yesterday on twitter, this happened:

Aussie styles (@ Trinity Bellwoods Park w/ 4 others) # Stopped in passing by & found one @raymitheminx! Fry like bacon you freshman fcuks! Haha (@ Urban Outfitters) [pic]: # Hot Australian BF 🙂 (@ CTS) # No SENIOR shirts @raymitheminx 🙁 Found this guy though hangin’ w/ Dirty Crew! (@ Urban Outfitters) [pic]: # I keep seeing hot babes everywhere. Did a new shipment arrive cause like, they all unknown & fresh? #summerlove # Almost at Queen Spadina. Wanna meet me for bite to eat? # Ah jailbail smiled at me. I feel dirty. # Omg some dudes just got on streetcar fresh outta jail. Omg. Creeping me right out. Don’t make eye contact. Gah. #creeptweet # I feel like I auditioned for idol but no singing. Haha # My old hood. Used to live on Playter Cr. (@ Broadview Subway Station) # Pleasure meeting you today @julescasting. Glad I made ya smile! Check le blog on downtime, its fun in there 🙂 # Other dude in waiting keeps knawing on his fingers. Ewww. Maybe I’m making him nervous? # #annoyingdepartment girl beside me in waiting room scratching her head, hard & grossly. Long hair too. Ewww. # Audition girl was running late and I was early, what a change! Good to go @fairlieagency 🙂 # Omg I’m nervous @raymitheminx. Did you cut it shorter? # No #FathersDay for @shawnhawaii 🙁 #worstfatherever #triangle # RE: I heart you <3 # thanks for a fun time last night @mybeerstore! #beerboutique w/ @keriblog @raymitheminx @carlyannedotcom #blondetourage # I was ipod dancing to Yelle Je Veux tu Voir! (@YouTube # where is my baby daddio @shawnhawaii? #triangle misses you, come visit your damn kids! # hi honey @jusfrais, how is you? # #NXNE daily…

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Pure beer bliss.

All the beer shelves were fully stocked, store opens today in Liberty Village. I love straight lines. Everything was lined up with perfection. Pretty. Pinup. ♥ Very nice shop that appeals to urban consumers. Young urban professionals of downtown, generation Y, Yuppies 2.0. SO good to see Carly & have her back in town. Love you babe! Carly is my agent and today I have a top secret audition for something on TV. I was taking our pic in the mirror here… Then I totally spilled my beer. Doh! Food was really good and outside they had an oyster bar. Look how big that one guys is! They looked to slimey for me. I kinda like oysters but think I’m stopping liking them. The slimeyness over does the taste & other effects for me. Wiggly little buggers. Brown Barbie likes ’em! My peeps comin’ down the red carpet. We arrived early & left fairly early. My new thing, getting real good at it. It takes practice. DJ was really good. Arriving early gives you optimal time for dance breaks before it gets crowded. We were drinking these beers & Stella. I love beer. Blonde is one of my fav’s. Obvs. Hi friends! Brocklyn, you are so studly. Love ya Shan 🙂 Sebastian from bring Erica. Him & his bro are hot. Nice too. Megan who I was in American Pie w/ years ago. Nice to see you, didn’t get a chance to chat! Love you Carly. Blondes. Familia. I love you all. New short hair is tres cute Keri! Raymi & I had dance party. Nice moves baby girl. Your shorts were so hot. Rose ceremony. Marcello. You saw him in Textuality w/ Jason Lewis. I get the rose this time. Puma. More blondes, omg. BLONDETOURAGE. Ron, from I wrote…

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yesterday on twitter, this happened:

