I’ll Be in Balconia or Muskoka Till September, Ok?


Had a great weekend, hope you did too. Skipped home to visit Mum Friday and did some Saturday shopping.  Was back home in the city before dinner that night. Sean and I had a great day on Sunday. Since we’ve been making an effort to eat healthier we’ve not been going out/drinking as much. It’s great! I did groceries on Sunday morning and were out of the house just after noon.

Had a walk through Kensington market and ate at a delicious Mexican place on the south side of Roach-o-rama (sorry I don’t remember the name). Burrito was BURFECTION! I got a treat from the ice cream truck on the way out.

This rainbow filter is called ‘Through Marino Wool Sweater’. Thanks Mum for that gift!


I spent some time reading on the roof top patio ‘Balconia’ before zipping out to the new Target at the Stockyards to refurnish the place. I managed to give it a new look and feel with some pillows and accessories while Sean was napping. Target and I are becoming good friends. Sean is building a storage box to go under the table.


Was my first time grilling cauliflower on the BBQ and WHOA it’s totally delicious. Used this recipe for grilled cauliflower skewers from Chatelaine and added some Diana sauce and garlic to the mix. Sean made burgers. I am so happy it’s SPRING FINALLY!


I picked up these solar lanterns from Target and I’m  kinda shocked at how surprised I was that they worked. Why did I think they wouldn’t work? I got three sizes and the biggest one was $22. They charge during the day and they you turn them on at night.


Looking forward to getting home and catching some rays while I read some more of this great book Simon Schuster sent me recently. They saw me on CBC and send over a bunch of books. I vow to read and sew more than ever this summer!

Hope you are enjoying the day. Remmeber…

You will never be younger than you are today so make the most of it!


Make Today Great | Vintage Tiffany’s & YSL

Pinup! Lovin' the vintage touches YSL & Tiffany's.

Make Today Great | Vintage Tiffany's & YSL

Spring is here yahoo!

  • Dress American Apparel
  • Diesel Jogg Jeans
  • Thomas Sabo bracelet
  • YSL vintage scarf
  • Tiffany’s vintage silver pearls
  • Glasses from my travels
  • Essence USA matte lipstick
  • HBC case by GelaSkins on my iPhone


Make Today Great | Vintage Tiffany's & YSL

Make Today Great | Vintage Tiffany's & YSL

Thomas Sabo bracelet, Tiffany's

Behind The Red Carpet Trailer | A TIFF Documentary!

Behind The Red Carpet Trailer | A TIFF Documentary!

Last September during TIFF I filmed a documentary called Behind the Red Carpet, directed by Michelle Daides. I was pretty hush about the whole thing but now I can let the cat outta the BAG. The film is finished and the trailer is now ONLINE! My role is the blogger and in the trailer you’ll catch a funny bit about some extensions.

I really can’t wait for the premiere to see what bits made the final cut. Nicholas Cage and Olivia Wilde are in it too btw.

Behind The Red Carpet Trailer | I'm In Another Documentary!

Behind the Red Carpet – Feature Documentary

Behind The Red Carpet Trailer | I'm In Another Documentary!

Behind The Red Carpet – an uncensored view into the Toronto International Film Festival….

  • In a world of smoke and mirrors, we expose the movers, shakers and key players who puppeteer the brightest talent and engineer the most exclusive events during one of the biggest film festivals in the world.
  • BTRC features celebrity photographer George Pimentel, PR Maven Natasha Koifman (NKPR), Renowned Blogger Casie Stewart, Entertainment Editor of The Huffington Post (Canada) Chris Jancelewicz and Spoke Club President, Pierre Jutras as well as a slew of A-Listers from Maria Bello, Alan Cuming, Paul Haggis, Olivia Wilde, Nicholas Cage etc.

Screen Shot 2014-04-04 at 10.42.08 AM

If you didn’t see the trailer for the other doc I was in last year ‘It’s All About Me‘, watch it on YouTube here. It was in few film festivals last year and even won an award!

'It's All About Me' Awards

Hopefully my next film is in Hollywood! A girl’s gotta dream right?!


