weather outside is frightful but you are so delightful

Took me a day to relax and get in vacation mode… First morning I woke up early, grabbed a Starbucks and went down to the beach with Andy. This is the vacation 2010 party song I was talking about. If you have gone on vacation since August or are going on vacation near Caribean, you will hear this. [iframe id=”″] It was magical. When I hear it I feel WARM. You will too. Love the beautiful flowers when you visit an island. Puerto Rico is really nice. I like visiting the grocery store when I travel. Best when it’s in another language, there’s always stuff I’ve never seen before. I was quite suprised how ‘American’ Puerto Rico is. I feel like staying on vacation so I am going to. Cranked the heat in our place and it is super sunny, the lake is all sparkley. It’s a slice of heaven. Keeping that island state of mind. Did you see today’s contest? It’s DAY 8 and I’m sending you to the premiere screening of The Dilema w/ Vince Vaughn. It’s tonight, enter here 🙂

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GIFTING DAY 7: left handed with a nice @rightsleeve

Leaving Boston today and heading home to my fav city for the holidays. My appologies  to all the other cities I love, y’know Torannah has my heart! ♥ Today’s gift  is a sturdy and bright market tote from @rightsleeve. Rightsleeve is a Toronto based promotional design agency, check’em out on the interwebs. I posted one of these babies on last week on GIVING DAY 2 if you would like to see the exact specifications. The bag retails for $60 at stores and it the signature print from RIGHTSLEEVE, see here: To win today’s contest, you have to name one my tattoos. There are a few but I rarely show them off. If you want to find them you will have to look for them. If you link a photo you are even cooler. Leave a comment below by signing into Twitter, Facebook or DISQUS. Contest includes shipping and is open to anyone in Canada. Don’t worry, the christmas deco and black marker are not included. They were added on with Doodleberry on iPad Andy. Have a great day!

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GIFTING DAY 4: you hungry?

Oh hey there! I’m on a beach working on my tan. It’s beautiful. Didn’t wanna leave you hangin’ while I was away so here’s day 4/10 of my holiday gifting. Have a great weekend! Guess what, FOUR of you win today! My friend Calvin aka @c_dot_tdot is hooking up 4 x $25 gift cards for Boston Pizza Yonge & Sheppard. Talk about nomnomom! Isn’t this fun? Let’s all give more often. Made this lovely pizza for these guys it has all these toppings: @monbud: lots of sauce and oregano @randycity: Meat lovers please thanks! @gwenstyles: Not a fan of: onions, sausage/baby meatballs, anchovies. Everything else is cool @i_am_joey: anchovies and pineapple @Jarvisemerald: i really like Mushrooms and chicken…tomatoes and green pepper To win today’s contest, leave a comment below and tell me some crazy unconventional pizza topping and WHY you have or have not tried it. * We chuckled making this up so please try and be funny. Contest is open to people who can make it to Boston Pizza Yonge & Sheppard (Toronto). If you and a friend both enter make sure you let me know who’s who cause it’s better to have $25 each and go together.  Follow YS location on Twitter if you like food and beer etc > @bostonpizzaYS. Please feel free to compliment my iPad drawing skills while you’re here too 😛

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yesterday on twitter, this happened:

