Other cast members include Nelia, OG blog babe who writes and Amanda who writes a family travel/style blog. There are 7 episodes in the whole series and I can’t wait to share them all with you! I’ve not seen final cuts yet, super excited! Gahhhhhh. The first episode ‘Are You A Betty or Veronica?‘ is us mostly talking about Riverdale. I’ve been obsessed with this show since it started. I would deff say I’m more of a Veronica than Betty. Don’t be fooled by the blonde hair!  The show is the ‘Dobbernation Loves Dinner Party’ where we all sit around a set that looks like Andrew’s apartment and gossip about discuss our fav shows. We sat around drinking from local brews from Mill Street Brewery and food from La Cubana. There’s some great sound bites throughout the whole things but from this ep my fav is when Jonny said: ‘Betty in the streets Veronica in the sheets!” There will be new eps all week. I would love to do more stuff like this!  Have a great day my friends!

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Smart Marketing from Netflix w/ #SantaClaritaDiet

A couple weeks ago I saw these posts popping up on Instagram with #santaclaritydiet from influencers in the US. All the posts had hashtags like #Fitspo#NewYearNewYou #Hello2017#ImGonnaKillIt and then I was like what the hell is this diet? And what’s with the blood? Well, we all know now that Santa Clarita Diet is a new show from Netflix and it starts TOMORROW. Drew Barrymore is the mum and something happens and then she is ‘undead’. Tune into Netflix tomorrow to see what’s next. Netflix consistently makes great shows so I always give them spin. Also, since I spend so much time binge watching, we can easily can kill a season in a weekend. Here’s the Santa Clarita Diet ‘Starter Kit’ they sent me: I really appreciate a good marketing package and Netflix consistently blows it out of the park. One year for Valentines they sent a House of Cards themed package to go along with the season launch. Another time then sent custom House of Cards Against Humanity. At Christmas once they sent a Bill Murray Christmas sweater and Netflix show themed wrapping paper. For award season one year they sent this package to play bingo and slippers for my guests. I’ll be watching Santa Clarita Diet this weekend. Make sure you are following me on Twitter bc I always live tweet what I’m watching! LMK what you think. Tweet to @casiestewart

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Netflix Binge weekend + Lots of Soup

I spent most of yesterday in bed or in the couch. Can't deny it anymore, I have a cold. ? — CASiE STEWART (@casiestewart) December 2, 2016 Today I’ve been watching Marcella on Netflix. A drama series about a female detective trying to solve a serial killer mystery based in the U.K.  I’m on ep3 but will probably finish the season today.  This little JBL speaker is usually in my travel bag and is perfect for watching Netflix in bed on my computer. Earlier this week Ricola sent an advent calendar and it is saving me right now. Sean has been such a dear, made me soup & toast while I’ve been in bed nearly the entire day. I finally set up my Saje Wellness humidifier thing and it smells like a spa in here. The other show we’ve been watching is HBO’s Westworld. It’s a futuristic show about an alternate reality game. A tweet I posted last night was RT’d by the show and over 100ppl showed love for it. I like these guys and their latex outfits on @WestworldHBO. Want one of those mini collapsible tablets. — CASiE STEWART (@casiestewart) December 3, 2016 I’m really keen to find a new book. If you have any recos please let me know! I like twisted dramas with murder mystery. Or chick lit!

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Murray Christmas w/ Netflix Canada

Last night I joined a couple friends at Andrew Richard Designs for the Netflix holiday jam. They also hosted a screening of the new Bill Murray Christmas Special that comes out December 4th. The photo booth printed photos and recorded slo-mo videos of all the guests. Here’s mine! Merry Christmas!  

