Big news. Remember how I was going to LA for NYE? Well, change of plans. I’ll get to LA early 2011. I’m flying to Montreal on Porter Airlines to stay at my beloved W Hotel with Raymi and friends. Big thanks to the INQ Mobile team for putting this all together. You can enter Raymi’s contest to come here on INQ’s FB. I’M STOKED. OMFG. GONNA BE THE MOST CRAZY AWESOME PARTY EVERRRRRRRRRR. You can follow all the crazy via #INQNYE. XO CASIE PERRY P.S. Did an interview for a NY/LA/Dallas online mag called Pink Memo “Virgin America Get’s Awesome”

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yesterday on twitter, this happened:

Comedy night w/ @raymitheminx & friends (@ The Rivoli) http://4sq.com/frXg70 # total eclipse of the moon, moon, moon! bonnie tyler/katy perry #remix http://goo.gl/fb/Wu8rZ #blog # Photo: http://tumblr.com/xmj13ldtpl # hmm news says ebergy drinks no mixey with alcohol. no jaggabombs? wah wahh. # what do i want for christmas? # "Stewart is making her carbon footprint in our digital age with true edgy-punk style. " @pinkmemo check it http://bit.ly/hW1Cch # Just found this old thang http://twitpic.com/3hv420 # omg love you @joelreilly. he just called me "Hermit the Frog" aaaahahah # MTV is the lava lamp of the 1980's. – Doug Ferrari # anyone wanna deliver me lunch? i will reward you with a jeffrey and my company. # operation don't leave the house is still going. i went out to hohoto & bizmedia and thats it in over one week. #hermit # baby you're a firework. # what makes you laugh out loud these days? — twitter peeps i follow & hipster hitler. http://4ms.me/i3IDJ2 # You're all in here > http://bit.ly/fXihAf @shopgirlsGB @marksww @nellabellabrand @moovbootcanada @joefreshstyle @dododays # it’s your lucky day, you know who you are! http://goo.gl/fb/GFEF3 #blog # i really love answering your questions. won't tweet all answers so i'm not toooooo annoying > http://formspring.com/casiestewart # Hot date with @raymitheminx before Whoreshoe for #ElectricXmas2 Look out. # most interesting party you've attended? — easy @BridalBashTO. http://4ms.me/eIU9bG # what has been your latest challenge you've succeeded at in your pe… — living and not letting that days just pass by http://4ms.me/h1wMIG # I love geeky girls! You're the cutest! There's nothing… — aw, thanks. what till you see me totally shit faced. haha http://4ms.me/e4FUaI # how do you think the toronto tech/blog/geny community … — i think it is very friendly. we'll get #genyto up and … http://4ms.me/exblRs # went…

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hi, welcome to my winter wonderland!

For those of you not in TO, this is the situation. Have warm rubber/marino wool Moovboots and Isotoner touchscreen gloves so I can tweet w/ happy feet while walking. Ruskie hat Sabrina got me from Belarus to warm my head. Nella Bella black leather bag to hold my gear. I don’t mind the winter at all, bring on the snoooooooooow! These guys look cold but at least the have each other. Red guys is mine, rusty is Raymi’s. I will tune you up before we start summer spinnin’. Time to get ready for hohoTO. Party time!

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yesterday on twitter, this happened:

i want these for christmas http://etsy.me/g1hHip #dollparts @itsbarbiestyle #dollhands # ok this one is classic us. haha @raymitheminx http://twitpic.com/3gbzuo # yo @raymitheminx just found this old jem of us http://twitpic.com/3gbzoe # lady blogga http://twitpic.com/3gbzgs # Y'all know that Kane from the #yandr @ replied to me today. #win # dear @fetlife santa, please pick me to win this year. i've been real good/bad xo latex kimono, latex catsuit, slave ring 🙂 # yeppers, @randymatheson i am in town just in time for the party. #hohoTO # love the @telus commercial w/ @teamyacht music. they one ma favs # thanks @DavidPylyp I don't suck at spelling, just typing. # obviously. # just kidding # re # what ever will i wear to teh ball? #hohoto #cinderella # like it (YouTube http://youtu.be/LpepqlpeeeE?a) # ooh this is good #criminalminds # Photo: she’s real cute emma http://tumblr.com/xmj12jvgrj # the guy in the Sears commercial w/ Levis, anyone know him? i think i met him before. he's cute. # #winterwonderland # Photo: oooh criminal minds blows my mindzeyez http://tumblr.com/xmj12jsdrl # Photo: via lesbiansftw http://tumblr.com/xmj12js5ge # misty RT @jacobjunior7: The snow tonight is so pretty. # #criminalminds @gublernation <3 # Photo: alll i want for christmas is this outfit & wig. please. http://tumblr.com/xmj12jgu58 # Photo: me too. http://tumblr.com/xmj12jfemx # <3 computer. (YouTube http://youtu.be/7gofLn93z18?a) # and just like that… #2010 http://goo.gl/fb/7LfcH # canadian geography is a category on double jeopardy # oops! http://didyouwatchporn.com # omg. @VirginAmerica starts service to Los Cabos tomorrow.#VXMex # oh yeah @itsbrownbarbie, thats nothing like cityplace pool! glad you having FUN. miss you xo # Photo: › this would be soooo nice… http://tumblr.com/xmj12i1t48 # Photo: there’s no rehab for it at all. http://tumblr.com/xmj12i1rww # i wish i had an LA boyfriend. # he sucks, we were staying with a friend and now that…

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incredible india wecomes you!

