Day 261: Monday Funday

I woke up this morning excited for work. I have talked about my love for Monday before. Monday is a day full of opportunity, who knows what emails you’ll get, how a call will change a plan, or who might pop into your day and brighten it up. I’ve worked freelance for years but before that, I’d been in full-time jobs where I dreaded Monday morning. If you think about it, Monday doesn’t suck, you just hate your job. I baked some cookies during our all-staff meeting today, then dropped some to our lovely neighbour and my favourite postal lady, Judy, at Kilworthy Post Office. I rang Mum and we talked about little gifts we’ve made/are making for people and let me tell you, nothing like a handmade gift. I loved sewing this weekend and I can’t wait to make more things. It’s taken some time to get familiar with my machine but I’m getting it. Each of my one-of-a-kind scrunchies has its own imperfections, making it unique. It gave me so much joy to make and style each one. A few people have asked how to get them, I’m thinking about making a shop and donating some of the proceeds. Tbh, kinda wanna keep and wear them all but I have enough scraps/ones that turned out bad ( ?) to have a piece of each floofy scrunch. Doing things that don’t involve a phone or computer will inspire you in ways you don’t even know. I highly recommend it. The agency I’ve been working with for the last few months is called FUNDAY. I love the people, the work, the hours, and it generally makes me happy to be on the team. If you are interested to learn more, check out Ran 2.2 km this morning and I’m…

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Day 91: Sunday Funday!

I have really come to love driving the boat to take sean wakeboarding. I was scared of it for years but after taking the Boater Exam and getting my licence, I feel more confident. There’s a spot on the lake where boaters meet to wakeboard and hang out so it was fun to hang there for the first time. Up until last summer, we didn’t have lake friends. It’s a nice experience to have people hang with. Boating is social distancing! Wore my fav Hayley Elsaesser x Coors Slice outfit with the bikini, overalls, and cooler, it was a hit. I’m expecting another delivery from them next week so I can’t WAIT to see what it is. If you want to check out the collection find it here. ALSO, how beautiful is this incredible dragonfly?! It’s black & yellow with polka dots. I looked it up and I think it’s called Painted Skimmer (Libellula semifasciata). NATURE ISCOOL.

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Cyber Monday, More Like Cyber Funday! ?

Did you buy any stuff today? I’ve been out and about around New Orleans but I’m back in my apartment to check on and share a few deals before the day is done. Last week for Black Friday I ordered a new Instant Pot from Amazon and an Echo Dot. I’ve been obsessed with the Instant Post since we got one last year for Christmas and I use it a couple times a week. SOME OF MY FAV DEALS ON AMAZON TODAY! [amazon_link asins=’B06Y1MP2PY,B00QJDU3KY,B07456NHZ7,B074R17GS5,B01LBWEMP4′ template=’ProductCarousel’ store=’casiestewartc-20′ marketplace=’CA’ link_id=’1850eb58-d3bf-11e7-b8b7-f5b4dff9c389′]

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Sunday Funday Festival & Friends

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Interior Design: My Bespoke Rug

If you’ve been following me on Instagram for a while, you’ll remember last year when I posted about my first venture into textile design. Using a piece of my art made on iPad Pro, I uploaded the image to Weaver & Loom‘s digital platform and the process of creating my first rug began. 🤗 Fast forward to 2023, and I’m heading to Miami with the Weaver & Loom team! The first image below is my design from iPad, the second is a rendering of my 18 x 18 sample, the third is a color strike rendering of my 31 different colours, and the last image is my hand-knotted sample. The day I received my sample I was SO excited I decided to have a photo shoot with it! I was blown away by the construction and how vibrant the colours were. Going through the rug-making process with Weaver & Loom was incredible, as my rug went through production, I received updates from the weavers in Kathmandu, Nepal. Here’s my rug on the loom!

