Fashion | Love My Hood + Bench Canada AW15

I was invited into Bench Canada this week to check out the latest collection for fall winter. Was pleasantly surprised to see more fashion vs. athletic wear and less things with a big logo. I’ve been doing things with them since  2011 so this was fun.  The girls in the store know me by now and I have a blast picking out clothes There is in fact a bench there. I think it’s new. And a selfie mirror. HIIIIII! I got all these things. Pants, shirt, sweater. I think they’ll be versatile pieces to mix with dressier items, layers, etc. Glasses are Polette.Phone case is Ted Baker. Necklace is by Shop for Jayu, remember I was in their look book a couple months ago? Oh heyyy, looks like somebody had a make out. Netflix? Chill? Right now if you spend over $150 or more you get 1 of 3 bags. Bench hooked me up with a nice gift card so when I got my total I didn’t feel too shabby shilling out. Gift for BF ✔️ A few years ago I hosted a room in the BHD Gifting Suites on MMVA weekend. It was fun. I hung out all day while celebs & media rolled through receiving gifts and hanging out. This post from 2011 has heaps of people you will recognize – Liz from Much/eTalk, Tyrone, Jesse Giddings, Jay Strut, Lissa Monet, Brock, Carly, Kardinal. Last September I had a shoot with Bench Canada + my fav fall items. Remember this? Maybe we’ll do that again. Wore my new pants yesterday and today was perfect weather to rock my new hoodie on the bike ride. To check out the latest from Bench, pop into your local store or visit  Thanks MacIntyre Communications for inviting me in! I’ll snap some more outfit photos this weekend 🙂 Beautiful morning for a cruise! #ComeTogether…

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Go All The Way

The last couple weeks have been kinda crazy for me, not just normal life and ‘blog stuff’ but I went out of my comfort zone and did a totally new work thing. I’ll share more on that but the point is, I learned a lot in the process, new skills, and things about myself. At the beginning of the project I was really excited, then I got discouraged,  followed by a wave of inspiration and creativity, then a breakdown. I thought about quitting, then got excited again, had some stress, and well you get the point. It wasn’t easy but I made it through. Sean was seriously so incredibly awesome dealing with me and encouraging me the whole time. He continued to remind me you have to work hard to get to the next level but it’s worth it. He says ‘You can do anything you put your mind to if you do the f&%king work.” I know I said this other day but, if you think about it, IT IS SO DAMN TRUE. You really CAN do anything, if you REALLY want to. You have to hustle you do something every single day to get closer to that goal. You can do anything! Yesterday I turned 35 (where did the time go right?!) and I had a really great day. I was thrilled to spend the day doing exactly what I want, with a clear head knowing I’m continuously evolving. I’m not sure if you’ve ever seen this video but you should watch it. Sean showed it to me years ago and I go back and watch it to remind me why I do things, the struggle, the joy. I watch it for inspiration and to clear my head. It’s a reminder live each day on your own terms. To do what you want. To go confidently in the…

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Your Story Your Future TD Speakers Series with Cheryl Strayed

Last week Gracie and I had the opportunity to attend TD’s Your Story Your Future Speakers Series with Cheryl Strayed at the AGO. Name sound familiar? Cheryl Strayed is the author of WILD, which was made into an Oscar nominated film starring Reese Witherspoon. The story documents Strayed’s solo hike up the Pacific Crest Trail. I’d watched the movie before attending the talk but hearing her stories in real life was really inspiring. Something that stood out was Strayed’s advice from her mum that reminded me of something my mum would say ‘this is character building’ in regards to getting through hard times. TD’s “Your Story Your Future” program combines workshops and inspirational speaker events to help women feel confident about setting and achieving their financial goals. I’ve written about a few of my financial accomplishments over the last few years (read those here). I feel it’s really important for us as women to grab the reigns of our finances and set goals so we can prepare for our future. I remember when my parents got divorced, I was a teenager, and my mum was going back into the workforce after 16+ years. She stressed the importance of having my own money, not getting into a position where I had to rely on someone else when it came to my finances. Only 3 out of 10 women have a financial plan for their future and TD’s Women Investor Program wants to change that. The program was created for the growing number of women who influence a growing share of wealth in Canada and might be looking for a more personalized investment experience from men. According to a representative from TD Bank: “One of the key differences between men and women investors is a desire for a more holistic financial advisory relationship – one that is…

