Day 156: Shaggy Covid Hair

It was nice waking up in my own bed and get ready in my room this morning. The water at the house is different than the cottage and it makes it my hair so soft. I’m really growing to love my shaggy Covid hair, it’s the longest hair I’ve had in over a decade! In the past, I would probably be freaking out at how long my roots are but with all the things that have changed, and how I’ve changed, I’m cool with it. Tonight I’m meeting a friend for dinner and can’t wait. Looking forward to bike riding in the sun!

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Day 99: Covid But Make It Fashion

Today I spent the morning working at home. We had a test run of the speaker software for the FreshBooks conference on Wednesday. I had a package at the postie so put on something cute and biked over in the afternoon. My mask is brought to you by Evan Biddell, I ordered a 4-pack of animal print masks from him last month. On my way home, I stopped by Nadia’s place to go for a little walk with her and her pup. It’s nice to be home and see friends at a distance. I ended up biking through Liberty Village, Parkdale, and then home. I wasn’t planning to join Vinyl Night w/ the gang from the Communist Daughter bar on Zoom but I popped in for a bit and had a great time. I miss hanging out at bars with friends and talking loudly.

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A Little Life Lately: October 2023

I can’t believe that it’s almost November. Where did September and October go? September was busy with film festivals and before I knew it, Libra Season was here. This past month our house had the plague Covid, it was the first time since it came on the scene that any of us caught it. I was sick and positive for a few days but Sean was not as lucky, he was sick for daaaaaaays and we all stayed home. I do have some good news to report, this week I booked a (tiny!) role on a TV show that I am shooting next week. Look out Hollywood LOL. It’s a small step in my new acting career and I am truly grateful for every opportunity. I love being on set and I can’t wait to share it with you when it comes out. Over the past two months, I have done a ton of auditions and I feel like I get better with each one. I am also heading to Miami in December! I can’t wait to share what I’ve been working on for the last couple of months. More on that later!

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Plant Stores & Vintage Shopping

Cory and I made a date to go for a nice Saturday walk in the sun. It’s hard to stay positive with the compound stress of seasonal affective disorder, Covid, and general life anxiety, but seeing a friend and getting outside always makes me feel better. One great way to beat winter SAD is to plan a day with plant stores & vintage shopping. The Urban Gardener is my fav local plant shop, I swear just walking in there will boost your mood. It’s warm, green, and filled with beautiful growing plants. I picked up a new lil’ guy to bring home with a nice new planter pot for him to live in. Our next stop was Pictus Goods on Dupont which is filled with heaps of lovely goods for your home, candles, jewellery, and fresh flowers. Super cute shop! Highly recommend checking it out. They also have a GREAT selection of nice cards. Our third stop was a private shopping appointment at Nouveau Riche Vintage which DID NOT DISAPPOINT. Tbh, IDK if I have EVER seen such an incredible collection. They have heaps of items for sale including designer, denim, coats, and accessories. The best part for me was the exclusive rental section we got to check out that’s filled with the best outfits you can dream of. SO GOOD. I didn’t get anything but Cory scored a few goodies. I will deff be back there again!

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2022: Be Consistent

Well, well, well, guess who’s back? I really jumped the gun when I stopped counting the days about a month ago because shortly after, Omicron took over our lives. December feels like a blur, I was mostly at home, Sean was up north. I hung out with friends, went to an event, things started to feel normal, right before they weren’t. Covid was everywhere. Sean and I were both sick over the holidays and spent Christmas alone together in the woods. I really enjoyed a break from work, life, and the city, even though I was sick for 90% of the time. The past year has been exhausting for a suite of reasons and it was nice to check out for a bit. I have opened this blog to write something more than a handful of times but I just couldn’t do it. I haven’t felt like myself and I haven’t felt like sharing. Up until this week, I still had a brain fog that left me feeling like a dull pencil needing to be sharpened. I took a break from running and didn’t start the New Year with goals and aspirations like usual. BE CONSISTENT This year I commit to ‘Be Consistent’, that’s my theme. I will keep running, eating well, drinking less, and working on myself. I am going to come out of this damn pandemic a better person. ARE YOU WITH ME? Over the past week, I’ve been back to my morning runs, got my hair done, and have been cooking great meals in our new air fryer. I’ve not been doing much other than watching Amy on Jeopardy, finishing 3 seasons of Succession, taking care of my skin, and going to bed early. I also started a class on crypto with a friend. It’s boring-ish life…

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Day 618: Me & My Plants

Hello from me & my plants! To be honest, I keep wondering if I should stop counting the days but we are still in a PANDEMIC even though some things are “normal-ish”. Sometimes it feels like the pandemic is over but as of today, Ontario has a 46% rise in cases. I don’t mind being home, to be honest. I love the slower pace of life, the excuse to not go anywhere, the opportunity to bail at any time. I also love my plants so much. Anyhoo, saying “hi” and Happy Friday! Hope you have a great day!