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Yorkville Murals: Jules Monson

Over the past 2 months, I’ve been working with Weaver & Loom through Funday to bring this exciting project to life for Yorkville Murals featuring rugs designed by Jules Monson. 👩🏻‍🎨🐍🐍🐍 This was especially exciting because Jules is a friend, our first guest on the Cast of Creators podcast, and I have a few of her pieces on the walls in my room. Using the Weaver & Loom platform, Jules created a series of rugs for her ‘Sssnakes’ installation at the Manulife Centre. This installation includes 18 unique snake-themed rugs, available in three different color schemes and various sizes. This collaboration has shown the incredible opportunity for artists like Jules to transform their art, both new and existing, into exquisite, high-quality floor coverings. We worked closely with Jules throughout the entire process, from design and initiation to production and shipping, completing this remarkable project in just two short months. Weaver & Loom’s digital platform streamlines the traditional rug-making process by removing layers of middlemen, making project delivery more efficient and cost-effective than this industry has ever seen. If you’re in Toronto, check out Yorkville Murals this weekend to experience Jules Monson’s large-scale installation inside the Manulife Centre, near Over The Rainbow. 🌟 If you’re an artist/interior designer and want to explore the platform or dream of creating your own beautiful bespoke rug, shoot me a DM.🌟 Photos by @jgazze

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Halloween 2022: Witchy Woman

This year’s Halloween was pretty chill, although I wore a witch costume almost everywhere I went from Friday to Monday. She’s a witchy woman! On Friday night Sean and I were at his office and saw there was a show at Velvet Underground. It turned out to be TikTok star Akintoye and he was INCREDIBLE. Next, we stopped by Baby G on Dundas and saw Fluffio, I hadn’t heard of them but they were GREAT. On Saturday, we took a family adventure to the Parkdale Spooky Market which was fun. The sun was shining and it was SO WARM OUT. We picked up a few things then I walked home. On Monday, I dressed up for our all-hands meeting and wore a family heirloom, this scary old lady mask my dad used to wear to take us trick or treating. It’s a classic with my friends and we always laugh at it. Was fun to see how many people dressed up for the meeting this year! Our Funday office in Armenia carved pumpkins and I ran polls to guess who did each one. I did not get wild on actual Halloween, went to my fav class at the gym, and wore my fav Valfre outfit. Look at me, a workout witch! Abs are coming in! I was really slack with my workouts this summer, feels good to be back on my game. That’s a wrap on Spooky Season 2022, time for Christmas music!

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Ontario Voted Today

Ran for the first time in ages and I missed this feeling. Next, I got ready for the day and went to the polls just before they opened. I was the first person my elections attendant had for the day so there was a little learning curve but everyone was nice. Was back home in 30 min including the walk & wait time. I’m excited about this week. We’re recording two exciting episodes of Cast of Creators and there’s a new episode out on Wednesday. We also have an Instagram for Funday now, follow @fundayagency. In other news, John Tory is Mayor again.

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New Scents & Bubbles!

This summer has flown by, how is it almost September?! Yes, we still have lots of warm days ahead but the nights are getting colder, and it’ll be spooky season before we know it. Got two great packages in the mail this week, new scents & bubbles! Both fit right into my weekend plans of relaxing, recharging, and treating myself to some self-care. The thing I love about September is the ‘new year’ energy it brings. I like to start things in September most people would kick off January 1st, that way, by the time the holidays come, I’m good and ready for the new year. Ok, now onto the packages… The first package was from MicroPerfumes, which just announced their expansion to Canada. I didn’t know about this well-kept beauty secret but I love the idea. Don’t wear a lot of perfume but I often buy the smallest size so I can travel with it or test it out. I’ve loved wearing Santal 33 for the past few years and before that was dedicated to a Dolce & Gabanna perfume that’s now discontinued. The cool thing about MicroPerfumes is you can order all kinds of designer scents in travel sizes for a fraction of the price. I got a gift set of three scents: Santal 33, Dolce & Gabbana Pour Femme Intense (similar to my old fav!), and Tom Ford Tobacco Vanille (unisex). The other weekend I was op at the cottage and ran into one of my cottage besties who works for Vitabath. Well, am I ever lucky! Today a gift box showed up full of bubble baths, bath salts, lotions, body wash, and more. She even sent some goodies from the men’s line for Sean. I can’t wait to run a nice bath this weekend and pamper myself.…

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Summer Vacation at Stoney Lake

