It’s About Time Spring| 2 Day Hiatus Update!

It’s About Time Spring| 2 Day Hiatus Update!

Hey! It’s been a busy couple days as I was at the DX3 Digital Marketing conference on Wednesday and Thursday. So, conferencing combined with my day job and a few other things I’ve been working took up all my time. The conference was awesome, I heard some great speakers and chatted to heaps of people I’ve not seen in ages.

In other news, IT’S SO NICE OUT TODAY!

I’ve got some exciting news to share and I’m just waiting on the go-ahead to tell you about it. I’ll also be sharing my plans for World Mastercard Fashion Week and my first episode of Cooking With Cuisinart. Here’s to an awesome weekend.

Much love and sunshine!


Swimming Pool, Sunshine’s Cool, Winter Drools

Swimming Pool, Sunshine’s Cool, Winter Drools


I was saying yesterday how I’m really looking forward to summer and sunshine and the cottage. I found myself looking through old photos of us last night, hanging out in Muskoka, relaxing with the calm sound of nature and the lake. I’m due for a vacation. Thailand was months ago and although it was a really good time, it was the opposite of relaxing! We were on a tight media schedule and it was rare to have a couple hours alone for naps or lazing on the beach. I just want to feel that sunshine. I want to feel warm. I’ve not taken off my scarf or hat since arriving at the office and there’s a space heater beside me. This is the longest winter in 25 years and we’ve had a record number of ‘cold weather alert’ days. I try my best to stay positive and not let the weather get me down but sheesh, this is the hardest it’s been. I know months down the road I’ll look back at this and think, if you could get through this you can get through anything.




It’s snowing again… <3 CASIE

Travel | Postcard from Montreal

Postcard from Montreal w/ 1188 + Ford Canada

Postcard from Montreal w/ Ford Canada + 1188 Films

A couple years ago Sean and I drove to Montreal in a Fiesta for a weekend sponsored by Ford Canada. It was really fun and the weather was warm. We stayed at the W Montreal which I totally love, ate good food, and spent afternoons in the sunshine.

This is the video Sean edited of our weekend ‘Postcard from Montreal’. Summer, please come back soon. I’m dying to get back up the the cottage ♥ CASIE

Blondes Have More Fun

Blondes Have More Fun

Omg double trouble! This weekend was pretty chill. I’m not going to talk about the Oscars or that selfie because everyone no the internet is talking about it and if you were online when it happened, you’re probably SO OVER IT. Especially the photoshopping of Rob Ford or Kevin Spacey.

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Another Day, Another GIF

Another Day, Another GIF

Is it Friday yet? Is it Spring yet? I’m super tired today and feel like I mightbe coming down with something. Urgh. This wool sweater is so warm and I’m wearing my scarf and hat all day. It appears to be snowing again too. Sheesh! Looking forward to the weekend, don’t have much planned. Oscars party Sunday at Tahnee’s place. Hope to spend time working on blog, watching movies w/ my love, and tidying up our spare room.

Love ya! <3 CASIE

Happy Birthday! The Drake Hotel Turns 10!

Happy Birthday! The Drake Hotel Turns 10!

Last Thursday The Drake Hotel celebrated it’s 10th birthday. I started the night on the roof sipping cocktails and catching up with some of the girls I used to work with at Community. BTW the lobster poutine and popcorn shrimp are both SO GOOD.

Before heading home I joined in the birthday celebration fun that filled the building. Here’s a sneak peek into the festivities! All photos by Becca Lemire for She Does the City. See the full set here.

Me & Tanvi

HBD! The Drake Hotel Turns 10

Fonzy rocked the stage w/ his new band

HBD! The Drake Hotel Turns 10


There was a huge cake piñata

Love his makeup tho

Can you believe I’ve been GOING to The Drake Hotel for almost ten years!? It’s always a place you can go for a good time to start your night or finish it off. I’ve certainly closed down the place a few times. It’s a spot I always run into a familiar face or make new friends.

Happy Birthday Drake Hotel, you’ll always have a special place in my heart.


Take Me Back, Back to Cali


Sean and I went to California for a week this summer, and it was SO FUN. I love the sunshine, the shops, the lifestyle by the beach. We rented a convertible and drove the Pacific Coast Highway, ate good food, worked on our tans, and spent much time at Disneyland.

This summer Sean and I went to California for a week and it was SO FUN. I love the sunshine, the shops, the lifestyle by the beach.