Speaking | Mark Your iCal – CM1 May, 22nd, at CBC


Next month I’m speaking at CM1, Canada’s Community Manager Conference. I was a panelist at the last one and this round I’ll be speaking about ‘Influencing the Influencers’. I’ve travelled the world and worked with some of the worlds biggest brands and done heaps of work as an as ‘influencer’.  It’s been really neat watching the roles of ‘influencer’ and ‘Community Manager’ evolve over the last five years. When I started at MuchMusic/MTV as a ‘Social Media Coordinator’, the role ‘Community Manager’ was almost unheard of. Now, it’s a job you’ll find at almost every agency and client-side brand.


I’ll be sharing my experience and tips for brands and bloggers when it comes to working together. I was recently on CBC in a segment about this very topic (scroll down to March 22, episode).

Follow the conversation for tickets and speaker up dates on Twitter here and take a peek at the other speakers here. I’ll see if I can contest some tickets for you guys to come!

CM1 May 22


* Photos of me by Adrian Fiebig

Inspiration | We All Need Love

We all need love. Casie

Inspiration | We All Need Love - CASIE STEWART

We all need flowers too. These are for you

TIFF Bell LightBox | The digiPlaySpace IS AWESOME!

TIFF's digiPlaySpace IS AWESOME!

TIFF's digiPlaySpace IS AWESOME!

Last night after dinner I stopped by the TIFF Bell Lightbox to visit the digiPlaySpace. For the first time, TIFF invited grown-ups to get down and geek out. The After Hours event inside digiPlaySpace introduced big kids like to me TIFF’s award-winning interactive exhibition.

Thanks TIFF for the invite. Some of my fav parts below!

TIFF's digiPlaySpace IS AWESOME!

The line was pretty long for PaperDude but I’ve tried it before. Look at this dork, haha!

I love playing with Green Screen. I should have done Sesame Street instead of the Ellen Selfie. That’s so overdone!

TIFF's digiPlaySpace IS AWESOME! TIFF's digiPlaySpace IS AWESOME! #ellenselfie TIFF's digiPlaySpace IS AWESOME!

Big Bird was chillin’ by the DJ booth.

TIFF's digiPlaySpace IS AWESOME!

Not sure what was going on here but the people on the floor had a camera on them that was projecting on the wall.

TIFF's digiPlaySpace IS AWESOME!

Pong anyone? This was some kind of digital pong/fooseball thing. Looked like fun!

TIFF's digiPlaySpace IS AWESOME!

At the digiPlaySpace, kids (big or small!) can play with emerging creative media technologies and share innovative artistic experiences. On sale now to TIFF Members and school groups. Find out more about tickets and pricing here. Can’t wait to take EmBot here to play around!

I used waterlight painting to paint my name (of course). Don’t mind that the person beside me painted an ‘O’. DOH!


Come and Get It | Sandwiches, Snacks, PayPal!

Come and Get It | Sandwiches, Snacks, PayPal!

If you haven’t been to Come And Get It yet, you’ve gotta check it out. Sean’s friend Rob is an all star bartender there and the food is delicious. We went there for dinner again last night. You know I’m not much of a ‘foodie’ but let me tell ya, totally worth stopping by. It’s right beside Czehoski.

Come and Get It | Sandwiches, Snacks, PayPal!

Two things I think are really awesome about Come And Get it

  1. The menu has 35 combinations of food you can get. Pick your size ie. snack, slider, sandwich, then pick your flavour.
  2. You can pay with PayPal! There are a select group of spots downtown that now have the option to pay for your meal using the PayPal app.

Menu - Come And Get It

The taco flatbread is freaking delicious.

Come and Get It | Sandwiches, Snacks, PayPal!

This is a jerk chicken poutine I had on my first visit. Last night I had the coconut shrimp poutine and the friend chicken poutine. They are small so you don’t feel huge after chowing them down.  I never even considered throwing these flavours together but GAHHH THEY ARE AMAZING. It makes a great date spot because the poutine, flatbread, salad etc are great for sharing.

Come and Get It | Sandwiches, Snacks, PayPal!

You know I love technology and innovation. I hope to see more and more places accept PayPal. It’s so easy and hassle free. You just tell your server you are paying with PayPal, they pull you up on the app, you add your tip, and before you know it a receipt is in your hand on your phone.  None of the ‘wave your hand n the air to get the bill’ or ‘let me get the machine’ wait time.

