The Tragically Hip to Play at Bridle Bash V on August 3

One of the BEST parties I’ve EVER been to is the Bridle Bash. It’s held at a friends private residence on the Bridle Path and brings together and awesome group of people, partiers, and musical guests. This year, THE TRAGICALLY HIP are playing in the ravine backyard for about 800 guests. It’s going to be so freaking awesome! Last time my sister and I went to BB, we ended up on the society page of the Globe & Mail, in the photo above. We put a  canoe in the pool and proceeded to give out vodka filled flasks to people all around. It was fantastic. Tickets for BBV can be purchased here and start at $500 each. All the money goes to the Bridle Bash Foundation which supports an array of charities and events in the city of Toronto. For more info on the bash visit the event website here. We’ve got our tickets and I can’t wait. It’s one of those parties  you’ll never forget. I have a feeling this year will top the last one! If you’re gonna be there LMK in the comments or Tweet me! Follow @BridleBash on Twitter and find the event on Facebook here. Much love, <3 CASIE

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BRIDLE BASH! July, 28th 2012

No, it doesn’t have anything to do with weddings! Bridle Bash is an awesome party put on by the Bridle Bash Foundation who I’ve been friends with for almost ten years. This summer, the party will once again be rocking one of Toronto’s most elite neighbourhoods, the Bridle Path. Party date is July, 28th. At the last one I attended my siser and I took over a canoe, inside the pool and made the society page of The Globe & Mail: I’m volunteering my time to help out the team with social media & run the twitter. I’d love you to follow & tweet with me at @BridleBash. We’re not decided on who will be rocking the stage yet BUT in lieu of the fee for an awesome band, the Foundation is planning to donate $150,000 to the charity of their choice. Video from BB IV in 2010:  Here’s a wee bit from the press release (read it here): Bridle Bash parties have always featured top-notch talent, with previous parties featuring amazing entertainers such as Burton Cummings, former Supremes singer Mary Wilson, and legendary Motown blues band the Funk Brothers. This year, the foundation is looking for a high-calibre musical act to headline Bridle Bash V, taking place on July 28. In exchange for this one-night engagement, the Bridle Bash Foundation will donate $150,000 to the musician or band’s favourite charity. Hosted on the vast grounds of a private home on Toronto’s exclusive Bridle Path, the Bridle Bash stands apart from other fundraisers. Guests arrive in shorts and jeans, and many get into their bathing suits to watch the band from the pool. But the best thing about the Bridle Bash is the money it raises for great causes. I’ll be doing some super fun giveaways for tickets closer to July. The…

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Bridle Bash III

The party was amazing! Once again, the Bridle Bash ranks as the best party ever & my most favorite. We had a wonderfully great time and the party raised over half a million dollars for the three charity organizations.Woot Woot!! ♥

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Bridle Bash II; WHAT A @%$#$ PARTY!!!!!!

The Bridle Bash II, what an amazing party. Burton Cummings & the Burton Cummings band were there. It was super hot. The pool was packed with convert viewers some who include JD from INXS, Miss Canada, Casie & friends and many, many, many more. It was an amazing party, enough said,I was there until the sun came up. The party raised $300,000 for the children of camp Oochigeas. The music was rockin and the people were great. I saw that you could buy tickets from ebay with the starting bid at $1,000!! Damn! Go here: to find more pictures and info about the party!! 

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celebrity endorsement for a good time #bridlebash

Last Thursday a me & some of the blog girls were guests to Cabbie’s Celebrity ping pong tourney. I played for my very first time & it’s fun! We’ve got a table at our condo and thinking about having our own “twing twong” with Carol and some other Twitter tweeps. Team Bijan took the trophy once again. Look at these guys, they beat ALL the young whippersnappers. Heard a rumor Bijan was once world champ or something…Hawaii can you confirm this fact?? Jallore got a couple pix from the after-party and boy am I glad cause Cabbie cracks me up. Look at his shirt ‘Plan B $29.99‘ BAAAAAHAHAHA. Oh man, so many jokes running through my head right now… If you don’t know what plan B is (Mum?) it’s an over the counter ‘don’t get pregnant’ pill combo for after sexual relations/condom mishap. When I asked him about it, he said he always pays. Everybody loves a HOE train? Look at Cabbie’s face, BAAHAHA. (Actually laughed out loud, hence the caps.) Loved this blonde girl, she had great dance moves and a rocking body. She’s so beautiful compared to Sheffi’s ass. Spent most of the night talking about blogging The Bridle Bash this summer. Bridle Bash parties are easily the best I’ve ever been to. Last time (in my friends backyard) the party raised about $500,000 and had over 1,000 people. Serious house party. I’ll be doing roll call for an entourage of hotties to join me. I’ve got a bit of a history of rolling up to the red carpet with about a dozen beauties. Stay tuned 😉

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No Dress Rehearsal, This Is Our Life

I’m at the Drake Commissary to do some writing on a new project, biked here in the sunshine, feeling it warm on my face. As I was walking to the door I checked my phone and saw that Gord Downie has passed away. Sad, I was hoping a miracle would keep him alive,but we all knew it was coming. Listening to Tragically Hip over the summer has been a tradition as long as I can remember, driving up to Grand Bend or Wasaga Beach in the 90’s, summers in college, missing home while at Uni in Australia, and all the time at the cottage. Thank you Gord Downie and the Hip for so many memories and being the most Canadian, Canada loving band of all time. You will be missed. ?❤️ Years ago The Hip played Bridle Bash at my friend Lorne’s house for a few hundred people in the backyard. We were so close to the stage and everyone sang along and danced into the wee hours of the night. Another summer a bunch of us went to see The Hip for Canada Day at Burls Creek. We had a whole gang at the cottage and it was so much fun. I remember dancing around in the field with Carly and everyone singing at the top of our lungs. Sean has no beard here. Two summer’s ago Mark & Sean set up a huge screen on the dock and we watched the last Hip Concert on CBC from the lake. So many great memories over the years. I’ll think of the great times and celebrate his life whenever I listen to the Hip. Sending sunshine in your general direction,  

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