i forgot to tell you something

I loved seeing you last night. Your smile. Your laugh. Your arms. I like the way you make me feel. Happy. Your honesty is admired. I love you too much to let you just go. You make me happy and you also see right through my charade. I know you do. I like it but it scares me. More than anything. A scared-ness I like, I love. A scared that makes me love you even more because you, you are the only one who I let see the real me.  To me, you are the greatest. I wanted to tell you last night but I didn’t……I love you. Sent from my BlackBerry device on the Rogers Wireless Network

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It Was a Very Special Factory | #Florida

I had a great weekend, this is obvious. However, there is something else…Mum I never told you I was going to this party because I didn’t want you to worry! This weekend in Florida marked the Festish Factory 14th Anniversary Weekend. It was my first time ever going to a fetish party and it just so happened to be the world’s biggest and best. I wasn’t able to bring my camera to the parties but there will eventually be some great photos that show up from the many professional photographers that were there. I can totally understand why people enjoy BDSM Dating now! Here’s one from my camera and one that my friend took of us before going out. I hung out with the cool kids known as the NYC Tribe. It was badass. Sunday night was the Fetish Ball and what a night that was! OMG. I’ll update this post as I get more pix. I met some really awesome and really hot people. I wore latex and leather and some other stuff too. If you ask me, maybe I’ll tell you. This red outfit was what I wore the first night. I didn’t want to be too crazy for my first night there. For my second night, my outfit was a bit more ‘out there’ and, I won’t tell you what, but I purchased some bits from https://loveplugs.co… I’ll leave that to your imagination. I made friends with some lovely ladies from Boston & New Orleans. They have been to these parties before. I was super nervous yet excited, I had no idea what I was in for. It was amazing, I loved it. There were pool parties and afterparties all over the place and the whole hotel was full of people attending the event. You gotta go.…

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you did me good

last night I got ma hair did. It was awesome. I love going to see Darren. I get super excited because he always does something cool to my hair and he is also cute as. Go see him. He is good.  He will take care of you babies. He’s actualy pretty shy, Darren. He is, however one of the best. Recently he was at the ABA Show (biggest hair show in Canada) and won Redken’s Fashion Magazine Cover award.  He rules. Only the best touch my head!! Technorati sanasaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

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i love this dress

I had Peach Beserk make me this dress my my birthday. It’s stretchy and covered with Edie and Andy. I love it hard. You can make your own dress here. Looks especially great with fishnets and a long coat. Loves it.

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quit your swining, swine baby

Rainy day again. I was watching the news about Swine Flu last night. Creepy stuff. I started thinking to myself. 1. Good thing I didn’t go to Mexico 2. Who did go to Mexico that I’ve hung out with and could contaminate me and kill me? Hopefully I’m safe. Last night I sat on the couch and and started drawing a comic strip. It’s Elsa Cohen’s Adventures in Super Blogging. I’m working on it. Here’s a first sketch for now…I also took some time to read old stuff I wrote. I hope you enjoy it. I thought all these things when I was 15. I still think it’s important to be yourself, I still love McDonald’s and you are never to old to play in leaves or snow. Have a great day! What I think (1996) from Casie Stewart on Vimeo.

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lovage and chocolate sweetness

Lately I’ve been listening to Lovage thanks to @jaygoldman. The tunes are a cool ass collaborative project headed by Dan the Automator, under his pseudonym “Nathaniel Merriweather” (he made up that name for Handsome Boy Modeling School).Something else I have alot of love for is my bike. I’m hoping to get the baby tuned up this week so I can get riding. This weekend’s weather is going to sweet as. Last night I made chocolate brownies with fancy icing for my roomate. She’s sweet.

