For Christmas Sean got me an iPad Pro with Apple Pencil and my first reaction wasn’t what he was expecting. I kept saying ‘It’s so big!” and thought about returning it the first couple days. BUT now, I can’t imagine my life without it! Last week I signed up for a creative hand lettering course so I could learn how to use Procreate and it is SO COOL. The course ($45) is by Caroline Kelso Zook who has a website called Made Vibrant for creatives. I’ve subscribed to her for a few months and ? her work. I’ve been staying up late drawing, then dreaming about drawing. I’m only just getting started and on part 2 of 4 in the course. I’m learning new things every day so you’ll start to see colourful creations pop up more and more. Using AirDrop to share seamlessly between iPhone, iPad, Macbook is so incredibly awesome. YAY technology and internet and art. I started my drawing blog ‘Borderline Artistic‘ back in 2008 when I got my 1st gen iPad. I loved that little thing. Remember Andy? Now with iPad Pro, I’m creating more than ever and I’m planning to update things around here with more art. Went to Wake Up at Yoga Yoga this morning and had a coffee/croissant at Hale. Both places give me so much joy! Tonight is the media opening of Drake Commissary and I’m taking my yoga teacher, Sandy! Today is going to be sunny to put a smile on your face and flash it around. Sending you some sunshine through the internet, across the sky, right to your screen.
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