i love french music

A Pirate’s comin’ to town on Friday,  @BeatricePirate! Coeur de pirate || Ensemble Coeur de Pirate aka french superstar Béatrice Martin is in TO to perform Friday on Jian’s show. She playing a special set in the Gladstone Melody Bar before TNC on Thursday. She doesn’t have any planned Toronto summer concert dates. Think I’m gonna go before I hit up Tech Karaoke in the eve and sing myself Happy Birthday!

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crossing borders, timezones and interwebs

I’m excited. Like, I mean, reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeally, excited. There are so many things happening around right now that make me want to puke a rainbow of joy for weeks on this thing. Sia Concert – Tonight: She’s performing on MTV Live. I’m working at The MTV Temple instead of MuchMusic. Awesome. Hills Finale – Tonight: I’ve got almost 30 people coming to ma Hills party at MTV. I used to have Hills parties at my house. The friends who are coming all blog and/or tweet. Hellz fucking yeahz. Jays vs Boston – Wednesday: My cousin Isaac and his GF are here from NEW ZEALAND. Last time I saw him (the only time we met), I was 12. It was 1994. Birthday – May 8:  Officially TBD. I’d like to have a “haven’t met you yet” party, everyone comes and meets everyone else #casie. Florida – May 27-31: just talked to my friends yesterday and I’m so excited. Ready for a vacation with friend I haven’t seen in a whole but I love. Gonna dance heaps. MMVA – June 20: Watch it play out on Twitter #mmva The G20 – June 26-27: right near my house.  Rumor has it I need a pass to get to and from work. Been asked by York/Ryerson to take part in a doc about it. Filming me daily. Um, can I G20 Summit Rental my condo on Craigslist? Big money. Pride – June 26-27: Same weekend as G8. haha [deep voice]  I’m the gayest. Boston – July: I’m commmmmmin’ back. LTFO (look the fuck out) This is Sia. Happy listening. Enjoy the day 🙂

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you’ve got a smile that could light up this whole town

So like, do you wanna be in my band? It’s called The Best Bandever and it’s starring me. I’ve written enough tracks to put out a double album. I sing too. You must be really fun and like to hang out in parks and play in the sun. Taylor Swift by Annie Leibovitz in the May issue of Vogue. Same concept. I look like Mum here. Love you. Did ya see this stud on Mashable today? Oh yeah, Bretten MacLean (@etothez) chatting about his TweetAgora at the Chirp conference for Twitter developers.

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i always wanted a girl just like you

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love on sale from now till monday

I used to live live in a psychic city, I never knew what would happen in a day. I might be looking out the window and a friend might say, “Come on over over, come on over over, come on over we’re having a party for you. I used to live in a voodoo city, where every little thing had its own secret life. I might be washing up the dishes and the kitchen might say, “Hang around baby baby, hang around baby baby, hang around baby we’ll be baking a cake for you. I used to live in a heartbeat city, I swear I’d fall in love every minute on the street. You might be walking around the corner and our eyes might meet. Where you been darling darling? Where you been darling darling? Where you been darling darling we’ve been holding this moment for you. I told you your dreams would come true I told you your dreams would come true I told you your dreams would come true I told you your dreams would come true This song is by YACHT and it’s called Psychic City. I love the whole album. I listen to it on repeat and I though I should probably share it with you instead of keeping all the joy for myself. Join Team Yacht or follow @teamyacht and feel happy.

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my memory lacks initiative

I cruised home then flew to my hair appointment last night and in my head I could hear ‘tonight’s gonna be a good night’….. The thing I love most about going to see Darren is checking in every six weeks with  updates about our lives. Both of us always have things to be excited about. I sit down in the chair, he plays with my hair, we chat and before I know it I’m root free and feeling beautiful. I took him and a friend as dates to the Indie Week launch. I got a media pass and I WAS social media in full force. I met a zillion bands and uploaded Twitpics of them so I could remember who’s who. That’s the great thing about the internet, it helps you remember stuff. I spent most of the time chatting to everyone on the patio  abut their bands and me being awesome. It was a blast. I had the pleasure of FINALLY meeting the lovely little Carly from Fairley Agency in person. She’s adorable and her blog is Kap One Two. Totally forgot that Ashley works there also 🙂 I got a bunch of crap in my gift bag to look through tonight, had my nylons ripped & got my ass tapped with drum sticks. Overall, it was a good night. I’m heading out again tonight to Hideout, Reverb and Bovine Sex Club before leaving for Montreal tomorrow. I will gladly give my media pass to someone this weekend. If you would like it leave a comment.