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New Me, New Adventures, New Love for Life

Yesterday I went out on my bike for the first time in weeks. Since my surgery I’ve been trying to get out for a walk in the morning and then before sunset. I find leaving the house in the morning gets me in a good groove for the day. I have a coffee, soak up some sunshine, catch a  few Pokemon, take some photos, update Snapchat, all before 9am. ?✌? I caught a JYNX today and then saw a man drawing a Poké Ball in his notebook at the coffee shop. It’s amazing how much you learn about yourself going though a surgery or big life event. It was pretty hard at first not being able to reach for things or lift things but I managed. Sean has been really helpful in this whole process and tbh I’ve kinda liked not having to load the car for the cottage or carry groceries! (Thanks babe love you! He prob won’t read this ?)  I’m back in the kitchen making great snacks and have perfected a trick of using tongs to grab things high up. I found this darling little Tuck Shop around the corner from home yesterday. I was there just as it closed but they make all kinds of delicious (sounding) food I can’t wait to try. So, I popped into Wallace Espresso on Dupont instead and picked up some real fruit pops and a cup of the most incredibly delicious chocolate ice cream. The Junction Triangle is seriously evolving, there’s a bunch of great spots in the area now. There’s also a Rancho Relaxo on this same corner to fulfill the need for tacos. HUzzahhhh! This is a happy person on bike with wind in her hair. Watch the story on Snapchat here.  Perfect top for coffee walk @sarasaraduke @StoriaPR! ☀️☕️#butfirstcoffee…

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This is My Life | Stop. Drop. Office. 

It’s rare during the day that I leave the house without my computer (or at all during the cold months). This morning on my ride I stopped for a call that required some immediate internet support in the form of computer.  So, here I am sitting on Roncy, on a bench, computer on my lap, with bike and yoga mat. Feeling quite grateful my life is weird and wonderful. Next stop home because I forgot my wallet then to a new office space, somewhere with coffee!  If you don’t design your own life plan, chances are you’ll fall into someone else’s plan. And guess what they have planned for you? Not much. Jim Rohn  Here’s to a wonderful day!  ?☀️?✌CASIE

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Don’t Hate, Appreciate! Selfie Queen, New Tricks, New Treats

Omg heyyyyy! It’s FRIDAYYYYY or FRIYAY as kids call it these days. Woke up to find out my blog was BROKEN. Urgh. Always a scare. I imagine it’s like your child being unable to function. My blog is my baby and when it’s got a cold 403 error and not operating, my heart sinks and I panic. It’s ok tho, fixed now bc you are reading THIS! Went to dinner at the Trump Hotel last night because I am I fancy lady for a press event with LG Canada. I was given a brand new, unlocked (from Korea) LG G4 to test drive. I love new gadgets so much. My fav things about this phone so far is the selfie camera.  It’s got that beauty feature to perfect your skin (no editing required), there’s a front facing flash, and you can signal with your hand to take a selfie. Earlier tonight, things got a bit weird, but awesome w/ @LGCanada and it was fun. #LGG4 — CASiE STEWART ? (@casiestewart) May 22, 2015 The PR team was like ‘Casie you’ll love these selfie features’ as then handed over the phone. Then, in the middle of the product demo I got called a ‘Selfie Queen’ in front of everyone. I don’t mind. I’d proud of my selfie skills. I have been taking photos of myself before they even had a name.  You’ll get about 12,300 results if you google my name and ‘selfie’. That takes real dedication! This is an oldie from 2008 when I lived in the East end at Broadview & Danforth. I was an IT recruiter in the financial district back then, seems like a 100 years ago now. After I passed by the new Yo Sox store to see Ryan and the gang. The once pop-up is now…

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