add some spice to your life already

Girls were working out in the park.  They start in a circle then change formation to watch the teacher. I stopped to have a sit in the grass and relax.Needed to  cool down from the hot heat on the bike ride. Was tired on the bike today, really warm out today. Humid. Sat down for a cold refreshing one on the bench and felt calm.  Gonna get a new style today.The stuff is in my hair is hot and it feels like I’m in direct afternoon sunlight on a hot summer day.  It kinda burns a bit but it’s good.  I’m starting to get excited for Pride. I get talking about past times and all the girls start calling and we make plans.  OMG its so fun.  I love. Its hot, burning right now a bit. I love coming here. I was so crazy with a mind a racin’ that I wasn’t relaxed. Now I’m relaxed. Beautiful outside right now, lovely. I looked at your picture but it wasn’t you it was an inposter of you circa something. I laughed. Facebook on phone means double notifications and major annoyance. Don’t like it. Do like getting my hair done. The colour is setting in.  Its gonna be bright. I’m  gonna freak out at first like I always do then love it. It’s going to be perfect for the weekend. I love it.

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the joy and freedom of facebook and twitter

have been stripped. have been taken. have been blocked from the office.  i knew the day would come.  i just knew it. what’s next? i’ve still got myspace but i don’t like myspace. i want my twitter and facebook back. it’s not as fun on mobile.  my new blackberry flip has the short keyboard not the qwerty. i miss tweetdeck.  i miss the computer that went missing and the one that crashed. i miss my old blackberry that jumped off the balcony. my camera battery is dead right now and i couldn’t take any pix on my lunch ride. i want to ride on my bike all day. it’s really hot and lovely outside. had a good meeting last night and then went to the rhino for dinner. stayed at a friends house and wore the same dress to work. total skid. getting my hair done tonight thank god. i want it to be nice and fresh for Pride. new shave.  friend rented a limo to come to the city on sunday for the parade and we’re gonna cruise. god, the weekend can not get here soon enough.

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a box of goon and lots of beads

Yesterday I got quite a few compliments on the outfit. I think I looked kinda rocker-lesbian-ish. I like that look though, I do it well.  There’s something about the short hair and the side shave that gets the girls. Maybe I have that look on my face that makes them give me the ‘eyes from across the room.? It happens, my friends know. It’s hot though, I like it.  Maybe it’s all the time I’ve spent at Pride in TO; volunteering, leading a team of hot babes, partying. One time, I went to Mardi Gras in Sydney in 2004, I had only been in Australia for 5 weeks at the time. It was quite surprising when I opened the Sydney Morning Herald to see a colour photo of me kissing my bff in an article about the street party the night before. It was hot and shocking. I tried to find it to show you but had no luck. I’m sure the photo is saved somewhere. It had been raining, we drank a box of goon, were wearing next to nothing and were covered in beads. It was fun.  I’m not volunteering at Toronto Pride this year. I WILL be having my annual get together with all the girls before heading to the parade. That’s the fun part 🙂

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Sketches: Part I

I drew this sketch. It is called ‘Skin Trade: pornstars are entrepreneurs’. I have it posted on my wall at home and I thought, why not post it here. I was thinking to myself how really, if you can make money selling your body as you may wish to, you are an entrepreneur. This is not something that I have done nor have any desire to. I was just thinking in general. The Free Dictionary online defines an entrepreneur as “A person who organizes, operates, and assumes the risk for a business venture.” Thus, I would say I am correct. This is a sketch I did of my bike. It really is my pride and joy. Well, it was, until she got a flat tire because I left her in a bad hood over night . Now she’s not going for any rides. Next summer, this beauty will be back on the road and all over downtown. Just how she likes it.

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