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Day 574: Spooky Season @ Legends of Horror

I went to the media preview of Legends of Horror at Casa Loma tonight with some friends. SO FUN. I love spooky season. Was so stoked I wore my witch hat the whole night. The experience takes just over an hour and it is AWESOME. There’s so much space at Casa Loma and Legends of Horror takes it all. You’ll find yourself winding down spooky stairs and wicked woods, then running through the castle basement and more, all the while being scared by creepy characters. here are some details from legends of Horror about covid/entrance etc. Tickets are ~$40pp but if you haven’t had a lot of excitement lately, I say totally worth it. MI was at the media preview so I didna have to buy a ticket but I am considering going back with friends and buying tickets. Legends of Horror at Casa Loma PARKING: Paid parking is available at George Brown College (south of Casa Loma off Macpherson Avenue). This parking is closest to the entrance at Walmer Rd. and Davenport Rd. There is limited paid parking onsite at Casa Loma, subject to availability. A SAFE EXPERIENCE FOR ALL GUESTS FACE MASKS/COVERINGS All persons (staff and guests) entering or remaining on the premises shall wear a mask or face covering which covers the nose, mouth and chin as required under City of Toronto by-law no.541-2020. PHYSICAL DISTANCING Guests will be required to follow social/physical distancing guidelines carefully, maintaining 2 metres (6 feet) of space from others. Family members and others (a “family unit”) who live in the same household can be closer together. GUEST SCREENING/CONTACT TRACING All guests are required to complete guest screening and contact tracing upon arrival. Contact information will be kept for 30 days for potential COVID-19 Contact Tracing. PROOF OF VACCINATION Proof of vaccination…

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Day 533: OBJX Studio

Had the most dreamy afternoon at OBJX Studio with Cory & Ish. The studio is now open again and it’s such a cool space. My last shoot pre-covid was here with Brigitte for Mark’s. I have so many great new photos to share!

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Day 528: I Went To IKEA

I went to IKEA with April just after opening at 9am. It was my first trip inside since before the pandemic. I did click and collect a couple of months ago but going inside is such a different experience. I always end up getting a few extra things and come home with new towels and a big mirror. I helped April with something for her work then biked home. It was definitely too hot for this jumpsuit. Bonga was in town for the day and stopped by on his bike. I heard him arrive before I got the text, this bike is FAST and LOUD. We got ice cream in the neighbourhood and went for a walk. Tomorrow I’m going on my first flight since January 2020. Flair Airlines invited me on a media trip to Montreal for a fashion show to see their new uniforms and meet tennis star, Genie Bouchard. Must be in bed at a good hour because I’m scheduled to be at YYZ by 5:30 am. Ahhhhh! I’m nervous/excited, not sure how travel has changed due to covid. We’ll see in the AM!

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Day 525: A Return to The Office (Kinda)

Wowza, after almost a year I made a return to the office! I spent the afternoon working at Hvr in Yorkville and it was great to be back. I won’t be working there every day but it was great to see the gang and work in the same room. Saw this guy from the office balcony, maxing out that patio bro! Went for a bike ride (again!) in the evening and noticed Door Number Two vintage near our place was open. I’ve gone past here so many times during Covid and it’s never been open. Such a cute shop with 3 floors of treasures. I got a pair of green wedge sandals to wear at Val’s wedding next weekend (Emily’s mum).

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Day 519: Biddell Fashion Show!