This cold weather does not seem to be letting up for all of us in Canada so instead of being wah wah CRYING about it, I’ll relive our summer love in LaLa Land. We stayed at the Disneyland Resort, and thanks to Disneyland and their Canadian team for the invite. It was amazing to live like a kid and experience all the fun of the most magical place on earth.

Hopefully these pix brighten your day!


Room service prezzie from Mickey Mouse!


Surf’s up in Malibu


Oh what I would give to have my feet in the sand right now



Now this is love! His face vs my face lol ♥





Saw a concert at the Hollywood Bowl


Sunset in Laguna


Take me back back to Cali.


In Living Colours | Shot by Becca Lemire

In Living Colours | Shot by Becca Lemire

These are a couple selects from a recent shoot w/ Becca Lemire in Toronto. I needed some head shots for an upcoming project so we snapped a bunch and had some fun. I’m wearing Ted Baker London and silver pearls from Tiffany’s that Sean got me for christmas. I added a little tint so give them a punch today. I’m super happy with how they turned out! Thanks Becca!

Multiple Exposure + Colour

“A blog means I know where I was every minute. That’s why I blog. It’s a visual diary.”
― Casie Stewart

“A picture means I know where I was every minute. That’s why I take pictures. It’s a visual diary.”
― Andy Warhol

Sending love, light, and sunshine to you across the Internet with every keystroke.

5 Years Ago | Subway Dance (Party) Moves

5 Years Ago | Subway Dance (Party) Moves

Do you remember watching this? If you’ve known me for a while, you’ll remember my little Waldo inspired outfit.

Five years ago Jenie and I joined in a (silent) Subway Dance Party. Everyone with headphones, dancing to their own music joined the subway at various spots and danced the whole ride. It was so much fun.


This photo cracks me up.





I was up watching hockey at 7am with the rest of Canada. In my robe w/ a Canada flag, drinking a beer like a true CANADIAN! FYEAH OLYMPICS!


WIN IT! House of Cards Against Humanity

WIN IT! House of Cards Against Humanity


I was so stoked when my friends at Netflix Canada emailed to tell me about the House of Cards, Cards Against Humanity expansion pack AND they were sending me one. To make it even sweeter, they offered to give one to YOUUUUUUU. Enter below! Contest closes Monday, get all y’all entries in!


I’m in love with this show and Claire Underwood.  I’ve not finished Season 2 yet, I want to but I don’t y’know?



a Rafflecopter giveaway

*Photo of Lauren and I by Becca Lemire

Grey Goose ‘Taste By Appointment’ at Soho House

Grey Goose ‘Taste By Appointment’ at Soho House

Grey Goose, Taste by Appointment dinner at Soho House. Toronto, ON, Canada. (Image: Ryan Emberley)

Last week I was invited to the Soho House as a guest of Grey Goose for an exclusive dinner for 10. It was an occasion called ‘Taste by Appointment’ where we learned all about taste, flavours, and of course, drank Grey Goose. I ran into my old friend Mr. Brainwash AGAIN too. (When I say old friend it’s because I met him there the week before!)

Grey Goose, Taste by Appointment dinner at Soho House. Toronto, ON, Canada. (Image: Ryan Emberley)

Grey Goose, Taste by Appointment dinner at Soho House. Toronto, ON, Canada. (Image: Ryan Emberley)

Grey Goose, Taste by Appointment dinner at Soho House. Toronto, ON, Canada. (Image: Ryan Emberley)

I’ve been a fan of GG for ages and last year at Community Agency got to work w/ Grey Goose where I learned all about their latest FLY BEYOND campaign. The food at Soho is excellent and totally chowed down on the steak pictured below. Thanks to Ryan Emberley from C Daily for the photos, see the whole set here.

Now who’s ready for a cocktail!?


The Future of Technology | Google+ The HuffPost Live Story

The Future of Technology | Google+ The HuffPost Live Story

Something interesting happened yesterday and it turned out to be something pretty awesome! It all involves The Internet, social networks, content, blogging, and a little bit of luck I reckon. It starts with this photo…

Remember my post  about the ‘Other’ folder in Facebook? Well one of the 99+ messages in there was from a video agency in Venice Beach, California (one of my fav places in the WORLD!) and they messaged me a few months ago to use one of my photos in a video. I did not see the message because it was in the ‘Other’ folder, basically the spam department of Facebook.  In the message, they offered to pay me for the use of my photo. I took a chance an emailed her back to see if 1) they used my photo and 2) if the offer still stands.

