Get yours as in GET YOUR VOTE IN. I want this contest to be over and I want to win already!! I know the last few days will be serious competition and I need to maintain my lead. PLEASE vote for me. Get your Mom, Dad counsins and pets to vote too. I would really appreciate it 🙂 We would all appreciate it!!!!!!!!

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i’ve always wanted to be a virgin girl

I figure it would be crazy of me to NOT enter to be the Virgin America Toronto Provocateur. Who knows? I might win. It includes free flights for a year and  some pretty sweet perks.  I have been in looooove with the Virgin brand for years, following all the many things that Richard does. He is someone I really admire for his creativity and business acumen. If you love me, vote for me. It’s not a full time gig so I could still keep my job and just add on all the perks of being a Virgin girl. Awesome? Heck yes.

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NXNE Wristband Giveaway!!

I have TWO wristbands to give away courtesy of Dr. Martens & NEON on Queen Street. You want ’em? Tell me why YOU should have them and why YOU wanna PARTY with me? Creative content wins my love & wristbands. LEAVE A COMMENT!

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i cheated on you once and i’ll do it again

Ok, ok I know what you’re thinking and not, it’s not you, it’s me. I cheated on TORONTO by going to MONTREAL and having a really fun time. There’s a contest promoting you ‘cheat’ on your city and visit Montreal. I’ve been a bunch of times and it’s a fun place. I’d love you to vote for me so I can go back to Montreal for a weekend with a friend. Here’s my little video. If you vote for me I will feel lucky, thanks in advance! Pretty easy to vote ->  right here. xoxo

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If you want it, go out and get it, cryin’ out loud! MTV & MSN have an open CASTING CALL to make a new reality show about a group of friends. Um, helloooo. Damnit, if I didn’t already work here, I’d be alllll over this shit. I’d love to see a show about hot bloggers, think Sex & the City vs. The Hills vs. something really nerdy & cool. How fun would that be? I’m looking at Crystal, Keri, Carly, Raymi, Rayanne, Breanna, Lisa, Lauren?? Beuller? If you enter. Please let me know! My advise: show how cool you are, be stylish, be quirky/wacky, don’t be too boozy, no drugs.

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What Women Want – SATC2 Contest Winner is …

Thanks everyone for entering the contest.  I’d love to be able to send you all, better yet, attend with you all! Cheryl, I hope you have a wonderful time. Sent you an email with the details. As for me, I’m packed & ready to ship to the dirty South for a little party action. Miami, watch out for me tonight! YEOW!

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sex and the city contest!

I’m totally excited for SATC2, aren’t you? Aiden is BACK. I love him. I’ve got something special for you. Since I’m gonna be away this weekend, I’m missing the What Women Want SATC2 party and I’ve gotta give my passes to someone! I went last time and it was super fun. To win leave a comment and I’ll pick someone tomorrow to go and get ‘Carried Away’ at the party on May 27th, 2010 at 8:00 PM. I’ve got a ticket for you and friend which  includes: Cineplex Odeon Movie Ticket, complimentary “Carrie Cosmo”, a swagbag with SJP NYC Perfume, a full sized CARGO Cosmetics product and much more! For details or to purchase a ticket for the party visit What Women Want.

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do you like to makey things on the internet?

This is how I applied for my job: CTV posted a job and I thought, hell or high water goddd damn I’m gonna gonna get that jobby. So, if you wanna work on cool projects with a cool team, read more & apply here. You can say I told you about the job too it you want. Took this nice pic of my sister last night by the lake.

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tumblr, twitter, formspring day

This kinda reminds me of Dad. Posted it on Tumblr earlier today. My dad is so cool, he’s got tattoos and muscles.  He used to be jacked when I was young and he also had a huge beard. Been a while since I saw Daddio. DAD IF YOU READ THIS I MISS YOUR FACE OK! I just saw someone tweet about trampoline. Did you know my Dad was a Tramp Coach? Yeah, trampoline. I tweeted a bunch today and also formspringed. Did you know YOU CAN ASK ME ANYTHING? Go, amuse me please. I’ve answered 427 so far, and counting. My sista, Jenie is coming ova tonight too. Hellz yeah. Wonderful day. Well, except the fact that today I’m the stinky kid so I have to keep my arms down and sweater on. Fahk, happens to us all once in a while. I’m off to Peach Berserk to reveal the WINNER in the dress design contest for school kids. They just rung me to say the place is full of girls waiting to know. Young ladies,  here I come with hopes to inspire you! Ok. bye. Gotta run, can’t make all these kiddios wait!

