
crazy awesome

Posts by this author:

Day 144: Jumpsuit Heaven

Day 144: Jumpsuit Heaven

Nothing too exciting to share today! Spent the morning wrapping up that client project and I then to Walmart to have a few photos … View Post
Day 143: On A Wednesday

Day 143: On A Wednesday

Today was a pretty chill day. I spent most of it working on a new client project then had a massage at night. Was … View Post
Day 142: Rain On Me!

Day 142: Rain On Me!

We made it, we’re home! After almost a full month at the cottage, a weekend in Stoney Lake, we arrived mid-afternoon. I can’… View Post
Day 136: Measure for Measure

Day 136: Measure for Measure

I always say ‘summer forever’ but today I woke up to a cooler morning thinking about fall fashion and the changing leaves. I love … View Post
Day 135: Are We Running Today?

Day 135: Are We Running Today?

For about a week of this month, I fell off my fitness game, I just didn’t feel like it. I’ve learned over … View Post
Day 134: Growing Roots

Day 134: Growing Roots

Cut my own hair about a month ago and it’s growing nicely. I’m not sure how long I intend to let it … View Post
Day 133: Lazy Lake Lady

Day 133: Lazy Lake Lady

Slept in. Watched Netflix. Took naps. Made vegan spaghetti. Ate snacks. Did some work. All around lazy Sunday. It was really hot and we … View Post
Day 132: Love the Lake With You

Day 132: Love the Lake With You

We went for a nice slow cruise around the lake in the morning. It’s very hot this weekend! In the afternoon, we ventured … View Post
Day 131: Shiny Disco Ball

Day 131: Shiny Disco Ball

I ordered this outfit at the start of quarantine and tbh it’s one of my favs!. Sean likes to say I’m riding … View Post
Day 130: Pleasure & Peace

Day 130: Pleasure & Peace

Sean has been kayaking in the morning since spraining his ankle last week. Today he came back with a beautiful water lily for me! … View Post
Day 129: Book Recommendations – Summer 2020

Day 129: Book Recommendations – Summer 2020

I’ve been reading a lot over the last few months. Since I haven’t been working as much I’ve tried to make … View Post
Day 128: You Are What You Beet

Day 128: You Are What You Beet

Today was so nice out, perfect weather. Haven’t been feeling the best this week and have slacked a bit on my workouts. I … View Post
Day 127: Girls Night!

Day 127: Girls Night!

Today we had our first summer guest since the start of quarantine, the one and only Jen Kirsch! Jen and I have been friends … View Post
Day 126: Taco ‘Bout Love

Day 126: Taco ‘Bout Love

Sean asked if I wanted to go get tacos and the obv answer was YES. We took a nice drive up to Port Carling … View Post
Day 125: Mid-July, Where Have The Days Gone?

Day 125: Mid-July, Where Have The Days Gone?

I can’t believe it’s been 125 days. I started this Daily Diary part of the blog thinking it would be a couple of … View Post
Day 124: The Playsuit by Biddell

Day 124: The Playsuit by Biddell

I’d seen Evan Biddel post the famous Playsuit he’s been making and asked if he could make a yellow AND HE DID. … View Post
Day 122: I Went To A Spa! Introducing YOUTH MEDISPA, Toronto

Day 122: I Went To A Spa! Introducing YOUTH MEDISPA, Toronto

It’s been ages since I went to a spa so when I was invited to check out the brand new YOUTH Medispa in … View Post
Day 119: Homeward Bound

Day 119: Homeward Bound

We’re hading back to the city today for most of the week. Sean’s dad is coming to spend some time up here. … View Post
Day 118: Cottage Friends for Life

Day 118: Cottage Friends for Life

The last few days have been spent cleaning the cottage top to bottom and doing odd around the place. Sean’s sister is coming … View Post
Day 117: Stormy Weather

Day 117: Stormy Weather

Sean called me outside when he was checking the boat after the storm to catch this family going by. We’ve watched them grow … View Post
Day 116: The Stingray

Day 116: The Stingray

Sean has been cleaning up the Corvette (1982 Stingray) today. I love this car so much but it’s been sitting in the garage, unused, … View Post
Get Hitched at Love Shack Toronto! ???

Get Hitched at Love Shack Toronto! ???

Have you heard about Love Shack? It’s the coolest, cutest, and smallest wedding venue in Toronto located at Stackt market. My friend Nataleigh … View Post
Day 115: Kia Ora

Day 115: Kia Ora

Today we made our way back up to the cottage with Emily for a few days. In the afternoon I went to town and … View Post
Day 114: That Childlike Feeling

Day 114: That Childlike Feeling

Yesterday Sean went golfing with some colleagues and I spent the afternoon with Emily. We met up with my sister and Ryder to visit … View Post
Day 113: You Might Fall But You’ll Be Ok

Day 113: You Might Fall But You’ll Be Ok

Drove back to the city after working most of the day at the cottage. It’s really hot out this week and I love … View Post
Day 112: A Nice Lazy Sunday

Day 112: A Nice Lazy Sunday

Today I slept in and had a nice lazy day. It was really hot outside so we spent the afternoon watching Snowpiercer on Netflix … View Post
Day 111: Unicorns in the Sun

Day 111: Unicorns in the Sun

Today we went to visit Talia & Nelson at their cottage on Lake Simcoe. We had lunch then went to Lagoon City in the … View Post