Saturday night Brown Barbie and The Blondetourage hit up the Smirnoff Nightlife Exchange India party at the Munition Factory. It was fun. Thanks Smirnoff! Doesn’t this look like a bunch of fun? Super cute, Keri & Raymi. Say wha? 5 rupees? No way. More blondes! Blonde Jovi! There was heaps of food and a market with all kinds of things I reckon you’d find in India. Man I love a good theme party. Christine, April, Carly. Babes. Dance party! Lauren’s BF Sean is the best. Great sport takin’ heaps of photos of us, THANK YOU! You know this rascal.Always with the ladies 😉 Thanks Mum for having this wiked vintage Kaftan. It was a hit!

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yesterday on twitter, this happened:

Date night w/ TMN & HBO. Saving myself for #smirnoffexperience tomorrow night! Will you be there? # Whoa. When did I miss @VictorNewman storming out on @mrsnikkinewman? Girl, you gonna have to change that handle btw. # yandr # mum is using toronto company http://bitstorm.com to get internet while on her sailing trip. to bahamas. she's so connected. makes me proud. # so cute mum telling me boat drama from the marina w/ boaters. soap opera, boat opera! # on skype w/ mum <3 # generalized anxiety disorder: Canada: Between 3-5 percent of adults http://bit.ly/fpMb72 # downloading classes from @ukabbalah # whoa bond girl name jenie stewart (sis) is casey casum http://twitpic.com/3afh8b # the thinking and dreaming song(YouTube http://youtu.be/zQ5Grncdjlc?a) # Photo: why do birds suddenly appear? http://tumblr.com/xmjrzzvg0 # the MO'ning after#movember w/! @irieras @KeriBlog @itsbrownbarbie http://dailybooth.com/u/6akc2 # Photo: holy cats. want. http://tumblr.com/xmjrzp2le # Oh snap @keriblog just stopped by w/ 21LB turkey for Sunday's #Turducken # Photo: new zealand http://tumblr.com/xmjrzm0fo # Photo: love this sweater and skipping through fields. http://tumblr.com/xmjrzlztg # MOvemblog: https://casiestewart.com/2010/11/26/movember-gala #movember #toronto # Photo: he is very cute. what’s his name? so grown up now. http://tumblr.com/xmjrziebq # Photo: like these tattoos. NSFW. http://tumblr.com/xmjrzicjn # you're in trouble @kurtgooden #movember http://twitpic.com/3adpsm # george michaels? #movember http://twitpic.com/3adnmv # Mr. @MichaelNus @ #Movember Gala http://twitpic.com/3adkx2 # Video: quite funny: ellen/modern family girl prank gingesnap: http://tumblr.com/xmjrz5ckr # Photo: › florence. ILU. http://tumblr.com/xmjrz5ais # omg SNOW! # Me & Mr. #Movember Toronto 2010 http://twitpic.com/3ad071 # Me & Mr. #Movember Toronto 2009 http://twitpic.com/3aczx3 # twitter is smart: #FF @raymitheminx @michelsavoie http://twitpic.com/3acvpt #

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i am going to a ballet tomorrow night.

I used to do ballet. For ten years. Sometime I hated it but I always loved it. This is me last week after Raymi’s party. Dress if from this store. Look ma’ still got it. Kinda. Not top form, by any means. I was three years old when I started dance and stopped when I was 13. I did ballet, tap and jazz. I competed in NY and SC as well as across Ontario. Sometimes I was taken out of school for competitions and I wore blue eye shadow and red lipstick. I need to find our photos. I reckon they’re all at Mum’s. We have a FB group for our old studio Meyerhopher in Cambridge. Great studio and people there. It says this on the FB group: If it doesn’t kill you, it will only make you stronger. Or you will really feel it the next day. I am going to see  “Robert Lepage’s “Eonnagata” starring Sylvie Guillem with my friend who is a wonderful photographer. There is dancing and beautiful music and famed French ballerina  Sylphie Guellieium. This is her, such beauty. Looking quite forward to it. Midway between theatre and dance, Eonnagata pits the fan against the sword, the courtesan against the swordsman. But it also explores the embodying of one sex by the other in what is more an investigation of gender than of sexuality. The work draws on Onnagata, a Kabuki theatre technique that enables actors to represent women in a highly stylized fashion, shedding new light on the Chevalier d’Éon and revealing that his enigma is perhaps the mystery of human identity itself.

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Blogging is a weird and interesting thing, so is life.

