
crazy awesome

Posts by this author:

Day 262: Hello December! It’s a Winter Wonderland

Day 262: Hello December! It’s a Winter Wonderland

Woke up to a winter wonderland! I reckon we got almost 10cm last night. Had a productive workday then Sean and I went to … View Post
Day 261: Monday Funday

Day 261: Monday Funday

I woke up this morning excited for work. I have talked about my love for Monday before. Monday is a day full of opportunity, … View Post
260: Use What You Got pt. 2

260: Use What You Got pt. 2

I spent hours this weekend sewing at the kitchen table making big floofy scrunchies. Each one is 100% unique and handmade with recycled fabric from … View Post
Day 258: LIGHT IT UP! Luminaire Authentik

Day 258: LIGHT IT UP! Luminaire Authentik

Today I had virtual lighting consultation with Luminaire Authentik. The meeting was set up by my friend & PR maven Kate Mackinson, to create a … View Post
Day 255: The Magic of The Universe

Day 255: The Magic of The Universe

Well hello there! Spent the whole day inside, did not run today. Curled my hair with vintage hot rollers and I looked like a … View Post
Day 254: Get Up, Dress Up, Show Up

Day 254: Get Up, Dress Up, Show Up

My marketing professor in college used to say this to us. Each day we had her class, she expected us all to dress like … View Post
Day 253: Find Me In The Woods or Jungle

Day 253: Find Me In The Woods or Jungle

I’m glad I spent some time outside on Friday because we got snow today! Yesterday I spent almost the entire day in my … View Post
Day 251: Synchronicity. Greenlight.

Day 251: Synchronicity. Greenlight.

Sean went to the city after sunrise for a meeting. I spent the morning working until lunchtime. It was so lovely outside I decided … View Post
Day 250: Turtleneck Season

Day 250: Turtleneck Season

As much as I really don’t enjoy being cold, I love wearing wool, scarves, tights, and turtlenecks in winter. I recently ordered a … View Post
Day 249: Behind The Gram!

Day 249: Behind The Gram!

This week I had a shoot in the city and it was so fun! I was at the Influence Agency studio where we shot … View Post
Day 248: Focus on Gratitude

Day 248: Focus on Gratitude

The little things like catching the sun in your face. A beautiful tree. Smiling at someone as you drive by. A fresh cup of … View Post
Day 247: The Great Windstorm of 2020

Day 247: The Great Windstorm of 2020

Well, the last 24 hours have been something else! It’s not often that we have a power outage at the cottage but yesterday, there … View Post
Day 244: Friday the 13th, The Sequel 2020

Day 244: Friday the 13th, The Sequel 2020

The last Friday the 13th was in March this year, it was the last time I was out in the world pre-pandemic. Woke up … View Post
Day 241: Pandemic Anxiety

Day 241: Pandemic Anxiety

I wasn’t feeling great today. Kept waking up in the night thinking someone was walking through the cottage. Woke up with serious anxiety, … View Post
Day 240: A Second Spring!

Day 240: A Second Spring!

We have had the absolute best weather for the last couple of days! It’s been around 20 degrees during the day since Saturday. I’… View Post
Day 239: Good Day, Sunshine!

Day 239: Good Day, Sunshine!

Spent the entire afternoon sitting in the sun and it was so lovely! Read my book, did a little workout, perfection. Hard to believe … View Post
Day 238: November Hippie Market

Day 238: November Hippie Market

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Day 237: Leopard Loving Lady

Day 237: Leopard Loving Lady

Sean and I drove back to the city in the AM so we could pick up Emily after school. I took a long walk … View Post
Day 236: Let Your Hair Grow Wild, Girl

Day 236: Let Your Hair Grow Wild, Girl

As much as 2020 has sucked in a lot of ways, I think I’ve made the most out of it! For years I dreamed … View Post
Day 235: Living in the Woods, Propagating Plants

Day 235: Living in the Woods, Propagating Plants

IT WAS SO BEAUTIFUL OUT TODAY! I spent most of last night preparing a presentation for a meeting and once we showed the client … View Post
Day 234: Election Make a Selection

Day 234: Election Make a Selection

Today is the USA election. Everyone is on high stress! I’m sure we won’t see the results tonight. I hope Joe Biden … View Post
Day 233:  Saving Daylight

Day 233: Saving Daylight

Most people usually dread the Monday after Daylight Saving Time. Not me though, I love waking up early and today marks one year since … View Post
Day 232: It’s November!

Day 232: It’s November!

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Day 231: A Full Moon & Halloween, on a Saturday! During a Pandemic!

Day 231: A Full Moon & Halloween, on a Saturday! During a Pandemic!

We’re up in the woods and don’t have any plans this year. We have to pick up a few things in town … View Post
Day 227: Witches In The Woods

Day 227: Witches In The Woods

It snowed today for the first time this season. I’m not ready for it but I also feel so romantic about it. I … View Post
Day 226: Gloomy Monday

Day 226: Gloomy Monday

The sky is grey and it’s raining, again. We’ve hardly had any sun over the last week, today is a gloomy Monday … View Post
Day 223: Summer in October

Day 223: Summer in October

It was absolutely gorgeous today! The sun was shining and it was over 20 degrees. I spent most of the day working but got out … View Post