Come and Get It | Sandwiches, Snacks, PayPal!

When you roll through, say ‘HI’ ask for Chandler or Rob who might be behind the bar. Great spot, good food! There is a stellar drink menu that I really need to plan a night for soon. Find them on Twitter/Instagram at comeandgetit416.



Hungry Like the Wolf

Hungry Like the Wolf

Just watched this and I loved Worlf of Wall Street so much. You’ll love it. Tells the story of  BuzzFeed, founded in 2006 in New York  as a viral lab by Jonah Peretti.

“The name of the game, take a little bit off of every other website, put it on to your website.”
“It’s simple, we target the easiest demographic in the world, Facebook users.”

This mix is pretty rad too. Thinking I might watch this again at home tonight.

The real Wolf of Wall Street Jordan Belfort is coming to Toronto in May and I’m hoping to get tickets for Sean and I to go.

Ok that’s all for now!


#iheartbosk Media Dinner at Shangri-La Toronto

#iheartbosk media dinner

Cocktail_Mixing_02 Welcome Tea Caviar Donut #iheartbosk Media Dinner at Shangri-La Toronto

One week ago I had the great pleasure of dining with a bunch of friends/media darlings at Bosk, the restaurant in Toronto’s Shangri-La Hotel. The food was fantastic, I had a bit too much wine, and heaps of laughs. Major thanks to Shangri-La and Daniel from dothedaniel.com for organizing this special event. We also ran a contest for our followers to win a high tea experience. The winner was Victoria Ess who had over 200 retweets.

A few days before dinner I received this darling little delivery with a written note, macaroons, and paper crane. I love when brands, media, bloggers take that little extra step to make you feel special.

3 More Days Til Bosk

We had set seats and red paper cranes displayed our names along with the customized menu for the night. Each menu item was paired with wine to accentuate the flavour.  We tried several new items added for spring and a few Bosk classics.

Table Setting_02,  #iheartbosk Media Dinner at Shangri-La Toronto

Cotton Candy Tree Cocktail_Mixing_01, #iheartbosk Media Dinner at Shangri-La Toronto

Before sitting down to eat we got a tour of the magical Garden Suite and took in the high tea experience. I could have stayed there for the night! It was so fabulous and huge. The bed, I can’t even.




High Tea, #iheartbosk Media Dinner at Shangri-La Toronto


Marinated Fluke,  #iheartbosk Media Dinner at Shangri-La Toronto

Two menu items I loved were the Marinated Fluke and Nova Scotia Lobster ravioli.

Nova Scotia Lobster, #iheartbosk Media Dinner at Shangri-La Toronto

Halibut roll, WHAT?

Halibut_01,  #iheartbosk Media Dinner at Shangri-La Toronto

Halibut_03,  #iheartbosk Media Dinner at Shangri-La Toronto

We finished the dinner with a Cherry Blossom Cotton Candy tree that had a USB key for each of us. The cherry cotton candy was NOT like that cheap stuff from the CNE, it was delicious.

Cotton Candy Tree - USB Key,  #iheartbosk Media Dinner at Shangri-La Toronto


Huge thanks again to Daniel for organizing the dinner and bringing us together. I’m looking forward to taking Sean there for a dinner date soon! I want that lobster ravioli again!


Spring Is Here! | Ted Baker Prints, No Socks, Sunshine

Ted Baker, Cooking with Cuisinart, Spring

Ted Baker, Cooking with Cuisinart, Spring, #CookingwithCuisinart

Oooh that sunshine is NICE! I took one look outside today and knew it was the day to bust out these Ted Baker flower pants. I’m wearing my fav shoes from last summer, cutout brogues from Browns. They killed my feet last summer but I’m hoping they’ll be a-ok today!

Ted Baker, Cooking with Cuisinart, Spring, #CookingwithCuisinart

Weekend seemed to whiz by. We filmed for 10 hours on Saturday in Ajax for Cooking with Cuisinart. The next three episodes are done and you’re gonna like them. Totally different that that first pilot episode. Much better!

Spent more of yesterday relaxing and then watched Saving Mr. Banks, GREAT MOVIE. Brought back so many memories of our Disney Vacay to California last summer. Disneyland really is the happiest place on earth!

