The Tragically Hip to Play at Bridle Bash V on August 3
One of the BEST parties I’ve EVER been to is the Bridle Bash. It’s held at a friends private residence on the Bridle Path and brings together and awesome group of people, partiers, and musical guests. This year, THE TRAGICALLY HIP are playing in the ravine backyard for about 800 guests. It’s going to be so freaking awesome! Last time my sister and I went to BB, we ended up on the society page of the Globe & Mail, in the photo above. We put a canoe in the pool and proceeded to give out vodka filled flasks to people all around. It was fantastic. Tickets for BBV can be purchased here and start at $500 each. All the money goes to the Bridle Bash Foundation which supports an array of charities and events in the city of Toronto. For more info on the bash visit the event website here. We’ve got our tickets and I can’t wait. It’s one of those parties you’ll never forget. I have a feeling this year will top the last one! If you’re gonna be there LMK in the comments or Tweet me! Follow @BridleBash on Twitter and find the event on Facebook here. Much love, <3 CASIE
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