
crazy awesome

Posts by this author:

Day 295: Fasting + Habit Stacking

Day 295: Fasting + Habit Stacking

When it comes to goal setting or creating a new routine, there is no day like TODAY to start. You are the director of … View Post
Day 294: What Does 2021 Have for Me?!

Day 294: What Does 2021 Have for Me?!

Feels great to be home! Who would have thought we’d spend most of 2020 up at the cottage. Being home has a different vibe … View Post
Day 293: The First Day of 2021

Day 293: The First Day of 2021

Hello gorgeous, beautiful new year! I greet you with my love, kindness, hope, and joy! I have high hopes, a renewed sense of self, … View Post
Day 292: New Year’s Eve 2020

Day 292: New Year’s Eve 2020

Here we are, we made it to the end of this insane year, New Years’ Eve 2020. I had a nice day & went to … View Post
Day 291:  Wild Woman, Onesie, Winter Wear

Day 291: Wild Woman, Onesie, Winter Wear

I’ve had this suit from The Drake General Store for ages and finally decided to wear it. ? A onesie makes great winter wear, … View Post
Day 290: This is Me on Zoom

Day 290: This is Me on Zoom

Look at the camera. Check the lighting. Fix your hair. Grab a pen and notebook. Pay attention. Mason jar of water. Listen, respond. Don’… View Post
Day 289: Last Monday of 2020

Day 289: Last Monday of 2020

What a year it’s been! I’m planning to write something thoughtful about the things I’ve learned this year before the end … View Post
Day 288: Snow Queen

Day 288: Snow Queen

No, I didn’t change my face! These were taken with an Instagram filter! It’s wild how they can change your face to … View Post
Day 287: Boxing Day 2020

Day 287: Boxing Day 2020

Drove back up to the cottage today to spend the last week of 2020 in the woods. It’s SO snowy! The roads were pretty … View Post
Day 284: Christmas Eve Eve

Day 284: Christmas Eve Eve

Traditionally Sean and I give each other our gifts on Christmas Eve Eve. We’re back downtown and it’s so nice to be … View Post
Day 283: Whatever is Better!

Day 283: Whatever is Better!

This year we decided to take a ‘whatever is better’ approach to Christmas. Meaning, we don’t need to do everything according to tradition … View Post
Day 282: Clear Your Head in the Woods

Day 282: Clear Your Head in the Woods

Needed to clear my head. Went for a nice long walk in the woods,, about 8km. The air was brisk and fresh, just what … View Post
Day 279: Mermaid Hair

Day 279: Mermaid Hair

Spent the day at home then decided to venture out for a walk before the sun went down. The street were surprisingly busy and … View Post
Day 277: The Ice is Nice

Day 277: The Ice is Nice

Today was the first day the lake was fully frozen. The ice is nice. This year, we’ve been up on the woods from … View Post
Day 276: Country Livin’

Day 276: Country Livin’

It was so nice and sunny today. Sean was outside with his chainsaw so I decided to pop out for a bit to get … View Post
Day 275: Start The Week Off Right

Day 275: Start The Week Off Right

Monday is my business day at work and I look forward to it each week. I spend some time yesterday working on brand development … View Post
Day 274: Tis’ The Season

Day 274: Tis’ The Season

I woke up pretty emo and it was not a great start to the day. Idk exactly whether it was being cold, not having … View Post
Day 273: Marmite for Life

Day 273: Marmite for Life

I have been searching for Marmite for weeks, months! We used to be able to get it at Loblaws or Sobey’s but I … View Post
Day 271: Do One Thing

Day 271: Do One Thing

Tonight I got wild and used my straightener for the first time in months. My hair is getting so long! I did a tiny … View Post
Day 270: Spice Up Your Zoom w/ Snap Camera

Day 270: Spice Up Your Zoom w/ Snap Camera

This year we have all spent more time on Zoom or Google Meet than ever. If you’re feeling Zoom-fatigue, you are not alone. … View Post
Day 269: Instagram Verified!

Day 269: Instagram Verified!

Well, ladies and gentlemen, today is a special day because I now have the coveted blue checkmark of IG of verification! I’d like … View Post
Day 268: A Monday MOOD.

Day 268: A Monday MOOD.

Feeling good today! I love Monday, it’s a day full of opportunity, a fresh start to the week. Yesterday’s outing left me … View Post
Day 267: Take a Long Walk in The Sun

Day 267: Take a Long Walk in The Sun

After a day of rest, I was ready to go out into the world. I woke up early, got dressed, and ventured out for … View Post
Day 266: Do Nothing.

Day 266: Do Nothing.

Today was a much needed day to just be with my thoughts, my bed, my snacks, and holiday movies. I took a much-needed ‘do … View Post
Day 272: Bloom Like Flowers

Day 272: Bloom Like Flowers

New boots from L’Intervalle in Montreal arrived and I love them. Popped over to safely visit Michelle before she moved out of her … View Post
Day 264: Instagram Ads Got Me

Day 264: Instagram Ads Got Me

I might have a problem, it’s Instagram ads, they get me all the time! I saw these tracksuits on Instagram and they looked … View Post
Day 263: Hibernating and Creating

Day 263: Hibernating and Creating

I blocked off some time in my calendar this morning to dedicate to Christmas present making. I am so happy with how my scrunchies … View Post