Today I’ve got a lunch date with Ainsley Kerr then the Lacoste Spring/Summer preview after work. Hope your day is off to a great start. Make sure you soak up some of the sunshine out there!


Dermalogica’s Little Grey Pass, Cooking, & Tattoos

OMG yay It’s Friday. This week felt so long. I’m sure the everlasting winter and a sick day in the middle did NOT help.

#CookingwithCuisinart, Cooking With Cuisinart, #TGIF #LittleGreyPass #CookingwithCuisinart #Tattoos

You know what did? The AMAZING facial I had at Hammam Spa. God I love that place. It was my first facial there and WHAT an experience. It in included a much needed cleanse and scrub on my dry winter face, massage on arms, neck, head, legs, warm towel on the feet, and recommendations on how to stay hydrated. After lounging in the steam room I picked up a new Dermalogica medium-weight moisturizer and headed to dinner. I’ve learned that taking time and spending some of your hard earned money to TREAT YO SELF really makes a difference. My face feels fresh and soft like a little baby bum.

#TGIF #LittleGreyPass #CookingwithCuisinart #Tattoos

Tomorrow I’m heading to the BURBS to shoot our last episodes w/ Garret and Sash. I used this photo of Jourdan Dunn and Cara Delevingne in my storyboard haha.

#CookingWithCuisinart, #TGIF #LittleGreyPass #CookingwithCuisinart #Tattoos

The single shots of me talking were represented by the Stewart cooking queen herself, Ms. Martha!

#CookingWithCuisinart, #TGIF #LittleGreyPass #CookingwithCuisinart #Tattoos

My fav tattoo artist Angelique Houtkamp is now on GelaSkins and I have my gadgets a makeover. Ok, how sexy are these!? Helloooooo! Now the match my tattoos.

Ok, that’s all for now. It’s THE WEEKEND!

#CookingwithCuisinart, #TGIF #LittleGreyPass #CookingwithCuisinart #Tattoos

Next Level Selfie Action | HTC One M8 from Telus

Next Level Selfie Action | HTC One M8 from Telus

One thing I love about my blog job almost more than the clothes, makeup, jewellery, and trips around the world is GETTING NEW GADGETS! My friends at Telus emailed me on Tuesday to offer me the brand new HTC One M8. I was ecstatic! The device comes out from Telus on April 10th so I’m super stoked to have one before then. I used to have the old HTC One before I spilled water on it. RIP old buddy.

I’ve done lots of work with HTC over the last few years and been featured in two HTC campaigns with SayMedia. Last year they had a big one to be the next HTC Influencer and the winner won consulting from me. The winner was Vanessa Grillone and we had a blast working together.

Remember this? 










You can even move the little selfie box around and change the size. I’m like, mind blown. There are a heap more cool features that I don’t even know about. Things I loved on the last edition of the HTC One were Kid Zone (Zoodles kid mode w/ games for EmBot) and Zoe (auto movie making assistant).  I’m really stoked to get up close and personal with this baby over the weekend.




In other news, this was my fortune today in a package from essence! Will have those goodies later!

Hope you are enjoying the day!


Huge TBT | The Blog Years, March 2009 – 2013

Ok here’s a MASSIVE TBT on the month of March from 2009 – 2013. I love looking back on things I’ve done. It’s so easy to forget! The main reason I started this blog in 2005 was so I could remember more. It totally worked!

On this day last year Sean sent me flowers to the office .What a darling. Love you!


I also blogged about Andy Warhol on this day last year. Sean and I were getting ready to go on a trip to Boston too. See posts tagged March 2013 here.

Two years ago on this day I was at The Gladstone for an event. Loved those boots so much. And RIP that leather jacket.


Took part in a round table w/ Russ Martin from Marketing Magazine about Rdio & music streaming in Canada.


It was MUCH nicer outside and I visited the Toronto Music Garden. Took this using 360 Panoramic app in iPhone from  hTO Park (Urban Beach) which is right beside the lake.

Around this time two years ago I filmed ‘It’s All About Me’ documentary that last year won several film festival awards. I’m in another documentary that will be on the festival circuit soon. Pretty neat if you ask me!