Sean and I went to stay with our friend Jake at a cottage in Stoney Lake for a week and it was lovely. I honestly, can’t remember a time in my life when I didn’t have to work on ‘vacation‘. A career in social means you are kinda ‘on’ 24-7′. I’ve never had a job like Funday/Hvr, where they actually value a break.👏 Grateful to work with such awesome people! This is the first time in my life my work was like ‘no, you’re on vacation‘ and didn’t reach out or ask me to do stuff. It was absolutely glorious! I took naps, read my book, listened to a whole novel on Audible and did next to nothing. Highly recommend Wrong Place Wrong Time by Gillian McAllister, get the audiobook, great story. My sister and I listened at the same time and texted about it non-stop. Sean also rented a sea doo (that he later purchased!) and we cruised the lake together in the sunshine. It was magical. I left the cottage feeling relaxed and refreshed. 😎

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Collision Conference 2022

I went to Collision Conference 2022 and it was great! I’d been once 2019 and after two years of a pandemic, it was nice to be in a conference environment. There were 35,000 attendees and 600 speakers over three days + events and more. I shared some tweets from the conference on our @FundayAgency account and soaked up as much marketing knowledge as I could. One of my fav things was the TikTok booth, they had a 360 photo op. I loved it. See the video on Instagram. Nelson and I attended a few sessions in the afternoon and walked the conference floor. Some of my favourite talks were Global Marketing Trends, What’s in for Gen Z This Season, Censorship in the Era of Misinformation, and the Future of Journalism. Also met TikTok & Instagram superstar, Bruce, aka @falafel.kimchi. On Wednesday night Nadia went to the Collision After Dark party at Stackt Market. It was super fun. On Thursday, to close out the conference, Nelson and I did four episodes of Cast of Creators, our new podcast. The first ep we did there was with Raine Maida from Our Lady Peace. We talked about web3, NFTs, connecting with his fans and more. Collision is back in Toronto next year and if you can make it I highly recommend checking it out. I’m thinking about going to their next conference, Web Summit in Lisbon. In other news, making our show is super fun! I can’t wait to share the first three episodes of Cast of Creators with you on July 20th. We have really laughed and had some seriously good conversations.

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May Long Weekend in Muskoka

We drove up to the cottage on Thursday night to spend the May long weekend in Muskoka. I haven’t been up North much this year but was really looking forward to a few days out of the city. It was meant to rain all weekend but Friday was a magical sunny day. I took FULL ADVANTAGE. Went for a nice 7K walk/run in the middle of the day and it was beautiful. At Funday, we get a bonus vacation day during our birthday month so I booked mine to make an extra-long weekend. We took the boat out and Sean wakeboarded even though the water is still pretty cold. I don’t mind being captain lol. Fun times! With love from the woods!

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Day 622: Morning Light That Shines

Worked from Sean’s office today and it was nice to be back at my desk. I’ve been spending so much time at home I almost forgot what it felt like to ‘go to work’. The morning light that shines in from the south-facing windows is enough to keep me coming back. Drove to Hamilton in the afternoon to pick up our first round of merch for Funday. After months of design meetings and emails, our order was ready and turned out amazing! Needed to get some steps in so I took a long walk after work. It’s really nice to be downtown. Hard to believe I used to go out ALL THE TIME. These days once the sun goes down, I really just want to be home. As the days get shorter, here’s to finding that light in your day!

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Day 522: Live from the Lake

Comin’ at the live from the lake! Set up my WFH space on the dining table and had a productive day at work. It’s so nice to be able to work from anywhere. I’m really enjoying my role at Funday and what we’ve been creating with Hvr. The view here is absolutely stunning! We’ve been visiting this same cottage on Stoney lake for about 4 years. How about this for a view? haha. Did a poll w/ this filter on IG. I made a kinda hot dude, bit of a Bieber vibe. On the way home, we stopped by Cityplace, Sean and I both used to live here in these neighbouring condos. We passed by Michelle’s place to meet Beau, her new puppy, so cute!

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Day 499: See You In My Dreams

Starting to feel better from the vaccine side effects. I want to get back to myself. haven’t run in days. Tomorrow we’re helping Sean’s parents pack up their house for a few hours. I plan to spend the rest of the day working in my room and I am happy to do it. Feel so grateful for my space and the projects I’m doing. By end of summer, I’ll be sharing more about my work with Hvr and our new app. I am so excited! Looking forward to this week. I love Monday because you never know what the day might bring. Sending you sunshine and ALL THE BEST FOR A GREAT DAY. Watched ‘See You In My Dreams’ on Netflix today, cute movie, bit sad. This song is nice tho.