New BFF Sky & I car danced like crazy. It was awesome. Sky got twitter today and loves it. She is 11. Follow @skybenjamin. I could never be Mum to a race car driver. I’m having heart attack watching @kylebenjamin71. # This is really intense @skybenjamin @kylebanjamin71! Aaaah (@ The Pits At 5 Flags Speedway) # All you @kylebenjamin71! Your cheering section is rrrrrrrready! Cc @skybenjamin @ChantelleDay # Who makes their Dad carry their bike? I don’t care if you are 10 haha # Omg gonna be some more wreckage. These kids racing bikes before cars. So funny/cute/hilarious. LOLing so hard w/ @skybenjamin. # OH “I could run beside these kids” haha @skybenjamin # My new #BFF @skybenjamin. Live tweeting the races w/ her tonight. # Kids racing, mayjah wreckage RT @skybenjamin: wreck in turn 1 # Where’s ma chils support @Shashena @shawnhawaii! Haha #triangle # Its ok @kevinkvs, they’re just tshirt babies. # #ff @shawnhawaii my baby daddy to #triangle & Eviana # #ff @KeriBlog – bff & blog babe who makes videos & teaches me spy skillz # #ff @kylebenjamin71 – 13 year old who can drive better than all of you. #71 # watching qualifying times w/ @chantelleday & @kylebenjamin71 # I really should have watched Taladega Nights before coming to this. # Awesome qualifying time @kylebenjamin71! Killllll it tonight # Mmmmm RT @erinbury: This is AMAZING. RT @unbrelievable: Bored of plain old lorem ipsum? Try Bacon Ipsum! # Hacking wifi networks w/ an 11y.o. # In the rig @ race w/ internet, cable, xbox, AC. @chantelleday playing COD w/ #kylebenjamin # No @raymitheminx, not at all. I mean you might get perks or be seen as ‘influential’ on a specific topic. Cc @klout # Race day! #kylebenjamin #71 (@ 5 Flags…

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1. We’re funny. 2. Can’t wait to get my new Macbook for HOURS of fun like this. Enjoy!

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never dancing on my own when i’m w/ you

Went to Robyn at Echo Beach w/ Raymi & Teach Friday night. It was awesome. Echo Beach is a new fully outdoor venue inside the Molson Amphitheatre. Stoked to hit that up a bunch this summer. Close to home & cool outdoor spot. Total win. Raymi Teach & I had VIP. Beauty sky. Girl you know it’s true. Glitteratzi graffiti. Love our downtown airport. Toronto is such a cool city. Got ready at Raymi & Teacher’s place. Left my mark there too 😉 New kicks, ILU. Dr.Martens were the shoe of choice last night. Hey Teacher. Ran into my boy Ish. We were in American Pie together years ago. Ran into his GF that time at Bicyclette. Hi Gay Bachelor Blog! It went dark and we danced. A little more over here. Robyn was great. She’s so cute, blonde & little. Love her! Speaking of cute & blonde. heh heh Tan is coming along nicely. Think I lost a few LBs too. This Olympus camera (xz-1) takes super high quality photos. HD CLEAR. DANCING ON MY OWN. Raymi you have lovely lady hands. Mine look like childs. Want us to come glitter & glam up your event/concert/whatever? Email [email protected]. Enjoy the day!

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yesterday on twitter, this happened:

#datenight 🙂 # Looooooove! RT @49Pixels: Everyone loves a bouncy castle. #swtoronto # haha RT @dombort: Classic product to market fit: #swtoronto # Unlocked the 'A Year on the Avenue' # Etsying. # Ha ha RT @laurenonizzle: Ha! RT @karimkanji: OH at #swtoronto "I just want to build something Google will buy." # you know mama loves her meatpies RT @shawnhawaii: Meat pie cc @casiestewart # #Anchorman is on SHOWCASE! # this video, over 11K views whoa # popular search terms today ' casie stewart topless', 'planking girls', 'crazy person magnet' haha #thisismylife # oooh #Statcounter you got a facelift! # i love love love these @Barbiestyle things on #Etsy Barbie probably doesn't like them though! #dollparts # puttin on mini shorts & going for a run! #summer #sunshine # Parkdale Princessery w/ @raymitheminx #blog #twerk #patio # you're younger today than you will ever be. do something awesome! # how's things going at #swtoronto # 'famous people are just more interesting' penny lane on not having 'normal' friends #almostfamous # Photo: raymitheminx: i can see my home from here says the southern belle # I liked a @YouTube video the raymi casie show does echo beach # #almostfamous # 'pick your brain' please don't use that term. # this little garfield is in the mood for some lasagna. # Photo: Mario salad? laurenonizzle: # Photo: i kinda wanna go see this again. anyone have link to watching Bridesmaids online? # So happy Billy & Victoria got to adopt Lucy! #yandr # Yes please. RT @natekogan: I need to throw a kegger with @shrued and @JesseHernick # need some international travel in the next few months! # you pretty @raymitheminx 🙂 # #glitter # what you doing today?…

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parkdale princessery.