In March 2011 I was a Personal Branding expert with Levi’s. I love looking back on this stuff, I forget how many things I’ve done!

Here are some tips on building your personal brand to help  establish yourself online:

  • Set a goal: Make a plan for your brand. What are you passionate about? What do you want to be known for?
  • Start a blog: Use WordPress, Tumblr, Blogger or Posterous to create a free home for your online activity.
  • Find a mentor: Find someone who is doing what you want to do and introduce yourself, learn from them and get inspired.
  • TGIF: Twitter, Google, Internet, Facebook: Create profiles for yourself online and update them regularly with things that align with your brand.
  • Get Involved: Seek out events related to your passion and get involved by volunteering. This is a great way to grow your brand, meet others and learn from experts. – See more here.

In March 2010 I was working at MuchMusic. Our office was in the Much Store before we moved into 299 Queen Street next door.


At this time I helped MTV Canada name & launch FORA, a magazine at first and now a full on beauty, fashion and lifestyle blog. I was the Features Editor in charge of managing contributors. That was fun, I always wanted to work on a magazine.

I hardly had any tattoos back then and just got this anchor with two stars and a heart. I was so happy with it! That little arm is covered in tattoos now.

I was posting desk photos back then too.

In 2009, my sister Jenie was a dancer for the Raptors on the Raptors Dance Pak.

I ran into this performance artist on the street. It was pretty nice out that day and he made up a song on the spot for me. Do you like it? 😛

I was doing heaps of drawing back then too. Anyone remember this?

Ok, that’s all for now! Hope you have a wonderful day. Take a second to look back and remember some of the awesome thing you’ve done too.


WIN IT: High Tea at the Shangri-La | #iheartbosk

WIN IT: High Tea at the Shangri-La | #iheartbosk Dinner

Yesterday I got a lovely surprise from Daniel (DotheDaniel.com) and the Shangri-La hotel in advance of tonight’s much anticipated dinner. Daniel has been planning a special evening for a bunch of us to take in the fine dinging experience at Bosk, inside one of Toronto’s finest hotels. I’ve never actually been there fro dinner and I’m not sure who the other 11 people are so I’m quite looking forward to it!

WIN IT: High Tea at the Shangri-La |  #iheartbosk Dinner


WIN IT: High Tea at the Shangri-La |  #iheartbosk Dinner

WIN IT: High Tea at the Shangri-La |  #iheartbosk Dinner

How Do I Win a One of a Kind High Tea Experience?

Ok this contest is SUPER EASY. Tonight at 6pm I’ll post a few tweets about with the #iheartbosk hashtag.

  1. Follow  @ShangriLaTO.
  2. ReTweet any of MY tweets with #iheartbosk and each is an entry to win.

*Contest runs from 6-10pm.

Make sure you are following me on Twitter @CASIESTEWART and for all the dinner excitement follow #iheartbosk

WIN IT: High Tea at the Shangri-La |  #iheartbosk Dinner


Inspiration via Jasmine: Do What You F****** Love

Inspiration from Jasmine Dowling | Do What You F****** Love

Inspiration from Jasmine Dowling | Do What You F****** Love

Here I am once again starting the day near the END OF MARCH in my winter jacket. It was a good buy from NastyGal BUT Urgh! PUT ON A HAPPY FACE! Loving these little J Shoes, I have red ones too but they haven’t come out to play yet. It’s too cold. They want a nice day.

Inspiration from Jasmine Dowling | Do What You F****** Love

Inspiration from Jasmine Dowling | Do What You F****** Love

I’m not one to swear much (Mum hates reading bad words on the blog), but I absolutely love these type images from Jasmine Dowling. She’s a 21 year old graphic designer from Australia. I discovered her via Instagram and I’d like to get a print for our house. They are so positive and happy.

The ‘do what you f****** love’ one is special to me because 9 years ago (in April) I started this blog because I love to write, share, take photos, and I wanted to keep a diary. I never knew where it would take me or really thought about it at the time. Since 2005, I’ve done things I only ever imagined! Let this post be a reminder to DO WHAT YOU LOVE. You’ll find a way to make money doing it if you believe in yourself and work hard.

Check out Jasmine’s work + store at jasminedowling.com and see some of my favs below.