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feelin’ just peachy baby

Last night was the final judging for Peach Berserk‘s dress design contest and boy was it fun! Wine and cheezies on the counter with dozens of designs drawn by students across North America. These pix look really clear on my camera but for some reason when I upload them using WP Mobile they look kinda fuzzy. Please disregard! These are the other two judges from HOAX Couture. We all agreed on the winner and pretty much picked the same top 5 without even knowing. I loved going through them and seeing all the patterns and designs these kids came up with. If yo0u’ve never been to the shop you should pop by, it’s a burst of colour and art. Check out these tools hammers + blowdryers. Cute. This is where the magic happens. Kingi designed this little dress back in 1994.  Love it.

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i got you flowers

Love that it’s thunder-stormy today. I hope it rains all day to be honest. Woke up with a nasty kink in my neck and i’ve been having trouble turning left all day. Anyhow,  I got you some flowers because it’s kinda gloomy and I want you to feel happy too. My nail polish is chipped but its matchy. These guys are special. Aren’t they beautiful, don’t you love them? One of the reason I love the rain so much is my collection of Wellies & Moovboots paired with bright rain jackets. It really does make a difference. Different Mum’s growing up taught me ‘looking good is feeling good’. Check out this battle wound from LG Fashion Week, and you thought YOUR day was bad. This think KILLS.  It looks really nasty cause it’s still got the fake tattoo on it. Hurts too much to rub off.  It does match my name shirt though! [positive though] Ok, have a beautiful day. Love you. Just entered this LG contest for  a trip for two to LA to go on a $5,000 shopping spree with Jason Derulo Hey big spenda! I could blog /blog through that in  NO TIME. You can enter too but honestly, I hope I win 😛 There’s only a few days left to enter – until April 11th. Click on my little faces to go for the gold!

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#moovboot: and the winner is…

Thank you for the comments, I didn’t expect to get SO MANY!  I’m happy to announce the winner of the #Moovboot contest is… I wish I could give you all a pair to keep your little feet warm and dry. I met Bre through Twitter and IRL at the Movember party. We’ve become friends now so she probably doesn’t think she’ll be the winner BUT SHE IS! Not only did she comment & tweet with the hashtag, but she posted a twitpic and started a conversation with me about them more than once. She’s probably gonna freak when she reads this. Congrats Bre, I’ll chat you about delivery etc. The other winner is CANADA! We fucking killed it last night. I’m so proud to be Canadian. My sisters puppy Tikka is proud to. Went for pint of Molson Canadian with the fams. Don’t mind my double chin, it’s not really like that ok. Have a great day. Enjoy the gold glory. Kinda glad it’s all over and I never wanna hear ‘I Believe’ again, too bad it’s stuck in my head! ah.

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IRL date with the internet girl?

I’ve  got passes to the movies for Tuesday night and I’m going to take one of you lovelies as my + 1. Lemme know if you wanna come by leaving a comment. I’m open to boy or girl, I don’t discriminate. Girls encouraged actually. I’ll pick someone special to sit beside me. No funny business. BTW, did you know Roll Up the Rim starts today?

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have no fear she’s here, she’s here

Fearless? Who is? She is. Standing out in a crowd. That Ting Tings girl, she’s fearless too. National Fearless Day is Nov 19 and Virgin’s King Branson has a little video contest for Canada. Most fearless video wins $5000. I’m not entering. It’s for the fearless. The most fearless Canadian. You can if you’re fun and awesome. Yeah you scaredy cats.

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a stewart won the koodo party, but not me

click the pictures to see for yourself.

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all the things you love

Thank you everyone who entered the Harijuku Lovers contest. The contest closed on Friday and I apologize for being late at sharing the winner. I drew the winner while I a Zombie in spirit of Halloween. The winner is Bianca Swayne and she is from Toronto. Bianca, your present is on it’s WAY! Entries flew in from Alberta, Ontario, British Columbia, and even Sweedish blogger Ewa. Some of the things contestants love include: being in love eating sleeping hanging with friends hugs and kisses from family pets Christmas time winning contests sunshine traveling talking on the phone The funniest one was: “I love cats that pee in the toilet. Specifically my cat. But since she isn’t yet, any cat is good enough.”