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raincoat & wellies and clouds in the sky

Today is cloudy and I’ve got lots to do. I took these yesterday, they’re for you. I’ve got some things to post later too. Drinking a coffee and feeling neat, I wonder what catering will bring today to eat? Thank you Daily Challenge for giving me this camera. If you don’t know, I won it in their Holiday Do Gooder contest. I love it. It make me very happy to share all kinds of random snipits of my life with the world. Like this little guy:

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so what i’m crazy, that gives me freedom

“People will laugh at you because you’re different. You will laugh at them because they’re all the same.” This quote came in Twitter post by an experienced blogger I follow on Twitter named John Chow. People have always said “You’re crazy” or as I dance by myself in the middle of the dance floor with my arms over my head “That’s Casie, she’s crazy“. For a while I thought, “Oh no, they think I’m crazy” but that was followed by thinking, “no, you are just different and they are all the same.” (Yes, I have had this conversation with myself more than once.) I would rather be seen as crazy, than ordinary any day.As soon as someone says that you are crazy, they really give you the power and freedom of expression to do whatever you want. You can transcend all boundaries of what people consider normal, because they already know you’re ‘out there’. This motivates me and gives me encouragement. Stay tuned there is always more here, it comes from somewhere in the universe..

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she was full of zeal

I’m really excited for 2009.Time to shine, feeling divine.I love how it rhymes. Shit. Did it again. Crime. Fun. I had a wonderful day today. Spent the morning sleeping followed by a little breakfast snack and coffee. Had a great visit with the lovely Karrera. I did a little exercise in my room. Proud of myself for getting a jump on the ‘New Years I’m gonna start the gym‘ phenomenon; I feel like I’m ahead of the game and gearing up for summer! Each day that passes is one day closer to summer. I’ve also gathered up heaps of supplies for the workshop. I have designed some really rad stuff for Spring/Summer 2009. I’m going to be working in the gallery space until it opens in the Spring, inspiring! I’m also stoked because I made a plan for August to join Karrera for Shambhala. Helloooo 2009, the year of opportunity!

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you’re a star

We are bits of stellar matter that got coldby accident, bits ofa star gone wrong. Sir Arthur EddingtonEnglish astronomer (1882 – 1944)

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not afraid to belt it

• BELT OUT (verb) The verb BELT OUT has 1 sense: 1. sing loudly and forcefully Familiarity information: BELT OUT used as a verb is very rare.Well, I’m not afraid to have a good time. My office party was a smash hit.

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casie stewart: this is my life

This holiday season, reward yourself. Give something to the person who really IS always there for you, the person who knows you best and sees you at your wost and yet still knows how fabulous you really are. Give yourself a gift that lasts 365.25 days per year. This is a value not to be missed. Be informed, be entertained, be educated, and all just by signing up. Go on, do somethingfor yourself this year,its easy. enter your email address:

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feeling the friday-ness

the sun is shining in my window andheating up my face. it warms me on theinside and sets my thoughts in race. theweekend is almost here and I’m longingto enjoy it. the rest and relaxation, family,friends. my thoughts escape my mindand enter a new reality where can be free.

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over capacity!! really?

It’s been a hot hot day on Twitter! I’ve sent a few updates and been monitoring it fairly close today. Seems that there are a heap of active users Tweeting on this chilly Tuesday in Toronto. I was looking for someone when I got a message that Twitter is Over capacity!! Today I started following The Toronto Star. Great source of news in real time, however, it would be really great if Canada had mobile updates. I really enjoyed getting the mobile updates of people I chose to follow on my phone. I’s a shame that in Canada we are so behind the times in technology as well as style!!

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get on it. get on it. get on it. i’ve got some good ones already. get on it. get on it. get on it. i’ve got some good ones already. get on it. get on it. get on it. i’ve got some good ones already. get on it. get on it. get on it. get on it. get on it. get on it. i’ve got some good ones already. get on it. get on it. get on it. get on it. get on it. get on it. i’ve got some good ones already. get on it. get on it. get on it.

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give me some sunscreen

I have loved this song and listen to it about once a week. I find that Baz Lurhman’s simple thoughts keep my simple thoughts aligned with what I believe. It is veryunpretentious, almost a monologue, and I encourage you to listen and watch. I love to listen to it on my ipod and lay in the grass, leaves, or snow and close my eyes to let my mind wander. It is when I do this, I feel connected to myself and the universe. I know that I can achieve what I believe. Baz Luhrman – Sunscreen (Original)

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miss ya mitch

You know, you can’t please all the people all the time… and last night, all those people were at my show.– Mitch Hedberg Mitch Hedberd was my favorite comedian. He died late in the evening on March 29, 2005. Due to stage fright and anxiety, he often performed with his glasses on, head down, hair in his face, and sometimes closed his eyes as not to make eye contact. Mitch was known for pointing out when he didn’t deliver a joke right and often nodded his head saying “all right.” It was often quite funny when he didn’t get the reaction he expected and would say something like “That joke’s better than you acted” or “That joke was dumb, I am aware of that.” He’s funny. I wish he was making jokes still. Luckily, he still makes me laugh every time I watch. ♥