Inspiration from Jasmine Dowling | Do What You F****** Love

Inspiration from Jasmine Dowling | Do What You F****** Love


I need to find somewhere spcial to wear this baby out. Maybe I’ll wear it everyday? Wouldn’t you want Ryan Gosling all over you? Hopefully Sean doesn’t steal it because it really is that awesome. 🙂

Enjoy the day!


The Innovation of Loneliness | You Have No Friends

The Innovation of Loneliness | You Have No Friends


“What? You have like 18K followers on Twitter and SO MANY Facebook friends!”

“I know I know, but like, those aren’t MY REAL friends.”


Your Face is Your Fortune | Dermalogica’s Little Grey Pass

Your Face is Your Fortune | Dermalogica’s Little Grey Pass

This winter is lasting forever and it’s been rough on my skin. My face feels dry and I’m just dying to get some sun. I’m in my 30’s now and I like to treat myself but one thing I’ve been neglecting is MY FACE. I’ve never really been one to go for facials but I am starting. I want to stay looking young baby!

I’ve been using Dermalogica products for just over a year now and I really love how they make my skin look and feel (read here and here).  Thanks to the magic of Google I just discovered my first interaction with Dermalogica was way back in 2009!

Your Face is Your Fortune | Dermalogica's Little Grey Pass

Dermalogica has just launched the ‘Little Grey Pass’ in Toronto and Vancouver. It allows you to collect stamps by booking services at Dermalogica skin centres and receive gifts along the way. I was gifted a pass from my friends at Faulhaber Communications and I have my first treatment at Hammam Spa on Wednesday. I already love that place so I can’y wait to have my first pampering for my FACE. I had a coffee scrub there about 2 weeks  ago and it was AMAZING.

Your Face is Your Fortune | Dermalogica's Little Grey Pass

Your Face is Your Fortune | Dermalogica's Little Grey Pass

The Little Grey Pass program expires February 2nd, 2015 and you can get yours at greypass.dermalogica.ca. The title on this post was inspired by ‘My face is my fortune’ that Bette Midler sings (here) in Beaches, god I love that movie.

In other news, I really hope spring comes soon!


Don’t You Ever Forget It, Your Awesomeness

Don’t You Ever Forget It, Your Awesomeness


This weekend is SPRING CLEANING. I’ve been talking about it with Sean for weeks and since the weather is URGHH, I’ve decided to make the most of it my making our house more ‘home’. I was really stoked to open the cottage but safety takes the cake and a freezing rain warning is enough to put a stop to us going North.  Today I destroyed a disaster that had been piling up and organized my entire wardrobe. Took three bag of clothes to Value Village (VV Boutique) and didn’t hold back. I find purging my stuff is addictive, I start to care less and less about ‘things’ and if I need to, I take photos to remember. They take up less space. Online storage is cheaper than a unit too! Threw out a lambskin leather jacket from Holt’s I’ve been ‘planning to fix’ for two years, I hope someone great finds it.


How great is this shirt from Bow& Drape? Who wants one? You can actually make your own but mine is so freaking sweet! It’s sequins actually! Stumbled upon this brand randomly (Pinterest?) and got this stunna.


Found these babies when I was cleaning along with a TON of other jewellery. Good luck, good rings, good reminders. I was trying not to have a heart attack the last few days because I ‘misplaced’ the vintage Tiffany’s silver pearl necklace Sean got me for Christmas, but I found it. Thank god, I can’t even.

Took the EmBot to Target, she loves Target? I’m not realllly sure why. Her boots were dirty and gross so I told her I’d get her new kicks. She picked these Converse style ones like me. Gave her this Blue Jays hat and she wanted to wear it to the side. I didn’t style her but how freaking cute is he? Dying, such  lil’ babe this kid. Love her.


Hope you are enjoying the weekend. I’ve got lots more work to do. If by chance you have a room to clean like me, JUST DO IT, you will feel so good. Clean your room and put fresh sheets on your bed. There is nothing like a great sleep in a fresh clean bed!

Don’t forget your awesomeness. Love and light my friends,



Just got this jewellery!