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Day 388: Follow The Sun

I went for two runs love. I love my morning runs but after work, I was feeling stress and anxiety so I went out again. News is circulating that we’re going back into a stay-at-home order tomorrow. They’ve closed the schools again. Cases are rising. I don’t even know what to say. It’s hard to believe this is really happening. I’m trying to stay focused on the positive and stick o my workouts because it’s the only thing I have going on right now (aside from work). Grateful to have started work at Funday last month because I look forward to the projects on my plate and it gives me something fun to focus on aside from the news. I love this spot on Dundas West at sunset. As I exited the path, I turned to face the sun and it was shining so beautifully. I like to follow the sun when I’m running and soak up as much as I can. That’s all for today. Hang in there, we’ll get through this.

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Day 373: Social and Culture

Today I started my new FT role at Funday Agency as Social & Culture Manager. My job is focused mostly on internal communications & operations relating to building company culture. Last year I came to the realization I didn’t want to work specifically in social media anymore. I was looking to expand and do more things related to general marketing. That beung said, it’s been 5+ years since I’ve worked FT and I expect there will be a *bit* of an adjustment. Today’s lunch was provided by Do Rueda in Spain who sent over a delicious selection of Spanish tapas and wine to taste. I saved the wine for after work but tuned in for a lunchtime seminar with several sommeliers from the region. Back in 2019, I went on a press trip to Spain where we spent a week visiting 13 wineries in Do Rueda, Spain’s top region for verdejo & white wine. See those posts here! Another great surprise today was the delivery of new blue light glasses from gry mattr, a new company from Joe Mimran (the founder of Joe Fresh). I picked this design on a whim without realizing they would look almost identical to my old fav glasses I wore when I first started Twitter (see small image here). I had this same black & white photo as my Twitter image from 2009-2012. Back then, I used to wear glasses ALL the time and I absolutely love these new ones from gry mattr. Thanks Joe!

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Day 372: Social and Culture Manager

Woke up with a killer toothache this morning and took an easy morning for my Advil and CBD to kick in. It was another beautiful day and I am loving the energy I get from this weather! I ended up taking an afternoon nap and felt nice and refreshed when I woke. Went for a nice walk to the grocery store to get supplies for the week. Sean is shooting something up north this week so I’m home by myself, which I don’t mind. ? This week I am starting full-time at Funday Agency and I am so excited! I absolutely love working with this team so it was a natural progression to move from contract to FT. My role is Social & Culture Manager and I’ll be working on Funday initiatives, branding, and merch. This is a new role that was created just for me and I’m really keen to develop the Funday brand. One of the recent tasks my team completed was our first round of Funday supplies including notebooks, note cards, Sharpies, and stickers. They turned out so good. Here’s to a great week! Sending sunshine!

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Day 366: Big Spring Energy

I’ve been waking up so early this week and I’m not sure if it’s Daylight Saving Time or general excitement. Knowing spring is around the corner has me feeling some kinda way and I’m working on a couple of projects that have me BUZZING. Last year when I was off work for a couple of months, it made me think about life and what I truly wanted. I’ve been working in social media for so long and felt like I needed a change. I joined the Advisory Board at Hvr then took a contract with Funday Agency. I’ve been so inspired by the work I’m doing, it’s transferred to everything I do. I spent years not being *truly* happy and I think this past year really gave me a chance to revaluate what matters. I reprioritized a few things and through that gained a new perspective on life. I am truly excited for the next year and what I might can accomplish. Here’s to BIG SPRING ENERGY. ☀️? She’s ready to BLOOM!

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Day 289: Last Monday of 2020

What a year it’s been! I’m planning to write something thoughtful about the things I’ve learned this year before the end of the week. We’ve all grown and changed so much. It’s crazy to think we’re almost at 300 days of the pandemic with no end in sight. As this is the last Monday of 2020, think about how you can make Monday your fav day of the week in 2021. Today is a holiday (Boxing Day) and I’m looking forward to being back in business tomorrow and meeting with a colleague (over Zoom of course!). We have to clear off some snow from the last couple of days but we’ve got a skating rink and cold-plunge pool down by the lake. Sean has really been into cold immersion this year. I’m not as experienced but I love the idea and how it feels (after, not during!). Planning to do at least one more dip before 2020 is over.

