Day 389: Lockdown Still

Well, ladies & gentlemen, we’re back in a full lockdown. The good news is they are now starting to roll out vaccines to anyone 18+ who lives in a hot spot area code. I’m happy for everyone that can now get vaccinated. We live in an area that’s right beside 3 postal codes in the new rollout but don’t qualify just yet. I don’t expect to be vaccinated until the end as I’m not high risk or essential. I will stay home for months if it means we can get back to some kind of normal. So, photos of me doing next to nothing with nearly no one will continue to fill the blog as I am determined to keep this diary going until this pandemic is over. I was looking at event photos the other day and really missing seeing everyone, being in a crowd. One thing I really miss, surprisingly, is joyfully yelling in a crowded place. You don’t really do that when you’re at home. One day we will excitedly scream together. I also can’t wait to talk about fun things again, events, product launches, lunches, dinner dates, dance parties, and more. Been singing this song in my head so placing it here for you, London Still by The Waifs. I listened to it heaps when I lived in Australia. Now when I head it I think of singing ‘Lockdown Still’ instead.

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Day 373: Social and Culture

Today I started my new FT role at Funday Agency as Social & Culture Manager. My job is focused mostly on internal communications & operations relating to building company culture. Last year I came to the realization I didn’t want to work specifically in social media anymore. I was looking to expand and do more things related to general marketing. That beung said, it’s been 5+ years since I’ve worked FT and I expect there will be a *bit* of an adjustment. Today’s lunch was provided by Do Rueda in Spain who sent over a delicious selection of Spanish tapas and wine to taste. I saved the wine for after work but tuned in for a lunchtime seminar with several sommeliers from the region. Back in 2019, I went on a press trip to Spain where we spent a week visiting 13 wineries in Do Rueda, Spain’s top region for verdejo & white wine. See those posts here! Another great surprise today was the delivery of new blue light glasses from gry mattr, a new company from Joe Mimran (the founder of Joe Fresh). I picked this design on a whim without realizing they would look almost identical to my old fav glasses I wore when I first started Twitter (see small image here). I had this same black & white photo as my Twitter image from 2009-2012. Back then, I used to wear glasses ALL the time and I absolutely love these new ones from gry mattr. Thanks Joe!

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Day 372: Social and Culture Manager

Woke up with a killer toothache this morning and took an easy morning for my Advil and CBD to kick in. It was another beautiful day and I am loving the energy I get from this weather! I ended up taking an afternoon nap and felt nice and refreshed when I woke. Went for a nice walk to the grocery store to get supplies for the week. Sean is shooting something up north this week so I’m home by myself, which I don’t mind. ? This week I am starting full-time at Funday Agency and I am so excited! I absolutely love working with this team so it was a natural progression to move from contract to FT. My role is Social & Culture Manager and I’ll be working on Funday initiatives, branding, and merch. This is a new role that was created just for me and I’m really keen to develop the Funday brand. One of the recent tasks my team completed was our first round of Funday supplies including notebooks, note cards, Sharpies, and stickers. They turned out so good. Here’s to a great week! Sending sunshine!

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Day 248: Focus on Gratitude

The little things like catching the sun in your face. A beautiful tree. Smiling at someone as you drive by. A fresh cup of hot coffee on a cold morning. When you focus on gratitude, even the simplest things can be a source of joy. Do this and I promise it will have a big impact on your entire life.  Woke up to a blanket of snow today. It’s cold but beautiful. I ran through the winter wonderland, seeing my breath as I jogged down the road. The sun was shining and the snow painted glitter all around. It was so nice. On the way home, there was even more snow and it’s been a long time since we’ve driven in those conditions. Although it took longer to make it back to the city, we kept saying ‘WOW’ as we drove the winding roads through the snow. I’m excited about my shoot today. Ahh! I’ve been up in the woods so long, being in a studio has me quite excited. 

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Day 223: Summer in October

It was absolutely gorgeous today! The sun was shining and it was over 20 degrees. I spent most of the day working but got out for a run in the am and gazed out at the lake from my desk. The air was warm and it felt like summer. At 4 pm we got alerts about a tornado warning as the sky turned from bright blue to dark and grey. We got hit with some pretty insane hail that ranged from tiny bits to about the size of a quarter. Sean and Em went out to get a some stuff in town and the cottage power went out for a few minutes. They were in Bracebridge when the whole city turned black from a power outage. Crazy!

