For Christmas Sean got me an iPad Pro with Apple Pencil and my first reaction wasn’t what he was expecting. I kept saying ‘It’s so big!” and thought about returning it the first couple days. BUT now, I can’t imagine my life without it! Last week I signed up for a creative hand lettering course so I could learn how to use Procreate and it is SO COOL.  The course ($45) is by Caroline Kelso Zook who has a website called Made Vibrant for creatives. I’ve subscribed to her for a few months and ? her work. I’ve been staying up late drawing, then dreaming about drawing. I’m only just getting started and on part 2 of 4 in the course. I’m learning new things every day so you’ll start to see colourful creations pop up more and more. Using AirDrop to share seamlessly between iPhone, iPad, Macbook is so incredibly awesome. YAY technology and internet and art. I started my drawing blog ‘Borderline Artistic‘ back in 2008 when I got my 1st gen iPad. I loved that little thing. Remember Andy? Now with iPad Pro, I’m creating more than ever and I’m planning to update things around here with more art.   Went to Wake Up at Yoga Yoga this morning and had a coffee/croissant at Hale. Both places give me so much joy!   Tonight is the media opening of Drake Commissary and I’m taking my yoga teacher, Sandy! Today is going to be sunny to put a smile on your face and flash it around. Sending you some sunshine through the internet, across the sky, right to your screen.  

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We Made Cement Planters! ?

I really wanted to make some of these after seeing they looked pretty easy on Pinterest. AND WELL THEY WERE! Embot and I gave it a go this weekend so she could give one to Grandma for her 70th birthday this week. I followed this video by TO’s own Sorry Girls but I have a few tips to add because they made it look more graceful. ? I used the smallest bag of sand concrete you can get at Canadian Tire. You mix it with water 4/1. We used old juice containers (ie. tetra pack bottoms) and put empty water bottles cut in half with a weight inside to hold the form. The bottle will rise up without a weight. Next time I’ll round up some juice containers before we do it. The concrete can also be messy make sure you put something down on your work space and I high reco doing in the garage our outside. One of the planters was made from a 2L pop bottle and it looks kinda neat because of the bottoms.The concrete takes 24 hours to dry. The water bottles inside the form were kinda hard to get out so we’ll switch to paper cups next (they use Tim’s cups in the video). This was a last minute idea I was kinda just wingin’ it with what we had around the cottage. They still turned out fine! I’ve been dying to get some copper (rose gold!) Krylon paint. I follow/girl crush on Tiffany Pratt and she’s been using it to paint things a lot lately. I put tape on the design I wanted and put on a couple thin coats of Krylon spray paint. Let it dry. Apply a thin layer of wet look concrete sealer to protect the concrete from staining and…

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Friday Fri-Yay for Reals!

Oh man this week has been so busy. The house is a mess, and although it’s Friday, it ain’t ova’. Tomorrow we shoot this music video and it’s gonna be along day. Soon as we’re done shooting, off to the cottage we go! I love spending my birthday weekend at the cottage just chilling the ffff out. I left my Kobo there 2 weeks ago and have been missing it so much. I was right in the middle of an intense thriller book!  Yesterday I worked with acclaimed Canadian Director + Revolver Films founder, Don Allan, to submit a directors treatment for MuchFACT. The fund supports the Canadian music community through $$ and promotion of music videos and other content for all media platforms. Gah! It’s crazy to be doing something new and different. It’s a bit stressful  but I love it. Thankful for Sean and the ability to learn from him and everyone at 1188/Revolver. Who knows where I’ll be in 5 years!?!?   Found this pencil today when I started making a list. I love wring in pencil. Years ago I remember writing about ‘pencil on paper twill’ and how I liked the way it scratched across. Pencils with sayings are my fav.

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Make Yourself Happy. Do What You Love. #stickwithit17

The last couple weeks I’ve been on a journey of making my self happy, practising what I preach, making the most of each day, and following things that give me joy. I can tell you from the bottom of my heart, it has made a big difference. The last couple months of 2016 I was totally drained, didn’t feel creative, felt a bit lost like ‘what am I doing and why‘. So, I made a change. I started putting  myself first and really doing WHAT I WANT. It’s easy to get side tracked from your goals, over worked, under stimulated. The thing is, you can totally turn that around any singe day, at any time. You’re in control of your happiness. You’re the director of the movie that is your life. You always have a choice. Years ago (2008-09) when I wanted people to remember me and my blog I made these little stickers on white Avery labels after work (at an IT company). I didn’t have $$ for real stickers, so I had to be creative. They had a strip of photos I took of myself (now called selfies) and my Twitter @casiestewart with my URL casiestewart.com. While most people will take your business card and never follow up, this is not the case with stickers. I found that people would go to my blog the day after a fun party where I stuck my sticker on them, their sweater, conference badge, and leave a comment, or tweet me it was nice to meet. The first round of ACTUAL real stickers I made were from StickerYou when a friend worked there. They were heart shaped photos of me with a painting in the background and my Twitter handle. This month I was invited to create a Mantra Box of stickers to keep me…

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Don’t Wait For The Perfect Time, Create Today!

Last nights @meetDITTO event was really great. I was super tired before getting there, ate a sub and felt  gross, the day was long and busy. On my way to the event I picked up a card for Natalie (organizer) as a thank you and bought her some patches for her jacket (FIMINIST/BOSS WITCH). Got a last minute coffee before it stared and bought one for Carolyn too. HUGE thanks to Nataliegh and Avery for bringing us all together to learn and celebrate. Stories the other women shared were so inspiring. Gave me so much energy. Don’t forget… We’re all just out here hustling and making things up as we go. Nobody knows wtf they are doing.  Thoughtful. Innovative. & a fuck load of girl power at #meetditto tonight! @meetditto @burgerpawty @casiestewart @spokehaus @CarolynVan — Nikki B (@nikkbetts) March 9, 2017 ✨? Yesterday, I had the AMAZING opportunity to spend #IWD with these really powerful and driven set of Girl Bosses! ??? Thanks to the dope ladies of @meetditto for having me on the panel and for putting together such an insightful and inspiring event! ☁️ Looking forward to seeing what these ladies have in store next! ?✨ #burgerpawty #meetditto A post shared by BURGER PAWTY ?? (@burgerpawty) on Mar 9, 2017 at 6:52am PST I talked to a fab young woman who’s been following the ol’ bloggy since 2009. How cool is that? She was telling me how she wants to create but wants also it to be perfect, so she hasn’t been making things. I told her she’ll wait forever with that attitude. Don’t wait. You need to create in order to make mistakes, to learn. You have to work hard to get to the next level. So, make as much shit as you can and do it fast. Learn…

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CEREAL KILLERS! Creative Typography at @weare1188

Got an email last week about National Cereal Day and I know the 1188 dudes love cereal. So, I asked the agency to send a bunch of boxes and I would post about it in exchange. Welllllllll, the 1188 crew loved the idea so much we made cereal typography art. Jeff Woo with the typography skills!  The office ‘free blog food’ rule is you have to let me take a photo of it. Here’s a few bowls! I want (Jeff) to make more stuff like this. It was fun and I love sharing with everyone bc like who doesn’t love cereal/snacks? Thanks Kellogg’s & Strategic Objectives! Thankful for the 1188 team because I don’t know if I would have had an idea this great let alone the skills/patience. ??  The office is ALWAYS open for snacks so feel free to send if you would like us to try! ?

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