I was in a fashion show! I had such a fun time walking in Evan Biddell’s ‘Playsuit’ show at The Grande Bizarre. Watch his video about the show here! It was so great to sit by the pool and chat with other models before heading into hair & makeup. I absolutely love being on stage and it felt good to be out. I did have some Covid anxiety about all the people but it was still extremely fun. Ann Kaplan, Evan Biddell, Christopher Paunil and Michael Zoffaneri invited guests for a night of fashion and entertainment. We also got a sneak peek at Ann’s new fashion line ANNKM. The Biddell Playsuit is extremely comfortable and stylish. Check out all the different styles in the Biddell Shop. Last year on Day 124 I received my first Playsuit order, a custom butter yellow! Professional non-selfies courtesy of George Pimentel.

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Day 503: Bloom with D Luxe Lab in Yorkville

My friend invited me to stop into the re-opening of D Luxe Lab, a premier cosmetic treatment clinic located in the heart of Yorkville. It’s absolutely beautiful! I sat down for a chat with the female founder, Dema Najjar scroll down for my interview with her. Dema is an immigrant to Canada from Syria and a graduate of Rotman Business School’s MBA program, alongside many other talents. I had a consultation followed by treatment with Dr. Basil. I’m very happy with the results, workin’ to keep my face looking rested and refreshed! As a female immigrant in Canada, how did you best prepare yourself for becoming a business owner? I moved to Canada with the intention of establishing a connection with Canadian culture and community. I completed an Executive MBA at Rotman School of Business and then integrated the Canadian work force. I spent 5 years working in the financial industry at MCAP, which allowed me to build and expand my knowledge base of this industry, as well as to grant me exposure to meet new and different people. From this, I was able to better understand Canadian culture and experience daily life as a Canadian. Through my work with MCAP, I gained valuable insight into agreements and deal-making, which encouraged me to pursue a Global Professional Masters of Laws at U of T.  During the past ten years in Canada, I have had the chance to work in finance, marketing and accounting, and through my network, I have been fortunate enough to be exposed to many wonderful people who have encouraged me along the way. A couple of years ago, I took a step back and began thinking of how I could combine my Canadian experience with that of my family’s in Syria. After evaluating the cosmetic beauty industry market and establishing that…

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Day 502: Business Casual

The world is starting to open up again but tbh, I’m happy mostly staying home. I haven’t dined inside a restaurant yet and I’m not sure if I’m ready to go to events. I’ve still got another week until I’m fully vaccinated but the risk of getting covid is still there. Yesterday my new bag from Sasha’s latest Ela Handbags collab arrived and I love it. Check out the whole collection here. See my post on Instagram here. Michelle gifted me this great vintage blazer that belonged to her mum. Throw on a fun jumpsuit and it’s business casual baby!

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Day 459: SHE’S BACK!

LADIES & GENTS, I AM HAPPT TO REPORT I AM NOT SICK ANYMORE. At this point, I am pretty certain I had a reaction to getting my first Pfizer shot I got just over a week ago. During this process, I learned that *if* you had Covid, you might have a more severe reaction to the vaccine. I had never been tested for Covid and didn’t have any symptoms during the pandemic, but will never 100% know unless I take an antibody test. I have no regrets about getting the vaccine and will 100% still be getting my second dose as soon as I can.

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Day 458: Sick Day 3

The good news is I don’t have Covid, bad news, still sick. I was worried it might be strep throat so made an appt to see a doctor. They did a rapid test to determine it’s not strep but a viral infection (?). I’m not 100% sure if this is connected to the vaccine but after looking at all the possible side effects of the Pfizer vaccine, it looks like it. The doctor said to keep resting and drink lots of fluids. I am really hoping I feel better, being sick is the worst. Thankfully my work is lovely and said to take the time I need. Here’s to hoping I wake up feeling better tomorrow.

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Day 457: Sick Day 2

Sean got home from the cottage last night and was not expecting to see a zombie. I was swollen, slow-moving, and he said my skin looked almost grey. I am not doing good at all. I can’t remember being this sick. I got my first Covid-19 test last night and am waiting for results. I hope I don’t have covid. I hope I don’t have covid. I hope I don’t have covid. I hope I don’t have covid. I hope I don’t have covid. For now, I’m isolating myself in my room and avoiding Sean. I hadn’t seen him in days and now I have to keep my distance. I hate this. Wasn’t able to work today. Feel like death. Please cross your fingers that I don’t have covid.

