hope. aspirations. dreams. goals. canada.

Keri, my friend & hot blog babe a.k.a The Canadian Explorer is leaving for the Olympics today.  A couple months ago Keri said “man, I gotta get to the Olympics, what kind of Canadian Explorer am I if I don’t get there?”.  She was focused and determined to get there and to get some sponsors behind her while she’s at it.  I told her she could do it and I had not one ounce of doubt she would. She’s reporting from Whistler as an official correspondent for Canoe.ca & Sun Media and she’s totally decked out in Canada Goose gear. Proof you can do it if you put your mind into it.  Go Keri & Go Canada!! I’m not that excited about watching sports, I’m more excited to watch the commentary online, Twitpics from the games and to read Keri’s daily reports. I’m way more into the Internet than sports.

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master disaster: help haiti. hearts on fire.

This morning I took a different approach to getting things done.  No stressing.  I’ve already checked a few things off my life list. I FINALLY mailed back my penpal @Hillzy. She wrote the first letter last year and it took me a new decade to get my act together. She’s gonna be happy. I packed a giftbag including a creative letter and some goodies.  I also mailed a package to my new BFF at Telus who’s sending me a new phone next week! Brought headphones today so I can hocus-focus and get lots checked off my list. There’s lots happening in my little world of rainbows & unicorns  but there’s real serious stuff happening in Haiti. I’ve seen heaps of Twitpics of disaster. I saw one this morning that was a childs head crushed between concrete and a fallen building. It was disgusting and sad. I don’t like seeing stuff like that but it’s amazing how social media has changed the way we receive information during crisis. This photo is insane, look at ALL the houses brought to the ground. These people really need our help. You can give $5 through SMS to the Salvation Army by texting Haiti at 45678 (Rogers, Bell, Telus). Money will go directly to the Salvation Army. Notable TV has set up a TO group for Wycelf’s YELE HAITI charity. We’ve got a special MOD today on MuchMusic at 5pm. If you or someone you know has a connection to Haiti and might wanna be on webcam or come down for the show email me at work [email protected]. Thanks & have a great day.

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the hemingway: beer. booze. babes. butts.

A couple years ago, 2007, I was in a job I began to hate so one day, I flat out quit. I started doing freelance PR. It was good glam for a while but then I was poor ass. So… I went to work at Hemingways, Toronto’s very own Little New Zealand in Yorkville. It was really fun. I hadn’t worked in a resto in a few years. It was a bit tough at first to adjust to the lifestyle but it really didn’t take long. I made friends with a heap of awesome people, mostly hot girls. I worked there for the best busiest time of year too; end of summer before Flm Fest – Christmas. I was proud of myself for not getting sad about not making enough money doing freelance work, instead I pulled up my socks, hiked up my miniskirt and started serving. No matter what job I was doing, I never lost sight of what I truly love…being social. Instead of complaining about  the waitress life I took more shifts and worked as much as I could. It was a good strategy and worked well to bond with other employees. I got a call in December from an old colleague, in recruiting who had an opportunity he thought I’d be great for. Turns out, I was great for it! I left Hems for that job and stayed there until recently leaving to work for the MuchMTV Group. It’s amazing to think of all the changes I’ve gone through. Been going through lots of photos lately, there’s only about 10,000 from the past five or so years. Wendy was one of my fav’s. She was a little crazy one just like me. We partied alot together. It was more than fun.  She moved away to Japan…

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you really gotta work hard for what you want

“That’s a strange combination” was the response I got from Darius this morning on Twitter after I posted “tired.inspired.”  That’s how I feel. I told him I’d explain in a blog post and I’m quite happy to. I’m tired. I’m exhausted but I can’t seem to slow down, take a break, rest, sleep, or simply ‘do nothing’ because I am inspired. I’m excited. I want to work more and harder and pick up speed. The hardest part has now become focusing my time making the most out of each moment. It’s either working towards goals or doing things that inspire me to set new ones. It’s how entrepreneurs & inventors feel, driven.  When you bust your ass  working hard and you wanna sleep but you stay up all night to put in a few more hours because you love it. That’s how I feel. I love it. Today I am listening to Selah Sue and I did my hair like this girl with dark purple nail polish, red bandana. I checked Twitter just before posting this and Darius had just posted one of my favorite quotes… Words to live by. Have a nice humpitty hump day… * Did you see Marilyn Monroe smoking pot? It’s Britney’s birthday too, Happy Birthday once former idol. I hope this year is less train-wercky than the past few ♥ xo Casie

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this is for the stylsh ones with a passion for fashion

So, this is quite exciting and big…the FIRST EVER American Apparel rummage sale in Toronto. Get ready to throw some elbows! Prices are up to 85% off! Absolutely everything is under $50 and prices start at $2. Honestly. Can you believe it? It’s free admission and located at 590 King St. West [King & Portland]. It’s on all weekend and for exact times check the Facebook event page. When you get back from the rummage sale with hands full of new gear, empty out your closet and throw your clothes up on shopmyclothes.com. They promote the recycling and reuse of clothes and accessories. I’m all for it. This Toronto based company was started by a friend of mine and told me that 85% of used clothes go unrecycled! That means style is going in the garbage! AH! NO! Most of my really awesome clothes are second hand and I love clothing swaps. I’ve got a stack of photos and stuff to upload to the site this weekend. You’ll start seeing ads around the city and on the subway soon but we know you saw it here first. I love this awesomely-cool-stylish-art-attack by blog friend Gloria writer of Urbanebloc.com. Keep up with other cool Toronto Blog Girls by visiting the site here.

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TGIF: Twitter, Google, Internet, Facebook

That’s my day in a nutshell, everyday. I read about TGIF in an article from Ad Age this week.  It’s lovely outside and my day is busy, busy, busy. Some Tweetness in my day: The Agenda & LA Times blog editor Tony Pierce recommended you follow me on Twitter. Blogging babe Lisa aka Urban Native Girl wrote for a magazine. Raymi’s in the Torontoist. New word: Framilies Thanks for comments BTW, don’t stop. It’s nice to get feedback. You come and look and read and laugh and when you comment it’s like giving back. Ok bye for now. #TGIF

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