i’m a french girl

dress: H&M
boots: Dr. Martins
audio: je veux te voir by yelle

railroad, all the live long day





Woke up and cruised down to the urban umbrella beach to sit in the sun. Been working on stuff/tweeting all afternoon. I’m sending this via mobile cause for some lame reason WordPress is being a jackass and not performing according to my needs. Bitch better pick it up or else I’m moving platforms. Downloading the new version now and I hope that fixes it.

Aside from that, day has been great. Lots of exciting things happening. Katy Perry’s new vid has been leaked, you seen it? Zomg I love her so much. Posted it on le Twitta.

Enjoy the day! Its soo nice out, yahooo!

My Supernova

I drew this using Imagination Cubed. I love that site and this song too.

Powerman 5000 – Supernova Goes Pop
Are you the future or are you the past,
have you been chosen or are you the last
the pictures were sent they seem so unreal
now im made of plastic, wire and steel

follow for now and follow for this
cause everybody follows for nothing at all?
supernova your supernova …
supernova goes pop
supernova you think it’s over but supernova don’t stop

can you explain just what you are,
cause i’ve never been this close to a star
the message was sent you know what to do,
everybody needs to be someone don’t you

follow for now and follow for this
cause everybody follows for nothing at all?
supernova your supernova …
supernova goes pop
supernova you think it’s over but supernova don’t stop

feelin just peachy baby

Last month I judged the Peach Berserk’s dress design contest and boy was it fun! Wine and cheezies on the counter with dozens of designs drawn by students across North America. I loved going through them and seeing all the patterns and designs these kids came up with.








AND…the mtv movie award for awesomism goes to ME!!

Look what I got! Omg omg! I’d like to thank my Mum, Dad & sister Jenie and all my Twitter followers on @casiestewart & @mtvcanada. I love you guys! You inspire me everyday to keep being myself and keep a positive attitude.

Ok, ok, I didn’t really win a golden Popcorn Award but I WILL be tweeting the whole award show on SUNDAY at 9ET/6PT from @mtvcanada. It’s gonna be fun. I love tweeting shows, especially award shows and  I’m totes excited that it’s my J-O-B! Yahooo.

See you Sunday on the interslice!

seeing this makes a little girl like me real happy

Boys + Bag Pipes + Drum + Summer = OMG Love at first sight

Made friends with the dudes and asked if they play parties. They do anything. I wanna invite them to all parties hosted or organized by me. I wish I danced in the street but since it’s right outside my work on a school day, I resisted the temptation to throw my hands in the air & stomp.  Got their email but I really hope I see them at Drum Circle this summer! YEEEOW!