Army of Sass – Pinup Girls Picnic

Earlier this summer, a bunch of ladies from my dance crew gathered in Trinity Bellwoods for a pinup picnic. it was so much fun, we drank, danced, and soaked up the sunshine in our vintage swimsuits, big glasses, and red lipstick. I’d been dying to wear this dress somewhere. Reminds me of the old flower print dresses mum and her BFF Pat Hope (my Fairy Godmother!) used to wear.

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Nuvo Burlesque – I’m in an Army of Sass and it’s HOT.

It’s been three weeks of rehearsal for our shows in December. I waited a couple weeks till we had something to show you. I could literally make GIFs of everything we do. Lead by creator & choreographer of Nuvo-Burlesque Carla Catherwood, and commercial choreographer Lindsay Ritter, we are the ARMY OF SASS. I saw the Electronic Cabaret a few times this summer and I knew I needed to be part of it. This is one of the coolest things I’ve done in the last year (at least). I have a video of us doing a routine but I am shy to show you my skills just yet. This is a sneak peek of what we’re working on. I hope you come to the show. There are about 50 of us. It is burlesque like you have never seen before and I am SO STOKED to be part of it. My sister Jenie is also in the troupe along with the lovely Jaclyn Genovese, Carolyn Van and a whole bunch of other babes. PERFORMANCE: Friday December 7 & 14, 2012 WHERE: The Virgin Mobile Mod Club, Toronto Until next time my friends, <3 CASIE & the Army P.S. If you’d like to dance with us there is a DROP-IN CLASS Wednesday night’s 8:30-9:30pm at King West Fitness. LMK if you decide to come. It will be the highlight of your week!

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#ArmyofSass: Be Classy, Be Confident, BE YOURSELF!

Last night I spent a few hours in the dance studio with my crew from the Army of Sass. It feel so good to 1) be doing something fitness related and 2) be around an amazing group of fine ladies. You might remember two years ago I was in the Army of Sass group and we did two shows at the Mod Club. It was so much fun. I absolutely LOVE being on stage. The AOS was founded by Carla Catherwood and she’s an amazing inspiraiton and GREAT teacher. If you’re interested in joining the AOS check them out on Facebook here. I took a couple videos of our rehearsal but I’m not ready to share them yet. I’ll have lots to tell you about the Army of Sass and our upcoming shows over the next few weeks. We perform in March and the show is called 50 Shades of Grey! It’s gonna be SO HOT! YOU KNOW WHAT YOU WANT IN THIS WORLD, GO OUT AND GET IT! With love, <3 CASIE

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Can you spot me in this army?

We have two shows in December and this is just a few of us doing one of the numbers. Class is taught by Carla Catherwood and we are, THE ARMY OF SASS. I can’t wait for WEDNESDAY. FTW. I have new shoes and am posting this so I remember to practice. I did ballet for 10 years growing up and did competitions and shows all the time. I am super nervous/excited about doing this. Now that I’m thirty and all. YOLO Make the most of every day. Smile more too.  <3 CASIE 🙂

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The most important thing is to enjoy your life – to be happy – it’s all that matters.

Yesterday was one of those full on go-go-go day. The night before I was so tired, falling asleep at my computer. I closed it down and told myself everything could wait till the morning.  I make blog-life look pretty glam on the outside but behind the screen is a lot of hard work, late nights, meetings, and stress. I feel like I’m behind most the time, but some days I feel on top of the world. No day is ever the same.  I remember laying in bed thinking ‘just get me through this week, then I can relax‘. Had a great time speaking at a national Canadian corporation about my blog, social media, and influence marketing. A few talks booked on the topic of creators/influencers lately which I feel shows a that the market and budgets are shifting towards more digital. Filmed a short video with new blogger Nneka Elliott. You might recognize her from CP24 where she’s been a news anchor since 2008. Had a diner with Saje Wellness and about 50 other young women. Did a class with Army of Sass. Then went home and read a bit before fall ing asleep with my Kobo. Just reading back over this makes me feel exhausted!!! The whole day was documented on Snapchat.  Tonight we’re going to the cottage for a couple days before I fly out to Arizona on Sunday. That reminds me, I have to pack! Gah.  Title quote is by Audrey Hepburn ? FYI my contest for office space at The 48 inside 1 King West closes today – enter by visiting the post below! Get to Know The 48 Office Suites + OFFICE SPACE Giveaway!

