Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can.

Writing each day is really good for you. It helps you get things done, assists in memory, and for me is really great therapy. If you’ve ever wanted to start a blog and think “what will I write about?”. Let me tell you, there’s so many things that happen in a day, you can find inspiration everywhere. What you eat, drink, wear, or where you travel to, even in your own city. If you open you eyes to the world and shift your perspective, you’ll see it in a new light. A photo posted by C A S I E S T E W A R T (@casiestewart) on Jan 1, 2015 at 1:58pm PST Day 1/365, 2015: Here are some great things that happened Made notes about my day in a new notebook. I like spiral bound 5.5 x 8,5 in blank sketch paper. It’s for things I don’t blog like what I eat, vitamins, workout, how many Mason jars of water I drank. Did a new workout. Sweat my ass off. Ate good food. Nothing deep fried or heavily processed/takeout. Not being hungover really helped with that. Reclaimed my for love for granola. Yes, I like granola. Used to eat it heaps when I was a kid and my new found love for lactose free milk, it makes a delicious snack. Got a selfie stick. Sean bought one for me at Pacific Mall AND I LOVE IT.  Opened my new Clarisonic Pearl and used it. Started with Clarisonic in December 2014 and have noticed my skin is more soft and ugly.  It’s important to write this down so I always remember to use it. One minute can seem like a long time when you are in a rush. Put on fuzzy socks with Vaseline. If you read any beauty blogs…

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365 Chances to Create the Life You’ve Imagined

So, yesterday I wasn’t feeling so hot and I was hoping I was just tired from a busy weekend but today I am worse. My throat is sore and my whole body aches. I’m trying to look on the bright side, it’s forcing me to sit on the couch and spend some time with my computer and there’s a chance I might drop a few lbs before the New Year. I’m drinking heaps of water, have chicken soup, and Sean is home sick too. Our house is quarantine. I don’t get sick very often but I’ve blogged about it a few times: Entrpreneneurs Don’t Call in Sick, They Work Down with the sickness: How to do a Thyme Bath Sick, Mucus, Cold, Gross Looking back, I usually only get sick in winter. Apparently ‘it’s going around’, from my limited interaction with other humans the last 24 hours. After a really busy year I think a few days thrown up on the couch will do me well. I’ve finally set a date for the release of my book on Amazon and have an ISBN number. There’s no turning back now. When I wrote my first book, JEANS, back in 1996 there were waaaaaay more hoops to jump through in order to self-publish. Thanks to the Internet, you can now publish at the touch of your fingers. A photo posted by C A S I E S T E W A R T (@casiestewart) on Dec 12, 2014 at 2:03pm PST I also signed up for ukulele lessons and I will be able to play by the time summer rolls around. I’ve been meaning to to both those things for a while so feeling pretty good the wheels are in motion for 2015. I have a great feeling about this year. 365 new days and…

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Collect Moments Not Things

  Woke up not feeling so hot and decided to start my day from my favourite office, the BED OFFICE. It’s one of my fav spots besides a busy cafe when I need to get writing done. We have a patio and huge windows that let the light in and it’s inspiring to cozy up with a coffee and my trusted Mac companion, James Dean. I treasure those moments. All my gadgets have names of famous men in history. My first iPad, Andy Warhol and old laptop, Robert live with mum now. My cameras all have girl names. Saw this sign on Queen Street yesterday. I love the word ‘meander’. Reminds me of Sunscreen by Baz Luhrman. Posted about that song back in 2008, wow that’s ages ago.     After a lazy start to the day in our loft I’m back in the office working away. One of the things I love MOST about being a blogger/writer/freelancer is being in charge of my destiny. Today is one of those days where I started out sluggish and am finishing feeling on top of the world. I’m extremely thankful that I never gave up on blogging even though there were a few times times I just wanted to throw it all away. There’s a lesson for today, don’t give up. You really never know what will happen from one day to the next. 🙂 <3 CASIE    

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Photoset | YYZ Magazine: Issue 7 Launch Party

Here’s a few snaps from the YYZ Magazine Issue 7 launch party last week. See the full gallery here. Above is Editorial Director Lonelle Selbo  with (my man crush) model and man about town, Paul Mason. The digital issue was released mid November and you can find the print version at Chapters and select stores around the city. I wrote about Dundas West in this issue and you can find my photo by George Pimentel on the masthead.  Photocred to Brian Hamilton for the photos in this post. Love this one of me! Thanks Brian. LMK what you of the issue, read it here.  

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Life | Domestic Success, A Sign!

I found what I thought was a passport on a ledge. When I turned it over the pages flew open to this page. It must be a sign I’m on the right track. Have been doing more domestic things lately and spending time at home. This weekend I made holiday shortbread. Sean had to take it to the office so we didn’t eat it all! It’s the little things that make all the difference. You have to be open to catch them with your eyes, or they will pass you by. ❤️ CASIE UPDATE: When I got some there was a DOUBLE RAINBOW! A photo posted by C A S I E S T E W A R T (@casiestewart) on Nov 11, 2014 at 1:44pm PST

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Tech | We’re All Just Trying to Figure It Out

This might be one of my fav photos I’ve ever taken. I love it. Snapped with iPhone on a whim while leaving my sisters place. It brings back memories, nostalgia, I’m not even certain what exactly, just old times. Found the quote below over the weekend and it resonated with me. I’ve been reading here and there about impostor syndrome, the inability to unable to internalize accomplishments. When you feel like someone is going ‘figure you out’, realize you don’t know what you’re doing, see right through your whole charade. ‘Impostor Syndrome is the domain of the high achiever. Those who set the bar low are rarely it’s victim’ (Forbes). — CASIE STEWART November 24, 2014 It’s ok to not know what you’re doing, We’re all trying to figure it out as we go. I used to get severe anxiety before going to events, being on stage, speaking. It’s not that people wouldn’t like me, it’s that they would, and sometimes I didn’t know exactly what I was doing but I was going on experience, and making it up as I go. Being in the world of social media before it was a business (or industry!) has taught me to realx and roll with it. Preparation, constant innovation, and trying new things has kept me ahead, made me a ‘pioneer’. (It always weirds me out when someone calls me that, the thought of ME being part of the start of something.) A photo posted by C A S I E S T E W A R T (@casiestewart) on Nov 11, 2014 at 3:17pm PST So I got to thinking about blogs and authenticity and why people even blog these days, and I thought about why they started. A blog, formerly WebLog was a place for non-tecnical users of the…

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