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Love Your Life: Shangri-La, Hollywood, Netflix, Art

Remember last week when I went to the Vitamin A show at Shangri-La? Well, I shot the show with my GoPro and posted a video on Instagram as an entry to their contest…and I WON. The prize is amazing! I’ll be visiting the health club and spa at the Shangri-La in Toronto once a month for the next 12 months AND I get a new Vitamin A bathing suit once a month for the next year. Other parts of the prize include a gift basket from L’Oréal and a pendant from Birks. Huzzah! The contest was to post your fav look from the show and when I found out the prize I put some elbow grease into making something great. Here’s my winning entry! In other news, I’ve been playing Kardashian and I made the A-List. I know it’s stupid but it’s also kinda fun. I have a few friends who are also playing and it’s a hoot chatting about it with them over Twitter. Sean can’t understand why I would want to play this game when my real life actually has some similarities to the game. Next weekend we’re flying to Boston t visit friends and I hope to get to NY very soon. Finished The Fall on Netflix and really enjoyed the series. I’m practically a professional binger! Jillian Anderson stars in this BBC thriller. I love watching Criminal Minds and cop dramas so this one was like a really long good episode. There’s only 5 eps in the series. Been walking past these stars on my way to work and finally decided to take their picture. There’s art everywhere! Hope your week is going well. Remember, you’ll never been younger than you are right now so make the most of each day. Heading up to the cottage this weekend and I can’t wait.…

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Watched The Institute on Netflix Last Night…

Last night I watched on Netflix and I was really intrigued It reminded me of the BMC Labs ‘thing’ I was involved in earlier this year with Body Mind Change and the David Cronenberg project. I knew that Body Mind Change wasn’t real but there were elements that seemed real and then played out by people I didn’t know and to be honest I still don’t know who was in on it or not. Sean wasn’t sure at times either and he worked on it. Remember when I picked up my pod in the lab and someone tweeted me but I never saw them and it was all really weird? I like that feeling of the unknown. Nervous/excited. Here’s the trailer for The Institute, it’s kinda weird and artistic and if you don’t like it I’m not sorry. I thought the extravagance of it was pretty neat. I would like to take part in an Alternate Reality Game. If you know of one somewhere, let me know? You can watch The Institute on Netflix here. The Institute is a documentary that examines a San Francisco-based Alternate Reality Game, where thousands of participants got more than they bargained for. Told from the players’ perspectives, the film looks over the precipice at an emergent new art form where the real world and fiction narratives merge to create unforeseen and often unsettling unsettling consequences. Written by Spencer McCall Note made via Noteography 🙂  To those dark horses with the spirit to look up and see… a recondite family awaits.

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Netflix Canada Contest: Orange is the New Black?

OK, I started this book today. Sitting on Queen Street in the shade waiting for (rain) someone boyfriend. Netflix sent me a signed copy from the author. Autograph is orange highlighter, naturally. It sounds good, the creator of Weeds made it. Scroll down if you want the prize only, winner gets the following.. PRIZE PS3 ($269 Future Shop) Six month Netflix Canada subscription ($48) Author signed copy of Orange Is The New Black book (Piper Kerman Priceless) I love Netflix and I watch heaps of moves. Last year they sent me a FIVE YEAR subscription and I am excited because more series are being produced for Netflix ONLY. [I was a subscriber before they contacted me.] WATCH THIS IT’S FUNNY Taryn Manning, Donna from That 70’s Show, Jason Biggs (American Pie),  and Janeane Garofalo. LOVE IT.  I like this story, from the first chapters, because I could be this person. So could you. It’s not that hard to get trapped in a cross-border love/drug smuggling scandal. I saw Broke Down Palace, I know how this works.   HOW TO WIN This is a totally made up contest – WHAT WOULD YOU DO TO SAVE ME IN JAIL? Tweet Basically this could happen to anyone, right? In order to pay her debt to society (for a 10 year-old drug money thing smuggling for an African Drug Lord), Piper must trade her comfortable New York life with fiancé  Larry (Jason Biggs) for an orange jumpsuit and prison life. It’a a wild roller coaster  I haven’t read it all yet but SOMEONE LIKE YOU can have a new PS3 to watch it. Imagine I was in jail… I’d be like a junior Martha Stewart. Naturally. PS3 plays Blueray.  This is a fun contest. Tweet or die FTW. Much love, CASIE  