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TEDxWomen – Distillery District, Toronto

Today I’m on the lower east side at TEDxWomen in the Distillery District. I’m a guest of Carla Catherwood, founder and CEO of the Army of Sass.  100 women were selected to attend the event today so I’m feeling quite lucky!   Carla just left the stage and rocked it!  She  spoke about Army of Sass, how it’s grown, and the effect it has on women.    I can tell you honestly, being part of the AOS group has changed my life. Last night she did her talk for and a whole bunch of of has tears then a big, sweaty group hug. It was the absolute best.   You can purchase a ticket to our THROWBACK show June 6th or June 13th right here.    Just heard a talk from Emily Wright, you may have read about her in Toronto Life magazine. Private school girl turned homeless, drug addict. Her story was touching  and inspiring.     It’s only half way through the day and I’m feeling super inspired. Also driven, motivated, and proud of the things I’ve accomplished.  Reminder for today, You ARE important, talented, and beautiful.  You CAN accomplish anything you set your mind to. Don’t stand in your way, GO, CONQUER.  Sending you sunshine through the Internet, 💛 CASIE

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Pin-Up Picnic this Weekend in Bellwoods!

On Saturday the Army of Sass is hosting a pin-up picnic! I can’t wait. Been trying to decide on an outfit and there’s just so much to pick from. It’s gonna be cute and in Bellwoods if you wanna pass by. Details on Facebook. ALSO, our next show is THROWBACK: 80s & 90s and it’s seriously totally awesome. Pop June 6th & 13th (we have 2 shows) in your iCal and I’ll have a link for tickets any day now. Oh yeah baby, #Throwback! 🍭🎀💿📟 Our next #ArmyofSass shows are June 6th & 13th and you don' wanna miss. All your fav songs in one hot, like totally rad show! 🙆🏼 Ask me for tickets and or buy them online. Will post on le blog. #noscrubs #shoop #Mariah #tbt #80s #90s A photo posted by C A S I E S T E W A R T (@casiestewart) on May 21, 2015 at 8:00am PDT Pin-Up Picnic Inspiration  

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My Experience with an Uber Driver Yesterday

As you may know from the news, there’s lots of talk about Uber around the world and especially in Toronto. Last week I went to the rally at city hall with my friend to show support for Uber & UberX (non-taxi people doing pickups) with heaps of other riders and drivers.   Yesterday I took a record (for me), 5 UberX cars in one day. Home to 1188 Office 1188 to The Brewers Plate Brewers Plate to Netflix Thowback Party Netflix to Army of Sass dance rehearsal Rehearsal to Home When I ran to dance class from the 4th car I left my wallet in the car. I didn’t realize till after dance. This was after frantically tearing my bag apart and scouring the studio. I sent a DM (private message on Twitter) to @UberCanada and asked if they could help.  It was 10:36pm.    By 10:42, my wallet was found and Uber Canada text me a contact number for my UberX driver who had my little wallet.  I rung him and arranged it to be dropped off at my HOUSE. THIS WOULD NEVER HAVE HAPPENED IN ANOTHER TAXI. Have you ever left something in a taxi? It’s basically a lost cause. I lost a wallet and an iPhone last year and there was no way to track down the driver or car.  With Uber, my stuff was safe and sound with the driver and back to within an hour of realizing it was missing. There’s a bunch of things I really love about Uber (especially UberX) and it’s that drivers are never on the phone, cars are clean, and they’re generally really nice. Also the following list that you will not find with a traditional or Beck taxi. You know who is picking up and when. You’ve got the drivers name, contact. You can see on…

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Dance, New Jewels, Women’s Mecca, SUN LOVE!

