I haven’t written much in the last week. I’ve been busy but I’ve also been tired/lazy. Last week I directed a commercial, went to a conference, and had a press trip. It was non-stop go-go-go and although I relaxed over the weekend, come Monday I felt drained. I love my work and what I do but I am much more of a homebody and introvert than you might realize. I love staying home! Being a blogger (writer) means you spend a lot of time at home on your computer.
I’m listening to the Call Me By Your Name Soundtrack, did you see that movie? It’s beautiful. I saw it on one of the flights I’ve taken since January. By the end of February, I’d seen almost every new movie on Air Canada. I was happy to see this one pop up, it’s good. After coming back from New Zealand I was pretty relaxed and ready to start 2018 business. But now, I can’t believe it’s April and I feel like the last two months have been a blur. I was super sick for half of February then I had a week in Vancouver, a week in San Francisco, a couple weekends at the cottage, and few days in Ottawa (Gatineau). Where did the time go?!

This weekend we are heading up to the cottage and I can’t wait. Before we head north, I’m attending a creativity workshop with FITC. I’m hoping for an electric charge that inspires me to make things. It’s easy to get caught up in the day-to-day routine, feeling tired but your creativity is always there, you just have to find it. I’m a very creative person but I go through waves of stopping and starting, staring at my computer, into hour-long blackholes of scrolling FB or IG.
It’s easy to get caught up in day-to-day routine, feeling tired, but your creativity is always there you, you just have to find it.
You have to find something that inspires you every single day. I love going for walks, riding my bike, or calling someone (on the actual phone) to chat a few minutes. Workouts are good too if you’re into that haha.
Today I tweeted about the sunshine because this damn long ass winter seems to be never ending but you can’t let it get you down. Spring is around the corner, a time of renewal, growth, change. Take inventory of the things around you, make your bed, close your eyes and think for a minute, go outside, read your old journal, buy flowers, draw something. You control your thoughts and you are in charge of the way you feel. If you find the sunshine within, you can share it with the world.