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john butler is amazing

I was biking home on Monday night and stopped to the side of the road before crossing the street. I was feeling sad that day and then double sad I didn’t have a ticket to my favorite show.  My ringer was off but I reached for my phone to have a peek. Karrera was calling that exact minute and she had an extra ticket. I’ve seen John Butler in Toronto a few times since my first time in Sydney 2004. The crowd was so into this show and we all watched with amazement while sweating our asses off.  Good vibes in the air. It’s his solo tour and I was thinking I would miss his long dreds and the stand up bass. I didn’t, he over satisfied my need for good music.  I have so many videos and photos. The opening act was Nicky Bomba, also totally wicked and Australian. Karrera is moving to BC today.  She had just gotten back that day from seeing all kinds of bands for a week at Rothbury Fest. ZAAmazing stories about Grateful Dead and Willie Nelson.  I hadn’t seen Lisa Baker in ages, I miss her. We’ve all been friend since we were kiddios. Thought of her the day before when Now & Then came on before bed. Coincidence, no. Ocean is my favorite song. I made about 5 videos while he was playing, the song is long and beautiful. There’s some more videos here. If you’ve never heard of John Butler you should seriously go to Google right now and learn. He is amazing.

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wet and muddy all over the place

On Saturday I went to Edgefest. It wasn’t the most fun I’ve ever had but Karrera and I sure made the best of it. Metric @ Edgefest 2009 from Casie Stewart on Vimeo. I confirmed my girl crush on Emily. It was the first time I’ve seen Metric in real life. Yep, kinda love ‘er. I was happy to see today that Metric is now following me on Twitter. We hung out in the car for a bit and tried to escape the rain, no chance. However, there was a beer tent with an overhead that saved the day. It really should be called something line ‘Line Fest’ because if you want to get a beer, food, use the loo or see anything, you gotta wait in line. I hate lines. I don’t really know what I was expecting in all honesty. The line for the porta-potty was the worst. For events or weddings in Palmdale or Lancaster CA, Platinum Pro Portables can provide luxury porta potty trailer rentals. Maybe if they had known this before hand, there would have been far more portable toilets at this place. I have a friend that jokes ‘Just do it, it’ll be warm for a second’ and let me tell you, I almost did. It would have been great to have my Wellies, I ruined a pair of shoes for the day. There was heaps of people sliding around in the mud. I coached this drunk lassie to take her shirt off with a bunch of by standers. It was quite comical. She seemed to really love the attention. We cruised home after Metric. I wanted to see her and I did. She was great. I think that will be my last Edgefest. I felt like it would have been more fun if…

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there’s a club house they hang out at

I’ve made friends with a couple peeps at The Musebox a record label that stems from Vice Mag who rep a heap of cool indie bands.  The coolest things about it being their friend is that I get to hear about all kinds of cool shiz before anyone else does and tickets to events. I recently watched a vid of the Cancer Bats at the Adrift Club house right here in lovely TO.  My friend Justin was recently in NZ, AUS and UK. I snagged this guy from his FB album, that’s him on the right with the dirt stash and sneeky smile. I got hooked up with tickets to go see Patrick Wolf and some other hipster bands for the Nylon Magazine Summer Music tour tomorrow night. It’s gonna be a fun time.  Sabrina’s my date already, sorry. I have  another friend by the name of  Sean Goodchild. He is total babe and a very talented. We went to high school together and he was rocking it then and he is also rocking now.  I hope Mum remembers him when she reads this. He used to do an amazing Stomp show when we had the school talent thingy.  His new band is called Two Crown King. His voice makes me swoon. I was listening on myspace and I was taken back to when  I used to dream he was singing to me in high school. One more thing,  if you don’t know it yet, I heart you online.