Went for a nice walk at sunset yesterday before dance and am so happy the weather is finally nice. I always feel a warm spot in my heart walking down Palmerston, my family is from Palmerston North, New Zealand. Can’t help but think of them and the beautiful NZ countryside. I don’t usually read my horrorscope (:P!) but this week it seems the Toronto Metro has me in mind. It’s coming up to my birthday month and I’m feeling great about the next year.   Last night at dance was so much fun! I absolutely love being in Army of Sass. We get in a good workout, learn a new combo, and practice our routine for the show in June. My stomach muscles were hurting from laughing so hard, it’s really great to be surrounded by so many wonderful ladies.     A video posted by Carla Catherwood (@carla_catherwood) on Apr 16, 2015 at 6:47am PDT Spent yesterday afternoon working out of the Women’s Mecca office in Liberty Village. It’s absolutely beautiful and the skylight fills the office with sunshine. Was happy to stumble on one of my fav books kicking around the office. I read over this one every couple months for motivation and creative stimulation.      Visiting my sister in the Beaches and recording an audition video for something fun. Put out good vibes for meeeee! We used to live at Broadview/Danforth and take the subway over this bridge all the time. Brings back fond memories!   Shoutout to my friends at Thomas Sabo Canada for sending this beautiful gift, I haven’t worn and anklet since I was a kid and love it. So nice to have NO SOCKS weather again. Are you following me on Snapchat BTW? Add me: casiestewart! In other news, get outside and soak up some…

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You CAN sit with us.

Was back in the studio with my Wednesday night crew yesterday. We had so much fun! I can’t believe how close we’ve all come the last couple months. One of the coolest things about the spring session is a few new additions including my sister, and Fran who I used to work with. Our theme this round is THROWBACK and we’re dancing to some amazing old jams from the 80’s and 90’s. Think MJ, Janet, TLC etc. Huge props to the fearless and fabulous Carla Catherwood, founder of Army of Sass. She started it with 12 girls and there’s now over 300 across Canada. Dancing again has really uplifted my spirits and given me something fun to look forward to each week. Also, the girls are so much fun, love them all! Here’s to a great long weekend. Get out and make the best of this warmer weather. I’m heading to Neil Diamond tonight at ACC w/ Sean. With love, CASIE

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Ben’s at Home Win’s best Feature at Canadian Film Fest!

This weekend I went to the Canadian Film Festival premiere of Ben’s At Home, directed by my friend Mars  Horodyski and Dan Abramovici. It’s a romantic comedy where Ben decides to stay home and not leave his house. In doing this there’s some drama, laughs, and romance. HUGE congrats to Mars and Dan for winning BEST FEATURE  at the festival. They’ve been picked up for distribution AND have a web series on the way. So neat to see someone you know really killing it. I’m looking forward to the web series as Ben blogs about staying home for an entire year. I couldn’t even imagine doing that! BEN’S AT HOME TORONTO PREMIERE Running Time: 74mins Genre: Romantic Comedy Producers:   Dan Abramovici, Mars Horodyski, Anneli Ekborn Director: Mars Horodyski Writers: Dan Abramovici, Mars Horodyski Editor: Mike Reisacher Cast: Dan Abramovici, Jess Embro, Jim Annan, Inessa Frantowski, Craig Brown, David Reale, Rob Baker, Kimberly-Sue Murray, Emma Fleury, Ruth Goodwin, Sarah Booth Another cool thing about the premiere was the short film before that starred Donnie form Orphan Black (Kristian Bruun). Soon as he came on screen I was like ‘omg, it’s Donnie, I love him!’. Little did I know he was sitting right in front of me.Facepalmlm.  That’s him beside the guy holding the mic below. Check out the trailer for Ben’s at Home the web series below. All views help them in a chance to win funding to produce it, so give it a watch! We're making Ben's at Home into a web series! Please watch and share our teaser:… — Mars Horodyski (@cine_mars) March 2, 2015 These are roses Sean got me after my Army of Sass performance last week. They’ve bloomed so beautifully. Being in love is the best. Hope you had a great weekend! <3 CASIE

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The best thing one can do when it’s raining is to let it rain.

