She’s a photographer. She likes to take pictures. She likes to have fun.

I spy with my little eye, sweet Nanci creeping the G20 security zone.

Good view of the red zone for photos.

Bet there will be some interesting traffic around here. Highway exit getting to and from G20 or island airport.

Nanci arrived last nightand was sent from a handsome one in Boston. She needed a good home so we adopted her. Her birth parents are in Japan and they run Fuji. She’s really cute and tiny and luckily, not too frail or pricey. [We know how many camera’s I’ve been though since I started blogging. Oh man, it’s deff up near the 10’s.]
She has polka dots tattooed almost the exact same as I do in green on my left arm. I know! Crazy eh? We are like besties now. I think we look really cute together. Nanci is also good friends with Zoey, Elsa & Bobby. We are a creative internet family. I love them all.
Gonna post a couple pix from Florida later today, get ready for the sexiness that was my outfits is all I have to say. Working from home today & tomorrow cause of the G20, what an artventure that will be.

p.s. remember yesterday when we had an earthquake? No one knew that was gonna happen. Think, think about making the most of each day. You never know what will come your way from above, below or any direction. Positivity will be on your side if you are on it’s. <3