#TIFF14 Bang Bang Baby Premiere

 On Monday night I joined Sean for the premiere of Bang Bang Baby.  The feature debut film is directed by Canadian Jeffrey St. Jules. It’s a surreal, fever-dream fusion of small-town musical and 1950s sci-fi. The event was at Spice Route on King West. Thanks EXPRESS for this shirt + pants I paired w/ my fav Rudsak leather jacket and clutch from Banana Republic. Sean (Visual Effects producer) posing w/ Bang Bang Baby producer Don Allen. Fun night but going on on a Monday sure takes it’s toll! Here’s to a couple more days of TIFF then R&R at the cottage. In other news, how much do you love these? Blue suede boots from Shelly’s London X NastyGal. I got dinged on customs, $60 but I caved and picked them up from the postie anyways. LOVE. <3 CASIE  

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Global News at Noon: Money tips for Millennials

I was recently included in a press release with TD for a study they did about millennials and money. They found that kids like us are better off if we see a financial advisor. When they called me about the study I said I agree 100%. About 5 years ago I set out a payment plan with a financial advisor to pay back my $30K. My goal was to be debt free by the time I turned 30 and I DID IT. I blogged about it recently here. Philistine Toronto shirt, Tiffany & Co silver pearls, Joe Fresh boyfriend jeans, NastyGal shoes It’s almost hard to believe this actually happened because there was a long stretch there where I wondered how I was ever gonna pay back my school and credit cards (from school). I honestly and sincerely encourage you to talk to a financial advisor because there’s nothing like having control over your debt instead of it controlling you. From millennial home buyers to millennials in the workplace, there are many stereotypes that the previous generation have on people in this age group, which isn’t always true. Although times are hard for this generation, it won’t get an better unless you decide to take charge! Here’s me on Global news at noon today with Faisal Yousuf from TD Bank. Millennials and money the two don’t always mix so well. The generation is often accused of mismanaging funds and wasteful spending. So we’ve brought in TD Canada’s Faisal Yousef, and blogger Casie Stewart to offer some solutions to gen y’s money woes.

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Stop to Smell the Roses, Treat Yourself

I started this weekend off right with a trip to Hammam Spa early Saturday morning. I spent about 30 min in the steam room before my St. Tropez treatment. It’s a sunless tan type application and to be honest, I think it wore off already and I won’t do it again. The experience itself was great and I booked with Cynthia who is awesome. Smashed up some bananas in the blender to throw into this mix when it came out of the juicer. It was a great way to start Sunday morning. I made Sean and I nice breakfast and we watched Romancing the Stone, an old romance-find-the-treasure movie from the 80’s. These shoes arrived Friday from the NastyGal Shoe Cult. I made a mistake in the postal code when I purchased them and I totally thought they were on their way back to NG HQ. Had lunch at Free Times Cafe for Ariel & Chris’ engagement party. It was fun and the food was amazing. I really like Yiddish music. I wish I understood! The piano player was from the National Ballet of Canada too. Stopped by the Parkdale Flea Market on the way home. It was such a nice day out I just wanted to do things outside! I picked up a shirt for Sean with an illustrated bear that is running. It’s super cute. Made a delicious juice this morning with spinach, kale, grapefruit, apple, pear, and a dash of cinnamon. It’s so freaking good! If you missed our latest Cooking with Cuisinart episode with the juicer, watch it here. I feel good if I keep posting the juices I make because it serves as a good reminder for me to keep making them. I’d determined to drop a few LBs this month! When I arrived at the office…

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Inspiration via Jasmine: Do What You F****** Love

Here I am once again starting the day near the END OF MARCH in my winter jacket. It was a good buy from NastyGal BUT Urgh! PUT ON A HAPPY FACE! Loving these little J Shoes, I have red ones too but they haven’t come out to play yet. It’s too cold. They want a nice day. I’m not one to swear much (Mum hates reading bad words on the blog), but I absolutely love these type images from Jasmine Dowling. She’s a 21 year old graphic designer from Australia. I discovered her via Instagram and I’d like to get a print for our house. They are so positive and happy. The ‘do what you f****** love’ one is special to me because 9 years ago (in April) I started this blog because I love to write, share, take photos, and I wanted to keep a diary. I never knew where it would take me or really thought about it at the time. Since 2005, I’ve done things I only ever imagined! Let this post be a reminder to DO WHAT YOU LOVE. You’ll find a way to make money doing it if you believe in yourself and work hard. Check out Jasmine’s work + store at jasminedowling.com and see some of my favs below. In other news… RYAN GOSLING ARRIVED FOR ME TODAY! I need to find somewhere spcial to wear this baby out. Maybe I’ll wear it everyday? Wouldn’t you want Ryan Gosling all over you? Hopefully Sean doesn’t steal it because it really is that awesome. 🙂 Enjoy the day! <3 CASIE

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Blondes Have More Fun

Omg double trouble! This weekend was pretty chill. I’m not going to talk about the Oscars or that selfie because everyone no the internet is talking about it and if you were online when it happened, you’re probably SO OVER IT. Especially the photoshopping of Rob Ford or Kevin Spacey.

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I’m Not Crying, It’s Just SNOWING ON MY FACE!

Gah. Today is like the maddest winter blizzardy day we’ve had YET! It’s snowing like cats and dogs everywhere. I tried to make it look pretty with my little pink coat from NastyGal and GoPro but I feel there is almost nothing a girl can do in weather like this. Look at my hair when I got to work…. urgh! WTF is this? Well, that’s all for now. Stay safe out there yo! <3 CASIE   Amoxil no prescription Clomid no prescription Flomax no prescription Fluoxetine no prescription

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