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Find Your Calm

There’s something so peaceful about being up north in the winter. You can stand on the lake and listen to the ice move. The cold air is so refreshing. Easy to find your calm. We drove up on Thursday and worked from the cottage Friday. It was the first day in a while that I didn’t close the rings on my Apple Watch but, f*ck it, I earned a break. On Saturday, I shovelled snow, played Nintendo, ate snacks, and finished watching Pieces of Her on Netflix. Good show, Toni Collette is one of my fav actors and does a great job playing this role. Sunday was pretty warm and the top layer of the lake started to melt. I don’t expect the ice will go out until sometime in April. Our lake group usually makes bets on when it will fully melt. I haven’t made a prediction yet! Things I love: long walks on frozen lakes, the smell of a cold winter day, carrying wood to make a fire, and being at the cottage with you. Been on a pretty good track record with the Calm app. I usually do a sleep meditation or Sleep Story at night and the 10 min Daily Calm before I get out of bed. I think it’s helping with sleep and focus. Working hard to keep that calm in my life. Something you might not know about me is that I always check the wind speed. Every day I ask Alexa about the weather and then I ask her about the wind. If it’s over 10 km/h that means no wide brim hats. If it’s 15 km/h + in the summer I’ll opt for shorts instead of a dress. I don’t like running when the wind is +25+ km/h but I love the…

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Day 585: Thanksgiving Weekend 2021

Slept in a bit then went for a nice walk w/ Sean. The leaves are so beautiful. I left without my phone but ran back to get it. I should have changed out of my platform Crocs (not great for long-distance) so I only went to the end of the road and back. I took a little detour when Sean went off on his run and went into the woods to surround myself with trees. I just looked up and took in their beauty, breathed in the fresh air. F-yeah, forest bathing. ? We had a pretty chill afternoon. Sean had a broth cooking with the turkey leftovers and we watched a couple episodes of ‘Bad Sport‘ on Netflix. I spent a bit of time in the sun reading my new book, The Perfect Neighbour by Susana Beard. I absolutely love the new outdoor couch. Around 5 pm when it was nice and warm, we took the dock out. It’s always a little bittersweet and seems like a daunting task before we do it. Managed to finish the job in about an hour with no major injuries. Always a worry, trust me! The water was cool but refreshing. Looking forward to colder temps and making a nice ice hole for winter cold plunges. It’s insane to think we’re both are looking forward to the lake freezing, who are we!? Hope you had a lovely Thanksgiving weekend to celebrate the harvest. We’re returning to the city and after 5 days in the woods, I feel refreshed. Also, the blog is back on track and we’re up to date! Here’s a great (short!) week!

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Day 578: TikTok Plant Hack – Aerial Roots

Spent the whole weekend working on my room and WHOA what a job it was. On Saturday I had a bit of a meltdown once almost everything was outside on the roof, the thought of putting it back was overwhelming. Thankfully I stuck to it and am nearly done putting everything away, throwing out the carpet, and organizing my stuff. I also watched the entire season of MAID on Netflix, kinda sad but a good show. In other news, I am SO happy with my plants. Saw a TikTok Plant Hack (PlantTok) about putting an aerial root from a monstera in a small glass jar to help them grow. It works! I’ve got two tiny glass jars on different plants and a bunch of new leaves sprouting. It took about 2 weeks to see new growth. This monstera is the same large plant that I shared cuttings from in my post the other day. I am yet to post anything on my own TikTok yet but I must say, I am loving all the plant hacks. Learned so much the last few weeks and look forward to growing more and more plants over the winter.