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#IMakeALiving MicroConference w/ FreshBooks: June 24th, 11am!

Hi, I am doing a short talk at an online conference on Wednesday, at 11 am. I’m the opener and will be chatting creativity, content, & social media tips. I think it will be fun! ? It’s the shortest presentation I’ve ever done and it looks kinda zany as a visual! #imakealiving By FreshBooks presents 5-Minute Mentors Signup is free and there are 9 great speakers each talking about business for 5 mins + Q&A. Get To Know The Other Speakers: Jon Rettinger is a tech YouTuber w/ over 15M views/month Lisa Carmen Wang is a former USA National Champion and Hall of Fame gymnast turned Serial Entrepreneur Dr. Nicole Garner Scott is a highly sought after serial entrepreneur, finance expert and coach. Mark Asquith, ‘the British podcast guy‘ is a U.K. podcast expert and CEO & co-founder of Rebel Base Media, a podcast tech and strategy company. Dani Nagel is the owner and designer behind popular art apparel line Dazey LA (@dazey_la), a brand with a mission to empower people through conversation. Follow her! I am obsessed with her whole social media presence and style! Neal Schaffer wrote ‘The Age of Influence‘ and I am really looking forward to what he has to share. Corissa Saint Laurent is a serial entrepreneur, professional speaker, and trainer on entrepreneurial wellness, marketing, and branding. Elaine Pofeldt is an independent journalist who specializes in small business and entrepreneurship. She is author of The Million-Dollar, One-Person Business, a look at how solopreneurs are making bank. Meghan Telpner is a Toronto-based author, speaker, nutritionist, and founder of the Academy of Culinary Nutrition. Forbes, and ranked her as one of the top 100 female entrepreneurs in Canada! I’ve been following her for years! REGISTER HERE

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Podcast: Lockdown Love w/ Jen Kirsch

I’m listening to this right now and have to share! One of my BFFs Jen Kirsch, journalist & relationship expert, has a new podcast on eOne called Lockdown Love and I love it! It was the Monday boost I needed this morning to kickstart my workday and have a little laugh. She shares real stories about her own dating during COVID, talks to experts and her dad Dr. Kirsch even makes an appearance to comment on her ‘dating’ during COVID. I love her voice, her storytelling, and how funny she is. I was literally laughing out loud. You don’t need to be dating to enjoy it but if you are, you might be going through some of the same things she is. I can’t wait to see what’s next in this 8-episode mini-series. Congrats Jenny Jen! Looking for love in lockdown? Join dating expert and columnist Jen Kirsch as she searches for a socially (but hopefully not emotionally) distant Mr. Right! She talks with experts and exposes her own pandemic love life to help you figure out the Do’s and Don’ts of the strange world of dating in quarantine. Expect funny stories, surprising insights, and just a dash of drama.

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Day 58: Focus Your Power

I keep a stack of creative books beside my computer on the table where I work in the kitchen. Sometimes when I’m feeling a creative block, unmotivated, or sad, I grab one and open it to a random page. For mother’s Day, I opened Rupi Kaur‘s ‘the sun and her flowers‘ to a poem with advice from a mum. Today, I opened Adam J. Kurtz book ‘Things Are What You Make of Them‘ to this page. Most of the time, the universe seems to know exactly what I need and presents a message on the page. I see you. What even is fashion? My Quarantine Style this week has been a bit wild. It’s still quite cold up here so I need to layer up. It’s hard to believe the long weekend is days away and we had a couple of flurries today. SPRING WHERE ARE YOU!? Here’s hoping we jump right into summer! Next week we might crack temps over 20 degrees. I AM REALLY READY FOR SOME HOT SUN.