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she was happy dancing with her arms over head

Drum circle happens every week during the summer. It goes down at Cherry Beach one week than Trinity Bellwoods the next. I usually only go to TBP because it’s closer than the beaches.  I love it.  There are lots of mad hippies dancing. There are also lots of skid kids too. We moved our home-base-blanket around a few times to avoid the dirty kids from contaminating us. One time a kid puked while sitting in front of us and we picked up shop like nomads and moved in NO time. My favorite is being in the middle of the circle dancing with my arms flailing around. There is something magical about the connection between the music and the people all being brought together in an open space .  When it gets really hot out there’s more girls & boys with their shorts and shoes off dancing. There is drinking and smoking in the park  all around.  We saw a couple of kids chasing each other around with McCain pies and tossing them at each other. What are kids doing these days you ask? That I guess. There were hundreds of people there. You can hear the beating of the drums as you approach the pit in the park, I love that sound! Drum Circle #001 2009 from moi on Vimeo. this is sadie, she spins fire from me again on Vimeo. There’s fire spinning too. Some nights there is lots of fire spinning!! This girl was really good she was doing the hula-fire-hoop and poi’s at the same time. I’m not even going to try that, I’m waaaay to accident prone. Overall, stellar time. Absolutely stellar.

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cut copy and paste my love

On Friday night I went to CiRCA for Cut Copy. It was packed. There were heaps of hipsters and cool kids crowding the stage & stairs. I ran into some cool friends and made some new ones also. There was lots of neon, sequins, and anything that might have rocked the eighties. This, I loved. I wore the shiny late night mini skirt from American Apparel in electric purple with a reversible clutch from BettyKiss. I first posted about Cut Copy last summer. They are from Australia and totally rad. I connected the boys later in the evening and snapped a few pix. The band is made up of Dan Whitford , vocals/keyboard/guitar, Tim Hoey on bass/sampler, & Mitchell Scott on drums. They were really nice guys. I’d really like to catch them at a small venue or a house party. Next time!

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this is raphael saddiq

he came close to mefrom the stagehis voice was warmas it graced my ears enlightened by hisperformancei share it with you Raphael Saddiq & Me from me on vimeo.

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where in the world is carmen sandiego?

If not for the weather, it is definitely spring judging by the amount of going out I’ve been doing over the past week! This morning I located the Elusive Carmen on Twitter and has a pretty cool site with agents and stuff. I like it. I am now following @vile, Carmen has tips on interesting things. I feel like I have so much to share! On Monday night I had drinks with the lovely Aga followed by the Raphael Saddiq show at the Phoenix with Bonga and some friends. I ran into Rahim otherwise knows as @funkstop. Then I saw this cute girl. It was a great show. As usual, I showed up fashionable & late when it was already in progress. Such is life!

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you make music to my ears

Last week I had the pleasure of attending an event bridging the League of Kickass Under 30 and the Toronto Symphony Orchestra. The League is ‘a social network for young leaders and influencers that are the future of their industry’ & in partnership with the League of Kickass Business People. The League (#LOKU30) had the privileged of having Music Director, Peter Oundjian and VP of Marketing & Business Development Mike Forrester speak to prior us to the performance . They both were great to listen to and spoke about the TSO, the value of the symphony in Toronto and the importance of the arts. this is my orchestra from me on vimeo. The performanceI saw is part of the New Creations Festival and featured acclaimed violinist and Deutsche Grammophon recording artist Hilary Hahn, Cellist Shauna Rolston and a beautiful work for the string orchestra by Tōru Takemitsu. There was even an afterparty post show where I mingled with musicians over cocktails. It was a truly uplifting experience. I’m really looking forward to returning. If you didn’t know the symphony was this cool, you do now. I am excited to inform you that TSO on June 20 & 21st you can see The Music of ABBA! #OMG. I wondering if it would be frowned upon to dance in the aisles? All I need is a ticket because I doubt I could stay in my chair since they are playing everything from Dancing Queen to Take a Chace on Me. Totally awesome!

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chantez-moi une chanson

I’ve been working on my French skills over the last year. Some of my tools are watching French movies, news in French and listening to French Music. I’ve got occasional podcasts also but I find them to be not nearly as fun. My french is better when written and more understood when read. My friend Charlie introduced me to my new fav French girl, Camille. This is her ‘Money Note’. She uses her voice to make cool sounds and incorporates them into her tracks. C’est fantastique!! My other favorites are Yelle and Carla Bruni.

