Tech | Sharing My Love of eReading + Win a Kobo in Our Twitter Chat!

Back in April I worked with Kobo and got my first eReader. TBH I Hadn’t really ready any books in ages and thought, maybe this is my gateway to the love of reading I’ve kinda lost. Well, it was. This is the kind of brand partnership work I truly love, something that fits perfectly. I read heaps of books growing up and since getting my Kobo I’ve read more in 5 months than I have in 5 years. I can’t deny my love this little thing!  ❤️Its been on all my trips, spent summer at the cottage, and is often found in my purse. I read 10 books on it over the summer alone. This weekend I finished my 12th book since April. I will always love paper books, I’ve got stacks, but there’s this new joy for e-reading that I’ve really come to enjoy. So, onto the next bit of info on how YOU can get a Kobo eReader too. Daniel ( and I are hosting a 1 hour Twitter Party with Kobo to celebrate the Giller Prize nominees on Wednesday this week at 8pm. Pour yourself a cuppa and join in the fun. We’ve got 6 Kobo eReaders to give away! REGISTER for the Twitter Chat on Wednesday at 8pm ET Powered by Eventbrite Also, if you’re feeling creative and want an extra shot at a Kobo eReader and $500 – write a haiku inspired by any of the 6 books on the 2016 Giller Prize shortlist. I’m currently reading The Best Kind of People and this is my haiku poem entry. Revolver you will never know terror hiding behind walls of a broken heart by Casie Stewart

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Summer eReading in the Sun + Kobo Giveaway

Since getting my Kobo reader I’ve read more in the last 2 months than I have in the past couple years. ? I used to spend (a little too much) time scrolling my phone before bed, now I scroll a few pages of my book. Reading a book is much better relaxation before bed than reading random tweets or Facebook status updates, trust me on this one. I also really love how easy it is to read in the sun, together we’ve lazed on the dock, rode the sunny streetcar, and chilled in the park. Last month I accepted the Kobo 7-Day e-reading challenge (read that post here), to replace my print book with a Kobo Glo HD for 7 days. Don’t get me wrong, I love paper books but fitting a pile in your carry-on or daily purse is just NOT practical. Kobo was created to please us fans of print books and tech lovers alike. Aside from my loonnnng reading list I just learned they have MAGAZINES. ?? I’m currently reading HER, a novel by Harriet Lane and have recently finished YOU by Carolyn Kepness and Eight Hundred Grapes by Laura Dave. During the summer I like reading light hearted chick lit or mystery novels. It’s a great way to take my brain on an adventure and step away from work. A few other great things about Kobo reading a preview of a book before you buy using the app on any of your devices built in wifi super light (not heavy) The kind folks at Kobo have given me a device for YOU.  The brand new Kobo Glo HD retails for $139.99, comes fully equipped with wifi, customizable fonts/text size/margins, and the battery lasts f-o-r-e-v-e-r. Ok, well not forever but waaaaay longer than your iPhone.   The contest is open to anyone in Canada and runs today till Friday, June 10th. Enter below! a…

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Kobo 7-Day Reading Challenge

Growing up I spent heaps of time at the library with mum. Each summer we joined the Summer Reading Club and went back and forth to the Preston Branch carrying books in the wagon, the stroller, or homemade bookbags. Mrs. Macdonald, the librarian, was a familiar part of our lives and helped us learn to love books and reading. Since joining the internet, I’ve read less books, well, I’d say less books overall since college/uni. This year I set a goal to read more books, scroll less websites. So far I’ve not done too bad! Last week I started a 7-day reading challenge with Kobo to discover the joy of e-reading. The new Kobo Glo HD is the latest eReader, it’s 6″ screen is super clear and reads just like paper. There’s 4GB of storage which is a LOT of books. Up to 3K! This is my first time with an e-reader and I really like it. I find it much easier to read on this device than phone or iPad due to the screen (Carta E Ink). You can also customize the light, font, and margins to personalize your experience. Next week I’ve got a GIVEAWAY for a Kobo Glo HD so we can be twins. If you’re keen to get reading before I then, DL the Kobo app on any device (with this link) and get a $5 credit towards your first purchase. [symple_spacing size=”10″] Things I like most about my new Kobo: – It’s SUPER light, nothing like carrying around a few novels ? – Fits in a small purse or the pocket of my trench coat – Battery lasts ages – You can read in the sun, no glare! ☀️ – The Kobo app has so many books and recommendations, all you need is wifi ? This weekend I started YOU by Carolyn Kepnes,…

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Friday Fri-Yay for Reals!