Piano typing my thoughts to the music. Things are so clear in my head. I love writing. I just downloaded a piano app for ipad. I don’t get why people are mean sometimes. I guess I should get it because it’s been a regular occurance where girls try to knock you down when you’re excited about something and feeling happy. What is the point in doing that? Seriously? You only make yourself look stupid and put out bad energy. It’s annoying. Being nice will get you further. So will being friends with girls who are doing well instead of trying to knock them down. Ya hear what I’m sayin? Sheesh! I need some new music. What are you listening to? What should I be listening to?

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yesterday on twitter, this happened:

Buncha babes in sequins! @raymitheminx blogtourage ftw! # Party time! @raymitheminx 10 year FTW! (@ Wrongbar) http://4sq.com/cAC3aa # somebody haz party dress on! http://dailybooth.com/u/60qxo # can you hear the horses cause here they comeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee # i love my blog. there i said it. it’s true and i’m not taking it back ever. true love <3 # if you are not making it to wrongbar for the awesome @raymitheminx party you should go see @morgan_c_ross at rivoli 🙂 # Today i tried on some great dresses at @ShopFY and the winner is…. https://casiestewart.com/fashionably-yours-for-life # omg nick and sharon are getting married again. way to follow in your dad @victornewman‘s footsteps guy. # damn, i forgot to get eyelash glue. # this one’s for you miss http://twitpic.com/35yuvv # hai http://twitpic.com/35yuqu # Recognized by someone I don’t know on the street. Love when that happens 🙂 # Omg there are so many nice things here peeps. Think we found a @shopfy winner! http://twitpic.com/35y1dh # You will be happy to know that this morning, my room started gettin cleaned. Oh yeah. New leaf haha. # Heading to @shopfy for an outfit for @raymithemix huge bloggerama party. Look out style baby! Outfit pix coming soooooooon! #

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every day is special if you make it so!

today was a full on day. scooted out to a meeting about a new project. had lunch at this cute place called Bld on Toronto Street. like it there. oh hai, lemme take this call while i take my own photo aka work. walked by and say this guy remmebering. made me sad. i paused and thought about all the soldiers who have fought for our freedom and made the ultimate sacrifice, their lives. i thought about grandad and grandpa and my family and mum and all the things that i’m grateful for. so many things. thank you for being part of my life. this is nana and grandad and mum and my aunt & uncles. i bet grandad never thought he would be on the internet! amazing eh grandad?! love and miss you. ok onto the next stop… popped into  fashionably yours where i was most fabulously styled by jay strut for raymi’s 10 year anniversary party tonight at wrongbar. so many great finds in there. it’s located at 632 queen street west west of bathurst. go there say HI to JANET and JAY for me when you do. they are lovely and nice. oh what to wear? i tried on some seriously lovely dresses. it came down to the fuchsia betsy johnson or the little sequin french connection number. i look like a huge dork…i am. get used to it. i want to walk in your shoes, yes yes i do. one day i will have a boyfriend who can wear these shoes with style and look hot. and the winner is…SEQUINS. kinda knew it, i love sequins so. probably all the years i spent wearing them as a young ballerina from the age of three for ten years that did it. ok time to get ready for…

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yesterday on twitter, this happened:

whoa rounding up #NZFW analytics. i blogged heaps and tweeted about it like 300 +. cripes! # Christmas Dinner for all the #Toronto Kiwi’s > Tickets here http://bit.ly/9GDEX4 #kea # look for @itsbrownbarbie at the raps game tonight. she will be styling as usual. # i want christmas lights this year. not even big on christmas i just wants lights and candy canes ok. presents are ok too i guess. # i am so excited to meet @richardbranson in dallas december 1st. omg. # cooking up some awesome w/ @virginamerica… #provocateur #staytuned # do you know that on monday, someone in the fine city of #toronto is going to get a @virginamerica flight… #provocateur # Make your weekend jealous! @VirginAmerica wants to upgrade your Monday. Yahoooooo! > http://on.fb.me/dmY7ow # a photo diary of my day https://casiestewart.com/photodiary-11-10-2010/ # party ticket info is here > http://guestlistapp.com/events/33969 # our house is so bright. sunnies on. http://dailybooth.com/u/5zxr5 # making my media/cool blog friends list for @raymitheminx 10 year blog party. add you? # How long you reckon wait is? (@ Service Ontario) http://4sq.com/53kkut # Go go gadget solar charging phone. #walking #dying #

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the value of believing in yourself