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be nice to yourself this week

mem lamed ayin Removing Negative Thoughts By scanning these letters right to left you connect to the spiritual energy of this name. The meditation is linked to the photo and you can also experience it by connecting here. A little spiritual tune up from Yehuda: The month of Scorpio is the perfect time to be reminded of this. We tend to be extra hard on ourselves under the influence of this energy. But at the same time, there is always a little poison in the vaccine. Meaning, if we can learn to be nice to ourselves, even when we are in the throes of self-hatred, we can inoculate ourselves against that inner critic for the rest of the year. Be nice to yourself this week. You have so many gifts from the Creator that were given to you so you could share them with others. The more you are patient and tolerant of your shortcomings and failures, the more your gifts will come out. And the more your gifts come out, the better you will feel. Be well. Enjoy your week! All the best, Yehuda Berg

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freddie mercs.

i love his stashhis stage presencethe sweat dripping from his faceas he sings out loudhis dance moveshis passionthe way he fightsno time for losersfame and fortunemercury and friends freddie you are my championfreddie you rock my world Is this the real life-Is this just fantasy-Caught in a landslide-No escape from reality-Freddie 1946-1991

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This weekend I stopped into the comic shop near Queen & Bathurst. Didn’t pick anything up . I was looking for a comic of my sister, Supergirl. She wasn’t there. As I left I was distracted by this logo, NerdGirl Pinups…sounds hot. I went to the site but I didn’t see anything nerdy enough for my nerdiness. I was decidedly inspired before I went to the site and wore out my nerdy glasses on Friday night. I’d like to have my own nerdy photo shoot. I came www.nerdgirl.com, a blog by a nerdy girl who likes gadgets. The best nerd girl site I found is www.nerdgirls.com which is uber cool and much hotter. These Superbabes nerd out there.

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Fingers Crossed!

This quote has been floating around online and was first heard on National Public Radio (NPR). I think its great. I’m having some friends over to watch history unfold this evening. We’ve all got our fingers crossed for Obama. Rosa sat, so Martin could walk… Martin walked, so Obama could run… Obama is running, so our children can fly!

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“Movember (the month formerly known as November) is a moustache growing charity event held during November each year that raises funds and awareness for men’s health.” The Movember Foundation was started in Australia in 2004. It is a not for profit, charitable organization that implements a month long event called Movember each year in the month of November. Movember’s goal is to raise awareness around men’s health issues and raises funds charities chosen by each country involved, focussing primarily on prostate cancer. Before the Movember movement, prostate cancer was pretty unknown and not talked about. Now, due to the raised awareness, it is hoped that men know the signs and when to access help. Symptoms don’t usually present themselves until the cancer has grown big enough to put pressure on the urethra, which then causes issues with needing to urinate more frquently and having issues when urinating. If you suspect you may have prostate cancer, it is highly advised that you visit a urologist like Advanced Urology who will handle your situation with care and compassion, and talk you through diagnosis and treatment methods. However, these symptoms don’t automatically mean prostate cancer, although it is advised that you visit a urologist anyway to find the cause (which usually involves prostate enlargement). Movember unites men and encourages discussions on any prostate related topic. Even discussing remedies such as prostagenix is encouraged. Additionally, by raising awareness about prostate health, it is hoped that more men will be encouraged to get in touch with a doctor if they notice any issues so that any ailments can be addressed and treated. For example, although an enlarged prostate can be a sign of cancer, sometimes this enlargement can be benign. Above all, it can sometimes be reassuring to learn that the risk of prostate cancer…

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One day to go for the 56th US Election!! Go Obama!!

