Fitness | Running Through the Six

I started getting my a$$ in gear a week before NYE and man do I ever notice. Along with feeling better and my face thinning out, I feel great all over. I actually look forward to waking up and hitting the pavement. I roll out of bed and get into my gear, and head outside.

I was always a fit little person and I’m heading back in that direction. BF has noticed too which makes me feel even more awesome. YEAH BABY.  This morning I did my fastest KM yet of 5.35.

running selfie is hard
running selfie is hard

casiestewart, running, athlete, fast, nike, fitness, 1k

I used to stress about what to wear when I worked out and I’d pace around back and forth and then get so overwhelmed I didn’t go. It seems silly but working out for the longest time gave me anxiety. I still can’t bring myself to go to a gym for a solo workout.

Before the holidays Columbia Sportswear invited me to pick out a few items from their #TestedTough collection. I didn’t realize that the shirt & pants combo I picked out WERE ACTUALLY A SUPER HERO OUTFIT INSIDE. I’ve run a couple times in this gear (it’s inside out) and it’s really kept me warm.


For the first time, I really DON’T GIVE A S#*% about what I wear because I’m running past anyone judging me.



DIY | Make It Marble in 3 Easy Steps

Make something marble in 3 easy steps!

Last week I picked up a gorgeous marble cheese board form The Drake Hotel. It’s real marble and very heavy. Perfect for dinner parties and taking Instagram photos. However, my BF decided it was a great cutting board and now there’s a couple lines in it from a knife. I started thinking about how I could make another cutting board with marble accents after seeing some marble formica for countertops online.

I picked up a bamboo cutting board ($3), a plastic cutting board ($2), and a roll of faux marble for lining cupboards.  I did’t even know they had that stuff!   This was to test if it even looks good, if so, will get some of the fancier stuff from a home hardware type shop.

It seriously took about 5 whole minutes to do this and now I’ve got a marble mousepad at work that is a great backdrop for photographing things at my desk.


Make Something Marble

  1. Get marble wrap and something to put it on
  2. Put it on the thing
  3. Take a photo & show your awesomeness


DIY marble mousepad
DIY marble mousepad

Remember the awesome marble  laptop case I had ages ago? (It’s not avail anymore, sorry) I thought I would combine that concept and some supplies form my local dollar store. Well, it totally worked!


marble laptop skin designed by me, formerly at GelaSkins

I recently got a permanent desk after working with 1188 for the last year and I wanted to make it nice. It’s so glam now! Look how great my coffee looks with vintage glasses on this wood/marble. OH SO FANCY.


I know you probably don’t think of me a DIY’er but I actually make heaps of things. I’ll share more of them this year!

If you give this a try over the weekend, I’d LOVE to know what you make. TWEET ME HERE. The things in this post were just made with el cheapo dollar store marble sticker roll so once I get some of the fancier stuff. I will share!

Have a wonderful day!


Quick Update from the Treehouse in the Woods

Helloooooo! This week has been absolutely amazing. My batteries are recharged and I’m fuelled with a fire that will last forever. ☀️??????
We have had so much fun out here. It’s truly amazing to connect with nature and disconnect (a bit). We’ve survived the last few days with no running water, a portable burner for cooking, and logs on the wood stove. Thankful for snow to melt!

Woke up early to a pink sky so I trekked to the top of a hill behind us to appreciate it. Video on Snapchat ? casiestewart.

Heading back to the city today!  

Greet the Day with a ? and the ? Will Respond

Greet the Day with a ? and the ? Will Respond

There’s a good chance you didn’t want to go to work today. The last two weeks were a weird time of year, you’re home and working less (physically/mentally) and it’s easy to forget what day it is. Or get fully dressed and leave the house if you’re anything like me. 

If you’re reading this from Canada, it’s probably the coldest day of the year. Toronto is around -14 degrees ? and I’m heading up north to the wilderness to spend a few days in a treehouse. Crazy? No, awesome! Adventure! I’ve packed a ton of warmies and food. Good thing I’ve got those vintage snowsuits.

Yesterday was a really rad day, bff brunch, cleaned house, ditched the ?, ran my fastest km, and made some great food. Feeling good about life, personal, professional, health. Mantra for 2016 is SUNNY AND BRIGHT. Was thinking last night and decided whoever said ‘the struggle is real’ wasn’t working hard enough.

[symple_callout fade_in=”false” button_text=”” button_url=”” button_color=”black” button_size=”default” button_border_radius=”3px” button_target=”blank” button_rel=”” button_icon_left=”” button_icon_right=””]whoever said ‘the struggle is real’ wasn’t working hard enough[/symple_callout]

Scroll down for some snaps I posted on Snapchat. ? 

Wishing you an AMAZING day and official first day of work for 2016.

casiestewart, detroit, ford canada

Take that Monday! #mondaymotivation ?????????????

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Found a net spot in my hood to test out a smoke grenade. Made me feel really happy, even though the smoke mostly blew in the wind. Set my GoPro on the truck for a time lapse. The high kick one is on Instagram ?

Put a smile on your face today and flash it around. Change your attitude, change your life. 


Are You There Fitness? It’s Me, Casie.

I’m loving this warmer winter. Yes, a temperature around freezing in Canada is a warm winter! The last two years have been insanely cold, blaming them for my lack of motivation to do anything but Netflix and chill w/ takeout and sit on the couch. Ok, let’s be real with the excuses, I blame myself for being lazy. After a few ups and downs with my health this year combined with early 30s kicking in, I’m looking fitness right in the face.


Heading for coffee w/ a friend after my morning run ?

I was always one of the smallest in school, dance, cheerleading, tae kwon do, skating. I was thin through college and university and didn’t really exercise much or regularly. I turned 30 three years ago and all those “it’ll catch up with you” people I rolled my eyes at, yeah, they were right. If you’d like to look into options for you in order to keep fit and healthy, you may want to look firstly at this Shepherd’s Code review and see if the book may help you in finding your new fit and healthy side again.

So, I’ve found a yoga studio in my hood to test out and I’ve worked out the past 5 days. I decided to get a jump on the whole New Years fitness thing by starting a week early. It’s January 2nd and I’m feeling good. I’ve eaten great food the last week and haven’t had any alcohol. Maybe it’s just me but my face feels less puffy and I’ve been sleeping better. Drinking has been a big part of my life the last ten years and I need to cool it. It’s time. ????

I’m actually quite the morning person! ?

Digging the Nike app with a trainer that’s been reminding me of the next workout. I get why those people who run all the time use it. ? Have it set to the 5k beginner program to get back into the swing of it. Currently doing 2.5-3km a-ok, (only walking a little bit here and there).

Todays run to High Park and around the neighbourhood

I’m not planning to tell the world every single time I exercise but I figured since I’m 5 days in, sharing will keep me accountable. Maybe you are reading this thinking “hey me too” and if so, I’m here to be your friend.

If you have any great workouts or fitness people to follow. LMK! ??