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Day 563: So Long Sweet Summer

We had such a lovely time this weekend. I finally caught up on blog posts and took some time to relax. Sean had his last wakeboard rip of the season before we took the boat out. I finished my book and soaked up the sun on our new outdoor lounge set. It was so hot out! We watched a bunch of shows this weekend and finished Tell me Your Secrets on Prime, and on Netflix, we watched On the Verge, The Chair, Untold: Caitlyn Jenner, and Nine Perfect Strangers. Overall, pretty productive considering relaxation was my goal. ? Heading back to the city early tomorrow morning to vote and get to work. Feeling refreshed and gonna try and carry this vibe with me as long as I can! Watch my weekend recap video here! View this post on Instagram A post shared by CASIE STEWART (@casiestewart)

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Day 548: Cloud Storage

Read a lot of my book today! Currently reading You Love Me by Karoline Kepnes, the third book in the YOU series. I thought S3 of it for Netflix was candles but it’s not. Kinda wish I hadn’t read it now!

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Day 499: See You In My Dreams

Starting to feel better from the vaccine side effects. I want to get back to myself. haven’t run in days. Tomorrow we’re helping Sean’s parents pack up their house for a few hours. I plan to spend the rest of the day working in my room and I am happy to do it. Feel so grateful for my space and the projects I’m doing. By end of summer, I’ll be sharing more about my work with Hvr and our new app. I am so excited! Looking forward to this week. I love Monday because you never know what the day might bring. Sending you sunshine and ALL THE BEST FOR A GREAT DAY. Watched ‘See You In My Dreams’ on Netflix today, cute movie, bit sad. This song is nice tho.

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Day 494: Ice Cream Date

Woke up super tired today, not sure why. I find I’m more tired than ever these days and I guess it’s just pandemic fatigue at this point. ?‍♀️ I was out and about this weekend and after not doing much for almost a year, it’s exhausting! Took myself on an ice cream date after a nice long bike ride. I try to get outside for a run or ride each day to clear my head, get exercise, and fresh air. The ice cream at Gaspar Cafe near our place is incredible! I rarely do dairy but when I do, I pretty much always have chocolate. Yesterday I started watching Virgin River on Netflix and it’s not particularly good but somehow I’m almost done the first season. I have a soft spot for shows that I can put on in the background while I’m writing that doesn’t take too much focus, especially if they’re murder or romantic comedy. That’s all for today! Here’s to a good week!

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Day 456: Sick Day 1

Yesterday I wasn’t feeling so great and spent the whole day on the couch. I’d planned to meet some friends in the park but just wasn’t up for it. Played Animal Crossing for hours and watched Netflix shows back to back. Today I woke up feeling like DEATH. My whole body hurts, face & neck are swollen and my throat is sore. I’m hoping it’s from the vaccine and not a cold but at this point, I don’t know. Took the day off from work as I can’t focus on anything.

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Day 446: Live Music in the Sun

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Day 406: She’s Only Happy In The Sun

Had a quiet Friday night after a long week. Sean got his vaccine yesterday and we spent the night watching The Serpent on Netflix. Idk why but just love a serial killer story, thought the show was really well done. This morning we cleaned up the roof patio, tossed a few old things, and packed some in the truck for the cottage. I biked over to meet April at Dundas & Ossington in the afternoon. we walked to Kensington picked up ome groceries and got coffee. It was so nice and sunny out. Felt great to be outside the house and in a different part of downtown. I biked back home and spent some time reading on the roof. I am loving these warmer days. I was planning to do some work on the garden but I sliced my hand pretty bad with a bred knife making breakfast so I’ll have to save that for another time. No plans tonight, I’m sure we’ll find something to watch. Title is a song from Ben Harper that always makes me think of my sister. ?

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Day 403: In The Worst of Weather, Dress Appropriately