Parkdale Princess office w/ Raymi @ Chez Teacher. Raymes posted some pix of us working here. My old office in the Carpet Factory, Liberty Village.  Worked here for two years before CTV. So much has changed since that job. It was a god job, I had a cool boss. Now I have a cooler boss, ME! I spy my house in the distance. It looks so far but you can walk it in about 40min. Hot werk. Lunch time. Raymbo made Teacher & I some nice snacks. Cold bevys too. This was a Greyhound (my fav) with some other stuff. What was it babe? We went to the Robyn concert in the evening. It was so much fun. Heaps of photos from that comin’ up next! Bon weekend.

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yesterday on twitter, this happened:

Stereotype of myself. # Nurse watch, new kicks, ice cream. # Very good host you are @raymitheminx. Thank you! # I am dancing on my own. #robyn # Whatta ya think of this glitter babes? #robyn # dance party! #tgif # love having a Handler. tonight @ #echobeach w/ @raymitheminx! # Photo: meow. # it’s natural RT @elsacohen this is quite hilarious # #ff RT @raymitheminx: TGIForget about it # Watermelon <3 RT @raymitheminx: Ftw#tgif # Games may be based on pure strategy, chance and fun in the sun. #blog #mattel # time for classssssss # i have 400 @dailybooth # is there a thing you put on computer screen so you can work in the sun? # Photo: party favors # Photo: @laurenonizzle i dunno why but this made me think of you # office anywhere. # Photo: patio chills baby # brightest everrrrrrrrr! patio at Teacher’s house w/ @raymitheminx! #tgif #twerk # Gettin’ minx’d w/ @raymitheminx! # Photo: # Kinds feels like there is a person in the trunk of this taxi. Moving around etc. #hooker # bikini Friday @ the office! cc @itsbrownbarbie #FF #TGIF # if you could pause time, what would you do? — float in mid air # brewsters millions question … you have 30 million, you have to spend the whole 30 million i… — LIGHT IT ON FIYAH. # If you had your own country, what would you name it? — # Phyllis is CRAZY. #yandr # eh eh RT @MichaelNus: what kind of girl are you into? — Smart, patient, beautiful, funny. # ILU @wafflesgirls <3 # Sweet new summer kicks – white canvas #drmartens # Jerk chicken sandwich &…

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Made this today w/ Raymi the Minx. Enjoy. Das funny.

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yesterday on twitter, this happened:

RE:  @raymitheminx yeah gonna be awesome dude! # RE: @carlyannedotcom WELCOME HOME I'VE MISSED YOUUUUUU!!!!!!!!!! # High buildings make people crazy. – smack416: # omg @ChantelleDay, so gonna love staying here in a couple weeks. weee! # urgh. hugest fly is in the house buzzing around and i am going to KILL IT. #rapeture # hi honey, what the hell is that? # rapeture. # sigh. # Tucker has a SON? omg. #yandr # hey @united I want to fly United LAX-Shanghai #UA877 # this is pretty fun/neat. thanks for sharing @jonlim # omg just remembered i had a meeting at 2pm 🙁 # reckon it's about to rain eh # aw, my sister is singing in the shower at my house. she;s the cutest. # Photo: › [Knife & Fork Chopstick by DesignWright for Lékué ] # Audio: › Oh yeah…Right Said Fred – I’m Too Sexy › › I’m too sexy for my cat too sexy for my cat Poor pussy,… # babes @ #nerdlearn @eh_eh & @jonlim # "my source code brings all the boys to the yard" #nerdlearn #hotness # i love this weekend, SO MUCH. # Word: “The brand that is me isn’t going to go away.” # "this weather screams keg stands & gold bikinis" @theycallmeVICE # Dress shopping w/ @jeniestewart! (@ Bicyclette Boutique) # Sister having field day w/ happy meal toys in car haha # Look up for a second. Beautiful! # Mamas new car! Thanks @ford & bon weekend! #

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yesterday on twitter, this happened:

#jennycraig #ginandcrack #reneecamp #thedirtyone # #adjacentpartyhardon #reneecamp #speech # #reneecamp #ftw! (@ The Bedford Academy w/ @philmoreira @renee_warren @bunnyhero @kellyldewolf @michaelnus) [pic]: # RE: @raymitheminx so good. i want them too. # RE: @parvdos it really is better. # yep. didn’t just touch it, i wore it. #gold #blog # Met Tessa & Scott today. Wore his gold medal! He is funny & cute. They are really beautiful people. #Olympics # #swag2011 Thanks @rightsleeeve 🙂 (@ Roosevelt Room Supper Club w/ @scottyhons @karimkanji @philmoreira @emanintdot) # mark your calendar for may 31st #toronto #blog # and the brand is……….PEPSI!! #pepsithrowback # omg time can not go slow enough right now. gah. # changed out of the skirt. was toooooooo much for the amount of events i have this evening@ # wearing the shortest skirt ever today. hope you like it @smichm @so_pr @rightsleeve #reneecamp 😛 # Event Swag: 5 Ways To Give Attendees What They Want via @mashable & @erinbury #OMGIKNOWHER # remember I told you I had an announcement, it involved me & a big brand and i'm posting it in a few mins 😉 # FB chatting with a mind reader, he isn't doing so well. i am trying my hardest to trick him. i wonder if he knows i'm tweeting this? # OMG This. Is. Awesome. RT @iamjazzy: A royal coincidence? #hilarious # Your smile is infectious 🙂 — oh stop it. # What goes on at a "Tweet-up" ? — you meet & greet people you tweet 🙂 # Two tix to @canadianstage Unscripted Gala tomorrow night. Who wants to go? RT or comment to enter # Cannes 2011, day two in pictures # ha! my tweet to Mum worked! On @skype w/…

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a live comedic art form

The other day I went w/ Raymi to the Yuk Yuk’s for the Great Canadian Laugh Off. I’d never been there before. Crazy eh, considering how funny I am much I like to laugh. VIP style, obviously. It was a good a show. The winner, Mark Debonis won $25k. Way to go funny guy. There were some sweet judges like Michael Cox (Talent Executive at Chelsea Lately) & Ashley Olivia (Talent Coordinator for Conan O’Brien). Hi Chelsea! Thanks to Peter Lawrent for inviting us. I’d gladly come back! Hopefully next time I go back it’s to see my girl,  Lauren O’Nizzle. She recently did her first stand up at The Rivoli. Next time she does it I will find out ahead of time so we can all go and heckle her cheer her on. Blondetourage FTW! Here’s to some good lunch time laughs. Enjoy! 🙂

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yesterday on twitter, this happened:

Photo: › want # Photo: Aggy – I love you so. # Photo: Bananas in pajamas are coming down the stairs, Bananas in pajamas are coming down in pairs, Bananas… # Photo: jcrew: # Photo: › OMGEEEEE, UNICORN SKIRT 😀 # Photo: @morgan_c_ross at @ballroombowl last night # BLOG GANG LEADER #blog # so, it Cane dead or alive? #yandr # omg when they took Lucy Abbot on #yandr aaaaah. so sad. # believe in the tricorn # boys be playing here like errry day w/ their shirts off now that it's warm out 🙂 # Gave my extra shwarma to a cute homeless guy named Adrian. We friends now 🙂 # Walked Bath/Bloor to Spadina/Gardener in the sun. Soooooo lovely! # Cult Member (@ Playdead Cult) [pic]: # Tried shwarma for the first time. Didn't really like it. Opening deal @ this place today. # ILU @curbsidecycle! Awesome visit today 😉 (@ Curbside Cycle w/ @michaelnus) # recos for a good moisturizer w/ SPF? # heading to #Curbside at Bloor/Bathurst this arvo. Stoked, they have so many sweet things in the store! Bike pr0n # Post about #HotDocs w/ recos from @katekillet, check'er # met a blog reader IRL who lives in Vietnam yesterday! # it is so beautiful outside, make sure you take a break today and catch some rays! #sunshine # what's for lunch? # A2 – big body (@ Sense Appeal w/ 2 others) # ASAP. RT @raymitheminx: You are SUCH a f–ing beach @casiestewart # Morning! # it’s that time of year again #blog # The entrance to my condo is covered in glitter. #borderlineartistic # I have never known a better wingman than myself, for the…

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i forgot to tell you something.

She was delivered this last night.  What should I name her? Hawaii is so secretive, black market baby trade, he won’t tell me where he got it. I feel very Victoria Newman.  (if you watch the Y&R that is pretty funny).   I was wondering where you can get one of these things in recently and turns out you can buy one from the evian shop (or harass Hawaii for the Toronto location). Super nice out today. Hitting the streets w/ Keri this arvo. Stoked to see all the people here for UFC. They have a certain walk many of them. Muscles are fun to look at. Not my type at all though. Going to Yuk Yuks w/ Raymi tonight then Jet Cooper’s Bday at The Ossington. Will try to avoid muscley-UFCing parties  😉

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she does the city royal high tea at windsor arms

Special guests. Goodies. Lauren, Raymi, Anna Windows 7 presentation (didn’t pay much attention, was busy talking shop aka internet) Photos. Blogging. Meta. Food at Windsor Arms – tres fantastique. I indulged. A fair bit… Rolled sandwiches – genius! Got into these too. So yum. Lookin’ good ladies. Out table was full of cutie pies. Thanks Jen for the invite. It was lovely to see all the ladies together and gab over high tea. See the whole set of photos from She Does the City on Facebook here. Ta-ta for now!

