Went to the Sailor Jerry thingy last night with Carly. It was ok, not that exciting. Anna took our photo for EXTRA and we had some good chats. They had burgers & stuff but all I had was rumski/coke.
Karrera is in town so I booted home to spend the night with her. So awesome. I really miss her now that she moved out west. We’ve been besties sine we were like 12. Planning to attend an exclusive opening with Carly again tonight, hopefully the rain won’t break my stride. Brought Kelly Cutrone’s book for her to borrow. If you’ve not read it, do it, it’s fucking awesome. If You Have to Cry Go Outside.
Wearing wellies and a rain coat today, as you would imagine. My Marketing Team at MuchMTV has a burrito lunch together today for our meeting. So hungry. Ya! Ai ai ai ai ai aia ia ai ai ai yeeeeeeeeee!! (That’s me excited for burito).
No matter what today, don’t let the rain get you down. Jump in puddles, get wet. You won’t melt, you WILL dry. You will never be as young as you are today. Make the most of it, YOU ARE ALIVE!