Our Toronto on CBC | The Influencers w/ Dianne Buckner

Our Toronto on CBC | The Influencers w/ Dianne Buckner

This week I shot a segment for a show on CBC with the host of Dragons Den, Dianne Buckner. The show is CBC’s ‘Our Toronto’ and it airs nationally across Canada Saturday, Sunday, and Monday mornings. A segment from this very ‘Our Toronto’ episode also appeared on The National at 6pm & 11pm over the weekend.

Watch It Here




Fried Eh


It’s safe to say I am completely exhausted. The last few weeks have been super busy and fashion week really takes a lot outta ya. I’ve got nothing planned but staying in the house and not socializing one but this weekend. My batteries need recharging!

Last night was Untitled&Co’s first fashion show and it was great. I’ll do a full post on it when the photos roll in. I took Sean as my date and we had a lovely night together. We had dinner at Hawker Bar on Ossington then hit the after party at Libertine on Dundas.

I worked with Cameron one of the 2 designers to produce GelaSkins for the gift bags with his designs on them. They’ll be up in our web store soon. I have the WIFEY one which Sean thought was hilarious because it’s got Courtney on it.


Dad is in New Zealand and getting married in a few hours. Oh how I wish I was there to see the wedding and have a fam jam! They’re going to the Coromandel Peninsula  after which is one the most beautiful places I’ve ever been.  Look at this, gah!

I’ll be dreaming of this place for the rest of the day now. Beach and sunshine please! Cheers to the freakin’ weekend.



SPRING it ON! Cottage here we come!

Oh hey it’s Thursday and almost the weekend! Had a blast at fashion week last night with my bestie but more about that later. Busy day!

Some exciting things coming up for next week but for now all I can think about is jumping in the car after work tomorrow and heading up to the cottage! I’ve been waiting months for this and I am dyyyyyyying to get up there and away from the city.

Remember this …

Heaven is a place on earth with you 🙂


Travel With Style | Rain or Shine

Travel With Style | Rain or Shine

It seems a little ironic that I’m posting a video called ‘Travel with Style’ while I am clearly  sitting at my desk. However, the video is by my favourite other Casey  in the world on the Internet, a YouTube film maker consistently doing cool things. This video is a partnership with J.Crew for a new suit. I love his work because he takes woking with brands to a new level of awesome, creating experiences that fit with his brand/lifestyle.

Travel With Style – Casey Neistat for J.Crew

Today I’m ‘travelling in style’ to the WMCFW tents (in the rain). My top is from Philistine Toronto on Queen and my fancy Hudson’s Bay phone case is a partnership w/ GelaSkins & The Bay.  Tonight I’m wearing the Sevan cape by Trout Rainwear. It fits much bigger than I thought, reckon I might have to switch it for a smaller size. Super cute though! Remember, rain is no excuse for not looking cute.

Travel With Style - Casey Neistat for J.Crew

 These are my fav little rain boots. At the coffee shop everyone stopped to check them out. Any by everyone I mean all the old men at the Coffee Time. 🙂


Enjoy the day. Remember you are never going to be younger than you are today, do something awesome.


WMCFW | Shows, Street Style, Something Different

Well, it's WMCFW again! Here's my recap from Day 1 at the tents! Coco Rocha was there and there was a prosthetic leg on the runway. WHOA!

Last night kicked off World MasterCard Fashion Week in TO. It’s always fun seeing everyone show up and it feels like the first day back at school seeing all your fashion friends in one place. I started my evening at The Shore Club for the preview of Piloti by StyleBox. Especially loved the carnivore Club box of meats in the gift bag. You can bet Sean was happy when I arrived home with that, ha!

Highlights from WMCFW Day 1

WMCFW Street Style Day 1

I absolutely LOVE Line Knitwear.  It’s hard not to really. The colours and angora in this collection makes me want to wear everything at once. My old friend Natalie used to be roomies with John Muscat of Line Knitwear back when I first moved to Toronto, I wasn’t really in the fashion scene back. That reminds me, I have a gorgeous Line blazer I really need to bust out when the weather warms up, if it ever does! Urghhhhh!

Line Knitwear WMCFW FW14

One of the cool things I saw at VAWK was Sunny Fong partnered with the Alleles,  winners of the Design Exchange’s recent Emerging Designer competition. They specialize in intricate covers for leg prosthetics and it was the first time I’d seen something like this on the runway!  (Photo via BlogTO read more here.)