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yesterday on twitter, this happened:

#twerk RT @laurenonizzle: The #blondetourage does high tea 🙂 @raymitheminx #w7royaltea # tea party @windsorarms w/ @raymitheminx @erinbury @hipurbangirl @laurenonizzle thanks @shedoesthecity. # thunderstorm was like 5 min? # …an adventure in finance. # Rushour taxt across the city is quite an adventure. # I wanna see positive msgs! RT @jonlim: "Politicians have no idea how to sell me on their platform, they only know how to smear the others." # Royally cute 🙂 heading to #w7royaltea # The rain, its so agressive. # high tea @windsorarms w/ @shedoesthecity then coming home to a hot tub date. life is magical! # RE: i know. it is hard to get used to, been practicing lately, takes work. # releasing my birth cert tomorrow. it's trendy now. # fit for a queen (who goes by the name of casie) #blog # great, i'm SO in style. RT @dkny: P.S. knee bruise is very Spring 2011…. # represent RT @klout: Top 10 Airlines with @Klout not surprising that @VirginAmerica is first # arranging a date for wedding is not fun. best to take your BFF or sister! gah. # craving sushi. # holy kaw. some amazing things happened/happening today guise. EXCITED ABOUT LIFE. # haha RT @EmilioMasella: @Sn00ki still getting my initials? # omg omg @SarahSokol! My long lost love. Are you in Toronto again? # Google Docs for Android Turns Your Photos Into Docs – # RE: @crystalgibson das sexy. # RE: @SidewalkHustle omg those yellows ARE amazing. dear @reebokcanada ican haz? 🙂 # watching #ufc129 press conference. this is more interesting to me than fighting. i don't like ufc. # Cute RT @andeline: "I'm gonna find someone who loves me for who I am and then fix myself up" #overheard #…

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yesterday on twitter, this happened:

My fav wine @notabletv #notablechileanwines Castillero del Diablo # Photo: Stylish boy in wellies. # Heard my sister @jeniestewart on the radio commercial for @centralcounties finally! Love you! # Everybody dies but not everybody lives – @drakkardnoir # Every night RT @BangsandaBun: Must remember to polish my halo tonight. # Amazing have fun in NYC! RT @VENUSTONG: @casiestewart sending you a tweet 30,000ft high via flying @VirginAmerica. I LOVE IT. # ehllo # S finger motion + dance move + hands in air RT @jenniferherd: @CrystalGibson @juiceboxdotcom there ain't no party like an S Club party. # Come visit. Here for a few 🙂 (@ Darren Kwik) [pic]: # Photo: Got this in the mail from New Zealand! # Can someone check for me? >> There's an @evian campaign truck at Queen and John. Shirts there? # here comes the sun. # RE: das nice. tried to send more photos but gay didn't post. urgh. # im not hiding i live here now # “i can help you w/ < /iframe >” he said, she melted. #blog # wowza congrats @ilovecpstyle 🙂 @FHCanucks lucky to have you! # #flipboard ILU! so does my blog. # Photo: @raymitheminx been reading blog in like a magazine. so pretty # RE: i know. i was DYINGGGGGGGGGGGGG. making this post was such a pleasure. blogged from bed. so hot. gah. # now that they are going extinct. that's the most romantic note you can get. #typewriter # true 🙂 RT @reggieramone: @casiestewart I remember walking on Queen with you, every other person (on or off a bike) was like HI CASIE!!! # socks? RT @alkarim: Come up with something awkward and ask to borrow it day at the office. # thunder. # raymitheminx what…

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the royal wedding live on @youtube