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Day 275: Start The Week Off Right

Monday is my business day at work and I look forward to it each week. I spend some time yesterday working on brand development for a new client just to get a jump start & start the week off right. I really love being back in an agency and it’s great to work from home. I met our agency co-founder at a party once almost a decade ago saw him briefly for a few meetings this summer when we could. Other than that, I’ve only met everyone virtually! I wonder how many companies will keep doing things this way? I did my first run on the treadmill before my first meeting and it’s SO GOOD. I really loved using the treadmill at the gym last year so I feel like I’m back on my groove. I’ve also got similar weights to those at the gym so no excuses, gonna be even more fit in 2021!

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Day 273: Marmite for Life

I have been searching for Marmite for weeks, months! We used to be able to get it at Loblaws or Sobey’s but I haven’t found it. I grew up eating Marmite on toast, Marmite sandwiches, or a kiwi pizza (Marmite on toast w/ cheese!). I love it, always makes me think of mum. Sean and I drove back up to the cottage today and stopped at the 400 Market where there’s a British shop. I left Sean to walk around on his own and when I found him, he was there and bought all the Marmite she had! I’m so happy! Marmite for life! I had a really great call w/ the CEO of Funday Agency today and I am SO EXCITED about the project I’ll be working on for the next 8 weeks (and beyond!). At the start of this year, I wasn’t sure where my career was going and now, at the end of 2020, it’s looking BRIGHT. We’ll be up at the cottage for a few days before going back at the end of the week. I’m excited to set up the treadmill we picked up yesterday from Sean’s a parents!

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Tech | Download Your Classic MySpace Blog

I’m finally getting around to seriously book writing like I’ve been talking about for 10 years. Found a blog post from 2005 where I said I was writing a book [insert crying emoji]. April marks 10 years of blogging on my own blog platform. I rediscovered my old MySpace blogs today now that you can finally download them. MySpace had originally deleted ALL blogs without warning. Downloaded a heap of posts and went through all the HTML files renaming them. It felt good. Unfortunately I’ve lost my first, first ever blog from MicrosoftSpaces back in 2004 (they stopped helping users recover them in 2012). How To Download Your Classic MySpace Blog: Dig up that old login you haven’t used in ages and login to MySpace Go to to settings Click Account On the left you’ll see an option to migrate old photos to a new album and download old blogs Download. Took about 60 seconds to download my 100 posts in a .zip file Fall in love with your elf again OR have heaps of laughs at your MySpace selfies   One of the things I learned today was I haven’t changed that much. Well, I have but some things are still the same. I’m really inspired my going back over my old stuff and incredibly thankful that I didn’t give up and stop writing even though sometimes I really didn’t feel like blogging anymore.  See 10 posts titled ‘Sometimes I don’t feel like it‘ here. Recovered these old quizzes I shared back in 2006 from MySpace. Hahahaha Buzzfeed, you’re just stealing old ideas! Still love the Olsen Twins, still style twinning Nicole Richie, and still love summer. I remember reading this quote in high school and thought, I will write things worth reading and do things worth writing about, watch me! And that was after I’d already written…

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Travel | Thailand w/ The ContikiThai Crew!

Check out this great vid by my Vancouver buds the Sunday Fundayz. These dudes were so much fun to hang out with in Thailand. They’re the ones doing backflips and splits in my photos. We crammed heaps of adventure into our 10 days. Now that’s so dang freezing here I’m really wishing I was back in the hot, hot sun. If you love travel, subscribe to the Sunday Fundayz on YouTube, they’re constantly on adventure! They also have a clothing line of which I just ordered a pile of stuff. Thailand via Instagram: 46 Photos in 15 Seconds Made this little video using Statigram, an app that allows you to create a video from your Instagram vids. Super great for summarizing trips, special moments, or looking back at the year past. It’s free but for $1.99 you can add your own watermark as I did below. Stay warm out there, <3 CASIE

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These Vids Will Warm Up Your Monday!

