
crazy awesome

Posts by this author:

Day 110: Full Moon Energy

Day 110: Full Moon Energy

Went to a garage sale in the morning and found a few treasures! I got a new mirror for the bedroom, a great picnic … View Post
Day 109: You’ve Got A Friend in Me

Day 109: You’ve Got A Friend in Me

Today I had a great day. I went to visit Talia at their cottage about an hour away and Elise was there too! We … View Post
Day 108: Canada Day ??

Day 108: Canada Day ??

Woke up to find a copy of the Dockside Muskoka magazine left on the dock. I love that they’re delivered this way! Been … View Post
Day 107: Take a Break, Read a Book

Day 107: Take a Break, Read a Book

Today I did some work in the morning and then I read my book on the dock. I’ve been reading an advance copy … View Post
Day 106: The Hummingbird Bar

Day 106: The Hummingbird Bar

What a difference a day makes.  Your heart breaks, your body aches, you need rest.  It’s a test, a level you … View Post
Day 105: A Fear of Impending Doom

Day 105: A Fear of Impending Doom

I took a selfie and didn’t realize how dark the sky had gotten. Sean is inside Canadian Tire while I wait in the … View Post
Day 104: Saturday Drive

Day 104: Saturday Drive

Left early in the morning to come back to the cottage. There was a bit more traffic than we’ve seen the last couple … View Post
Day 103: Mum’s Retirement!

Day 103: Mum’s Retirement!

MUM IS RETIRING TODAY! I am so excited to see her after months. She’s worked hard her whole life and today we celebrate … View Post
Day 102: What Would You Do If you Were Free?

Day 102: What Would You Do If you Were Free?

I worked in the morning and then went out for a bike ride to meet Miche & Jackie in the park. Wore one of … View Post
Day 101: Creativity & Content

Day 101: Creativity & Content

Today I spoke about Creativity & Content at the FreshBooks #IMakeaLiving 5-Minute Mentors conference. I was the first speaker to kick off the morning … View Post
Day 99: Covid But Make It Fashion

Day 99: Covid But Make It Fashion

Today I spent the morning working at home. We had a test run of the speaker software for the FreshBooks conference on Wednesday. I … View Post
#IMakeALiving MicroConference w/ FreshBooks: June 24th, 11am!

#IMakeALiving MicroConference w/ FreshBooks: June 24th, 11am!

Hi, I am doing a short talk at an online conference on Wednesday, at 11 am. I’m the opener and will be chatting creativity, … View Post
Day 97: City, Here We Come!

Day 97: City, Here We Come!

Today we’re heading back to the city, Sean is dropping me off for the week and picking up Emily. I’m speaking at … View Post
Day 96: Today is Juneteenth

Day 96: Today is Juneteenth

Today is Juneteenth. Not sure what that is? Look it up! Educate yourself! Freedom Day, Juneteenth is the celebration to commemorate the end of … View Post
Day 95: Where I Need to Be

Day 95: Where I Need to Be

To be honest, today was not great. I spent most of the day in a bad mood, filled with anxiety, feeling stressed, snapping at … View Post
Day 94: Smashing Records in Style

Day 94: Smashing Records in Style

Today I smashed my own 5K record and completed my 55KM challenge for the month. I am so grateful for these challenges hosted by … View Post
Day 93: We’ll All Float On Ok

Day 93: We’ll All Float On Ok

Today was pretty quiet. I spend the morning working, as I usually do then set out on my paddleboard for nearly two hours. I … View Post
Day 92: Find The Magical Moments

Day 92: Find The Magical Moments

This afternoon, while Sean was wakeboarding our neighbour (who has a plane), landed on the lake. It was so magical so see them plane … View Post
Day 91: Sunday Funday!

Day 91: Sunday Funday!

I have really come to love driving the boat to take sean wakeboarding. I was scared of it for years but after taking the … View Post
Day 90: Catch a New Vibe

Day 90: Catch a New Vibe

Beautiful day today! Sean took Emily back to the city yesterday and I spent the night alone. I had a few drinks, talked loudly … View Post
Day 89: The Day My Website Crashed

Day 89: The Day My Website Crashed

Today I woke up feeling great, we have internet, I ran 5K, all is a-ok! However, I sat down to update my website and … View Post
Day 88: The Day We Had No Internet

Day 88: The Day We Had No Internet

I was so tired today from staying up most of the night. I couldn’t sleep with the crazy storm and we had a … View Post
Day 87: Wild Wind, Mega Storm

Day 87: Wild Wind, Mega Storm

This afternoon we all hung out on the dock in the sun. Finally got Emily outside to have some fun! She’s been spending … View Post
Day 86: Dressing Up for Town

Day 86: Dressing Up for Town

Today I took a trip to town and picked up my online order from Walmart. A couple of weeks ago I ordered some solar-powered … View Post
Day 85:  Let’s Go Back To The Cottage

Day 85: Let’s Go Back To The Cottage

Today we are heading back to the cottage. I was up early with Sean to re-shoot the project I’m working on. It went … View Post
Day 84: Sunshine, Bike Ride, Fresh Air Therapy

Day 84: Sunshine, Bike Ride, Fresh Air Therapy

I tried really hard to do something today. I put my expectations high, I thought I could do it all by myself. I didn’… View Post
Day 83: New Ways, New Mask, New Look

Day 83: New Ways, New Mask, New Look

Biked around early in the morning and met April for a social distance hang with coffee in her backyard around 8 am. We talked about … View Post