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Day 15: Stocking Up

Today we went to the city with the trailer to get supplies, my plants, our bikes, and Emily. Having new clothes feels like a dream. This pose is inspired by my friend Maca in Montreal, she always takes these at her studio. Check her out at @hey.maca! You will love her. Read my post on IG, maybe you have some tips to share!? The drive was a breeze because there was no traffic. It was pretty weird to be on the roads with so few people. We picked up Emily from her mum’s and she got in the car with fresh baked cookies, homemade soup, and fresh ice tea. It is really great to have a supportive co-parent team, especially now. Her mum also sent a folder with lessons, a schedule and some work she’s completed. I am so thankful! Despite my efforts to plan, I’m not a homeschool expert so teamwork is key. We are all figuring this out as we go. Sean stopped into both offices to get some gear while I packed up all our remaining food and got everything on our list at the house. I put most of my plants into two big bins and I can’t believe how much I missed them. Is that weird? I was pretty surprised to see how busy the neighborhood was, SOOO many people out walking, riding bikes, two families playing soccer with their kids’ in the courtyard. Do people not understand STAY TF HOME? Do you want this all to be over? Yes? Ok, stay home pls. The curve is not flattening! Maybe this will help? Briony wrote a book inspired by Go The F*ck to Sleep and had some of her friends read it. I am stoked to have my Apple Pencil to work on a letting…

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Day 1: Social Distancing

It’s not often that I have nothing to say. I’m not sure how to handle everything that’s going on. It’s hard to believe this is happening. I feel like hitting pause on everything because our health is really what matters. How can life continue in any normal way? But things do continue like payments and deadlines. It’s hard to take a break when you need to monitor the situation. You know you should look away but you can’t because it’s right here affecting everything you do. On the computer, in your email, on social media, tv, every time you go to the fridge and think about your food. I should do something to make myself feel better. I haven’t gone to the gym in a couple of days and I don’t want to lose my mojo. I finally got it going after a struggle up fitness hill. Today I made a nice curry and cooked some of our favourites. Did a face mask and a hair mask but it didn’t take away the knot of anxiety in my chest. Last winter I spent a lot of time at home because of my injury and the insane amount of ice outside. Since then, I really benefitted from the work I did around the house during that time. I completely moved my room around so I had a nice workspace, organized my closet, sorted every bin, reorganized the cupboards, spice drawer. It gave me sanity in a time where I felt I couldn’t go anywhere and I didn’t feel like myself. It was hard but I made it through and learned a lot about myself in the process. I’ve been trying not to touch my face if I’m outside and it’s really hard to not touch your face. I wish I had…

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Happiness & Social Media/Life Balance

That’s a wrap on #TIFF19 for me! This week I’m working on a Vitamix commercial w/ 1188 doing props & set styling. I love it! Over the past couple of years, I’ve been all about JOMO vs FOMO (see this post). The joy of missing out is something I’ve come to love, I think it comes with age and experience. This is the first TIFF, I didn’t go partying, stay out late, or drink alcohol. I put my happiness and health first, yay adulting!  Finding Balance: The Telus Happiness Workshop This summer I spent a week in Vancouver for the Telus Creator Summit with the #Telus_Partner team from across Canada. It was 4 action-packed days of volunteering, adventure, food, drinks, and learning about the many sides of Telus business. I had heaps of fun and made new friends but by the last day, I was totally exhausted. Telus anticipated this and used it as an opportunity to bring us together for a Happiness Workshop. We put down our phones, learned about disconnecting, and finished with yoga, meditation, and lunch. Not something you would expect from a telecom giant but that just goes to show how Telus is different. During the workshop, something amazing happened… The whole group of bloggers, YouTubers, and content creators started talking about how much social media stresses them out. The pressure to create, stay positive, be healthy, have a clean house, great photos, have good engagement, make money, collect the money, have good relationships, be a good parent, be a good partner, AND remain sane while living this crazy internet life. IT WAS SO REFRESHING. It felt like a weight was lifted knowing we all have similar feelings about social media anxiety, it connected us. The Telus Happiness Workshop was developed with input from expert psychologists…

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Interview: Vocab Comm Influencer Tuesdays