I dunno what it is about this time of year of this weather but it’s really got me down. I was feeling so meh today I could have just crawled into bed and played on my phone for 2 hours until I fell asleep. I know it’s going to be raining heaps the next few weeks and luckily I’ve got a nice coat to keep me dry. Had this baby in my closet for months and it’s finally mild/wet enough to wear it. Thank you Stutterheim + WRG in Montreal for hookin’ a sista up! David Beckham and Jay-Z have them too. The brand was started by a Andrew Stutterheim, Swedish copywriter turned fashion designer, read about him here. Cool story bro. I was lucky to spend the afternoon with a great friend and have some laughs while we worked away.  I took her some tulips and she gave me some sunshine. She also made me a delicious lunch which is always a treat! Tomorrow night is our second Army of Sass show. I’ve skipped out on a lot of fashion week stuff this week to train tonight and perform tomorrow. I really don’t mind. I laughed my a$$ off at rehearsal and we worked up a sweat with drills, exercises, and practise. Nothing like a great group of girls, a wicked routine, and good workout to boost you UP. BTW if you ever want to join up and come to my class, lmk. There’s a couple spots left I think! I’ve got a post coming with a pretty rad giveaway and I was planning to post it this morning yesterday but the day got away from me and I will share it today. If you wanna come to the show tomorrow night, get a ticket HERE or at the door. Mod Club, 9pm, show starts at 10.…

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Can Your Goldfish Do The Backstroke? #PetSkills

Over the past few weeks I’ve been doing some work with Stage TEN tv. One of the first projects is a new show called Pet Skills, it’s a live, interactive show where pets audition, you vote, and they win prizes. I’m putting this out to YOU because I’d LOVE to see some of your pets on the show! Email some info on your pet’s amazing skill to [email protected] and we’ll follow up to arrange your audition. You won’t have to leave the house to do it, the audition will be recorded on your handy smartphone/camera. That’s all for now! Off to MOD CLUB for our 50 Shades show w/ Army of Sass. TBH, kinda nervous! You can get tickets at the door if you wanna come. It’s HOT! With love, CASIE

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OMG High On Life! More Hours In The Day, Please?

The last couple weeks have been kinda crazy and I’m feeling like there’s more where it all comes from. Last night’s rehearsal for Army of Sass was AWESOME. I’m stoked for our show. Are you coming? Get a ticket here.  I’m currently working on a slew of things including TWO shows. Ahhh! I feel like I’m constantly rushing around on high speed. I’m dreaming about opening the cottage and relaxing. I’ve got something cool to share with you tomorrow. Tonight I’ve got a dinner with Converse and I’m really looking forward to it. Meeting my sister shortly to shoot something for an upcoming project. It’s like I’ve spent 10 years working my ass off to try and build something and I feel it’s finally coming together. Come Friday after the show I’ll be SO ready for a cocktail to celebrate this week.  This art is by Mr. Brainwash. A good reminder that sometimes you may feel like you’re going the wrong way with your crazy ideas but you should follow them, you have a strong imagination. It will guide you! Here’s to the crazy ones! <3 CASIE

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Days Go By and Still I Think of You

Hello darlings! Feeling fresh today with my new hair. Got bangs. Going for that Sia look. House of Cards has me teetering on the cut/grow hair situation and today I’m back to growing it. This is the awkward stage so I’m trying my best to make it through. If I can hold out a couple more months, I’ll be fine! Had an awesome rehearsal for Army of Sass last night. I can’t WAIT till the show. I will have tickets in about a week. I’ve had morning meetings and appts all week and today is my first morning dedicated to blogging. I’m about to make a nice brekky and catch up on the Y&R. Yes, I STILL watch it! Got new glasses by Derek Cardigan from Clearly Contacts and have a contest launching later today. If you’re interested in my sweet Carrera Marble laptop skin you can get one here. I make a small commission from each sale so if you do buy one, THANK YOU. This Wes Anderson book Sean picked up is so awesome. Ok, back to the drawing blogging board! Have an GREAT DAY. Enjoy that sunshine! ☀️ ❤️ CASIE * I’ve always loved this song/video!

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Behind the Scenes: Le Chateau’s Latest Lookbook #SpreadLeLove

Yesterday was SOOOOOO fun. Lozzie and I posed for the camera in studio dressed in outfits we picked out from Le Chateau. They brought together a whole bunch of bloggers from Toronto to Spread Le Love in a Valentines Day shoot. Here’s a little sneak peek! I’ll for sure be sharing the shots once they’re out in the world!  Thanks Caroline Levin for the GREAT makeup. When I met up with Sean later he said I looked like a doll. Once we got home he said ‘are you gonna take that stuff off now?’. It’s cute that he prefers my natural face. Gah, I’m so cheezy and in love!  Just wait till you see the shots from the shoot I had with him last week. They’re A-D-O-R-A-B-L-E. A photo posted by C A S I E S T E W A R T (@casiestewart) on Jan 27, 2015 at 4:50pm PST Finished the night with a huge bowl of Pho and came home to watch The Fall. If you haven’t watched it on Netflix yet, I highlt recommend it. It’s a sexy murder mystery with 2 seasons starring that hot babe from the 50 Shades movie coming out next month. MEOW! I’ve got a conference call shortly that is VIDEO and I’m not even dressed or showered. Working from home is great when nobody can see you! Gahhhh. Ok, always rushing. Back in studio for Army of Sass tonight. Woo hoo! Hope you’re having a great day! <3 CASIE

