i pay it backward. do you?

Earlier this year I was part of the team behind the first Pay it Backward. I was Chief Firecracker and my job was to get everyone excited. Let me tell you, it was out-of-this-world-crazy-fun!!  We broke a Guinness World Record too. On September 30th, you can join this amazing effort in social good just by visiting one of over 170 Second Cup locations and buying the person BEHIND you in line a coffee.  Second Cup will donate all proceeds straight to the Sick Kids Foundation. How cool is that?! Imagine if everyone got involved? That a whole lotta good going on! I’m excited. I  just watched this awesome video by Notable TV and it gave me goosebumps knowing the positive the social force behind it. Enjoy. If you have a story from Pay it Backward Day I’d love to hear it 🙂

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interest in spying on people engaged in behaviors

So nice out yesterday. I could have let the day last forever. Today too.  I like it hot. They were talking about mozzies while we were sitting in the grass and I was like ‘no, what mosquitos? I don’t feel them’. Biggest loser. Today I’m scratchy-mc-scratcherton. The baddest bikes around. Pete was having a one night stand with this one and testing it out. Cervelo got the green jerz in Tour de France and they’re partying this week. Picture makes me giggle cause the leg looks kinda like the bike to me. I was in friend heaven last night hugging everyone so tight. I missed you guys! I haven’t seen so many favorite faces all together for a while. I met some cool new people and my purse is full of business cards. Lost my keys but my glasses have been located. Pretty much everyone in the joint tweets. I met two people that were don’t, how weird. Follow @pinkbrickroad and @dariusbashar, they’re cool kids. Patio was beau-teeeee-ful. Fun, sun, friends, beer, music, like OMG can it get any better. Then I met this guy who is nice (sorry I forgot your name) and we chatted but he had something to say, he doesn’t get my blog. Like really, what is the point? Um, well, ah….it started because I wanted to remember stuff better and I was bored and I like writing. Now, people read it and like it and some people even say I’m inspiring. How cool is THAT! Me thanks Mum and Daddio for inspiring me. My stickers are always a hit. I make stickers because I think it’s better than a business card at this kind of thing. They get stuck on peoples clothes and name tags and they wear them around proudly. You can’t wear a…

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the issues that matter most

Part One: There’s been a big thing going on to save our Internet in Canada from regulation and big business control ling it I’m pretty sure I mentioned it during Net Change Week or Raymi speaking at the town hall meeting. Good news, Liberals announced support for Net Neutrality on Thursday, hopefully the rest will follow their lead. We all need access to the internet. Part Two: How you feel about yourself. That matters. I’m a positive girl , it’s a daily challenge but it’s more fun to be happy so I try each day. I’ve gotten pretty good at it. This week I’ve received a couple negative blog comments from a recent reader. It’s too bad that they find pleasure in leaving anonymous comments and have nothing better to do but type in my URL and take the time to press every key with bad intentions. The reality for the commenter that there is no such thing as anonymity if you post on a blogs. It is a bit annoying but mostly just dumb.  Having a blog is creating something new everyday, it’s a modern art form. On my blog,  I write about my stuff and take picture of me.  It’s very fun. I read a crazy article about a Canadian girl suing Google for negative remarks made about her on a Blogger (Google) hosted blog. “I’m tall, I’m blond, I’ve been modeling for many years, and people get jealous,” she told the Daily News. “If I had to deal with everyone who is jealous, I wouldn’t have time to do anything else.” Her lawyer called the site “libelous” and “defamatory.” The only way to really leave an anonymous comment, is to keep it to yourself. I always hoped that after high school people doing stupid things out of…

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a social league of awesomeness

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i am now a world record breaking human

This past Saturday was #pibTO and we did it. We broke the Guinness World record for Coffee Acts of Kindness and has over 600 people buying coffee for the person behind them in line. This is very exciting and impressive considering it was probably the windiest day in Toronto ever (see example video).All the notable media were out to take part and cover the event. Darius is getting ready to chat CP24 and I’m having a hoot chatting it up with Oren from Rogers. There were all kinds of entertainment news reporters flocking around. Love it. It was an amazing day filled with great people for a good cause. One hundred percent of the proceeds went to the SickKids Foundation. Check out all these good lookin‘ do-gooders!! You can catch other mentions about #pibTO in today’s Metro, BlogTO, Nitch blog. One of my favorite parts of the day was Mr.Scott Jackson beatbox champion. He is amazing. Beatbox Champ Scott Jackson at #pibTO from Casie Stewart on Vimeo. For full coverage of the day’s events check out the official Daily Challenge video by @spotlighttoronto!!

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setting up for the world

I arrived on location at about 11am on Saturday. It was mighty windy and most of the team was already in motion. We had to make sure all was going to stay put with the wild wild wind! We successfully got the backdrop in a safe place! Ha ha wind, you are no match for a team of do-gooders. Look at @d_hock, no one can stop him.Erin & Dan were fueling the online excitement and tweeting awesome stuff like this, this and this. I was doing chalk art. I was in heaven. Nothing more fun than being part of a team when you get to do one of your favorite things ever. Did you know they have crayola spray chalk for kids now? It didn’t work that well so I stuck to the old school drawing style.