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Day 416: Toronto Lockdown, Locktown

Feeling much better overall today after a good 8hr sleep and a run this morning. This lockdown is really weighing on everyone. Even the most positive people I have been feeling down lately. It’s great to see more and more people being vaccinated but everything is still closed and cases are high. Today I heard that two people I know have Covid and two others are recovering. It’s all around us and doesn’t discriminate. Life before covid seems so long ago. I’ve love to hug my parents or laugh with friends but it doesn’t look like that’s anywhere in the near future. I keep seeing photos of people in other cities and countries out living their best lives while Toronto lockdown lingers on. This weekend is my 2nd covid birthday and hopefully the last. Today I went to the dentist for the first time in ages! I’ve had a sore tooth that hurts every now & then for about four years. Now that I’m a full-time employee, I have benefits! Feels so luxurious to go to the dentist and finally have my tooth fixed. I’M A NEW WOMAN. Ok, same woman, new-ish tooth. Getting my tooth fixed today, finally. — CASIE STEWART ☀️ (@casiestewart) May 4, 2021 Sean and I ordered sushi for dinner and started watching Them on Amazon Prime. Good show so far but scary! It’s a horror-themed series about a black family that moves from North Carolina to an all-white Los Angeles neighborhood in 1953. I hope I don’t have nightmares. In other news, this week my blog was awarded Best Website by The Good Estate. ? Toronto Lockdown, Locktown

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Day 394: She’s Ready For A Nap

Today was a busy day and by the time I finished my last meeting, I was almost ready for a nap. Here’s today’s smoothie bowl, I’m still obsessed. Tonight’s activities include watching Wheel & Jeopardy then getting ready for bed. Ya girl is tired, not sure if it’s the weather or general anxiety about the state of the world. We had out contractor Lindsay over to do some work on the bathroom reno and it’s slowly but surely coming along. We still have a sink & some fixtures in the living room from American Standard ready to be installed. Covid has really put a damper on this whole thing! In other news, a few packages arrived today including two new bathing suits, new boots from L’Intervalle (yes, again!), and this cute sweater from Made For The Lake Co. in Muskoka. On the back it says ‘Smore’s Club’ and it’s from their kid’s section. Will be perfect for summer nights at the cottage. ? Sean is up north this week with Emily for April Break. Today the government announced kids will be doing virtual classes indefinitely until the panini calms down. Ontario is reporting some of the highest numbers since this whole thing started and the different Covid variants are affecting younger people more and more. Watching the news is pretty depressing and there is really no end in sight. I’m trying to stay positive and focus on things that bring me joy but it’s hard sometimes. I really miss seeing my parents and I haven’t seen my sister in weeks. Hang in there my friends, we will get through this. Stay home, wear a mask when you’re out, and make sure to check in on loved ones. ? Sending you sunshine through the internet,

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Day 392: She’s Like Sunshine

Today was another super sunny day! I went to the Canadian Tire garden center to pick up some new plants in the morning before Sean and Em went up north. Last night I decided to put on a bunch of fake tattoos because why not? It’s not like I’m going anywhere where I need to be ‘professional’ and tbh, I don’t think anyone would really mind. I originally had a tiny moon tattoo on my face but I took it off before heading out into the world. Neck tattoos were ok but it felt too out of character to have one on the face. I’m not that badass! Went for a nice bike ride in the afternoon near Trinity Bellwoods. The park was so busy I decided I didn’t want to hang out there. One day last year, I was in the park when it was busy and it was all over the news about people breaking the rules. I was there alone and not in a crowd but I still felt bad just being near the scene. I learned my lesson that day and if I go somewhere with too many people, I won’t stick around. I do NOT want to get covid or god forbid, get caught anywhere with too many people. As I was biking my friend yelled ‘she’s like sunshine’, I carried that thought with me all day. Found so many bright & fun summer clothes when I switched over my closet. Felt great to try everything on again! She’s like sunshine!

