No. If you ask to ‘pick my brain’ that is your answer.

Student, charity? Sure. I’m a nice girl. BUT, if you are a professional, a big company, an agency, a brand, a beer, a burger co., an app, a toy, a product, a service, and you operate on currency, don’t ask to pick my brain.  We can chat about an idea, you can call me for advice on, or run something past me in an email. Totally cool. Sometimes I brainstorm over lunch, brunch, and sometimes I really get creative after beers. As Harlan Ellison says “cross my palms with silver and you can use my essay“, ideas in this case. I think it’s the actual TERM that drives me mental. It’s basically saying “give me your ideas so I can use them”.  If you are asking someone for advice, it’s because you value their opinion. An amature will give you their ideas for free but a professional’s ideas are what you really want.  Forbes posted a great article and if someone ever asks to pick your brain, you should send it to them. Please don’t use that expression. It’s my biggest pet peeve aside from people calling me CASSIE. It’s happened at least twice in emails today. My email is [email protected] How can you get my name wrong?! Doh. In other news…!!!!!!!!!! Mooohahahahah! Women are now officially smarter than men #work — CASIE STEWART (@casiestewart) July 17, 2012 READ MORE BOOKS!

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‘Survival of the Fittest’: My TechVibes Interview on Blogging

This week TechVibes, Canada’s leading online tech publication posted an interview I did during NXNE. Some quotes below, read the whole interview on TechVibes. ‘Survival of the Fittest’: Casie Stewart on Blogging @casiestewart by @herbertlui — Techvibes (@techvibes) June 29, 2012 Thanks to Herbert Lui for a well written piece. His previous articles are with the Creative Director of TAXI, Harley from Epic Meal Time, and renowned speaker Stephen Shapiro. So, I’m in good company! IT’S NOT A WALK IN THE PARK “I think the toughest things are when you have no money; essentially, I am an entrepreneur, and I’ve built up my business around my life,” she admits, briefly alluding to her time on TV show Maxed Out. “I’m really super online, so people always think that I always have all these people around me, and we’re all like best friends. But when you’re a blogger, or you’re starting your own business by yourself, you spend a lot of time alone and at the computer,” she explains. “My life – yeah, a lot of times it is pretty glamorous and really fun, but – you spend a lot of time by yourself.” HOW DO ASPIRING VLOGGERS/BLOGGERS WIN ONLINE? “You need to do something every day that brings you closer to your goals,” Stewart advises. “When it comes to the internet, it is survival of the fittest. You gotta be the best, most consistent, you gotta stick at it…When I got home from the airport in Banff this morning, it was 4:30 and I published something on my blog about my panel today so I knew I could just get up and come here.” I mentally calculate that she’d gotten probably four hours of sleep, and marvel at the fact she just did a panel. On four hours, I would have been passed out by this hour…

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The Weekend: Boating, Floating, & Banff Blogging

I’m absolutely in paradise. If you follow me on Twitter or Instagram you already know. Last night we roasted marshmallows on the dock and I fell asleep in my chair mesmerized by the lakeside fire. Please take one second to vote for me in the Banff 2012 Blogger comp, voting closes Tuesday. Please help me win, VOTE FROM EVERYWHERE! Go to Apple or BestBuy, Futureshop, Nana’s cottage, your Dad’s phone! Glasses broke. Boating & floating are two of my fav pastimes. We’re about to make the Great Canadian Outdoor Breakfast with fire cooking and BBQ.  After Imma take this kayak out for a spin! Happy long weekend, summer is finally here! Wear sunscreen 🙂 <3 CASIE

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May 1, 2012 – Looking Back Over The Years #archives

May is my fav month of the year. April showers bring May flowers, it’s time to get summer ready and celebrate my born day. I feel a bit silly making a big deal about my birthday so my sister is planning a little dinner next Tuesday night. You’re welcome to stop by. I’ll post details. I joined Twitter in May 2008 so, May 5th is a cool day too. I’m gonna give daily videos another go this month along with the Instagram May Photo a Day Challenge. I’m trying to develop a more consistent routine. Anything you’d LIKE to see? Wanna know? For the fist 7 days of the Month, I’m going to look back at a couple people, places, things & thoughts from each year I’ve been blogging. Then, on the 8th day we celebrate 30 years of my life. Woo hoo! WE ARE YOUNG. Here We Go, 2005 Throwback: Moved to Toronto. Lived in the Annex at Bathurst & college. Bracelet on my wrist says “CAS” my nickname in Australia. Had a mullet and the first pair of skinny jeans seen in Toronto since the 80’s. That ring was glass & Armani. It was a gift from HighRise Magazine. Remember that mag? Worked at YM Inc. as Assistant to Director of Product Purchasing. First ever job out of Uni. Was lucky to meet someone on the plane home from LA who worked in fashion. Introduced me to the right people. ABC – Always Be Closing, baby. I was pretty obsessed with moving back to Australia. And Myspace. And VICE Magazine. Was publishing lots of poetry on MySpace I wrote at Uni and in college.  Here’s a couple old guys: Brand New Day Writers Block My Game Now Watch for Starlet Spring Love Acutely Ironic A bird writes a sonnet Sings the…

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You’re a winner! (thought it was spam too but it’s not)

I really AM one of the top blogs in Canada! First of all, no, I’m not going to be on Canada’s Next Top Blogger OR The Canadian Bachelor. I rocked up third next to a mom and a gay in the Canadian Blog Awards category of Best Life Weblog (weblog is original name of blog). Next year, I’ll be a lesbian with a child and TAKE FRST PLACE.  Seriously though, I have lots planned for 2012 in content and design and I’m gunning for first. The Ninjamatics’ 2011 Canadian Weblog Awards saw 461 nominations across 37 categories. Their 46 volunteer jurors used  ten criteria in content & design to judge each of the 461 weblogs in the first round and approximately 175 in the second round to arrive at the winners. Best Life Weblog/Mode de vie First: No Ordinary Rollercoaster Second: The Kitchen Magpie Third: Casie Stewart: This Is My Life To celebrate here’s the Charlie Sheen ‘winning’ commercial I was in for the Comedy Network last year. I HAVE ONLY ONE GEAR, GO.

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I’d like to thank the academy & blah, blah, blog!

Remember a couple months ago I asked you nicely to click a link and show some love for my life(s) work? Welllllllllll…..thanks for your votes and thank you for reading because…drum roll please…we made the shortlist for Best Life Weblog in Canada!  Congrats to my friends for noms in their categories Unbrelievable, Shop My Clothes and Dear Photograph. To check out all nominees or judging criteria go here. In other exciting news…MY SXSW panel has been scheduled. If you are going to be please please don’t miss it. There’s lots of things to see & do there but our panel is Psychology of Narcissism & How It Affects Brands. The hashtag is #LOOKATME and it’s sure to be entertaining. On that note I leave you with this song I’ve been diggin’ ‘Somebody That I Used To Know’ feat. Kimbra from Gotye’s album Making Mirrors. Sitting at Darren Kwik Studio waiting for toner in my hair while blogging and tweeting away. Thank you Telus & iPhone for the MAGIC of Personal Hotspot. I now have the freedom to stop & blog it like it’s hot any time, any place. Heading to get Sammy & meet my darling sister Jenie & friends at Gio Rana’s Really Really Nice Restaurant for her birthday dinner. Have an awesome night!

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