I recently did an interview w/ Chrissy, longtime friend, OG PR, and founder of Vocab Comm. I talk about the social media landscape, influencers, and my career. I included part of the interview below, read the whole thing here. Chrissy used to host MMVA and celebrity gifting lounges at the beginning of social media, we worked together on a few. This was a fun one. Tell us a little about yourself. I grew up in Cambridge, Ontario. My parents immigrated here from New Zealand and my dad had a custom Hot Rod shop growing up. I created my first business in grade 2 and at 14 I wrote a book and started a publishing company. I went to Conestoga College and last year was given an Alumni Award for my work from the President of the college. I went to university in Australia and have a B. Com in International Business. I have lived in Toronto since 2005 when I started my blog. Through my blog, I’ve built some amazing brand partnerships (Pepsi, Telus, Aeroplan, Sassoon) and traveled to incredible amazing places in the world (Thailand, New Zealand, Costa Rica, Disneyland). How do you define an influencer? I think the word ‘influencer’ has really taken on a whole new (kinda negative) meaning with the rise of Instagram influencers. To me, influence is a product of something someone does. It’s not something you get by having a lot of followers. My influence has grown from being a pioneer in a new industry and constantly innovating. I share my life with the world and love discovering new things, my influence comes from building trust with my audience. What advice do you have for other people looking to become an online influencer? Don’t do it. Find something you love and do that! Don’t…

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Getting Higher: Rock Climbing

I’m writing this from the cottage with the lake as my second screen. Last week was a busy one after being away but I love those weeks almost as much because things move fast and it’s motivating.  The other day I went rock climbing with Raymi and some friends at Hub Climbing in Markham. I like rock climbing but it gets harder as you get older haha. My arms were a bit sore this week from wakeboarding and my trainer. I’m chuckling a bit to myself writing this because back in 2001, I was a Sunshine Girl (Toronto Sun) and my bio said I liked ‘baseball, rock climbing, and want to work in marketing‘. At the time I had never gone rock climbing in my life. Safe to say I always knew what I wanted career-wise!  We were invited to check out  Hub Climbing‘s 18,000 sq ft facility with over 200 climbs and bouldering. They’ve got locations in Markham (where we went) and Mississauga where they offer camps, classes, school groups, and yoga. They were very helpful in training us to ‘learn the ropes’, climb safely, and push ourselves to the limits. It’s definitely a fun experience, we had heaps of laughs. Martin from @Studenomics was REALLY good. He scaled the speed wall in under 10 seconds!  Hello, I am a rock climbing bae now.  The thing I like about rock climbing is that you use every muscle in your body including your brain. You have to think strategically about where you’re going and how you’re going to get there. Such is life.  Thank you Rob & Hub Climbing for inviting me to climb at your gym. Looking forward to my next visit!  buy bupropion online Buy strattera online

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Two Sisters Vineyard, Niagra on the Lake: Local Flights, Wine, & Baby Goats

Monday was just a casual day y’know? I flew to Niagara on the Lake (NOTL) with a small group for lunch & wine tasting at Two Sisters Winery w/ the two sisters. It was such a great experience! Small groups or private adventures are a great way to get people  (media, content creators, friends) familiar with your brand. Thank you, Two Sisters (the actual sisters!) for hosting and Fly GTA for the great flight. Can’t wait to try their Muskoka route soon!  Scroll through the IG post below and read the captions below. I shared 10 great things about the day. This is an expansion of the original IG post. I’m not sure if I’ve done before? It usually goes the other way (WP->IG vs IG->WP). ? A post shared by CASIE |Writer Speaker Director (@casiestewart) on Jul 11, 2018 at 5:24am PDT 1. Arrived at the airport I was a last minute invite so I went right to the office like HELLOOOOO. Thank you Stilez for hooking me up! ? 2. The flight is 10-25mim depending on route and $99. Very beautiful!✈️ 3. Hot pilot alert ??‍✈️ 4. Two sisters took over a peach ? farm 4 years ago. 5. They have a great team who takes care of the vineyard by hand. 6. I love Italian food and lunch was INCREDIBLE. Love the Burrata & polenta. Also HOT SAUCE. 7. What a voice, don’t miss this video or check out my NOTL Story on IG. Impromptu acapella performance from a band visiting from Portugal. ?? 8. Step inside the wine cellar, theres a table for private dining. ? (See IG video) 9. Private tour of the family farm with BABY GOATS ? ? ? 10. They also have a hidden pond on the vineyard with a family of ducks and ducklings + heaps of fish. THE CREW!…

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