I can’t deny for even one second how excited I am about the Royal Wedding. I know it’s cheezy and I’m not one for wedding talk but I love this. I really do. I’ve told you heaps of times how much Mum loved Diana and my middle name is ‘Diana’ after her. This wedding guys, it’s just, so MASSIVE. MASSIVE not just in the guestlist, dress or whatever, I’m talking security and the footprint this baby is gonna make on the internet. It might explode. The engagement was announced by on Twitter by the British Monarchy and since then the online prep for the wedding has been huge.  You can catch the big event Friday on youtube’s Royal Channel or traditional tv. Have some fun things planned in spirit of the royal event. Wednesday is high tea at The Windsor Arms with She Does the City, O’Nizzle & Raymi will be there too. There’s only 30 people  and we’re in the tea room. Looking forward to everyones outfits. I might wear one of these vintage numbers Jenie & I rocked during Fashion Week circa 2006. Friday morning I’m stopping by my old work at 299 Queen for The Marilyn Denis Show with my client Shelly Purdy. Shelly is giving away a diamong ring on Facebook here. Go enter to win it. She designed a beautiful collection inspired by the Royal Wedding called The Royals. A cute blonde girl you know made her beautiful website. THE FUTURE is INTERNET. P.S. Lady Gaga as Queen of Twitter “I love you and love yourself.”

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yesterday on twitter, this happened:

the #yandr is very weirdy right now. # amazing “@philmoreira: @casiestewart how does a cheerleader sound?” # what are you doing? # wah, why so chilly out today! brrrrrrrrr. # finally seeing the new @twitter homepage! # looking forward to seeing friends @harryroseninc this evening – looking at you @crystalgibson Canadian jeweller rols out regal designs > my client @shellypurdy in 24HRs today! # New contest alert: Free clothes for YOU! # my name is Kate and I love contests #blog # YPG for a PYT (@ Sense Appeal w/ @modernmod) # inside jobs: the globe & mail + the motion room, raymi the minx & me #blog # who loves having an assistant? [throws glitter up & spins around] meeeeeeeeeeeeee! # inside jobs: @globeandmail + @themotionroom @raymitheminx & me #blog # can someone help me get the html for this video? # yesterday on twitter, this happened: #blog #

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yesterday on twitter, this happened:

you make me feel like i'm living a teenage dream. # I don't think I'm going to watch Criminal Minds anymore. # Ikea makes funny commercials. # I don't like the elections ads, I prefer the Dairy Queen ones. Dolphin guitar. # Watching 20/20 Fairytale Romance, so excited for my Kate/Diana ring to come. # I love The Royal Wedding. Very much so. # i miss two & a half men charlie. # Sharon Newman always goes for the 'rescue' type. Urgh. #barn #yandr # Boston’s true luxury experience, The @LenoxHotel #blog # my landlady has the most serious engrish everrrrrrr – always sounds like she has marbles in mouth & is wasted. so cute. # need to be in NYC april 27th to see my babes @derekfabulous @nichvon_k & the lovely @nicolemiller! thank you for invite 🙂 # loooove these cinemagraphs – animated gifs of @cocorocha via @withoutayard # love this song & her. (@YouTube # last night i went to Diddy & didnt take one photo. so many kids taking photos, wonder where they will all go. youtube, FB? # manager – MAMAger # today is 108/2011 – this is what i did on day 8 feat. @lynsieroberst @jeniestewart & @starbucks # whoa on @skype w/ @jeniestewart in Bahamas, she touched a SHARK yesterday! cripes. # Happy to say I have officially hired @katekillet to be my paid assistant/intern. Welcome to the team babe! #awesome # Lunch date w/ Andy (@ Ackee Tree) # BYT (@ Sense Appeal) # would you guy be interested in a massive paint party this summer? think dance party, paint, bodies, babes, hotness. # winner of #textuality ticket is @rayannelangdon! thanks @rockitromo # listening to "Alors on danse – stromae (electro-funky remix)" ♫ # what…

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dans l’amour avec la bicyclette

Let me introduce you to my new friend, Bicyclette Boutique on Queen Street. I met the darling owner Paige on Twitter and after browsing the site, I knew we would get along. The shop is filled with pretty things, vintage, white space,  foreign style, mirrors and heaps of shiny things.  Paige opened the shop in March, although she’s had two pop-up shops and an online presence for a while. It’s totally my kind of shop. Look at all these things. I wish I had my closet organized like a store. Paige calls it “urban meets fairytale“.  See, so me. *sprinkles glitter* I was trying on outfits for the Fashion Connect panel: 265 people have tickets. Cripes. The night is about fashion & technology so, the other day I called out on Twitter to see if someone wanted to outfit me for the night. That’s how Paige & I met. Her twitter is @shopbicyclette. I love meeting people who love what they do. We had a great chat today. Hi Paige! She was at the Blog Stars talk I did last year with Raymi, Sean & Carly. Nice to know she’s had an eye on my blog. I heard about her pop up shop last summer via Twitter 😉 How great is the internet? Pretty awesome great. The shop had a steady flow of girls in & out while I was there. Then, who walked in the door? Only the lovely Carla…who I see EVERYWHERE! I’m gonna start her Jukari & dance classes the week after next at King West Fitness. I really need to get my bike fixed before then. Hehe Bicyclette Boutique, bike talk, no relation corelation. Alliteration. Love. Carla, you are cute. Her friend is the girlfriend of my other friend Ish. Small world yo. Love the paper…

