These are my fav apps I’ve downloaded to my Motorola Milestone android phone mini-computer from Telus. Figured it was about time I shared them with you.
By far the coolest thing I’ve ever seenon anyone’s phone – Google Sky Map. With Google Sky Map for Android you have the magic to discover, view and search the sky by pointing your phone to outerspace. It’s keeps me up at night, stargazing.
I searched The Southen Cross, a star constallation I have tattooed on my back, my very first tattoo. You can see it in the southern Hemisphere near New Zealand & Australia. Last night, I found it from my bed.
Makes the world seem small, and me there looking at it, bigger than life.
I don’t really play games that much but two that I’ve kept are Labyrinth and Jewels . They both kinda make you smarter which makes me happy, win-win. I like Foursquare too, obviously. I use Compas & Metal Detector for fun sometimes. I have the Gaga’s Monster app and Lady Gaga ringtones too. My phone rings bad romance, love love love.
Some others I use for blogging are:
WordPress for Android – great for bobile blogging, not that many options but good enough
Fx Camera – Photo settings like Toy Cameras, Polandroid, Fisheye, Symetrical, Warhol
Camera Illusion – heaps of different setting I don’t really get but on turns yout photo into a drawing. Love that.
Not sure if i’ve told you a zillion times or not, but I realy love this phone, its’ the best I’ve ever had. Police light is pretty badass, check this out…