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the good word? the beats are sweet

I’m definitely digging the poetic lyrical stylings of wordPEOPLE. Lead singer Missy C passed over their newest album ‘The Peoples Eatery’ for me to check out and I am impressed. I have a love for well written lyrics and lust for beats with rhyme and style. There’s a common sound between older Black Eyed Peas or Roots albums that is positive & uplifting, makes you bob your head while you listen. Missy C has a soothing voice that makes me wish I knew the lyrics so I could sing along. I also know that she has wicked style, looking forward to seeing her on stage! The emcee ape.X can rhyme the way I like, quick but clear. Makes you want to listen to it over and over. My favorite tracks are ‘Just Don’t Know, ‘People’ cause of the fat fast pace and the album title track ‘The Peoples Eatery’. The track ‘Swinga Things’ has a really light beat that’s super catchy; reminds me a bit of Lilly Allen. I love it.The sound of this entire album is kinda R&B, funk, rock, with some old school flava; an eclectic mix of music to my ears. I can see myself dancing at their next show or on a sunny summer afternoon with pints and friends (same thing). I’m looking forward to their next show. They just played in Guelph last week. I’m keen to check out the live performance for stage presence, seems like they have a lot of energy, and well, that is exactly what I like.

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leon me, when you feel strong

My dear pops and sister have been listening to the Kings of Leon album ‘Only by the Night’. Dad gave me a copy and I very much enjoy listening to it. The sound is music to my ears, literally. Something I really enjoy is the Rorschach ink blot style cover. I first learned about these things in high school for Mrs. Weidinger, my marketing/entrepreneurship teacher. She was one of my favorites. I remember having very unique answers to those other kids in my class group. Looking back, totally not surprising. I now call it borderline artistic. I’ve always been the crazy weird one, even though I was well liked in school. That was probably because I had big boobs back then.

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"don’t want all this cold cold shit "

..’sing it now’ this just came on my tunes and oh, how I love this song. “Throw off your shirt and let’s get, Hot hot hot. We’ve never been, we’ve never been to the bridge, throw off your skirt and let’s begin the rock. I’ve been to all the places on the block(you can believe it, believe it or not) i like to rock , rock! i like to rock, rock!. Jump right in and in too deep. Throw off your towel and let’s get wet wet wet. Bermuda shorts are comin back to town throw off your pants and let’s begin the dance. I’ve been to i’ve been to all the beaches on the strip and you better believe this shit. I like to dip, dip (x2)

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sliimy not shady

Sliimy is from France.He did a cover of BritBrit’s Womanizer.I like his style. His vibe is rad.

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Always wanted to join the symphony? Now you can.

You can play your part in music history and join the YouTube Symphony Orchestra. It is quite a magical thing. All these talented musicians uniting to play music that is heard around the world, from around the world. You download the sheet music, practice, practice, practivce and upload two samples. Makes me kinda wish I played some type of instrument. I know have a friend that right now is laughing while reading this going “how about you play the skin flute?’”. I used to play flute in grade 7 & 8, so there. I’d like to try my hand at the jazz Flute, like Ron Burgundy.

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of awesome. of montreal.

me likey. me likey. me likey. this song. my likey. me likey. dancing to the beat. me likey. me likey. me likey. me likey. of montreal. me likey. likey. this song. my likey. me likey. dancing to the beat. me likey. me likey. me likey. me likey. of montreal. me likey. me likey. me likey. this song. my likey. me likey. dancing to the beat. me likey. me likey. me likey. of montreal. me likey. mlikey. me likey. me likey. me likey. of montreal. me likey. me likey. me likey. this song. my likey. me likey. dancing to the beat. me likey. me likey. me likey. of montreal. me likey. me likey. me likey. this song. my likey. me likey. dancing to the beat. me likey. me likey. of montreal. me likey. me likey. me likey. this song. my likey. me likey. dancing to the beat. me likey. me likey. me likey. me likey. of montreal. likey. dancing to the beat. me likey. me likey. me likey. me likey. of montreal. me likey. cake. me likey. me likey. this song. my likey. me likey. dancing to the beat. me likey. of montreal. me likey. this song. my likey. dancing to the beat. me likey. me likey. me likey. me likey. of montreal. me likey. me likey. me likey. this song. my likey. me likey. dancing to the beat. me likey. me likey. of montreal.

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