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rain or shine baby!! #pibTO

The day has finally come! I’m stoked for #pibTO today at 1pm. If you haven’t got all the details or joined in on FB, that’s a-OK all you have to do is SHOW UP for 1pm to Second Cup at Queen & John. It’s meant to clear up by mid-day and not be too wet. If it is wet, don’t let that stop you from being involved in something really awesome. I’ll be rocking my favorite Wellies and rain coat just in case! You’ll be able to find me with the media, Raptors girls, Flow 93.5, Freestyle Soccer, and lots of others on location at 1pm. All proceeds, yes 100% go directly to the SickKids foundation. See you at 1pm! ♥

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great people doing great things

I’m really looking forward to Saturday for #pibTO. There has been lots of attention around the event and coverage from a number of sources including The Globe, Punch PR and Sweetspot.ca. It was mentioned on BT this morning, if you were watching!! There are over 600 confirmed attendees! We are going to knock Starbucks right outta the park!! These pix are some of the #pibTO team. We were having such a great time at the meeting and I thought it would be nice to share. We’re got bibs with numbers on them and an official counter so we will know as soon as the record has been beat! Second Cup will be serving fair trade coffee and 50% of the proceeds go to SickKids Hospital. Every hundredth person wins a $50 itunes gift card. Hmm, I wish I had an iphone.

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it’s my very first time…

breaking a world record. On Saturday Toronto’s Flow 93.5 will be broadcasting live on location at Second Cup at Queen & John. The Street Team will be there as you exit Second Cup to a crowd of ‘Do Gooders‘, photographers and notable Toronto celebrities. We will be be giving out $50 iTunes gift cards to every hundredth person as they make their way through the line. Canada’s professional basketball trickster, Q-Mack and North American Freestyle Soccer Champion, Eli Freeze and his Canadian Freestyle Soccer team will be sharing tricks and techniques. These athletes will be a great attraction for people of all ages! Helping out behind the Second Cup counter serving drinks will be Michael Landsberg, the host of TSN’s Off The Record, and Erica Ehm one of Canada’s most recognized television personalities & host of the Yummy Mummy Club. If you can’t make it out you can follow live, in real time, on UStream.TV, Twitter or Facebook. Looking forward to seeing you there and breaking a world record together! Yahoooooooooo!

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something sweet in the air

Tonight I am meeting with the team of organizers for Pay it Backward day, which is on Saturday at 1pm. It’s going to be a fun Saturday afternoon! I hope to see lots of peeps out for a good cause and great fun. There are lots of sponsors and entertainment planned. Sign up on FB. I’ll be there, being myself and having fun of course. I wonder who’s bringing the Bailey‘s for my coffee? Or just anything sweet really. Saying that I would really love someone to bring a baileys anyway. I’d definitely love it if someone brought a Baileys Red Velvet drink for me to try. That would be very sweet. Although I guess I just have to wait and see what happens. Hopefully someone will see my hint about the baileys though! I am joking before anyone asks, it would just be a rather lovely thing for someone to bring! More importantly though, you should all make sure that you can come to the Pay it Backword day, it would mean so much so many people, so it’s really worthwhile doing. I can guarantee that it will be a fun Saturday afternoon! So bring your kids, bring you whole family and just be prepared to have fun! I know that I will certainly enjoy myself… particuarly if someone brings me some Baileys… Today is the birthday of my favorite Toronto Blogger, Raymi the Minx. If you don’t know her, you should. She is the best diarist and has the awards to prove it. I saw these cupcakes while I was getting groceries at lunch and captured them all to send through the Internet to Raymi and wish her a Happy 26th Birthday!

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something big is coming….

I helped out with TwestivalTO in February, an event that took place at CiRCA and was part of a world wide effort to raise money for Charity Water. Toronto raised over $10,000 and we had hundreds of people out. There’s some really huge Toronto party events happening this year, I’m stoked.  Our friends at Daily Challenge are doing something awesome and when they asked for me to join their team for the event, I was all in! The event is called Pay It Backward Day and the idea came from one of the earliest challenges for DC. It involves doing something nice and purchasing a drink for the person behind you in line (see image->). The goal is to beat Starbucks who have the current world record and get 500 people in a row to take part. It is on Saturday, April 4th at Queen & John, Second Cup. It’s right across the street from Much Music. The New Flow 93.5 will be broadcasting live, there will be all kinds of interesting stuff going on. I’ve never broken a world record, that I know of, and I would really like your help to do it. So come. Join in on FB. I took this pix-mix of our city on the way to work today – Toronto the GOOD!

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Get inspired!! Do Something Good – RIGHT NOW ♥

OK. Contest closes today. I’m ready to kick some ass in the Daily Challenge ‘Do Gooder’ Contest. I’m trying to win a camcorder so I can start video blogging. Daily Challenge is the worlds largest network of ‘ Do Gooders‘ and a media sponsor for the upcoming TwestivalTO. Please take a couple minutes TODAY to vote for me and my story. It’s about how my mum, sister and self served an afternoon meal to those without, followed by opening our home anyone alone to share our Christmas dinner. I only have 25 damn votes right now. I know I can win the unit with your loving vote. Your five minutes of internet timetoday is much appreciated!! See you at Twestival on Feb. 12!!

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Do it Daily!!

I’ve been participating in Daily Challenge since the idea first came online and developed a community. I believe strongly in the power of positive thought and know from experience that thoughts really do become things if you believe in them! I have submitted a challenge for you to sign up on www.dailychallenge.org, if you have not already, and tell me why you think Daily Challenge is a great idea? Lets spread the word and get more people toDO ONE GOOD DAILY!!

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Pay it Forward Peeps

GIVING IS ITS OWN GIFT Watch this video and let me know your thoughts. I participate in The Daily Challenge and it makes me feel great to do at least one good thing daily to help make the world a better place. I recommend giving it a try. This is your world, your life, and you have the power to change it. Do it. ♥

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I’ve been thinking…

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