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yesterday on twitter, this happened:

If you are close come by. (@ The Rhino w/ @picard102) # Babes trying on clothes for us (@ Buckler) # this was played during dinner at Campagnolo this weekend. love this song. ♫ # haiiiiiiiii @raymitheminx, what are you doing tonight? # Photo: THIS – is this the real life of is this just Fanta-sea # Photo: for @raymitheminx # omg Sense Appeal is at 699, at 700 we get free coffee! go like the shiz # Nadim at Sense Appeal is stylish, check his gear. # and yes dappleganger is a more dapper doppleganger # there is a dappleganger of @thedanlevy at Sense Appeal right now. # yay team! # i miss you @raymitheminx . we need a play date just you & me to catch up please! also gave gift for you xoxo # I liked a @YouTube video TEDxToronto 2010 Sponsor – The Working Group – Produced by The # Super cute extra long boyfriend cardi from @MarksWW w/ cowboys & jeans today # My friend @GuyKawasaki sent me a signed copy of his book! #blog # Love it here every day. (@ Sense Appeal w/ 2 others) # oooh! Nice! RT @ShopBicyclette: Currently unpacking floral & denim rompers, a vintage-inspired lace trim dress & floral cardi’s #lovemyjob # i love ipad. # This is your daily reminder to vote for #ultimateblogger @shawnhawaii #winning #

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art is a battlefield: art battle eleven, toronto

It is a sight to be seen, a scene worth attending. Magnificent in nature. Impressive in size and appearance. Majestic, dignified, grandeur. Painters, painting. In the middle of an open room… …where people look and stare. I liked this one. This was a naked man in a stairwell (painting). Did not win. He asked people walking by “how do you spell descending?” it was charming, so innocent and real he was. I live for realness. This is Simon. He’s my friend who is good looking smart, tall, and fun. He is single and I would love one of my friends to date him. He did not pay me to say this. He is one of the inventors of Art Battle/awesome. This is me… Levis Curve jeans | vintage long wool camel coat | motorola milestone, telus | reading a podcast, Picard | shoes from Aldo, Raymi has same | vintage knit hat | gaga round purse H&M | nella bella change purse | artsy lady beside me with paint on her pants The artist I liked won his round and got to go to the finals. Against this girl… Cheers for Gingers. He won, with this painting. I liked it. I would have bid on it but I bough Courtney’s painting, she is married to Porter. I was hoping I would get to see her because I didn’t see her yet and I missed her round of painting at the start. She is preggers and they are having a baby. I’m happy for them. Being in love is a wonderful thing. I am in love every day. This is her painting…my painting. At the end this guys painting was DESTROYED> YES DESTROYED. Look close. Laying paint on paint in  front of a crowd to eff his painting right up. Bring…

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yesterday on twitter, this happened:

been reading and watching things in #japan it's really bad over there. we need to help them, they would help us. #japanquakeTO # Photo: tonight i saw paint porn. see blog tomo. this is sneak peak 😉 # Photo: art @thedrakehotel # Came home to this lovely treat. Thanks @itsbrownbarbie, ILU 🙂 #bestroomie # who let the dawgs out (@ Lou Dawg's B-B-Q! w/ @jaypishere @thedanlevy) # Photo: Painting by Jeff Dywelska @artbattleTO Mar.22 # If you have never been to @artbattleTO you are missing out. (@ The Great Hall w/ 2 others) # I uploaded a YouTube video — Jukari & Reebok # Toronto Red Light? Really. Silly. People will be swimming there, will there be a 24 hour ferry "ride". HAHA. # #Jukari Fit to Fly #Toronto launch w/ @ReebokCanada & Cirque du Soleil #blog # Photo: # hey @TuckerMax have you met @raymitheminx yet? # hey @dvln meet my girl @keriblog she has some Q's about music & licencing etc think you can help her out 🙂 #trintro # going to BNotions for my first time tomorrow 🙂 # Photo: the hustle – @sidewalkhustle @hawleydunbar # OH " Photoshop has made me sexually attracted to mannequins" haha # Nick Newman is into startup companies. #yandr # #nerdvana # do i know any @rogers people at the event in Orlando today? # dear friends, i love you. # for the very first #twestivalTO in 2009 we donated to @charitywater, #toronto raised enough to build TWO wells in Ethiopia! #worldwaterday # thanks for a good time last night @philipsparks # take the high road. # parkdale warning: crazy attacker on the loose RT @raymitheminx: dad brang the news # Found money! # New kicks from @reebokcanada,…