I had this favourite book when I was little, actually, I still have it at Mum’s there’s no way she would get rid of our old books. It retells the story of Louis Pasteur, whose unwavering belief in the concept of germs led to a cure for rabies. I loved it, I’m sure I read it over a hundred times. I woke up today thinking about it and decided it’s time, I need to do a couple things I’ve been putting off: renew licence renew health card sign up for flirty girl fitness classes (have a week pass) call my trainer and get our sessions in order It’s just after 8am (damn you internet almost 9’er NOW!)  and I’m heading to get all this done this morning. I can do it. What are you doing today? Yesterday I had another date with my boyfriend Raymi. Have you noticed how I call everything my boyfriend? It helps to fill the void of not having one. I love my gadgets and my friends and they make me happy. One day I will find a nice charming tall man who loves to do nice things for me and is smart and good looking. (Bats eyelashes through the internet, hi!). Maybe when I am in Dallas, Boston, San Juan, or LA next month I will find one. Just kidding, working/friends/sister time. Who cares if I don’t I reckon I’ve not got time for that anyway. I’m waaaaay too focussed on myself and where I am going with my beautiful mind life. (Selfish much?) NO, FOCUSED TYVM. She gets me to take her photo 8,000 times. Cute when she asks. What people fail to understand is THAT IS US WORKING. She posted about resto we went to, it’s called BOOM. Good thing we were sitting…

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yesterday on twitter, this happened:

Who has new Windows phone? # College Champs on #Jeopardy tonight. # "What brings you happiness is meaning and purpose and contribution" @deepakchopra /via @shiralazar # Returning camera again & loving Christmas music (@ Best Buy) http://4sq.com/7kasVc # If someone says something mean to you on the internet you should probably just ignore therm. # Is this the real life? # what companies have really great interactive facebook pages that you enjoying being involved with? anyone? anyone? bueller? /via @JulieGong # Lunch date /w my BF @raymitheminx (@ Boom Breakfast & Co. (College)) http://4sq.com/cFlq9Y # Found a @downwithwebster button on streetcar. http://twitpic.com/35di54 # lunch date w/ @raymitheminx today. # RT @laurenonizzle: Putting together a list of influential Canadian bloggers… Anyone I'd be remiss to omit? #bloggers #blogchat # Did you get your ticket to @raymitheminx 10 Year Anniversary Blog Party on Thursday? http://bit.ly/aFrfa9 #gongshow #wrongbar # can't wait for vacation next month. oh man. # Serious deals on @nellabellabrand happening right now. Get a fancy bag like me! http://on.fb.me/aua6Lu # say hellooooo to my little friend, WALDO! #ipad #hard http://dailybooth.com/u/5z6ac # shit. just downloaded where's waldo for ipad. see you next spring! # RE: @turkuaz @advergirling oh cripes. you are good then! first one I saw was her but you were obvs on the ball & movin… http://disq.us/relpq # Photo: snap snap! love this roller girl http://tumblr.com/xmjp8ilp8 # been practicing Florence And The Machine, Dog Days Are Over for karaoke. not bad at all. # yesterday's @virginamerica winner was @rochlatinsky but really, we're all winners here! https://casiestewart.com/virgin-america-nov-8 # Now I've heard there was a secret chord That David played, and it pleased the Lord But you don't really care for music, do you? # Photo: › Missing Unicorn… Reward http://tumblr.com/xmjp8dzwl # Photo: a picture for you http://tumblr.com/xmjp8c6mn # makeup styling.…

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he called me brainy hot and he said that was the best hot in the world. thank you for that.

I used to do these Friday posts that were called TGIF: Twitter, Google, Internet, Facebook. A roundup of some of my fav things from around the week this week. Guess what? I’m bringing it b-b-b-back. Here we go. Please comment, it’s nice when you share, I share, we share. Twitter: Influence. It’s a word that gets tossed around on the internet when talking about brands and people and ROI and social media but what does that really mean? The big draw I feel used to be traffic, if you had traffic, you had influence. Thanks to Twitter and a couple other sites, traffic on your blog is not the only way to measure. There’s more that come into play, attitude, reputation, audience. Brands want to connect with people that represent the same things they stand for, people who identify with the brand make it more authentic. (A word now totally over used BTW.) For example, Virgin America is a great brand match for me, I’m a cheeky little rabble-rouser, I like to have fun and I reckon Sir RB and I will make good friends. (P.S. we meet in Dallas Dec. 1st). Klout was recently featured in the Globe & Mail and I think what they are doing is great. Here’s a snippit: “In the fast-changing social media world, influence is becoming increasingly important as companies start to focus more on who is leading conversations as opposed to how many conversations are happening. In many respects, there is more emphasis on quantity rather than quality. “ Google: Check out my commercial from the Smirnoff Canada Graphic party in July 19th at Andrew Richard Designs in Toronto. Been chatting NYC agency and girl’ be getting paid.  I’ve done a bunch of tv/movie stuff in the past and I think I’m ready…

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halloween: this social scene ain’t broken

