ANZAC Day Reminds Me I’m Proud to Be Kiwi
Anzac Day is a national day of remembrance in Australia and New Zealand (like Nov. 11 in North America). If you’re just tuning in, my parents immigrated to Canada and I have dual citizenship (Canadian/Kiwi). All my family except Mum, Dad, & sister live there. I’m thankful for Facebook because I see so much more of them now! In spirit of Anzac Day and my love for New Zealand, some of my fav NZ people and blog moments below. Fav kiwi jewellery designer, Nick Von K NZ with Gala Gonzalez, Am Lul & Rumi Neely from Fashion Toast Front row at NZ Fashion Week 2010 w/ Derek Fabulous With Derek Fabulous & Nicole Miller A great Kiwi, the wonderful Isaac Likes MY FAV Kiwi Sweets Driving with my Cuzzy Arriving at Auckland airport, awesome! Auckland is totally online.
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