Oh man this week has been so busy. The house is a mess, and although it’s Friday, it ain’t ova’. Tomorrow we shoot this music video and it’s gonna be along day. Soon as we’re done shooting, off to the cottage we go! I love spending my birthday weekend at the cottage just chilling the ffff out. I left my Kobo there 2 weeks ago and have been missing it so much. I was right in the middle of an intense thriller book!  Yesterday I worked with acclaimed Canadian Director + Revolver Films founder, Don Allan, to submit a directors treatment for MuchFACT. The fund supports the Canadian music community through $$ and promotion of music videos and other content for all media platforms. Gah! It’s crazy to be doing something new and different. It’s a bit stressful  but I love it. Thankful for Sean and the ability to learn from him and everyone at 1188/Revolver. Who knows where I’ll be in 5 years!?!?   Found this pencil today when I started making a list. I love wring in pencil. Years ago I remember writing about ‘pencil on paper twill’ and how I liked the way it scratched across. Pencils with sayings are my fav.

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Twitter is Very Much Alive and Here is Some Motivation

I’ve had a really great time on Twitter the last 24hours. Sometimes people say ‘Twitter is dead’ but that goes right out the damn window when there’s a live event. I love twitter the most when we share moments like this. Nothing brings us closer than live event tweeting! #WorldSeries — CASiE STEWART (@casiestewart) November 3, 2016 The Twitter chat Daniel and I hosted with Kobo was a trending topic in Toronto and then Canada last night earning 3 million+ impressions. Then, after the chat I tuned in for the World Series Game 7 to see the Cubs win and HOLY COW what a game. I am happy the Cubs won bc my friend Tony Pierce aka @busblog is a die hard fan. ⚾️ ? This morning I watched Cam, Head of Comms at Twitter, chat about the election on CTV. I felt like last night was a preview of the tweet storm about to go down on Tuesday night when the US gets a new President. I’ve been invited by Twitter Canada to watch it at their office and I can’t wait. Casie Stewart Live from The Nest! I’ve shared my love for live event tweeting for over six years from my days tweeting Jersey Shore & The Hills at Much/MTV, to every award show since, the Olympics, Superbowl, The Bachelorette, and more. It’s gonna be really intense. Looking forward to watching the election at @twittercanada on Tues. @cam_gordon on @CTVNews talking what's trending! — CASiE STEWART (@casiestewart) November 3, 2016 I just watched this video andI’d like to thank my old friend (and apparently new neighbour!) Christine Estima for this performance. I’m spending the afternoon writing and organizing the book I’ve been working on because THIS YEAR I AM DAMN DETERMINED TO DO IT. I signed up for NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) and…

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The most important thing is to enjoy your life – to be happy – it’s all that matters.

Yesterday was one of those full on go-go-go day. The night before I was so tired, falling asleep at my computer. I closed it down and told myself everything could wait till the morning.  I make blog-life look pretty glam on the outside but behind the screen is a lot of hard work, late nights, meetings, and stress. I feel like I’m behind most the time, but some days I feel on top of the world. No day is ever the same.  I remember laying in bed thinking ‘just get me through this week, then I can relax‘. Had a great time speaking at a national Canadian corporation about my blog, social media, and influence marketing. A few talks booked on the topic of creators/influencers lately which I feel shows a that the market and budgets are shifting towards more digital. Filmed a short video with new blogger Nneka Elliott. You might recognize her from CP24 where she’s been a news anchor since 2008. Had a diner with Saje Wellness and about 50 other young women. Did a class with Army of Sass. Then went home and read a bit before fall ing asleep with my Kobo. Just reading back over this makes me feel exhausted!!! The whole day was documented on Snapchat.  Tonight we’re going to the cottage for a couple days before I fly out to Arizona on Sunday. That reminds me, I have to pack! Gah.  Title quote is by Audrey Hepburn ? FYI my contest for office space at The 48 inside 1 King West closes today – enter by visiting the post below! Get to Know The 48 Office Suites + OFFICE SPACE Giveaway!

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