Welcome aboard Virgin America Halloween Flight 31, my name is Casie Stewart your VX Provocateur. Our in flight entertainment tonight is Toronto’s own Broken Social Scene and they’re playing live. You ready for takeoff? Show was at Queen West hipster hot spot Parts & Labour. Nice choice. Show was rad. Perfect Virgin America mood lighting. We were chatting this babe in the bathroom about her dress and little did we know that she was a band member. Guy with hood is a babe too. Lady Gaga telephone hat & costume was so well made. Hat was quite heavy. Deff needs long hair, looks silly on me. You know this fine fox, Courtney Love otherwise known as Raymi the Minx. This fine Queen & ruler of Egypt is my sister Jenie. LOVE YOU. Total babes. BTW food at P&L is great. Meat table + cheese FTW. Kate Killet is a kyooooote kitteh. Say hello to Kate from Virgin America and her red wig. Totes on brand 😉 Great to see the VX peeps. They are all so cool, honestly, I am so happy to have met them and totally stoked for the next year of awesomeness. Look out Toronto. Bathrooms at P&L have the weirdest mirrors. So hard to really get a good look at your outfit. Best costume of the night, Adam & Eve. Scariest costume of the night, this guy. AAAAAAAAAAHH. Liked these guys, bloody butchers with muscles. Mmmm. Enjoyed these too. Heh heh got your nose! BTW my PROVOCATEUR biz cards are realy and should be arriving soon. Oh yeah. “Fool! Don’t you see now that I could have poisoned you a hundred times had I been able to live without you.” Cleopatra True love right here. I love the blurry ones. Raymi, Jenie & I had a freaking…

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she looks old and rusty but she’s a real beaut

yesterday i biked to the meetings i had. it was sunny and warm and i didn’t even have to wear a jacket! it’s the end of october, that is fascinating… well, because it makes me think about global warming and how it used to be cold by now but on the other hand it is totally freaking awesome. today i am telling you about my stuff… bike: raymi the minx, vintage > i need to fix the alignment. wanna help? jeans: shop girl gallery boutique, yoga jeans > these guys are so comfy. remember when i NEVER wore jeans at all, yeah, well that has changed now that i have these. rest time at the fake beach by the lake. nice to get feet in the sand and look out across the water with sun on your face. was quite beautful. sweater: marks, SOFT edge to edge cardigan > very soft and long, i like to wear it on the plane because it works like a snuggie but fits in your carry on purse. it also covers up your whole outfit and shows only the legs so you feel skinny and never ugly. i was walking back to bike when camera shot here. needed to take off sweater cause it was so warm out. btw it is also quite warm, the sweater, snuggly really. washes up nice and soft, ok in dryer too. mum and sister, you would both love this. tank: holt renfrew, bamjamz > made from bamboo and really really comfy, breathes nice, actually for sleeping/yoga…bike riding i guess too. that’s exercise. it has a panda on it. not a sad panda, a happy panda i like to think. hat: some vintage shop @ st. kevins arcade, ponsonby, nz. got it that day i went shopping with a…

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yesterday on twitter, this happened:

i’m a wicked multitasker. ftw. # i hate that paper.li. it’s UG-Li. # Well done Dana 😉 RT @danadearmond: You’re like half of mount rushmore, two faced! -burn I just made up. @danadearmond 2010 # oh my BF, Gubler, you are so handsome. ILU> HEAPS. # been stalking a few people online. makes me feel good cause i know peeps be creepin on me and my blog w/out comments & shiz. totes fair. # uh huh @issarged. niiiiiiice. http://twitpic.com/316rar # lookin good @crystalgibson 🙂 #140characters http://twitpic.com/316qwc # just for you my sweet @morgan_c_ross 😉 http://twitpic.com/316qgh # anyone know someone at @TBWA? kinda stalking them atm. http://twitpic.com/316p1w # Photo: omg. http://tumblr.com/xmjncepgf # thinking i will be a dominatrix style vampire friday night for people downtown’s halloweener party. yeah? # or bring me to your gym for a class. i dunno what i like or wanna do for exercise but i need to do something. beach trips in december! # omg love chatting w/ mates from NZ, reply “Na bro” sooooooooo kiwi. # have you got some yet today? https://casiestewart.com # i need a trainer or fitness classes, something for 1 month. 30 day challenge > you will be blogged. email me: [email protected] # I’ve favourited a YouTube video — Matthew Gray Gubler: The Unauthorized Documentary http://youtu.be/u2Ll4LAoeZE?a # Photo: › FASHION HAIUKU: › › First page of your blog › › Jeffrey Campbell “Lita” Boots › › Navigate away. http://tumblr.com/xmjnc5zg2 # Photo: Christy was my fav model growing up. › [Mystery solved] (you were right, @randtm!). › › Christy… http://tumblr.com/xmjnc5v37 # Photo: › my BF Gubler in Terry’s glasses. http://tumblr.com/xmjnc5s6l # Photo: my BF and terry terrysdiary:Me and Gubler in my studio. http://tumblr.com/xmjnc5p4w # i am in love with matthewgray gubler. hey mgg, calll mee! # “having fun isn’t hard when you’ve…

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hi, how are you today?