CNN is reporting the following for the US Election tomorrow (see image). What an exciting time! I hope and prey Obama wins. It will be a real shame for the US to have old fart McCain in office for the next term. It truly is time for change in the US. Their economy and state of the nation has become such a mess since Bush has been in office (including his investment in the war on Iraq, however, we won’t touch on that item!). I’ll be at a pub with friends watching the future of the US unfold!! Educate yourselves! I’m sharing some interesting facts I found here about the election & candidates: Either candidate would become the first president born outside the Continental United States, as Obama was born in Honolulu, Hawaii and McCain was born at Coco Solo, Panama Canal Zone, a US naval base. This 2008 election will mark the first time since the election of John F. Kennedy in 1960 that a sitting Senator will be elected President of the United States. The new president elected in 2008 will be the first president in 184 years to take office after multiple consecutive two-term presidential administration (Bush & Clinton) McCain would be the oldest U.S. president upon ascension to the presidency at age 72 years Barack Obama and John McCain are 24 years and 340 days apart in age. The 2008 election marks the first time since the 1928 election in which neither an incumbent President nor an incumbent Vice President ran for their party’s nomination in the presidential election

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I look away for a second The rush of the wave Approaches my towelCausing me to spring and moveOut of the way of the ocean When I lived at the beach I wrote all the time. It was so inspiring and free to be there, I wrote this in 2004 the pic is from Aquabumps. They have the best shots from Bondi and other amazing beaches. I always miss it when I see them but i’m also reminded of how great it is.

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This Pho-tastic one is for Inna!

I changed my status to ‘Casie is having pho for lunch today.’ I love, love, love pho. I have it AT LEAST one a week. My friend Inna asked if I was making it myself and to share recipe. I’ve never made pho. I’m sure it’s complicated and for $4.99 at the pho place by my work, I’d rather just order it. However, I may decide to make a pho so I browsed online for a recipe and found one. This is for you Inna!! Prep time is 15 minutes and cook time is 45 minutes.What you need: Beef Broth: 1 small onion, chopped 1 2-inch stick ginger 2 pounds beef bones 12 cups water 6 star anise 1 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon sugar 1 pound lean, tender beef Noodles: 1 16-ounce package dry, flat rice noodles (pho) Garnish: 3 scallions, thinly sliced 1 large onion, thinly sliced 10 cilantro sprigs, finely chopped 1 cup bean sprouts 10 sprigs basil 10 sprigs fresh cilantro (ngo gai) fresh red or green Chile pepper, thinly sliced Accompaniments lime or lemon quarters fish sauce hoisin sauce hot chili sauce Prep:Broil onion and ginger until they look burned. Using back of cleaver, smash the ginger and set aside.Wash beef bones, place in a large soup pot and add water to cover. Bring to a boil and immediately pour off this “first boiling” water and discard. Add another 12 cups of fresh water and again bring to a boil. Skim off foam. Add the broiled onion and ginger, star anise, salt and sugar. Over medium-low heat, simmer for 30 minutes. Slice raw beef into thin strips and set aside.Remove bones from broth and strain out vegetables and seasonings. Soak noodles in cold water for 10 minutes. Drain. In a soup pot bring two quarts fresh…

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Gwen is grogeous. Need I say more?This is her newest little bundle of joy,Zuma, with Gavin Rossdale.God they make nice babies.

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My Pearly Whites

Today I received a nice little package of Listerine Whitening Quick Dissolving Strips from my friends at Matchstick. I read the instructions and excitedly put the strip on my teeth. I am wearing it now. It tingles a bit and tastes like mint. A very ‘Listeriney ‘ (made that one up!) taste. It seem like it is kinda dissolving, it takes about 10-15 minutes. I’d like to use the strips all day and make my teeth uber white, super fast. I really need to find a Toronto Dentist now I think about it! I’m due for a visit. I remember I fell asleep with a Crest strip on once. I woke up, had a glass of water and screamed, my teeth were SOOOOOO sensitive. I surely do not recommend sleeping with white strips on. It hurts. My teeth are already pretty white so I’m not sure how the strips will work on me. Maybe my teeth will start glowing! One of my friends had her teeth whitened at a Dentist Fort Wayne so we have been sharing teeth whitening tips. Hopefully mine will be as bright as hers one day. That would be awesome. Maybe if I had kept my teeth in good condition from the start and had followed advice from my dentist in Glen Rock, perhaps I wouldn’t be in need of the strips but here we are… Now my teeth are looking a little whiter, I have been seriously contemplating treating myself to some Invisalign aligners. I have always wanted straighter teeth and therefore I think that now could be the right time to do something about it. An old colleague of mine who lives in Arizona recently had her Invisalign fitted by a Dentist in Yuma so I might have to ask her for some advice.…

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