I won’t be at the tents tonight as I’m meeting the Cuisinart crew to plan our next episode. I can’t wait to get my hands on a juicer! I’ll be back tomorrow for Pink Tartan and Joe Fresh sharing what’s happening from back stage with Maybelline and also the runway.

Soak up some sunshine out there, it’s gonna be nasty again tomorrow!


Sweet Sunshine | Pink Hair, Flowers, NastyGal, JShoes



Finally, finally the sun came out and the temperature warmed up. Yesterday was a beautiful day! Dug up my Sunflower dress from American Apparel, put on mala beads from Tiny Devotions (for good vibes), and was happy that a trench was warm enough. Loving my purple, pink hair too.



These beautiful flowers arrived at my desk and let me tell you, they smell just like Spring! Ordered some dresses from NastyGal and they only took 5 days to get here. Fastest yet!


Super excited for these babies that arrived at the office on Friday! Two pairs of JShoes, a brand from the UK launching in Canada soon. I’m documenting a day in the life of them during World MasterCard Fashion Week next week.


Just realized my Saturday spa appointment was for an hour BEFORE I put it in my calendar. Gottttta run! 🙂 Enjoy the day, soak up some sunshine, and send good vibes to people around you .


Ted Baker #ZolTed Contest | SS14 Get in on the Act

Ted Baker SS14

As a Ted Baker Ambassador I bring you the latest for spring 2014, another fun campaign! Before I get there, check out this amazing jacket from the SS14 collection I wore for a photo shoot. Reckon I’m gonna to have to get it, she’s a beauty! Photo by Adrian Fiebig.


For spring, Ted’s #Zolted campaign invites you to discover your true circus character by answering multiple choice questions in the form of a personality quiz.  ONce complete, you’re automatically entered for the chance to win a trip for two to Cirque du Soleil at the O2, including a three night stay in London with round trip travel. I got juggler, quite fitting! 🙂

Take Ted Baker’s Personality Quiz Here

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Get in On The Act

Ted’s also been sharing some great circus videos, each filmed on location with the performers of Gifford’s Circus in the UK, the shoot location for Ted’s SS14 campaign.  He’d like YOU to Get in on the Act! There will be six circus acts for you to attempt and a new one will be released every other day until the final one on March 17.  All YOU have to do is post Instagram video of yourself performing the circus act  of the day using the hashtag #ZolTed. I’ll be posting my special trick on March 17th!

The first fifty to participate in the challenge for each act, using #Zolted and tagging @ted_baker, will win an exclusive Ted Baker tote bag.  All videos will live on a gallery on the campaign microsite here.

Ted Baker SS14 – Some of My Fav Looks

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* total date outfit!

National Speakers Bureau | Your Digital Firecracker

National Speakers Bureau | Your Digital Firecracker

In exciting Monday news, I’ve joined the National Speakers Bureau as a professional speaker! The NSB is Canada’s original speakers bureau founded more than 40 years ago. They represents Canada’s best roster of news makers, thought leaders and icons. I’m stoked to have joined their roster which includes some of Canada’s most successful people in business, sports, and entertainment.

National Speakers Bureau - Casie Stewart

The header photo was shot by Becca Lemire and the video below was done by Steve Carty. Check out my profile here!

We Made Chicken in a Steam Oven

We Made Chicken in a Steam Oven

CWC group photo

I know I’m probably not top of mind when it come to culinary arts, however I do know my way around a kitchen. Recently I filmed our first episode of a 4 part cooking series with my blog friends Garret and Sasha. We used a Steam Oven to make a roasted chicken & warm bread arugula salad.


The chicken we used was 1 and 1/2 pounds and only took 50 minutes to bake. Using a steam oven cuts your cook time to also 50% of what it would be in a traditional  oven.  The finished product was golden, crisp and extremely moist. I’d never made a warm bread salad before and you’ll see how we did it in the video.  It was delicious!

Roasted Chicken & Warm Bread Arugula Salad

cwc recipe

Next time we’re  using two juicer products. I’ve always wanted a juicer and it’s gonna be great for slimming down before summer!  On, now who’s hungry!?