Fine. Sitting on the couch drinking water and eating Marmite on bread. Had a great night out with my sister last night. I’m closer to her than ever and it’s crazy how well we know each other. We are afterall sisters, but really good friends too which is awesome. I really appreciate her and that she lives in the city . We don’t see Dad that much cause he’s in Cambridge and Mum is sailing on her boat on the East Coast of the USA. LOVE YOU GUYS! Lots of stuff this week. Monday night is TweetgasmTO at the Gladstone. Tuesday night I have something I forgot to put in my calendar and I hate when I do that. Hopefully writing this now and reading it later will remind me what the heck it is. Thursday is Sabrina’s birthday. There’s always stuff hapenin’ on Thursday. Friday I will be at Dundas Square all day for an event follow me at @armyourself_gsk for deets on that. Friday night is the People Downtown Halloween party. Saturday, I reckon I will need sleep/home alone time. Sunday is Halloween yahooooooooo. I will be at Parts & Labor for a private show with Broken Social Scene that is hosted by Virgin America and the Torontoist. I really hope Emily & Feist are there. That would be great, I have a crush on them both. Next week I’ve got a spa thing at the Cosmopolitan Hotel and a lesson in DJing. Imagine I was a DJ? Imagining………..  In New Zealand I met this babe blogger from the UK named Gala Gonsales who DJ’s. I think that’s hot. This is gonna be a good week and busy week. It’s almost November already. So crazy. Looking forward to Movember and all the moustaches that will be floating around.…

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make me feel like i’m the only girl in the world

Look what I got yesterday. MOHAWK!!!! Today I am so fully excited about life and working on some totally wicked ass shit. On Oct. 29th Ill be at Tequila Bookworm for People Downtown‘s monthly awesome Halloween blood bath. Costumes mandatory. Deets here. On the 31st, as your Toronto Virgin America Provocateur I’ll be at a secret location for a VERY exclusive and intmate Broken Social Scene Show. It is gonna be off the chains good. I’m working on the BLOG PARTY OF THE DECADE on November 11th for Raymi the Minx. If you, your company or your agency want to get in on advertising, contributing to swag bags or attending as media, get at me [email protected]. Prime coolness demographic in attendance. Ok, mama gots to get to twerk. HAPPY FRIDAY!

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yesterday on twitter, this happened:

This is the movie I am going to see tonight: Client 9 Eliot Spitzer http://bit.ly/99QbO1 thanks @FESTIVALinsider! #Governor #Hookers # RT @buildabeard: Let's hear it for hairy guys… Perhaps the quote of the night. # hi internet. it's me, casie. http://dailybooth.com/u/4uh1r # quarter chicken white with fries. swiss chalet. i will not be drinking on empty stomach again. idiot. # Mail bag: Oh em geee! I'm tights McGee! #secret #jockey http://twitpic.com/2nkksq # Spotted John Legend across the street from Gretzky's just now. # 12seconds – The Bell Lightbox is rocking right now #tiff10 http://tiny12.tv/0M8S7 # Picking up tix for tonights movie Client 9 (@ Roy Thomson Hall w/ 3 others) http://4sq.com/7VvWLz # RE: @raymitheminx yes. DEATH. http://disq.us/mdr9p # "don't be boring and dress cute wherever you go. life is too short to blend in" @parishilton # NZST: Sun, Sep 12 2010 6:03 am. Mag: 4.6. Depth: 5 km. 30 km south-east of Darfield. Report: http://bit.ly/9uaVta #eqnz /via @NZquake # blondetourage babes – me & @annacyzon #love #tiff10 #byard http://twitpic.com/2ng3i4 # look at these studs @strombo & @brockmclaughlin last night at the hazelton #tiff10 http://twitpic.com/2ng1ru # OH "i'm actually afraid for tonight" #tiff10 # I feel like I am back in Uni. 24 hr party people. # Ha. @brockmclaughlin love that you used MY name to get in you little skid in reply to brockmclaughlin # Have the microphones ready, have the tracks ready, have drinks ready, have your outfits ready, have your jewelry ready … /via @kanyewest # we can do it!! /via @justinbieber # What day is it? Kill me now. #tiff10 # Last night was fuuuuuuun. Thanks @strombo baby! http://twitpic.com/2ncflb #

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yesterday on twitter, this happened:

I love @jimmyfallon. So funny. #emmys # do you still attend church on sundays? — Never did. Probs never will. http://4ms.me/9oYYon # what month is your birthday? — May. http://4ms.me/9aQMkB # if the sky was yellow and the sun was blue, what do you think the color of water would be? — glitter. http://4ms.me/93BCgD # how are you today? — pretty darn good. you? http://4ms.me/9NhY3V # Hot. RT @laurenonizzle: LauLau Fet http://twitpic.com/2jgvd0 # Blogged: When you’re lonely, I’ll be lonely too. And this is The Fame. http://bit.ly/99mlo0 # OH: "We're just perfectly imperfect beings lost in cyberspace." cute. # made a sandwich and had this happen today. gah. http://bit.ly/b66Jr0 # two days left for @virginamerica #toronto #provocateur . who will it be? hopefully ME! http://bit.ly/bQ04le # Happy Birthday Michael Jackson. We have your old trading cards and even a Ken red leather outfit like Beat It, you were the best man. # Photo: › Limited Edition USB Drive: The Fame, The Fame Monster@-spacedementia: http://tumblr.com/xmjh2kqwy # Catch Me if You Can was just on and now Ghost. Room cleaning motivation station over here. # what do you call an amish whore? — i would love to know. http://4ms.me/9kFIQX # do you venture out to the bars on thursday nights on a regular ba… — Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday mostly 🙂 http://4ms.me/cFyt6K # Photo: tulletulle: so many amazing things happening here: anna’s hair. anna sitting behind martha. martha… http://tumblr.com/xmjh0yydl # Photo: omg shoes. (via tavi/tulletulle) http://tumblr.com/xmjh0wwma # Photo: terrysdiary: WOLF+MINX (@raymitheminx!) http://tumblr.com/xmjh0wm6c # big needle there girl http://bit.ly/dtSTnT # Please help me win this thing by voting for me! Thanks in advance 🙂 http://tumblr.com/xmjh0qwcb # OMG. Those images are horrible! http://disq.us/ljh5r # bin laden is your next door neighbor. what do you do? — TWITPIC in the elevator! http://4ms.me/bpdnf2 # do you…

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Wakestock Recap in Photos – Part 3

Sunday we packed up for the last day of our adventure and said bye to Jonathan. HUGE thank you to him & Wakestock Canada for hooking up the whole party thing for us. We had a blast. THANK YOU!! Made a pit stop for outfit changes. Needed to be more suited for the weather. Caught some actual Wakeboarding. The Virgin bus wasn’t as bangin’ on Day 2. BTW did you vote for me in the Virgin contest? These boys all look they love Hollister. Weather was not nearly as nice Day 2 and it rained a bit here and there. This is where the Virgin Back Stage tent was most special. These babes are Rebel Emergency. They were handsome and sweet. Music was pretty good too. They opened for Snoop Dog the night before. There was no way I was doing the Sprite rope jump. Get my hair wet & go in the freezing water? Aaah. Khaleed was less afraid of getting his hair wet and totally went for it. Awesomerrrrrrrrrr! That pretty much sums up our weekend. It was my first time at Wakestock and it was a blast.  I’ll do it again next year for sure. For more pix check out Part 1 and Part 2 or search Wakestock on my blog. You can find the others girsl blogs at Lauren Out Loud, Raymi the Minx & Carly-Anne. Thanks for following our Wakestock adventure. I’m looking forward to the Bloundetourage’s next quest! I’m at Bud Camp Aug 20th fore the weekend. Look out! BYEEEEEEEE!

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the more we dress together the happier we’ll be

I want you. I need you. Stopped by to see Jonathan. Mentioned him before, he runs Shop My Clothes which you should totally check out. I got shopped. Check out my additions to clothes mountain – yellow skirt & top . Skirt was a hit last night. You can buy sell your own clothes on the site FOR FREE. There are so many nice things. I could get lost in that online closet for sure. I want these. Just got the Fall lookbook for Gap. GAH. SO many nice things.  Gap was my first job ever when I was 16. It was a dream to work there then. I was well dressed in high school. People love/hated it. Love the windows at Holts right now. I was never inside the box. Claustrophobia. Cluster-phobia. How cute is Marc? Adorable. He’s in the Scott Pilgrim movie. Seriously. Saw it last night and saw his face on the big screen. My friends are famous. Roof pool hangsies with Lauren time. Hmm, been hanging around a few ‘Laurens’ lately. Boutette, O’Nizz, Raymi Lauren – all babes, love it. Ok, have a great day. Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!  

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Wakestock Recap in Photos – Part 2

Wha? Pubic Enememy. No way. Flava Flav! Time to get down. And get UP! I’m so badass. Scouts America shirt. Oh yeah. Lots of crown surfing in the sunset. Less surfing internet. We loved it. So much energy. We were on our phones about 80% of the time. Tweeting to tell everyone how fun it was. Mobile charging stations next year for sure. Opportunity there. After a long day it was time to be escorted back to our castle to chage for night imte fun. Party was at the curling club any everyone was going. Except maybe these dudes.No Wakestock pork shirts allowed. You may recognize this dude with Carly as Maestro, Canadian hip hip royalty. This was Kevin, Parkdale dreamboat. Saw him a couple times during the day. Nice shirt hot stuff. We didn’t stay out too late. Lauren & Raymi heaps taller than me yet adorkable 🙂 Part 3 coming with Sunday fun!!!!!!!