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factory girl

I slept for 12 hours last night. I laid down, exhausted, at 8pm and was woken up after 1am. Sabrina thought I had been at the Notable TV party. My body and mind obviously needed rest. Today’s a day for wellies, a mini and no tights….it’s gonna be 17 degrees! Oh, I love! I’m kinda gonna miss walking through the factory each morning. It’s really pretty especially during fall when the leaves on the vines change colour. Sabrina and I really enjoy this red vine. Don’t mind the gay look on my face! I’m much better when I smile… There’s a lot of history and old fixtures that I enjoy; the rail tracks, old boiler room, old fire hydrants. The new office will have it’s own things to love, this I do not doubt. The closing date for the Harajuku Lovers contest is FRIDAY! I originally messed up the date but have been informed by the sponsors that it is TOMORROW. I’ll be making the draw for the winner after 5pm. Tomorrow night the October edition of GenYTO at Spice Safar on King West. Come celebrate with me. Come meet and greet with a bunch of TO’s smart, young, cool people. It is a night not to be missed!! What’s up with the new Olympic Torch design? I don’t like it. I prefer a REAL torch.

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i got a new job

I just said bye-bye to my old job. I quit. I’m moving on… I’ve taken a position with Much & MTV on the Digital Marketing team. I knew when I read the description,  this job that was for ME. I remained positive the whole time and knew in my mind and my heart that this is what I truly want to do. I’ve worked really hard over the last year and it wasn’t luck that did it, it was preparation meeting opportunity.I used to work in web development Toronto and now I’m moving into new ground. I could not be happier than I am right now. I am proud to say, I have left a job and now begin a career. Thank you for your love and support. Let the wild rumpus START!! RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!

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tell ME something for once and i’ll give you a prize

I love this photo. Jenie  and I ran into Johanna and Cassie on our way home from Nuit Blanche on Saturday night.  She just sent me a bunch of photos. Thank you. Ok, so I always tell you things I like, things I love…when the sun shines bright through the clouds,  pretty things, dressing up and riding my bike blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. It’s your turn to get something free in the mail now. I’ve teamed up with Matchstick to give you a Harijuku Lovers gift set valued at $250.00. I want you to tell me something you love. To enter, send an email to [email protected] with a photo, video or message about something you love. Please also include your full name, age and province.  Unfortunately this contest is only open to Canadian residents (excluding Quebec) that are over the age of 18. Really creative or hilarious entries may be posted and the odds of winning really depends on entries. I’ll pick a winner by random draw in a 12seconds video and send your info over to Matchstick who will take it from there to deliver the package right to your door. Contest closes Oct. 23 at 5pm. For official rules and entry crap that nobody wants to read click here.

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cash money cash money cash money = $50,000

There’s about a week left in the Koodo Moile Build  Bash a contest. Prize is $50,000 to throw your own party. I entered all you have to do is join with Facebook Connect. I don’t ask for much . We are friends, friends don’t let other friends miss out on $50,000. Go do it now.Right HERE! Tell your friends. Omg, imagine the freedom… we can thank each other at the party! Ya!

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Mary Mason from Waterloo, Ontario!! This year we are all bombarded by pressure to give and spend money, all the while facing difficult times in the economy & job market. Take a moment to read Mary’s touching holiday memory, it brought tears to my eyes. Remember, just because you don’t have money or a big family around, there is always opportunity to share, give and spread joy to others. Mary is the proud winner of Organza gift set thanks to Givenchy. Organza highlights the femininity of every woman- that of the mother and the lover. Organza awakens the goddess within and is the perfect fragrance for an exceptional and timeless woman as it combines elegance, richness and purity. Congratulations Mary! Thank you to everyone who sent in holiday memories. Stay tuned for more contest giveaway’s in 2009! Mary’s Touching Story Most Meaning Full Christmas: As we head into the holiday season and we worry about economical uncertainty I would like to share my most meaning full Christmas that my children still talk about today and one that changed our lifes for ever. I was recently divorced from a 23 year marriage, had just entered back into the work force after being an “at home mom” and money was very tight. With no extended family to celebrate Christmas with I was feeling alone. I had in the past always got through sad times by reaching out and helping others. So I talked an idea over with my children. We would open our home to anyone we knew who would be alone for Christmas evening dinner. Instead of buying gifts we would use the money to prepare our Christmas celebration. We would prepare everything for supper in the morning and in the afternoon we would volunteer to help serve Christmas dinner to…

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Holiday time means….STUFF FOR YOU!

In December I am going to be giving away this lovely Givenchy Organza gift set from my friends at Givenchy. I’m in the process of setting up a contest and using my creativity to sort out the details. I’d love to know if you have any ideas! In Givenchyʼs 2008 Holiday Collection, the Organza set comes with a 50mL spray, 75mL silky body veil and a 75mL shower gel. The gift set is available exclusively at The Bay and the suggested retail price is $ 80. What a great gift!

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