And now you won’t stop calling me; I’m kinda busy.

I had a really fun weekend. Partied with Raymi,  Carly & Meredith on Friday for Raymi’s bday @ The Central. Was fun to hang with the blog babes and boys. We always pose like this together, haha. Classic. I feel like going over what I did the last couple days would be too repetitive, I was tweeting, uploading twitpics & updating tumblr all weekend. I really need to set up mobile posting now that summer’s on it’s way. Have a nasty bruise from falling at LGFW during a photoshoot. I put this little tattoo on it, gonna do that when I  get bruises now. It looks waaaay better than the nasty purple/blue/black, trust me. Hung out a friends roof  in the yesterday and went for dinner. Also sat down by the water this weekend, it’s really lovely. I’m so excited for the warm weather. Oh yeah, this launches today FORA!

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changing the face & < body > language of advertising

Today I went to FW and I was a media, a real media. Being there challenged/changed any old thoughts I had of how Fashion Week goes down. The internet makes everything instant. I imagine the days when clothes are shown IN season and made to order online from the runway via mobile and delivered shortly after … ah, a girl can dream can’t she? I was in the media room often doing work (otherwise known as FB & Tweets) for MuchMTV. I was surrounded by bloggers and traditional media, however, quite impressed by bloggers. Filling up seats and sitting amongst Elle, Flare and the league of fashion then going straight back to little laptops updating blogs with photos hot off the runway.  Think of all the people it takes to produce something the ‘old way’ (photo, write, produce, edit, post) then a blogger comes along and is this all-in-one media publishing station. It’s truly amazing. Saw this video today via Marketing Mag basically, there’s NO FUTURE if you’re not going digital. I mean, that’s only true if you wanna advertise anything to anyone, ever. Duh, get up on it; power to the people! Did you know that half of FB’s 400 million users check in EVERYDAY? Take that to the bank. That’s like heaps. The Last Advertising Agency On Earth from FITC I’m a huge Saatchi fan for years but mostly since that book I told you about a couple times, remember? I used to dream about working there. Looks like CGI is doing a good job of listening/paying attention…my Tweet showed up on their homepage today retweeting a photo re: Barbie’s show on Wednesday at LGFW. Matel is one of their clients 😉 Most excited for that show to be honest, fingers crossed for gift bags! Yeaw! :: people…

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ahoy matey, this ship’s a sailin’

I was really excited to get it and now that’s it’s done, I’m so happy. I was super picky and we put the stencil on three times before I was ready to go. I knew exactly what I wanted and when you know, you just know and since you’re gonna have it forever, you better get it right. It was done by Stephen Shaw aka @illustratelife and yes, it hurt. I was nervous and excited, my favorite feeling ever. The part near your elbow is so sensitive, so is getting inked on any part that covers a bone.  My last couple were done by Robb Coutts at Bobby Five, he’s amazing but getting in there is near impossible these days. People always ask “is there like, some meaning behind it?” DUH! Of course, like I’d do something just for no reason. All my tattoos are some type of reminder about something special in my life, as well as pretty decorations. I don’t feel like pouring my heart out about why I got each one but feel free to ask me IRL, I’ll tell you. I can’t imagine just walking into a shop, unplanned and getting some random thing off the wall, I gotta think my stuff out. What am I gonna do next? Hmm… just kidding MUM! haha. Ok, bye for now!

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i’ll be your sunshine when skies are grey

Popped over to see Darren this morning and got a little grey-ness put into my hair. It’s on the runways this season and I really wanted to have it done before fashion week. Tonight is Twestival and I’m super excited to be surrounded by everyone tonight. Tickets are almost SOLD OUT. If you want one get it here. There’s over 400 people already attending. I’m giving away two tickets on @mtvcanada‘s Twitter today, we’ve had SO MANY RT’s! It’s awesome. Before I hit up the big part I’m stopping by Notable TV‘s launch of the brand new Samsung 3D TV with Sabrina. Booya. Stoked to see this in baby action. Ok, that’s all for now! Have an awesome day! Check this Twestival video:

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casie in the city

To Whom it may Concern, Casie is to stay home tonight and get to bed early. She is very tired and needs to have lots of energy for tomorrow night’s festival of Twestival. This is the BIGGEST Twitter party ever. There is no room for tiredness! –  Dr. E. Cohen Check this out! My friend  Jennifer Herd has an art show coming up later this year and she drew a couple City Girls and little ol’ me is one of them. Arms over head, smiling, having fun,looks about right!