Turns out it did! Little did I know, the video was for HuffPost Live about the way the web has changed journalism and HuffPost’s use of Google+. Well la di da! I chatted with Tim McDonald from HuffPost Live a few months before I got the email about this video and I don’t think either one is connected. Crazay!

Screen Shot 2014-02-20 at 11.27.18 AM

Screen Shot 2014-02-20 at 11.27.34 AM

 The photo used in the vid was a selfie I took at SXSW 2012 in Austin, Texas inside the WordPress booth at the convention centre. If you look closely, you’ll see WordPress in the background, the video doesn’t show the logo for obvious reasons.  Oh man I miss that acid wash denim jacket, it’s long gone now.

Casie Stewart - Blogger

Google+: The HuffPost Live Story

I’m in the first ten seconds, wait for it! Find me on Google+ here btw.

Here’s to the magic of the internet, content that stays online forever, and the power of connecting. You never know what’s gonna happen but if you put out good vibes with a great attitude, you just might get a nice surprise now and again.

Hope something awesome happens to you today!



That Dark Place | Facebook’s ‘Other’ Folder

Facebook's Other Folder

You probably didn’t notice it. You probably never opened that can of worms. And now, now that you know it’s there you won’t be able to hold yourself back from opening that box and seeing what’s inside… Facebook’s ‘Other’ Folder!

Some of My Messages from the ‘Others’

One of the messages I WISH I had checked was for someone that wanted to use one of my images in a video as a stock photo. They even offered to pay me and it seemed totally legit. Not sure why she didn’t email me but ah well. Stay tuned for an update on that. No offence to any of these people, thanks for the messages and laughs in some cases. This is a small selection of the 99+ that were in my ‘Other’ folder.

Screen Shot 2014-02-19 at 4.22.18 PM

Thanks Nelson.

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Errrryday I’m tumblring | Leave Yours in the Comments!

Errrryday I’m tumblring | Leave Yours in the Comments!

Guys, I updated my tumblr. Omg. It’s been years. Started from the bottom now we here … at this new design. Do you have a tumblr too? Leave it in the comments so I CAN FOLLOW YOU home.


It just started raining and I didn’t bring an umbrella. I was meant to go to an event tonight but when I look outside and see the sky falling, all I wanna do it be on the couch with my computer (and BF lol). Some rain songs for you! Enjoy!




House of Cards | If You Don’t Like How the Table Is Set

I haven’t finished binge watching House of Cards Season 2 yet but I will tonight. I alsolutely love it. Don’t worry, I won’t post any spoilers. This compilation is spoiler free! Enjoy it. I love Claire and Frank Underwood so much.

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Sweaters by Shelfies, Models Lauren O’Nizzle and Me, Photos by Becca Lemire





Hope your day is filled with love and chocolates and besties and flowers and sunshine. When I arrived home from my Justin Timberlake experience last night my amazingly wonderful BF Sean surprised me with roses, an über cute card, and jewellery from Vivienne Westwood. He knows me so well and always gets the most thoughtful gifts! ILU HONEY! ♥

Today Ryan Gosling showed up to give me a kiss! Straight from the Internet. Lucky girl!

We had tacos for lunch at work and XOXO cakes !


Chocolates delivery from Motorola! Obvs shared w/ workmates.


House of Cards IS BACK! Netflix sent me a love note and candy hearts that are House of Cards. Love!



Much love from the Internet across the world wide web from my heart to yours.


* top photo by the ever so talented Becca Lemire!

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Justin Timberlake Selfie | 20/20 Experience w/ Express

Justin Timberlake Selfie | 20/20 Experience w/ Express

Last night my teenage heart melted. I was at the 20/20 Experience Tour w/ Express and we were in the VIP. Like, so VIP that I could actually touch the second stage, so VIP that I actually held hands w/ Justin Timberlake to take this selfie.  It was pretty freaking awesome. I don’t usually fangirl hard but at this moment, and for the rest of the night I was on cloud 9! Text from Dad today was pretty funny 🙂


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#TBT Liberty Village | Inspired by Andy Warhol

#TBT Liberty Village | Inspired by Andy Warhol

A Throwback Thursday Story

I was browsing tumblr last night and I came across this photo of Andy Warhol and was instantly reminded of this old photo of me by Kelly Kruschel from years ago.