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blah blah blah, think you’lll be getting this nah nah nah

I was a 3rd grade unicorn. /via @wafflesgirls # Any of my followers in the GTA have #iPad #039;s? I have some screen protectors and skins to giveaway. Hit me up for info /via @cellguru # RE: @photojunkie awesome. stared at this for a while. i like. http://disq.us/k5xxg # Summer fun my friends. RSVP: Aug. 23 @tweetgasmTO http://bit.ly/cRBe7b & Aug. 26 #GenYTO http://bit.ly/9qeZHu # blog makeover show? # Nice phone… http://tumblr.com/xmjfj6ki1 # Photo: tumblr love. http://tumblr.com/xmjfj5pa6 # Photo: i see you http://tumblr.com/xmjfj3umt # Photo: suicideblonde:Rihanna photographed by Ellen von Unwerth http://tumblr.com/xmjfj3h49 # do we know what RiRi got tattooed yet? # Photo: pjpanoramas: Toronto Eaton Centre Apple Store. iPhone 4 line, days after launch. http://tumblr.com/xmjfj1x2v # “I believe in my heart that @LadyGaGa is going to positively help shift the world for the better. She is…” http://tumblr.com/xmjfj1z1l # dying w/ laughter reading @raymitheminx blog today. she is so funny “photos don’t take them fucking selves you know.” http://bit.ly/G2laf # oh snap, y’all know whoa time it is. # Tell me … how many lights do you see. — It’s so dark in here. http://4ms.me/bbZWDM # Is Tim Deegan as useless as he seems? Like, he is the worst. — He’s pretty cute. http://4ms.me/cVkFTP # Staff at this branch are the best. Srsly. (@ CIBC) http://4sq.com/d0U14t # Photo: jeopardy + snoop (via polkaroo) http://tumblr.com/xmjfirm2s # OMG Len, amazing. RT @LenCervantes: @polkaroo! like my halloween costume? http://twitpic.com/2ds73p # ME TOO! RT @erin_bury: Tomorrow night I’m going to a party with a donut wall. So…yeah. Pretty excited. @INQMobile http://ow.ly/2mVjx # if you are not following @brundle_fly, you really need to. he is awesome and his avatar today melts my heart. # it’s like real hot out today. love it. # Do what she says!! NOW!! RT @raymitheminx: vote for waste case! http://bit.ly/cPTRTt #…

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in yesterday’s news some things happened and stuff

anyone have a call centre offshore i can borrow for about an hour? # “excitement is my thing” this guy is like the polish prince gino edi…(YouTube http://youtu.be/54E8epoR9x4?a) # remember when we went to the @torontofc game. that was fun. (YouTube http://youtu.be/d-qdVDS0T2k?a) # “stop tweeting nerd” “nerd tweeter” haha(YouTube http://youtu.be/A2Kgm04KjA8?a) # This kind is really good. #icecream http://twitpic.com/2d9q2v # Photo: this looks fun. thedaintysquid: http://tumblr.com/xmjfde5n8 # september 2009 – it’s amazing how fast time flies whoa. http://bit.ly/ajRJOr # i want that freaking sharpie pencil right now god damnit. get over to my house. right now. NOW! # #crazyawesome talking @tweetgasmTO & @oldspice w/ @perpetualradio https://casiestewart.com/sms-1/ # RE: @PerpetualRadio I like 3 or 6. http://disq.us/jxqro # Hell yeah. RT @thatdrew: Today is 8/9/10. Lets get drunk. # i would snooki punch that fake cancer girl. hearing about her loserness boils my blood. # I think of you babes when I hear it, won’t get sick I reckon, such good #memories @raymitheminx @carlyannedotcom @laurenonizzle <3 # whoa @mrssharonnewman is throwin the smackdown. # Windows, I can not see through your rain coating but I like you. http://twitpic.com/2d793g # time for the #YandR # today is emo day eh? cripes am i the only one who loves these days? #smile # RE: @MichaelNus @michaelnus talk about a wet dream. hazaaaa. http://disq.us/jx8pb # talking about helping you make your company cool on the internet makes me really happy. #

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your green eyed monster is showing and it looks lousy

“Funny..because in the word “Jealousy”, there’s lousy. I think the reason why some people get jealous is because they’re not content or they want to experience what you experienced. Jealousy is when you get jealous because s/he went to this awesome place, it’s when s/he has a freakin amazing cool better version gadget, it’s when you wish you have what they have, it’s when you cry over your mommy or daddy because your friend has an ice cream and you don’t, it’s when the guy/girl in your dreams love someone else, it’s when blah blah blah. I think you get it. It’s sounds so silly, isn’t it? But you know it’s all true. I think being jealous is normal but sometimes jealousy can turn into madness that turns into an obsession that turns into “I’m fucked.” via walrusowl on tumblr Recently I saw someone acting out of what can only be explained as jealousy. I’d heard a few things she’s said then she threw a couple jabs here and there and I was “wtf is up, I thought we were friends”.  The most disappointing was the way she started acting, then after seemed to be nicey-nice again.  I don’t get it and I refuse to waste my time trying to understand. You live and learn I guess. We’ve all seen Mean Girls and we all remember highschool when girls act mean just because you’re doing well. What I don’t get, is how people don’t relize that negative thoughts and feelings become things and in the end  you are only hurting yourself making yourself look stupid. I really wanna send those people a GET WELL SOON card. I LOVE seeing people around me do well. I tell my friends to call me when something exciting happens, I say “you can always…

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