Oh helloooooo! Really had to pull myself out of bed this morning even though I had heaps of sleep on the weekend. All this cold and snow makes for perfect sitting on the couch reading, working, in jammies weather. Can’t believe it’s almost Christmas! Mum is in NZ with the family, HI GUYS! In other news… Check out these awesome vids made by Seattle’s Travels and Gunnarolla on our Thailand trip. Oh man, today with this cold ass winter I really miss the hot hot sun! Contiki Thailand (iPhone 5s slo-mo) If you do nothing else today, watch this short love letter vid from @seattlestravels of her #contikithai adventure — Contiki Holidays (@ContikiCAN) December 15, 2013   Christmas Safari! ♫ (ft. Nanalew & Hey Nadine) Post by High On Life Sundayfundayz. Stay warm out there! <3 CASIE   buy lasix without prescription buy nexium without prescription buy prednisone without prescription Buy prevacid without prescription

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Thailand Adventures Day 2

OMG HI! This is some of what I have was doing while you were sleeping.  It’s fun being in the future! I’ve been using my GoPro and the APP is AWESOME! Photos from my Canon will be added later. Right now I’m short on time so these are all from mobile. Sitting in the BKK Airport lounge before flying to Chiang Mai. We started the day at the floating markets about an hour outside Bangkok. Thai Diet Coke aka Diet Coke light. It tasted the same which is DELICIOUS. Ryker was amazing at bargaining with this lady from our boat. It lasted about 15 minutes and he got a wooden wine holder.  The boats were super rocky and we spent lots of time screaming and laughing. This goes out to Britney the Queen! I was not scared and actually love snakes. True fact! Gave it a lil’ kiss and left some red lipstick. The Sunday Fundayz boys are a hoot. Parker = crazy. This was en route to airport. Thailand Ikea – THAIKEA! Ok now onto the next stop! Have an amazing day and remember to make the most of each moment. NO REGRETS! <3 CASIE Buy Overnight Drugs awc pharmacy Canadian Pharmacy Online

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MO SISTAS TORONTO 2012! #movember

[View the story “MO SISTAS TORONTO” on Storify] MO SISTAS TORONTO Storified by CASIE STEWART · Sun, Nov 04 2012 22:16:00 Sunday morning diva drive w/ @itsbrownbarbie. #Funday STEWART #SocialMoSistas getting ready @ambermac caronsue @shananigans1102 #shootday #movember @ Fuss Hair Studio STEWART RT @fusshairstudio: Pin up perfection almost done! By @allisonjahr for #movember #fusshairstudio with mosista @ Fuss Hair Studio STEWART RT @ambermac: #Movember calendar shoot time with caronsue @casiestewart and more mosistasto @fusshairstudio Andrew RT @casiestewart: HUGE thank you to @fusshairstudio for having all us #Movember pinup girls here today!Lisa Simone Richards RT @TiffEncinaMUA: #kevinluc working his magic with @casiestewart at @fusshairstudio today! #photgraphy #photoshoot #makeuparti STEWART RT @CaronSue: Pinup Mo mosistasto calendar photo shoot #30daysofmo #movember #mosista McCardle RT @alison_kaizer: movember blogger babes calendar shoot with @CaronSue and @casiestewart ❤ @ Movember Court RT @CaronSue: Minxing it up for #Movember w/ @raymitheminx! mosistasto @fusshairstudio #mosista Lauren So much fun! MT “@CaronSue: . @fusshairstudio w/ @ellerich @ambermac @shananigans5 @jacobsonjenna for @mosistasTO photo shoot.”amber mac I want to surf those bangs! RT @CaronSue: @MoSistaTO’s @laurenonizzle and me going pinup style for #Movember #mosista”Lauren O’Neil RT @CaronSue: Awesome day @fusshairstudio for mosistasto calendar shoot! #movember Concept RT @Morgan_C_Ross: @casiestewart @laurenonizzle make sure @BigDealDawson has fun at the shoot but doesn’t get too accustomed to having a moustache. ;)Jennifer Dawson “@CaronSue: Pinup Mo Sistas for #Movember mosistasto calendar shoot” we should do a calendarCharlotte Connell RT @CaronSue: It’s me and @bigdealdawson at the mosistasto calendar shoot for Movember. Dawson @caronsue I spy w/my lil eye, something that is @raymitheminx #movember #mosista Jacket The mosista’s day end ! Lots of fun doing the hair. #fusshairstudio thanks @CaronSue @andreasluft @ Fuss Hai Hair Studio Movember Mo-Sista’s Who Make A Difference!…

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