#Boston ILU. # So hungry!! (@ Atlantic Fish Company) # The Eagle has landed 😉 (@ Boston Logan International Airport (BOS) ✈ w/ 41 others) # See you next week Toronto. #RobotCasie is taking over blog after today 🙂 ILU! Byeeeeeeeee xoxoxo # Love that I can take a cab under $10 about an hour before my flight and still have time for a lounge coffee. Thank you @porterairlines 🙂 # Hey dude, stop reading what I am typing on this phone. # Eye spy somebody who thinks its still #Movember Creeeeeeepy! (@ Airport Ferry to Billy Bishop Toronto City) # Hi @porterairlines! (@ Billy Bishop Toronto City Airport (YTZ)) # Dear Phone, OMG you are driving me nutzo. can't wait to shut your face tomo and spend the day on the beach, WITHOUT YOU! Love CS. # Whoa that guy is huuuge! #nutcracker # i wanna be in another country with a camera taking your picture # New stylus for ipad, sht about to get #borderlineartistic # All I want for christmas is this…11" # Giving away a couple of these style bags but bigger on blog over the next week 😉 # Making some great time today. Meeting, lunch, blogged a bit, camera return. Might have time for a mani pedi before @porterairlines at 5! # Returning camera for a new unit. Same girl helping me 😉 (@ Best Buy) # something she said about the vigilantes # GIFTING DAY 1: Givenchy Hot Couture Giftset # First contest posts today at 10am! # Morning friends! # yesterday on twitter, this happened: # reverse pickpocket # just found this pic of me, mum, and my sis #samedress # FUN! RT @dfwcre8tive: Our photos from the @virginamerica…

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something she said about the vigilantes

I was up late, I should have been packing but… internet, I keep working on stuff and Tweeting, which is work. I watched the Jimmy Fallon show after I saw someone say on Twitter that Johnny Depp looked like an idiot and guess what? Ra Ra Riot were on and I remember seeing them recently, but I don’t remmeber when. Does anyone out there remember when it was? I feel like Carrie Bradshaw right now because I was sitting there writing all day. I didn’t think I left the house but I just remembered I did go across the street to get a salad. Excited I’m gonna be in Boston tomorrow and then in the sun for a few days.  My body feels tired and so does my mind. I’m so ready to shut off my computer and leave it at home. Still taking iPad though! It’s so good at the airport/on a plane. Enjoy the day!

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I HAVE LOTS OF GIFTS FOR YOU > here’s the deets! #casie

I’ve got TEN DAYS of gifts for you while I am away relaxing and working on my tan. You ready for it? Here we go. It all starts tomorrow and it goes like this: Each day at 10am I’ll post a contest and in order to be entered all you have to do is comment on the post and share the link on Twitter or FB. Luckily for you it’s super easy with  my DISQUS commenting to comment & share at the same time. There’s no point in making this hard is there? Gift Calendar: Wednesday, Dec. 8: Givenchy Hot Couture Giftset Thursday Dec. 9: Rightsleve Market Tote + 1colour/1 location t-shirt Friday, Dec. 10: Givenchy Play for Men Giftset Saturday, Dec 11:  4 x $25 Gift Cards for Boston Pizza Sunday, Dec. 12: Wine from Kim Crawford Monday, Dec. 13: 180s Set of Holiday Earmuffs Trio (5 winners!) Tuesday, Dec. 14: Rightsleve Marke Tote + 1colour/1 location t-shirt Wednesday, Dec. 15: $50 Gift Certificate for Life Experiences Thursday, Dec. 16: 4 x Advanced Screen Passes for 2 Dilema (Dec. 17th showing) Friday, Dec. 17: Givenchy Irresistible Giftset

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yesterday on twitter, this happened:

omg. RT @Jordan_Chase: @casiestewart the key is to breathe during anxiety. Release the tension. Relax, repeat. #TAKEIT # I KNOW. RT @CrystalGibson: Holy Cliffhanger #Dexter # squealing like a little girl during dexter. omg omg. # aaaaaaaaaaaaaaah dexter. gah. anxiety. jordan chase is so creepy. # omg i keep thinking tumblr. i had no idea we were so serious. our relationship, it's heavy. i miss you @tumblr XOXOXOXOXO # i love #dexter # never know how much you love something till it gives you error for hours. #tumblr # RE: oh man there was SO much food. it was great! # zexy new profile # wahh. tumblr has me cryning – cry/whining. # Yes, I do. # I like to think of myself as a one man wolf pack. # these #nails are raaaaaaaaa # I favorited a YouTube video — John Lennon Google Doodle # tumbr 🙁 # ipad drawings #borderlineartistic # campaign fail? > Death of the Twitter Celebrity via @vanhoosea # Both RT @MissSLY: Harvard Business School: Selling education or selling a brand? Valid question. # Smells real yummy in here, @itsbrownbarbie in the kitchen! # I want to go to Cape Town. #2011 # Is it wrong to have a crush on my rabbi? # Sunday ILU! Hot date w/ couch, movies, ipad 🙂 # yesterday on twitter, this happened: #