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Day 390: Follow The Rainbow

Today April and I met up for a socially distanced photoshoot at my fav rainbow wall on Orfus Road. Cory Lee and I shot here a while back before Covid started. It’s always a bit nostalgic to back to this area, my first ever job in Toronto was on Orfus Road at the YM Inc. head office. I was blogging on MySpace back then (2004) and was born while working there in 2005. We totally underestimated how crazy the wind was but it made the experience even more fun. It’s amazing how spending a bit of time with a friend can lift your spirits. We laughed our asses off trying to get the right photos and I had a few dress mishaps à la Marilyn Monroe. ? See my video on Instagram here. I hadn’t posted anything on Instagram in a few days so it was nice to shoot some colourful photos. Before Covid, I always had places to go and things to do but over the last year, well, nothing has been happening. In other news, I’m really excited for warmer days & spring outfits. This weekend I’m planning to do the seasonal switch over and pack away my wooly sweaters for summer. Crossing my fingers that doesn’t jinx me and we end up getting snow again lol. Last year we had snow in May on my birthday! My thought for today is to try and follow the rainbow, you might find some gold when you’re there.

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Day 389: Lockdown Still

Well, ladies & gentlemen, we’re back in a full lockdown. The good news is they are now starting to roll out vaccines to anyone 18+ who lives in a hot spot area code. I’m happy for everyone that can now get vaccinated. We live in an area that’s right beside 3 postal codes in the new rollout but don’t qualify just yet. I don’t expect to be vaccinated until the end as I’m not high risk or essential. I will stay home for months if it means we can get back to some kind of normal. So, photos of me doing next to nothing with nearly no one will continue to fill the blog as I am determined to keep this diary going until this pandemic is over. I was looking at event photos the other day and really missing seeing everyone, being in a crowd. One thing I really miss, surprisingly, is joyfully yelling in a crowded place. You don’t really do that when you’re at home. One day we will excitedly scream together. I also can’t wait to talk about fun things again, events, product launches, lunches, dinner dates, dance parties, and more. Been singing this song in my head so placing it here for you, London Still by The Waifs. I listened to it heaps when I lived in Australia. Now when I head it I think of singing ‘Lockdown Still’ instead.

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Day 367: Making Fun Happen

Had a great run this morning and found some street art on the way home. Can you guess what I drew here? The sun of course! Love seeing people out here making fun happen. I received a fabulous box from the tourism folks in Stratford, ON filled with all kinds of goodies from local retailers. It was so fun to open! [WATCH THE VIDEO HERE] I grew up in the 519 and Stratford has so many memories for me. We used to visit all the time with my parents and I spent few weekends going there for dance competitions. To help support local businesses, they’ve created this lovely box filled with local Stratford treasures. Purchasing one is not only is a great gift, you’re supporting local shops in an Ontario tiny town. Check out @visitstratfordon on IG or visit their website to order. Each box is $100+HST (includes free shipping across Canada). My last visit there was in 2018 and I made a guide of things to do when you visit, in this post. The shirt I’m wearing is my OWN vintage from 1989. I used to go to heaps of car shows w/ the family as a kid. I was playing with the mirror and found it hilarious to see my reflections multiply. ? Just’ making my own fun over here. This week I also received a package I ordered from a childhood friend’s new biz, The Curator’s Shop. They created it during covid and ship boxed full of all kinds of luxury goods that make great gifts. I purchased the Hinza Tote, a green plastic, sustainable multi-use bag made from sugar cane, a renewable resource. For over 50 years these bags have been produced in Sweden. Finished the day with a long walk from Junction downtown to Queen & Bathurst…

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Day 365: A Year of Cottage Living

Living in the woods for a year will change you. I remember when I started dating Sean and spending time at the cottage, I dreamed of us running away to live in the woods. I’d eat healthily, build a garden, go for long walks, and letting my hair grow out. Today marks one year since we packed up our essential items and moved up to the cottage to wait out the Covid-19 Pandemic. We thought it was a great opportunity to open the cottage a little early and get some jobs done around the property. We had no idea it would last this long. The first few months were filled with online workout classes, dance with Ryan Heffington, and long runs outside through the woods. Over the summer I read a bunch of books, perfected my tan, and safely hung out on the water with cottage friends. In August, I spent a week in the city and it was so nice to walk with friends, sit on patios, or hang in the park. I started a new job in August we both worked from the cottage for most of the fall. I was starting to miss home and good wifi, I wanted to get back to some kind of normal routine. In December, we had our first family Christmas at the cottage complete with a tree, presents, and fireworks. Sean and I spent a nice 7-day stretch at the cottage the week before NYE. We came back to the city on January 1, 2021. Sean spent most of January and February 2021 at the cottage alone or with Emily while she was doing home school. I wanted to spend some time at our house in the city, I missed my stuff, my closet, and the comfort of our space. I…

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Day 351: It’s Pandemi Lovato!