April is rainy and cold, we know this. Like winter, spring can be a sad season but if you have the right thing to wear, it’s not so bad. ? I wrote about my love for Transitional Coat Season (spring moody temps!) last month on Day 374 and my love for ‘coat season‘ back in October (Day 205), another transitional month. Remember, in the worst of weather dress appropriately, layer, accessorize and wear the right shoes. When it rains, I have two fav coats depending on humidity. One of my favorite raincoats is a rubberized cotton number from Stutterheim in Sweden. It is easily one of the most $$ things I own and cherish it! (I found out I’m 10% Scandanavian shortly after getting this jacket so maybe that makes me love it more?) My ‘Stockholm Red‘ jacket was a gift via my friends Leslie & Lindsay of WRG (What’s Really Good Studios) in Montreal back in 2015. This coat is MADE TO LAST and only gets better with age. If it’s realllllly raining and I have to face the elements, I also have cute rain boots and a nice umbrella. A wild weather day is an outfit adventure opportunity, or a reason to stay home, you decide. This is a photo from 2015 on the bridge near our house. It’s crazy to go back and read my own posts, memory is weird. I look at the photos and I read the post in my voice, but I don’t really remember the moment. The title of the post that day is “The best thing one can do when it’s raining is to let it rain.” “I dunno what it is about this time of year of this weather but it’s really got me down. I was feeling so meh today I could…

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Day 400: Staring At The Wall

How you doing? I’m feeling the weight of everything this week and it is heavy. My new job is great but adjusting from 6+ years of freelance to work 40 hours a week has been tiring. Watching the news and seeing things get worse is extremely draining. Not being able to see family when they’re going through their own things is heartbreaking. We’re not even allowed to meet friends in the park anymore.  Each day this week I opened my blog admin to write something and ended up writing the title and staring at the screen. I couldn’t find the words to document the day. I try to appreciate something good each day like the sun, a call from mum, a good outfit, or laughing over DM’s with a friend. It’s hard to stay motivated/positive right now. Things are pretty bad. We can only hope things will get better but perspective is hard when we’re stuck in the middle of a storm that’s been going on for 13 months.  Today I woke up thinking about work and excited to get things done. My motivation slowly declined when I checked my phone, laid back down in my fully made bed, and stared at the wall for a while. Do you find yourself staring at the wall too? Next, I watered my plants and moved some around, grabbed some snacks, made coffee, and turned into the couch.  In other news, keeping this pandemic diary is surprisingly therapeutic. Despite some days where I’m completely exhausted, there have been a lot of good days. I find myself looking back and remembering park hangs in the summer, bike rides, cottage life, and great meals we made at home. Thankful for friends and family, also Netflix/Prime, good wifi, and snacks.  Sending you love, hang in there. ?

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Day 363: Counting The Days

Socially distanced. Wearing a mask. Staying home. Staying inside. Working from home. Distanced walks. Banana bread. Zoom meetings. You’re on mute. Loungewear. Self-care. It’s wild to think back to March 13th, 2020. I remember going to the gym in the morning, meeting friends at Drake Commissary for lunch, eating inside. Picking up beers from the brewery, walking home in the sunshine. I went for a walk at magic hour, sat inside at the bar for a pint near our house. The next day my sister came over and we watched Contagion thinking, no way this could happen here. I’m not exactly sure how to ‘celebrate’ one year, it’s not the kind of thing you’d throw a party for. A party is technically illegal these days. I’m gonna keep counting the days until the pandemic is over. Hopefully the end is near but looking at how the vaccinations are rolling out, it might be a while. A couple of friends in Canada got their vaccines this week and I can’t wait to get mine so we can all hang out. I miss seeing friends. events, concerts, yelling in a crowded bar, karaoke, fashion shows, press-previews, or grabbing one last drink at a dive bar. Today we watched The One on Netflix and finished the 8 Episode series. Good show! Sean chopped wood and we had a nice fire, cozied up on the couch. Pretty sure it was only 9 pm when we both fell asleep.

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Day 354: Hanging Out With Me

I always kinda danced to my own drum but over the past year, I’ve realized how much I really like hanging out with me. I’m so fun. I love walking, running, exercise with me, making crafts, sewing. I love writing alone in my room with the lights dim and Netflix in the background. I love playing in my closet or going through the bins under my bed. I love being alone with my stuff and talking to myself. I laugh when I’m alone with me about all kinds of things. I smile into my phone when I text friends. I smile when I write emails and I think it shows. I think one of the best things we can learn from the past year is how to JUST BE with our thoughts and who we really are. It’s the biggest life lesson we can learn. It’s a journey, not a destination. The process of getting to know oneself is ongoing and there are bumps along the way. The road to self-love is less traveled and you have make your own path. We can all get there, it just takes work. Don’t get me wrong I love my family and friends, but when you really know and love yourself, you have more to share.