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what have you done for me lately? ooooh ya

I’ve never taken a red eye before but whoa. I took some sleepy time pills last night at 11pm as we were leaving LA, woke up as we were in final descent to Toronto after sleeping the  entire five hour trip. The last couple days travelling YYZ>LAX>DFW>LAX>YYZ really tuckered me out. Hibernating all weekend. Can’t wait for my trip to San Juan next week. Talk about fun in the sun! Might even leave my computer at home and just take ipad & phone. This weekend I’m putting together a week’s worth of posts with goodies for you. Photos from the Virgin America event in Dallas coming soon. It was really fun and I met so many awesome people. HAPPY FRIDAY 🙂 * fav hat from H&M, Yoga jeans from Shop Girls Gallery Boutique

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hello LALA LAND, i’m comin’ w/ my @nellabellabrand!

Was frantic yesterday running around looking for something to wear in Dallas that is ‘Western inspired’. Have no fear, the tickle trunk I like to call my closet room is chalk full of theatricical outfits. Jeans hanging up there are my Shop Girls Yoga Yeans, only jeans I’ve worn since I got them. Really comfy and slimming, this all coming from someone who does not like wearing pants so, I mean serious. Keri also came through with a rodeo shirt that will be perfect. I knew exactly what I was looking for and it was surely not this. Well, in some variation but not together… Before shopping I stopped by to see the lovely Tarek at Nella Bella and look what I got… BTW took the nose ring hoop out (Mum :)) so Dallas and customs don’t think I’m a punk. Shaved head/mohawk style looks kinda punky but the blonde hair is distracting, so… I try to take the safest route and go for cuteness when I visit to the airport. I feel like thatis somehting @barbiestyle (aka Barbie) would say. Haha. I wonder if I will see that one customs guy again? Whoa, tangent. Back to this this lovely HUGE bag, he said I needed this colour for LA. SO true. Thank you! I picked up a couple others that will come out during my travels. One is the famed Nella Bella London bag in red. The small part holds my passport and essentials and the big part fits my iPad (Andy) and netbook (Robert) in it perfectly. The big yellow guy is so handsome. If you ever wonder the white rabbit furry guy is from Ruby Boutique in New Zealand. Ok, flight time. Catch ya on the flip side AKA, in the air on Virgin America!

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yesterday on twitter, this happened:

smoove # …staying up waiting for @VirginGR’s Project on #iPad # RE: @casiestewart picking stella beer me fun time winner tomorrow! # Awesome!! “@pinkbrickroad: @casiestewart a few of my coworkers came back with some cupcakes from @virginamerica so cute!” # Whoa the #yandr is serrrrious today. Adam and Sharon are gross. # Stopped into @nellabellabrand and got some GORGEOUS new bags for my travels this month! #soexcited # holiday gift ideas from @notabletv: my fav's > # i need a western outfit. help me please?! thinking something like this # take a break for your work day and have some fun. posted some goodies for you # Photo: # omgizzle, friend has an underwater camera and wants to make under water vids for blog while in San Juan next week! LE AWESOME 🙂 # Photo: # twitter for #ipad is faster than @tweetdeck on my pc. mac win! #observation # is eating Marmite 🙂 # just did an interview for @whatwomenwant. look for it soon! # omg LA tomorrow. i love airports and stoked to fly @virginamerica again. gonna try and ustream during my flight 😉 # doh, why you send that one again huh? grr. # Dad's Birthday today 🙂 # incredible india wecomes you! # Photo: can i have these please? # listening to @tinydanza – beat fly # go get 'em! # peace, love & cupcakes #toronto from @virginamerica!! # this is good to know guys, because… # do you like cupcakes? # yesterday on twitter, this happened: # a short bedtime story #

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