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Events | No Good Woman Left Behind

Last week I told you an awesome story about how Telus went out of their way to do something awesome for one of their longest standing customers, Ramona. See that story here. This week, they are sponsoring a story on my blog for me to highlight someone in my community. I’ll be donating the money earned from this post to the story I’m about to share. I’ve picked a friend who has contributed to the Toronto tech & social community for years, graced the stage with her burlesque skills, and recently displayed the utmost strength as she was recently diagnosed with Cancer. I’d like you to meet Carolyn Van. Carolyn is a 28 year old young woman, born & raised downtown Toronto.  She loves spending time in dance studios, tweeting & talking about technology and sharingher love for design. She’s an educator, entrepreneur, innovator and all around amazing human. In mid-March 2014, Carolyn was diagnosed with Lymphoma Cancer. I can only imagine what it would be like for a woman who is so busy working, teaching, speaking, and making the world a better place, to have Cancer disrupt her mojo. I’m impressed with Carolyn’s ability to remain positive and share her story. She’s been documenting her ups and downs on her blog “Cancer Chose The Wrong Woman to F%$! With“. I’ve known Carolyn for a few years and two years ago we were part of the Army of Sass with the fine ladies below (and my sister!). Run by Carla Catherwood, the Army of Sass is a burlesque troupe empowering women to put on their high heels, share their high hopes, and bust a move on stage. We had so much fun! We performed in December 2012 at the Mod Club for 2 nights to a totally sold venue each night. It was a an amazing bonding experience for…

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Be Classy. Be Confident. Be Yourself.

Hey gorgeous! Last semester I had a great time dancing in the ARMY of SASS Performance & Training Group. They currently accepting registration for the ARMY OF SASS Winter session that goes from January to June. That’s six months of you getting hotter, dancing, making friends, and getting fit. You’ll finish up with a super hot performance and strut your stuff on stage. If you are looking for something to make you feel confident and sexy, this is it. I had an absolute blast.   Some of the Girls and I on Opening Night   ARMY of SASS Performance & Training Group   There are 2 weeks left until AOS – CONFESSIONS starts training. To register email [email protected] and check out LOCATION INFO in GTA/Ottawa. Facebook: ARMY OF SASS / Chic-a-boom Room “No good woman left behind”

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Work, Work, Worker Bee Babe

Busy day today. This weather is great for working. I was invited to Blundstone, the Australian boot company to check out their new style of shoes.  They come from Tasmania, I’ve been there. Toured a brewery and went to a spa in Hobart. Will share those tomorrow. Have dance tonight at King West Fitness for Nuvo Burlesque’s Army of Sass. I’m stoked. It’s so much fun. Things are going great at work. I really love it here.  Do you love my new glasses? They’re ‘Love’ by Derek Cardigan for Clearly Contacts. I’m terribly excited for Halloween BTW. Hope you are having an awesome day! <3 CASIE

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Social TV, Dance Routines, Everyday, Awesomism

