wellies, mini, keys, phone, kelly cutrone

Went to the Sailor Jerry thingy last night with Carly. It was ok, not that exciting. Anna took our photo for EXTRA and we had some good chats. They had burgers & stuff but all I had was rumski/coke.

Karrera is in town so I booted home to spend the night with her. So awesome. I really miss her now that she moved out west. We’ve been besties sine we were like 12.  Planning to attend an exclusive opening with Carly again tonight, hopefully the rain won’t break my stride. Brought Kelly Cutrone’s book for her to borrow. If you’ve not read it, do it, it’s fucking awesome. If You Have to Cry Go Outside.

Wearing wellies and a rain coat today, as you would imagine.  My Marketing Team at MuchMTV has a burrito lunch together today for our meeting. So hungry. Ya! Ai ai ai ai ai aia ia ai ai ai yeeeeeeeeee!! (That’s me excited for burito).

No matter what today, don’t let the rain get you down. Jump in puddles, get wet. You won’t melt, you WILL dry. You will never be as young as you are today.  Make the most of it, YOU ARE ALIVE!

her boyfriends like a dad, just like a dad

THIS PREMIERES TODAY! Gaga called it “a homoerotic military theme”. OOOOH, you know what I love you boy HOT LIKE MEXICO!

stopped having a bad day & started being awesome

I love Twitter for so many reason but one of them is this…FRIENDS!

Friends that are always there to cheer you up because sometimes a little thing happens to steer you in the wrong direction. Today I  kinda got off to a bad start and naturally, I tweeted… then before you know it my friends popped out of the internet, took action and typed me some sunshine. You can’t get that type of widespread instant happiness anywhere else.

I tried to take a pic of my outfit but it’s impossible with a phone camera. I really miss having my camera. Don’t you miss my outfit shots? Well, I do and that’s really what matters here. I’ll get a new one soon. Maybe this week. Anyone have a hookup with Canon/Kodak/Camera Store? I’ll love you forever just like I love Telus for hookin’ a sista up with the most amazing phone, Motorola Milestone.

Lots of meetings today which means time is very valuable! Carly’s BF’s band Hail The Villan is on MOD today at 5’er. Sailor Jerry event tonight and I dressed kinda sailor inspired. Yahooo!

Have a wonderful day. i you xo

come on sucker lick my battery

I’m tired and I have things to get done and emails to retun but I can’t sleep. I need a break but the thing is, I internet all the time and the internet doesn’t take breaks. It doesn’t stop or sleep. I can’t do that. I need to take breaks, I am not a computer. I need to get my rest. I’m not being complainey, I’m being real. And I’m real tired. I’m gonna try to stay home this weekend and relax, it’s only Tuesday. CRIPES! Ah well, tomorrow morning I will wake up reborn and ready for a new day. Looking forward to the Tuesday meeting to hear what everyone says about the shows we premiered last night.

One day robotic beings might rule the world. The binary solo at thge end of this I love. Next tattoo is probably gonna be binary or hashtag.  Hashtag #love sounds pretty special to me.

i cheated on you once and i’ll do it again

Ok, ok I know what you’re thinking and not, it’s not you, it’s me. I cheated on TORONTO by going to MONTREAL and having a really fun time. There’s a contest promoting you ‘cheat’ on your city and visit Montreal. I’ve been a bunch of times and it’s a fun place.

I’d love you to vote for me so I can go back to Montreal for a weekend with a friend. Here’s my little video. If you vote for me I will feel lucky, thanks in advance!

Pretty easy to vote ->  right here. xoxo

be authentically yourself. show energy.

Did you see/hear/read that Oprah is on the hunt and taking names? OMG. Imagine, I mean, imagine how fun it would be to turn a fun positive blog into a show? Things a around the internet, people, shows, trending topics, minute news, thoughts on stuff, and  nonstop energy & awesomism.

A girl can dream can’t she?