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Day 350: Sunday, Pure Sun

On Sunday I like to keep the day free for myself to charge my batteries for the week ahead. Sean and I spent the morning in the kitchen, he is an expert level sous chef so he prepped all the food ingredients. We made roast vegetables, crunchy roast chickpeas, rice, a lentil curry w/ sweet potato, falafels, and my fav spicy Mediterranean-inspired rainbow salad. ? I love a weekend delivery and I was happy to get this beautiful art-inspired package from Pure Sunfarms in BC. They sent a few items from their new collection of apparel, accessories, objects & art inspired by their love of plants & modern life. I love the package design and art by Brooklyn-based artist Laura Garcia Serventi. I’m gonna frame the print! “I draw inspiration from the natural world, both flora and fauna, as well as vintage botanical illustration and vintage books of science. I also look back at art history a lot. But botanical gardens are my favourite.” LAURA SEVENTI I’d love one of their ‘SUNSHINE’ shirts (obvs) and also their decorative ashtrays that look like a sun, see below! My gift included natural Palo Santo from Woodlot and their yellow Grower’s hand soap that smells AMAZING, it has lemongrass, turmeric, Balsam Fir, and bergamot. Sean is a big fan of Pure Sunfarms cannabis products and everything in their Marketplace is so artfully designed. I stan a weed brand that makes great, artful products. ? “Nature has always been our greatest source of inspiration when it comes to both ingredients and scent. Our priority is to make products that are clean burning and made with simple, organic ingredients, but we’re also a scent company at heart, and we want our scent catalog to serve as a connection to the earth.” SONIA CHHINJI, WOODLOT I…

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Day 336: Happy Valentines Day!

I’m at home today and Sean is at the cottage with Emily. He sent me the most special surprise… We had a lovely Valentine’s dinner on Thursday night and shared gifts then watched some Netflix. He got me a rose bush plant instead of flowers and as a plant mama, it was the perfect present! I don’t share too much about Sean here but he is so wonderful! We first met over in 2009 and I couldn’t imagine my life without him. He makes me laugh every single day and supports me in everything I do. I’m so grateful for him in my life. SEAN, ILYSM!

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Day 328: Cozy Cottage

It was so nice to come back to Muskoka last night. We made a fire, watched Netflix and had a cozy cottage night. Spent almost all of Saturday lazing around, eating snacks and watching shows. We all need to give ourselves a break, relax, and take time to recharge our batteries. SO GRATEFUL FOR THE WEEKEND.

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Day 325: Sleep Goal Achieved

Yesterday I was so exhausted. After watching Y&R (as usual) from 4:30-5:30, I put on my pajamas, washed my face, and got ready for bed. Had a couple of phone chats with friends and finished S2 of BONDiNG on Netflix. Good show, it’s about a Femme Domme, a comedian, and their relationships. Got an advance copy of a new book on Kindle via NetGalley called ‘The Girls Are All So Nice Here‘. It’s a suspense thriller about two best friends and comes out on March 9th, 2021. This month I’m determined to read more books, I read heaps at the start of the Pani and fell off my reading game over the summer. I did a Peloton sleep meditation before bed last night and woke up feeling refreshed. According to my watch, I slept 9 hours & 24 minutes and my average sleep per night has increased in the past 14 days. I’ve really been loving the Calm SleepStories but decided to switch it up, I know, WILD. I used to stay up late but given the current circumstances, I figure I might as well get as many ZZZs as possible and make some new habits. I’ve been finding it harder to get up in the morning so I’m actively trying to fall asleep earlier. If I get a good 8 hours, as the days get longer, I’ll feel more like doing my morning workouts. At least, I HOPE THAT’S WHAT HAPPENS.

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