It’s been a busy day! Arrived early at the office, did some writing, and a conference keynote all before noon. I posted the slides from my presentation  with Stephen Henrik  (The Globe & Mail) on the Pulp&Fiber blog. The subject was ‘Role of Social TV in Building the Brand’ read it here.  For the record, if you know Stephen, he did not say “shake that” during the presentation. Last night my sister came with me to dance at King West Fitness. We are BOTH In the Army of Sass from now until December. We perform at the Virgin Mobile MOD Club Theatre on December 8th & 14th. Book your calendar. The show is ALWAYS sold out. It’s going to be AWESOME. Jenie and I haven’t danced together since we were kids and we’ve never actually been in the same class. Nuvo Burlesque’s ARMY of SASS Toronto  Nuvo-Burlesque Dance on Vimeo.     [View the story “Army of Sass – FW 2012” on Storify] Army of Sass – FW 2012 Storified by CASIE STEWART · Thu, Sep 20 2012 14:04:25 Rolling 40 women strong in my Wednesday’s #armyofsass #performanceandtraininggroup @meghannorah @aidanmorris Catherwood So many ladies in class for @nuvoburlesque #armyofsass last night. @ King West Fitness STEWART Rarrrr #armyofsass w/ @nuvoburlesque & @jeniestewart. @ King West Fitness STEWART In other news, check out this chill track by artist “Everyday“. He’s from the same mgmt that brought us The Weekend. I blogged his first video with Kate Upton over the summer. I’m into it. Hope your day has been magical. If not, you still have time to make it awesome. Go out and get it! <3 CASIE

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History Revealed: Augmented-Reality Art + Ancestry

Had such a lovely night last week for the opening of History Revealed, an augmented reality art exhibit that runs till November 11th. Scroll down for ticket details! I saw so many faces I hadn’t seen in ages! This magical moment when I saw Maria was caught by the photographer. I think we screamed and hugged with joy for 30-seconds. We’ve been friends for ages, since before the burlesque era. History Revealed: A Unique Gallery Experience Presented by, the exhibit shows the works of Canadian wartime artist Molly Lamb Bobak. At just 25, she was the first and only woman to be appointed as an official Canadian war artist. When you walk in, it appears the picture frames are empty, but through the iPads & headphones, the photos come alive and are accompanied by audio stories. The free exhibit runs until Friday, November 11th. Book an appointment to see it here. As part of the opening night, we had portraits taken by George Pimentel. All photos by George Pimentel except my mirror selfies. 😁 Thank you to the team at Coveted Co. for the invite!

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Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-07-15

The Queen’s Trunk Pop-Up Shop, This Weekend in Toronto!: As a lover of #fashion Art fears business fears art via @thisissethsblog # #sprinkler #nofilter #olympus #penready @ Muskoka Lake # Just posted a photo # #Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-07-08: – If you’ve watched my show on @CoralTV… #thisismylife # Sunday at the office. # “Float On” # Photos from the @SummerWorks VIP soirée at The Great Hall Thursday # Here the ship sailed out into the blue and sunny morn…: The sweetest sight ever… #thisismylife # #nofilter @ Morrison Lake # Queen & Spadina closed for 2 weeks is gonna be insanity. # The 3 Phases Of Social Media #readthis #content # Watertower by Tom Fruin

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yesterday on twitter, this happened:

i’m a wicked multitasker. ftw. # i hate that it’s UG-Li. # Well done Dana 😉 RT @danadearmond: You’re like half of mount rushmore, two faced! -burn I just made up. @danadearmond 2010 # oh my BF, Gubler, you are so handsome. ILU> HEAPS. # been stalking a few people online. makes me feel good cause i know peeps be creepin on me and my blog w/out comments & shiz. totes fair. # uh huh @issarged. niiiiiiice. # lookin good @crystalgibson 🙂 #140characters # just for you my sweet @morgan_c_ross 😉 # anyone know someone at @TBWA? kinda stalking them atm. # Photo: omg. # thinking i will be a dominatrix style vampire friday night for people downtown’s halloweener party. yeah? # or bring me to your gym for a class. i dunno what i like or wanna do for exercise but i need to do something. beach trips in december! # omg love chatting w/ mates from NZ, reply “Na bro” sooooooooo kiwi. # have you got some yet today? # i need a trainer or fitness classes, something for 1 month. 30 day challenge > you will be blogged. email me: [email protected] # I’ve favourited a YouTube video — Matthew Gray Gubler: The Unauthorized Documentary # Photo: › FASHION HAIUKU: › › First page of your blog › › Jeffrey Campbell “Lita” Boots › › Navigate away. # Photo: Christy was my fav model growing up. › [Mystery solved] (you were right, @randtm!). › › Christy… # Photo: › my BF Gubler in Terry’s glasses. # Photo: my BF and terry terrysdiary:Me and Gubler in my studio. # i am in love with matthewgray gubler. hey mgg, calll mee! # “having fun isn’t hard when you’ve…

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