It was taken in Liberty Village before all the condos were built, before all the shops, and people took over the neighbourhood. I worked in Liberty Village from 2008-2009  inside the Carpet Factory lofts. I spent lots of time then building my blog, doing events around the city, and making friends. So much time that I used to get in trouble from my boss for blogging at work, and I even took date stamps off my posts so he didn’t know ‘exactly’ when I was posting.

I was determined to get into a media job and applied for a gig via Workopolis w/ MUCH + MTV  and knew I was right for the job. I ended up beating HEAPS of people for the role of Social Media Coordinator and started at 299 Queen street in September 2009.

It’s crazy to think about all the things I’ve done since then. Places I’ve travelled, brands I’ve worked with. At the time these photos were taken all those things  seemed only possible in my dreams.

Just goes to show you really can do anything you put your mind to.


Will You Be Mine, Valentine? | Studio Shoot w/ Shelfies



This weekend Lauren and I had a shoot w/ Becca Lemire at her studio for Shelfies and it WAS SO MUCH FUN. Here’s a sneak peek at some shots that are just in time for Valentines Day. Shelfies are crazy outrageous sweaters (tanks, and jewellery) and you can check them out here.









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Love Is in Air, The Freezing Cold Air

Love Is in Air, The Freezing Cold Air


Love is in the air this week! I adore Valentines Day mostly because hearts are my fav print, flowers, cinnamon hearts, and presents. Last year my bf surprised me with a gift from Tiffany’s and I’ve been wearing it since. Nothing really planned this year bc Sean is shooting a commercial this weekend and I’m shooting a new YouTube series I’m in with Cuisinart.

Snapped these on my way into the office w/ GoPro this morning. When is it every going to get warm? I’m so sick of winter. Photos with rose filters and hearts seem to brighten things up.



Gloves/Glasses – ALDO,  Hat Parkhurst,  Coat/Shoes – Nasty Gal, Pants – Express 


Hope your day is good. Here’s some love songs for you 🙂


CRAZY FOR YOU! My Sister in the Latest Hedley Vid ON MUCH!

That Much Closer // Hedley ‘Crazy For You’ from cWong on Vimeo.

Check out my awesome/amazing sister Jenie on a TV near you! Have been waiting for this to come out and it’s finally here! Jenie is the blonde in Hedley’s THAT MUCH CLOSER video on MUCH.

The girls are Hedley SUPER FANS and Jenie and the other girl are fighting to get to meet the Hedley lead singer. My fav part is when Jenie throws bird seed on the girl and pigeons attack her. Hahahahah! Atta girl.

So proud! Love seeing my sister on the big screen, again!


Thanks to the Ladies at Evolve Hair Studio! <3

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Motorola Giveaway: I Got Love For You G!

It’s been a few weeks since I’ve done a giveway! My friends at Motorola asked if I’d be interested in giving away a phone for Valentines and I was like HELLL YEAH! So, I’ve got something special for you, the prize pack, valued at $250, will include a Moto G, an exclusive Moto G shell in one of three Valentine’s Day colours, and some chocolate sweets that will be sure to make your mouth melt.

The giveaway:

  • Moto G ($200)
  • Lots of yummy Valentine’s Day chocolates

The Moto G:

  • A brilliant 4.5-inch HD display – the sharpest in its class – that goes edge-to-edge so they can enjoy photos of their partners, video chats with them, and so much more!
  • The newest Qualcomm® Snapdragon™ 400 quad-core processor for seamless multitasking and enjoying the web, videos and games, with all-day battery life. All day battery-life will ensure that your readers don’t miss a (heart) beat with their special someone.
  • Android 4.4.2 – the most up-to-date version of KitKat. No skins to clutter or slow the experience, and great performance with Google’s unbeatable mobile services such as Gmail, YouTube, Google Maps, Chrome and Hangouts.

How to win:

a Rafflecopter giveaway


Weekend Wrap Up: Science, Poetry, Shopping, Shooting

In case you missed this on the weekend, I went back, back to blonde blonde! Had a great weekend that started with a cut and colour. Saturday we took EmBot to the Science Centre. It was SO FUN! I’d never explored the whole place so loved all the interactive things you can do there.

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War of the Words | Toronto Poetry Slam


On Saturday I went to my first Poetry Slam w/ Vanessa Grillone and her cousin. It was so awesome! I ended up being one of the judges. When I was 14 I published an anthology of poetry and prose so this was super neat.


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