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hey there school girl

Leather jacket, sweet ride. I rarely ever take TTC. I noticed that today. I pretty much walk everywhere. I stay in my neighbourhood heaps. I need to tune up my bike. Anyone have a hook up? I have a varity of talents for barter. Seeing a pack of cops will forever remind me of the G20. Google “casie stewart riot girl“. I hope I never have to be in a situation like that again. Running through the streets soaking wet, people were being detained and arrested, cops everywhere in riot gear, riots. No,  thank you. Last time I was here I was in American Pie Beta House. I like this campus. It’s really pretty and old. I walked home after. It was pretty warm out. You are beautiful Jessica. sunshine | motorola milestone | me to we beaded heart | capezio cowboy boots | steve madded dress (raymi) | nella bella change purse | motorola milestone telus | jean jacket, queen west clothing swap | jessica’s scarf (she has mine) | rabbit fur, ruby NZ | leather jacket | smile ipad | moleskine style bamboo dodo case | croissant | americano this view is very creepy to me. haha. hey there jessica and some speakers. one guy looks like he’s late, eh? It was really fun talking to all the students and other speakers at U of T Mississauga. Thanks for having me. Remember kids, BE AWESOME, and follow me on twitter. Today I am at Centennial College in the morning and St. Lawrence Market for St. Patty’s day in the arvo. Kinda feel super busy but then I think I would be bored if it was any other way.  I so often wish I didnt have to sleep so I could work on stuff all the time.  Things are…

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and the wieners winners are….@jedgar & jarvisemerald!

Joining me for St.Party’s Day on Thursday will be the ever so lovely and fun John Edgar. Look out J.Edgar, we gon’ be drinkin green beer all night long (Lionel Ritchie). Congrats on being the Freestyle Friday winner! You can look for me & Raymi. Hopefrully I’ll be wearing one of these outfits too. (CLEM please, I can borrow?) Be prepared for BLONDE INVASION, Blondetourage, Blonde Jovi, Blonde-tardedness. You get the point, ya? The other winner last week was Jarvis Emerald. Remember the Z-List blog contest I told you about where you could win a free round trip to C-C-Cali? Yeah, well he WON.  See, blogging has benefits! Loved that is was still light out at 7pm this evening. Every day is one day closer to summer. See you tomorrow, or on Twitter in the mean time 😉

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during business hours athlete + after hours athlete

Can I get a workout? Hell yeah. You know this place and this babe. business hours athletes: blog, workout, tweet, blog, smile, rinse repeat. Was nice to see Rosa Park arrive at The Motion Room to shoot this for The Globe & Mail. Video/article will be out in about a month. Bloggers vs  newspaper = massive time difference in posting content. This is a sneak peek from the Puma After Hours Athlete spot we shot Friday night. SO much fun. The team at 1188 was awesome to work with. Can’t wait to see/show you the final product. Actual event/party is March 10th. I absolutely love being on camera as a host of something cool. My goal this year is to do more video. My sister was a really great help as my assistant/wrangler. Very important job, really awesome way to gain experience about film/TV/producing. These are my new boots, Tretorn Skerry Resling, a tall alternative to the Tretorn favorite. Jenie & I had matching pink/red, blue/green Puma jackets that kept us pretty warm. I love wearing matching outfits. I’m sure that stems from all my years in dance (3-13). I so would love this one piece sailing gear from Puma. I would love to get it for you Mum. Part of being an after hours athlete involves dim lights, cold beverages and high fives. Met this giant rocking a v neck, Freddie Mercury hair and this waxed out stache. Dad used to have a friend with a hot rod who had one of those massive waxed staches. I do not remember his name or this guy’s name either. Ran in to the lovely Jess & Maram in the hood aka Queen West aka the place you will alwasy run into someone. It’s a scene like every day of the week. Jess make sure you email me about our…

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