It’s almost been one full year since this thing changed our lives and today we’re back in the month of March. Did it March ever end? ‘Pandemi Lovato’ is my new fav nickname for the Pandemic, others include panny, panini, pandemi, Patricia, borona, & pantalangio. Over the next few days, I’m going to read over posts from the start of the pandemic and roundup some things to remember. Journaling is such a beautiful thing and I’m glad to have this space to share and document. Thank you for reading and following me on this adventure. I know we’ve all gone through so much the past year and I hope that reading my blog has made you feel less alone at least once. We are in this together. The collective experience of Covid-19 has changed us, mentally, physically, and emotionally. Feeling pretty happy today, I was excited for Monday meetings, getting dressed up (Monday tradition), and doing work after a relaxing weekend. I have definitely learned to slow right down over the past 12 months and have no problems creating time for rest. My skin and hair have never had so many masks and I make time for running, workouts, walks, and sleep as part of my routine. The countdown to one year of the pandemic is on the home stretch and I’m sure we’ll see heaps of one-year roundups. Please don’t be hard on yourself if you don’t have a list of new skills or milestones to recap. Surviving is the greatest gift as so many precious people lost their lives and loved ones. Hopefully, we’ll have some more good news about vaccinations soon. I will 100% be getting the vaccine when my turn is called. Hang in there. ? I love this March/James Franco gif so much. If you…

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Day 332: Things do not change; we change.

I was thinking that something needed to change and hey, when in stressful times, why not change your hair?! ? Change is good my friends! Added some pink to my hair with a temp colour from L’Oreal I got on Amazon. I tried this one once before but it was too pink so I decided to add some conditioner before applying and it turned out a nice, light, strawberry blonde. I don’t remember ever having roots this long but adding a temp colour was always my go-to for between colourings. I like how this makes the roots less noticeable. I reckon it will rinse out in 2-3 washes but given the certain situation, it’s gonna be much longer before I get my hair done. Today’s Covid update is that the Greater Toronto Area will remain in lockdown until the 22nd of February. I know I look tired, I am tired! I’ve been trying to get 8hrs sleep every night but it doesn’t matter how much I get, I can’t escape this tired feeling. I miss doing things and going places, seeing people, having plans. Things are getting better but it’s going to be weeks before we’re out of lockdown and months before things resemble the ‘normal’ we used to know. Feeling a bit better today but could also have a breakdown at any minute. In other news, only 38 days until the first day of spring. Things do not change; we change. Henry David Thoreau

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Day 306: Stay-At-Home Order in Effect

Leaving this here image for today’s memory. Received an emergency alert on my phone today, along with everyone else in the province. We’re in a full lockdown across Ontario with an official order to stay home unless leaving for essential items. I woke up and kinda groggy, forgetting about the state of the world, and had a text about meeting a friend for coffee, if we should even do it. I decided to go for a run, skip the coffee, and do a short distanced walk with her instead. The restrictions haven’t changed much from the previous lockdown and you can find them here. WEAR A MASK. STAY HOME. BE SAFE. WE WILL GET THROUGH THIS.

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Day 303: Productivity + Motivation

Woke up today and felt tired, could hardly get out of bed. I’ve been going to bed early and trying to get rest, but today was a struggle. My motivation has been LOW since the news on Wednesday last week when the US Capitol was stormed by terrorists. Typing this feels like I’m writing a movie script but it’s real life. Mix that in with rising Covid cases, a lockdown, and general anxiety, it’s hard to focus. I managed to pull myself together, shut out the world for a few hours and zero in on some work before an end of day meeting. I find over the ear noise-canceling headphones really help me focus, even with no music and no outside noise. I think it keeps my thoughts in my head. It is totally acceptable right now if you aren’t functioning at the same productivity levels as pre-pandemic. We’re experiencing collective trauma, living through a deadly global pandemic, a lockdown, homeschooling, and watching what’s happening with the US government. I try to carve out blocks where I put on my headphones, and try to immerse myself in something creative like work or blogging. Going outside for a nice long walk really helps me refocus when I feel anxiety creeping in. It is ok to not be productive right now. Don’t be too hard on yourself. Take care of your health. We WILL get through this.

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