you are younger today than you will be again. remember that!

Exciting news again today!! This lil’ mama is back on the road. Oh yeah.  My friend/boss from my first job in Toronto had it in storage and after I tweeted “I really need a bike”. She happily to pass it on to me. Thank you!

Bike is a little rusty but we’re getting along great. Took her for a cruise last night to Java, stopped by Gladstone for Tweetgasm Anniversary, visited a friend and cruised home. West End girl, FTW.

Lubed ‘er up with some plant based bike lube from Orontas. Thanks for sending guys! Should probably take it to Curbside for a tuneup this weekend.

Been loving my new Macbook Air BF James Dean. Really looking forward to the weekend so we can really snuggle up and spend some quality time together. It’s going to take some time to make the 100% switch from PC. I’m taking a Mac intro course at Riverdale Mac next month. Thanks for the invite guys! It’s amazing the quality of audio/video/photo difference from my PC. Been testing it out on I love making videos and I love you.

P.S. WHAT IS IT ABOUT BACON GUYS?  “Jesus, how much space on the internet do we need to discuss breakfast meat? haha Natalie Dee you kill me.

you missed this yesterday

his name is james dean and i love him.

Soon as Josh & Josh helped me setup (THANK GUYS!). I had a few things to do, check blog, post DailyBooth, make quick vid w/ Keek. Mooohahahahha.

Barbie got an iPhone4 today. We are nerd swooning so hard right now. She just put Gaga singing Edge of Glory on Howard Stern radio on the TV.  So good.

God, she’s great.

I’m in love today. I still love Andy too. There’s enough to go around 😉

you knew this was coming.

Keri helped me secure & set a few things. Smrt.

Taught me how to format this guy for JD too. I have to go out for the evening, please don’t tell anyone I’m secretly dreaming about my boyfriend computer. Shhhhhhhhhhhh……

what do you love? ♥

I love discovering new things.

Last month Google rolled out and I just found out about it from Techcrunch. It’s hard to keep up on all the Google gossip! With all the talk about Google+ lately, I see how it slipped by most peoples radar. I checked it out last night & found an interesting discovery…

Here we go:

Went to the site, searched something I love (uh, myself! You would search yourself too right?). Found a few things, including explore “casie stewart” in 3D with Google Sketchup. You can create anything 3D there, haven’t tried it yet.  Youtube channel and gmail came up along with searches in blogs, photos, and books.

Books? I recognize that book. That’s my book.

I wrote when I was 14 with Holly Heiblinger, it’s called JEANS. Published Canadian Author, oh yeah. I’ve never seen it online. I mean, I never reallllllly looked but there she is right in Google Books and the library archives.

I was mega involved with writing and my community at that age. Our book is categorized in Canadian poetry (English) 20th centuryLiterary Collections / CanadianChildren’s Literature & Teenagers’ writings, Canadian (English). It’s no longer in print so don’t try to order one! I’ve only got a couple draft copies. Reckon Mum might have some in the basement.

I used to write heaps. Well, I still write lots but more diary than poetry. One say I will escape to a far away place and get all the notes from the notebooks into digital form. Maybe with my new computer? Omg, I ‘m getting a new computer today.

Downloaded a poetry magnet app for iPad called Verses Poetry. I like to play on/with words. Need to get more words unlocked though, running slim on options.

Spent lots of time with Andy (my iPad) this weekend. Maybe deep down I know that he’s about to get less attention when the new guy comes home today. We’ll see. There’s enough room in my heart for all the gadgets 🙂

i’m so, i’m so original i don’t care what anybody says

Title is from this hipster song. Found it after looking at search terms people typed into Google to get here and one was “Toronto hipster”.

I’m in love with this app today.

 …magically your closet is a shop of beautiful things. 

Made using Comic Book for iPad. New fav app. I always wanted to make a comic of my adventures. I wanna fight some bad guys and make the world a better place.

Have you ever worked your arms from driving?

Today I used Softsign to download & edit a PDF, type changes & sign all from iPad with ease. Amazing device.

I am also in LOVE with Spotify. How did I get it to work when I’m in Canada? Used my Klous Perk invite code to sign up while in the USA (Boston) and… it still works! Been loving all kinds of tunes the last week. Liking suggestions and seeing what other people have in lists. I usually work in silence but I’m enjoying more music lately.

Welcome to THE FUTURE.

gold LION tell me where the light is

Have an appt Monday AM at the Apple store downtown to get my first Mac computer. I can’t believe the time has come, I’m switching teams.

_4hTyO on Make A Gif, Animated Gifs

What do they say…”once you go Mac you never go back“? Oh new boyfriend, what will I name you? 🙂

Experts: What are some things I should know?

I know heaps of you are Mac lovers, I’d love to hear your expertise. Mac virgin here. In other exciting news, found a few old friends from 12secondsTV friends on Keek. Remember how much I loved 12s? (RIP) I had about 400 videos, made them almost daily for over a year.  Can’t wait for iMovie.  Huzzzaahhhhh! 



toronto grafitti

Got a different perspective on Toronto’s famous “Graffiti Alley” this weekend. If you don’t know it, YOU ARE CRAZY. It’s famous and awesome and can be found near Queen/Spadina, south side back alley.

Learned history of graffiti, vocabulary and styles.  Someone covered the Banksy on Hotel Ocho. Talked about the controversy around graffiti in our city.  Lots of it.  One of the pieces in my video is “Blob Ford”. SO many cool ones. Good artists. Thanks to Tour Guys & for the tour.

Nice to get to0 know a little more about Toronto.  Good collection of Toronto street art here. I like this one, obvs. haha

I was postered on Queen Street a few years back by Toronto Poster Boy.  They were big & bright, done with wheat paste. I really like stencil painting now.

* graffiti creator

das awesome.

I’m a rad driver. Have grown to love driving since I’ve been doing it more lately (Toyota Matrix, Chevy Cruize, Ford Fusion). My fav one today was the Tijuan.

VW driving blogger blonde.


No seriously though, ripped corners mega hard. Crushed the brakes, tested them good. Liked having a pro driver in the passenger seat too. Track driving is fun, I like testing high performance things.

Keri is a good driver. She has a VW and it’s featured in her show The Canadian Explorer.

Starting to quite enjoy the Olympus PEN camera. Took some getting used to. When I get better I’d like to try some difference lenses.  Fancy, huh.

Wear good shoes for optimal driving performance & cuteness.

Speaking of cuteness…

Thanks for a fun afternoon VW!