I Can Do Anything. I Can.

I wrote this years ago and just found it and that’s why I love having a blog. I don’t think I’ll ever stop blogging. It’s been 10 years. I’ve written so many things. I can hardly believe so much has happened in that time. I think bloggers have to love their blogs. You spend so much time there, blogging. It’s a collection of stories and photos. Happiness, reminders, lessons, friendships. Trips around the world and my old hometown. I’m going to blog forever.  It’s the best thing I thing I’ve ever done. <3 CASIE

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Days Go By and Still I Think of You

Hello darlings! Feeling fresh today with my new hair. Got bangs. Going for that Sia look. House of Cards has me teetering on the cut/grow hair situation and today I’m back to growing it. This is the awkward stage so I’m trying my best to make it through. If I can hold out a couple more months, I’ll be fine! Had an awesome rehearsal for Army of Sass last night. I can’t WAIT till the show. I will have tickets in about a week. I’ve had morning meetings and appts all week and today is my first morning dedicated to blogging. I’m about to make a nice brekky and catch up on the Y&R. Yes, I STILL watch it! Got new glasses by Derek Cardigan from Clearly Contacts and have a contest launching later today. If you’re interested in my sweet Carrera Marble laptop skin you can get one here. I make a small commission from each sale so if you do buy one, THANK YOU. This Wes Anderson book Sean picked up is so awesome. Ok, back to the drawing blogging board! Have an GREAT DAY. Enjoy that sunshine! ☀️ ❤️ CASIE * I’ve always loved this song/video!

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Converse | Every Pair of Chucks is Unique

Yesterday  Converse announced the global launch of “Made by you”,  a campaign celebrating fans of the brand (like ME!) who have been expressing themselves and their creativity in Chuck Taylor All Star sneakers for nearly 100 years. I’ll have more to share about this cool campaign and how I’m part of it. See my oldest pair vs. my newest pair of Chucks after the video. Six Word Story: “We’ve been around the world together.” These are my oldest pair, got them at Uni in Australia and have worn them in heaps of countries since. My friend worked at the shoe store in Bondi Beach and we wore Chucks everyday. I drew all over them, I drew all over everything back then. They say ‘Cas&Shazz’ on one side (my first fashion brand), creativity, courage, vav hey vav (Kabbalah reference here), and my friend wrote SLAYER. So many memories. I have about 20 pairs now.  A photo posted by C A S I E S T E W A R T (@casiestewart) on Mar 2, 2015 at 3:18pm PST Converse Chuck Taylor: Did you know… The Chuck Taylor All Star is the most legendary and iconic sneaker of all time.  Over 1 Billion Pairs sold Worn by creative minds throughout the decades, the Chuck Taylor All Star was adopted by the music, fashion and art world as a badge of self-expression The Iconic sneaker has been used as a blank canvas by some of the most innovative fashion designers such as Maison Martin Margiela, Commes Des Garcon, Missoni and John Varvatos Chuck Taylor All Star is more than a sneaker, it’s an idea.  A powerful message that is a blank canvas waiting to be filled. These are my LATEST Chucks, the limited edition Andy Warhol. I was hoping for the red Tomato Soup ones but there weren’t…

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Travel | Nuit Blanche à Montréal

This weekend Sean and I went to Montreal as you know. It was a short but fun trip. I love Montreal and even though we were gone and back within 24 hours, a getaway is always nice. Here’s a little sneak peek of what we got up to! Only packed one small Sully Wong overnight bag for the trip. I’ve become a master at packing lite! It’s quite lovely taking the Via Rail in the daytime. We sat at the front of our car and were able to experience the beautiful trip in the sunshine.  The sun was so bright the car was heating up, it felt like summer! There’s wifi on the train so we were able to get a bunch of work done. Sean’s beard is getting so big! Huge thank you to Fairmont Montreal for all the treats they sent to our room. A bowl of fresh fruit and a card arrived just after we checked in.  We popped over to the Apple Store to pick up a HDMI cable so we could watch some House of Cards and plan our night. Next they sent a gift bag with our media passes and some delicious chocolate treats from a French patisserie. @casiestewart you are very welcome! Have fun tonight! #NuitBlanche #MTLMOMENTS — Fairmont The Queen E (@FairmontQueenE) February 28, 2015 We stopped into a church on rue Sainte-Catherine for a poetry reading in the pews before heading to Place des Arts to see all the action. There was heaps going on! We walked through a couple domed filled with winter activites before heading up the stairs to try the ZIPLINE. It was longer than I thought and went over the entire crowd at Place des Arts. Huge thanks to Montreal tourism for the media passes because we were able to skip the line! Nuit…

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Pucker Up for South St. Burger This Valentines Day

You might have seen this photo on Instagram or Facebook but today I got some cool news. Sean I are on the cover of a small newspaper outside Calgary, Alberta. The digital edition is now online and the print version comes out tomorrow! Check this out! Read the full article here. South St. Burger wanted to recreate some iconic kisses and ours is clearly ‘Lady and The Tramp’. You can also see us on their website, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. If you stop by a South. St. Burger on Valentines Day be sure to show them and kiss for some free fries! Sean and I had burgers and fries after our shoot and they’re really good. New York Fries were always a fav of mine growing up. I used to get them all the mall with Dad and my sister. Check out Lauren and Steve recreating this iconic kiss. Love it! A photo posted by South St. Burger (@southstburger) on Feb 9, 2015 at 7:15am PST Wishing you a HAPPY VALENTINES DAY! With love, CASIE

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The Idea of Waiting for Something Makes it More Exciting

Yesterday was such a whirlwind day. I’m feeling a bit frazzled from it all and kinda overwhelmed. I’ve not even had a chance to think about today, Thursday, and the Press Screening of Behind The Red Carpet Film. Apparently we have interviews before and I don’t even know what I’m wearing. (WHY DIDN’T I PLAN!) Mum is in town and coming by in the AM to be my date. If I’m ever in a bigger movie I’d happily take her as my date like Jared Leto or some other cool celebrity. It was super nice to get a few deliveries yesterday, they were perfectly timed! Upper Canada Mall sent a bunch of Mac lipsticks in all my fav reds/pink. It’s part of the #SWAKforheart campaign for Valentines Day. Durex sent a red box of goodies to spice up the vday romance. I’ll share more of these details when I’m not so exhausted!   My chocolate covered Lays chips arrived and they are SO FREAKING GOOD.  Took them to two meetings and the bag is nearly gone. They’re dangerous! See my Valentines Gift Guide edition 1 here.  Had a great meeting/snack session with Shop for Jayu and the other bloggers (JodiBlk, Victoria Simpson) at The Pink Grapefruit for the #JayuBloggedII photoshoot this weekend. I’ve got sourcing/planning to do but it was great to go over each of our looks with the photographer, hair, and makeup. It’s going to be a really fun day. Can’t wait till Sunday! Wearing this awesome Jayu ants necklace for the press screening. Today is another crazy day. Nervous/excited is my fav feeling but it can be overwhelming! A good sleep helps. Good quotes too. This is my mantra right now… Wishing you a great day. Make sure you’re following me on Twitter AND SNAPCHAT (casiestewart) for realtime updates! Exciting! With love,…

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