Part One: There’s been a big thing going on to save our Internet in Canada from regulation and big business control ling it I’m pretty sure I mentioned it during Net Change Week or Raymi speaking at the town hall meeting. Good news, Liberals announced support for Net Neutrality on Thursday, hopefully the rest will follow their lead. We all need access to the internet. Part Two: How you feel about yourself. That matters. I’m a positive girl , it’s a daily challenge but it’s more fun to be happy so I try each day. I’ve gotten pretty good at it. This week I’ve received a couple negative blog comments from a recent reader. It’s too bad that they find pleasure in leaving anonymous comments and have nothing better to do but type in my URL and take the time to press every key with bad intentions. The reality for the commenter that there is no such thing as anonymity if you post on a blogs. It is a bit annoying but mostly just dumb. Having a blog is creating something new everyday, it’s a modern art form. On my blog, I write about my stuff and take picture of me. It’s very fun. I read a crazy article about a Canadian girl suing Google for negative remarks made about her on a Blogger (Google) hosted blog. “I’m tall, I’m blond, I’ve been modeling for many years, and people get jealous,” she told the Daily News. “If I had to deal with everyone who is jealous, I wouldn’t have time to do anything else.” Her lawyer called the site “libelous” and “defamatory.” The only way to really leave an anonymous comment, is to keep it to yourself. I always hoped that after high school people doing stupid things out of…
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