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i did it all for excitement and fun

I was sitting waaay up high with the press peeps and not paying attention to the game. First goal happened, not for the Leafs. I was not surprised.  It also doesn’t matter to me, I pick the Leafs as my team cause Toronto’s my city and I hardly ever watch hockey outside the Olympics anyways.  I l0ve the Kiss Cam (when camera goes on you, kiss person beside you) and Luke’s Troops (camera goes on Troops & tells story) the most. I also love the hockey hair and guys/girls in jerseys, Canadian celebs and people in suits.  Saw Walter Gretzky, Eugene Levy and a couple Mountie’s too. It’s a sight to be scene,  it’s awesome. Sports games are a social experience for me, out of my comfort zone, but yet I’m so easily comfortable.  People watching never goes outta style. I could hear the announcers voice behind me as I sat there listening to his voice on the loud speaker. It was amusing, I liked it. Changed this post (originally posted Tuesday night at about 8pm) to present tense when I got home. I’ve got a busy Wednesday ahead of me. Another event tonight. Excited for Twestival tomorrow & the 3d TV Samsung launch. Next week is Fashion Week. OMG. Seriously, March MADNESS. I need to sleep all weekend if I’m going to make it. Tweeted some non-hockey banter and  Twitpix last night. Elsa can’t work next week. I need to fill her Intern position.

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the most beautiful girl in the room

Yesterday’s magazine party  at MTV was great. Both my bosses were happy (phew!) and I got positive comments from so many people. via Twitter  & email.  Helps to get positive feedback cause, lemme tell you, I was so nervous and excited about the whole thing. It was really wonderful to see all these awesome people/bloggers in a room together. The dresses from Peach Berserk were a hit. I’ll get to posting more about it tonight but at the moment very busy! In the mean time you can check out these great post about it! Mushy Pony: A Shot of Cutrone Lava: My Sneak Peek of MTV’s FORA Chris Brooker: MTV Fora Magazine Launch – Part 1: The After Show

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i always wanted to work in fashion until i did

I love this photo. I’m not sure the artist but I wish it was me. I’m polishing off the guestlist fro our FORA sneak peek tomorrow. I’m stoked. Kelly tweeted back to me @mtvcanada saying she’s might wear all pink instead of black. She always wears black.  Exciting. I dreamed of fashion, magazines,  and my job last night. It was great.  Woke up early, put on The City and made a plan to go buy Kelly’s book “If You Have to Cry, Go Outside: And Other Things Your Mother Never Told You”. I remember I had a ‘hard ass’ boss once. It was my first job out of university,  I had always wanted to work in Toronto fashion. My boss, she was fierce. Everyone knew not to piss her off. She was strict and opinionated. I leaned a lot from her. Mostly I learned the hard way, by doing things wrong and having her yell at me. That was often preceded by me wiping tears in the bathroom and going back to my desk. It was that job that motivated me to work hard to get out of it. Now that I don’t work for her anymore, I’ve grown to love her.  I thought that working in fashion would make me so happy but really, you can always be fashionable  you should do a job you love. Ok work time. Gonna start the book after I get it tonight, looking forward to sharing it. Longer days today too, yahooo! Watch this vid, it’s lovely. I wanna wear all the dresses in the store. Peach Berserk Photo Shoot (Spring 2010) from Kirk Best on Vimeo.

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blog girl gang hang

Invited the girls I’m mentoring from Humber PR over last night for blog chats with me & Breanna. They’re all on Twitter and you can find them here. We had secret blog chats and shared secrets, like a little blog society. After almost 2 weeks, she could drink b& eat junk food again. YAY!

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stop complaining about the raining

You will not hear me complaining about this weather, I love it. Pull out a raincoat, throw on some Moovboots or Wellies and walk right through mud puddles.    I’ve heard people whining about it on Twitter and I don’t get it. I could find a zillion things to do instead of that. Make a fort. Art project. Movie night.  The rain, it’s so refreshing. Wet hair is kinda hot and mascara running down the face is super hot. Hope your day’s been good. Gramma came out last night. HAHA.

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